Photo: In Venice
beach, Los Angeles, beginning 2000er years.
Why? German artist SEAK Claus Winkler whys. why he painted this? Why he paints?
I can collect myself, what i have painted, finding calm, control, ease, with in collecting what i painted, forgetting the outside world.
Everything I paint is connected to a narrative, story i expierenced, I heard. Maybe from a childhood book, a adventure, a movie, a audiobook, a form I saw when being child, with in my youth, or sometime present. Like: Robinson Crusoe, German Soldier Storys/ photos from ww2/ ww1/ etc, Pumuckl, Augsburger Puppenkiste, Picketts Charge, Klaus Störtebekker, Räuber Hotzenplotz, Sir Henry Morgan, Spqr Roman Crime detectives, matchbox cars, aeroplan edesign, Medieval life, paintings with in historybooks I bought myself, things I saw with in museums ( @technikmuseen_sinsheimspeyer , @deutschesmuseum @freilichtmuseumkommern , @deutschesmarinemuseum , @brusselsmuseums , @bataviastad ,…) somewhere in the world.
painted cause though i have here in cologne a whole house, which I use as a studio/ gallery, I have limited space. Thats why paint my paintings from allsides.
Iam painting so detailed because of many reasons. Here are few. Making it look good. Painting it into a masterpiece so it although is perceived as being good/ extraordinary although with our a #gatekeeper, gallerists, “ expert “, high socialproof Person saying so. Because I like nice, good looking views/ things with in sight. Recreating, being closer in some form, with what I saw, and liked in the past.
in my dna from the last 2 generations from my fathers side. My father technicaldrawings, as well as my great grandfather great handwriting (both)/ Me having a bad handwriting compensating, doing it in my why with drawing, painting.
because the letters with in my name do suggest by form and message from the words, to grab round forms. The ‘ C ‘ for example. The ‘ r ‘ .
Iam with myself, able enjoying a audiobook, and or learning something useful, doing what I like to do, being free like a child playing. Only missing my guinea pig, running around, throwing over all my playmobil figures, while I build. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
Why? German Artist SEAK Claus Winkler why he painted this, why he painted that?
I had that color left over.
I wanted to show my typical style.
Variate with my typical style.
Playing with a fresh idea.
Being bold, doing a color combination which ‘ normally ‘ wouldn’t do.
Doing a Color combination which feels wrong on purpose. Knowing deep down with in me, that I will loving it.
To overcome my creeping conservatism, being surprised out of my comfortzone.
Enjoying expierencing how the paint flows with a particular brush on the painting.
will enrich my oeuvre range.
will makes me having optimized thoughts, self control, focus, with in the future during my work process.
hard to copy ( bite)
looks so different, ugly, etc, that other painters/ artists/ etc, won’t copy it.
feels good doing it, while doing it.
first painting artist doing it.
always wanted to do that.
was already fascinated by this when I was a child/ with in my youth.
Makes me feel, escaping from the bored disgusted feeling of too much repitition.
I like where the paintings takes me.
Enjoy playing with a new painting strategy.
the only thing seemed good doing, due composition, size of the painting, how the piece was already developed.
trusting my process doing it my way.
Why? German artist SEAK Claus Winkler’s why’s:
Cause mankind must make it in to expanding into the space, other galaxies.
Reminding man that they have to be careful, optimal practical about female nature.
that the man is the price
to just watch the actions, the results of the recognized patterns.
supporting men, cause of all the lies society, the mainstream culture is telling.
supporting people who are doing above or below the radar same sex activities, advocating for tolerance. That was a artistic aim, let’s say was with in the 2000er years.
supporting men from the gynocentric social order, from the beginning.
entertaining myself
connecting with the good feeling I had when being child, drawing, painting. With the imagination, the remembering, and transforming it, transporting it, transferring it, on to paper, a surface. Being the exciting vessel, the radio for the sound. Iam the brush, the pen, the painting medium.
digesting, filtering, reflecting, calming, what I have expierenced.
Why? German artist SEAK Claus Winkler, explaining why he painted this. And still painting this, cause it is work in progress.
Chasing a the feeling of having created something visual which impresses me.
to overcome the comfortzone, stepping in to that sweet feeling been brave, did something new, which worked.
following the embedded commands, the weasel phrases with my artist name, aswell as my normal Name, which makes me keep on keeping on. My name makes go, makes me work, me chasing my purpose. It’s like: Hold = being a cuckold. Keep on moving, approaching, 3 second rule: Getting the girl, being the bull, being the dna bloodline father.
Iam want to see what i can build, what is with in me. What kind of beautiful, stylish, use your own words, creations, pictures, paintings, drawings, are in me.
to make the painting look optimal, at every level the painting is with in.
surprising myself
anchoring, calming myself with in my inner middle, with in reality, giving me a structure to be.
progressing a idea, a form, a painting way, a style maybe already painted/ drawn in a less developed, or less technical able form, 20 years ago, in france, or minsk, or Hongkong, or spain.
feeling like iam owing to myself, developing my oeuvre, my style.
often paint so fast, that I just go with my flow, my unconcious, not knowing concious what I do, why i do it. Believing the concious knows optimal.
