go to this link: https://gofund.me/eb8d4556
and donate.
I think the minimum is 20 USD/ or Euro.
Likes, sharing my work, sending me nice emails etc, are all super cool, and appreciate everything, and all.
In case you are financial in the position, and feel like it.
You know what do. Thanks in advance.
Iam hope my ego, is stable: and or absent enough handling all the love/ or the absence of it.
Iam living very remote social.
I stopped being used to getting a lot of attention or validation long ago.
Plus iam easy triggered, and steered.
My name, and my work, brings me easy into being not present. Maybe i should listen to less audio content.
But then again, it helps me being in good company, handling beine alone, staying connected with world.
Help German artist SEAK Claus Winkler
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https://gofund.me/eb8d4556 GoFundMe