I just were at the public chat by the leftist female fascists state main enemy, our martin Sellner (if you are in to politics, Erik Ahrens is although a must).
A key figure in our camp.
Lots of Feds, secret police & helper, trolls and leftists there to waste peoples time and do there defätism.
When one posts some quality. It repulsed me.
In away it is good. Doing stuff online is cheap narc validation.
The pattern is that people are on collective dumbness. Gustave Le bonne?
A good reminder to dumb things down for Npc’s, Normies, every day people.
The responsibility is always with the sender of an signal, a message.
Why am I writing this?
What does it has to do with my art with this digital finger painted phone screen pixel painting?
Well after checking out, I went to more or less to my photos, and painted this here above.
Making myself free from expactions of outcome.
Maybe my art needs although a dumbing down. A simplification.
Or is that too much of a narrow minded angerish ego invested perspective?
How about when Iam painting like with in the above.
The digital painting. (I can although paint like that in real life).
It is a flow, I can do everything.
It’s different to my usual style of painting.
Usual people don’t care what i paint, except real deep fans from my classic style.
There are maybe two fractions, maybe 3.
Those who want me painting, continuing in my classic style, incl those who although can afford buying my art.
I remember when i was flown into Minsk, Belarus almost 20years ago, that they had an entire district, part of Minsk which was biting, and copying my style and my technique of painting exclusive.
They where happy that i wasn’t updating my website so that they can pretend to came up with that style themselfs or something.
I don’t know. Beautiful mind, beautiful fans.
I guess that’s the way of the world. I don’t judge.
The moment you judge and value it in some way or form a misty cloud fog wall of not understanding comes down.
The second group are those who are open to anything and just want something that looks good, and don’t have any expectations.
Now i forgot what was the third group, but the second group should although include people who can afford my art, and can give money.
Not being bound to the expectation having to continue progressing my classical typical style/ way of painting, is refreshing.
Those damn comfortzons.
By the way, the colors are so bright and clear intense cause the standard smartphone paint-program in the photo album is like that.
If i have the choice I go for decent, muted, mature colors. It’s fun painting different then i normally do.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
I just were at the public chat by the leftist Fascists state main enemy, our martin Sellner (if you are in to politics, Erik Ahrens is although a must).
A key figure in our camp.
Lots of Feds, secret police & helper, trolls and leftists there to waste peoples time and do there defätism.
When one posts some quality. It repulsed me.
In away it is good. Doing stuff online is cheap narc validation.
The pattern is that people are on collective dumbness. Gustave Le bonne?
A good reminder to dumb things down for Npc’s, Normies, every day people.
The responsibility is always with the sender of an signal, a message.
Why am I writing this?
What does it has to do with my art with this digital finger painted phone screen pixel painting?
Well after checking out, I went to more or less to my photos, and painted this here above.
Making myself free from expactions of outcome.
Maybe my art needs although a dumbing down. A simplification.
Or is that too much of a narrow minded angerish ego invested perspective?
How about when Iam painting like with in the above.
The digital painting. (I can although paint like that in real life).
It is a flow, I can do everything.
It’s different to my usual style of painting.
Usual people don’t care what i paint, except real deep fans from my classic style.
There are maybe two fractions, maybe 3.
Those who want me painting, continuing in my classic style, incl those who although can afford buying my art.
I remember when i was flown into Minsk, Belarus almost 20years ago, that they had an entire district, part of Minsk which was biting, and copying my style and my technique of painting exclusive.
They where happy that i wasn’t updating my website so that they can pretend to came up with that style themselfs or something.
I don’t know. Beautiful mind, beautiful fans.
I guess that’s the way of the world. I don’t judge.
The moment you judge and value it in some way or form a misty cloud fog wall of not understanding comes down.
The second group are those who are open to anything and just want something that looks good, and don’t have any expectations.
Now i forgot what was the third group, but the second group should although include people who can afford my art, and can give money.
Not being bound to the expectation having to continue progressing my classical typical style/ way of painting, is refreshing.
Those damn comfortzons.
By the way, the colors are so bright and clear intense cause the standard smartphone paint-program in the photo album is like that.
If i have the choice I go for decent, muted, mature colors. It’s fun painting different then i normally do.

Another painting doodling drawing abstract.
Iam painting with my thumb, on a small smartphone screen.
While Iam painting Iam reflecting what Iam painting, why i just this or that painted.
I reverse engeneer while Iam painting why i might have chosen this or that color, or a form, and what that is saying about my psyche, my unconscious.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Another painting doodling drawing abstract.
Iam painting with my thumb, on a small smartphone screen.
While Iam painting Iam reflecting what Iam painting, why i just this or that painted.
I reverse engeneer while Iam painting why i might have chosen this or that color, or a form, and what that is saying about my psyche, my unconscious.

SEAK Claus Winkler: „ Stop the Noticing!;-)“

SEAK Claus Winkler: just playing with colors and forms. Not making sense.

SEAK Claus Winkler: Iam finding my love for painting pure abstract.

At the moment iam really enjoying the digital painting function.
Iam simulating, training painting abstract.
Although the thought process during the painting.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
At the moment iam really enjoying the digital painting function.
Iam simulating, training painting abstract.
Although the thought process during the painting.

Iam taking a work holdiday from my work holiday with a work holiday. Ist very simple. Iam just painting different then usual and that is fun.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Iam taking a work holdiday from my work holiday with a work holiday. Ist very simple. Iam just painting different then usual and that is fun.

Just senseless color cluster paintings with lots of layers.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Just senseless color cluster paintings with lots of layers.

SEAK Claus Winkler: going with my flow. Enjoying painting abstract