Bought yesterday a expensive bottle redwine, 5Euro99. The expensivest they had. Woke up with headaches. Too much sulfur, absence of tasting, enjoying with my sense, while consuming. Anyway, on my way downstairs, showering, breakfast, starting my day, I grabbed this work
inprogresspaintings. Will Start add in to the rotation, adding details with small brush on Monday. I guess I have enough small scale paintings with in my life’s oeuvre.
Circa 20 years ago i heard from artclient/ collector ( 2. Generation wealth/ hnwi ) that they don’t have wallspace for further paintings with in his/ there home. I listened to his excuse wit not investing further, learned. Continuing working
small paintings, with lots of details. I guess he was reading me out like a book, showing me my weakness, aswell as solutions. #Paintingsmall.
In a few years when all these paintings are ready, I start painting large paintings again, on canvas. Iam always happy, for all the advises, support, sharing my paintings online, all the recommending people gave me.
Germany’s current Finance minister christian lindner was when with in his teens curating/ faxing me my emails, supporting me with invested interests. Still remembering all the #love, #positiveenergy, I became via emails, in my website guestbook, from other painters, artists, writers, taggers, bombers, toys, kings, colleagues, artlovers, artfriends.
I use the small brush work time, trying, experimenting with ideas, I later use with in large scale paintings. And yes, i make the small paintings the same expensive like large paintings. Work smart. With these paintings, painting them that they are visual attractive, fresh, different, redifining the definition how painting was/ is perceived so far. Well the wish from every artist. What drives us.
Important is, having fun, with in the process. On that stair I was always sitting when being a little boy, eating peaches/ nectarines, when my mother grabbed me, drove me with buggy shopping for food, watching the world. When we came back, sitting on the table, i always ‘ Mama bauen Haus ‘ Loving the process.
SEAK Claus Winkler SEAKClausWinkler Thisistheway
Some of the paintings I did Details on the last days. What you own, quickly owns you. I nat remembered a interview with a artcollector in Australia, with his own art foundation compound. The interview was within kunstforum international magazine a few years. That a artists work is the sad pitty proof the the person hasn’t lived his life. Had to think about that. The last 12 years i was painting every day for 10 to 12 hours everyday. Most my travels, the little few things i expierenced where in the 1990s/ 2000s. No private life just work. Emulating/ simulating life with in my mind from story’s, audiobooks, thoughts. Most of the crazy story’s, painting on trains, being in 23+ countries, whorehouse visits, seeing other countries, having fun, painting walls, driving around with my piaggio 200ccm scooter, partying, my guinea pig, shooting ranch in Miami with 15 years, playing computer games, sailing lake bodensee, being in the army, celebrating, enjoying the planet, expierencing Life, are so far away. Instead i committed my life painting paintings, the studio life, maximising my own productivity my work routine efficiency, my rituals. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
Eigentlich verrückt, meine Kunst auf Leinwand/ Papier/ Holz, ist eine Miniatur von dem wie Ich eigentlich bzw früher in normaler Größe gemalt habe. Motiv Leinwand So groß wie ein IPad, oder ein Laptop, auf Wand, so gross wie ein LKW, oder ein Haus. Es dauert in klein auch länger, und es ist komplizierter. Das gute man kann wie eine Hauskater ( Kater) die ganze Zeit gemütlich zuhause, auf dem Sofa malen. Im stehen ist natürlich gesünder. Malen macht mir mehr Spaß als Sex, essen, oder irgendwas anderes. Man hat allen Freiheiten, bzw ist Frei. Eingeschränkt nur durch Farbe, Format, eigene Fähigkeiten, Zeit, Perspektive, Geschmack, und Aufgabe, bzw in Welche Reichtung es geht. Zur Zeit arbeite Ich mich durch einen Berg von in der Enstehung befindlichen Unikat Werken. So ähnlich wie im Schlaraffenland wo die Menschen sich die durch den Grießbrei futtern. Wenn diese Werke einmal irgendwann fertig sind, fange Ich neue Gemälde an. Gemälde wo Ich mit anderen Bild Strategien arbeite. Ich sehe zur Zeit die Verantwortung und Verpflichtung mit Disziplin, Dankbarkeit (Gratitude), und Lust bzw Freude meine Gemälde welche Ich hier seit vielen Jahren digital zeige fertig zustellen. Jeden Tag Hörbücher ( YouTube, Audible, ITunes, Filme, Serien) hören , wenig Kohlenhydrate, viel Gemüse/ Obst, wenig essen, möglichst viel Sport, möglichst viel Natur, und möglichst viel Malen ( 10 – 12 Stunden). Die Photos hier sind von Gemälden welche gestern wieder ein kleines Stück fertiger geworden sind. Wird wohl Jahre dauern bis Sie wirklich fertig sind. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler