Iam here although publishing and showing mixed in, few habtical analog real world offline painting close ups.
I just photographed them.
Although to stay in touch even deeper in reality, when the phone screen is off.
I photographed my work from so up close to five a glimpse into how the medium and the paint with technique appear.
You must see the paintings in real life anyway.
Just seeing art from a small telephone or computer screen is simply nuts.
SEAK Claus Winkler: Since if have painted the last few weeks, digital paintings, with the basic paint program from my smartphone.
Iam here although publishing and showing mixed in, few habtical analog real world offline painting close ups.
I just photographed them.
Although to stay in touch even deeper in reality, when the phone screen is off.
I photographed my work from so up close to five a glimpse into how the medium and the paint with technique appear.
You must see the paintings in real life anyway.
Just seeing art from a small telephone or computer screen is simply nuts.

Ht‘s take/ explanation with the pianist piano , scientist science, Machinist machine, racist race should be explored and from a copyrighting perspective analyzed and then used with the right wording more.
Here i did this meme, based on how he said it in his 716. gtv stream.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Ht‘s take/ explanation with the pianist piano , scientist science, Machinist machine, racist race should be explored and from a copyrighting perspective analyzed and then used with the right wording more.
Here i did this meme, based on how he said it in his 716. gtv stream.
Why I did it like that?
The reason why I did it like that. (My approach, please choose your own. The more different the better. That’s how we can learn what works at the end organic the best.)
Things read in / from Handwriting , is trusted more. (For example: That’s why Coca Cola uses the handwriting with in there logo). (Neuromarketing)
It has due the naive handwriting style a childhood connotation.
When people are primed into there childhood/ youth, they are more open for new ideas.
I don’t have any computer skills.
Iam an artist, and art enjoys to a limited degree ( they own hegemonic the courts, Da’s, the justice system) certain freedoms (its called here: „ Kunstfreiheit „).

Iam usual, at least the last almost 3 decades painted with a technique and medium mix from spraypaint technique with spraycans, mixed with markers, inside and outside roller dispersion or studio/ academic quality type of paint.
although mixing it with airbrush pistol spraying technique.
with ink pen drawing, aswell as since circa 2011 -2013 with oil.
Around 2019/2020 I painted the first time although with large broad airless compressors, which are super fun too. This close up photo is from a painting which painted in 2011.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Iam usual, at least the last almost 3 decades painted with a technique and medium mix from spraypaint technique with spraycans, mixed with markers, inside and outside roller dispersion or studio/ academic quality type of paint.
although mixing it with airbrush pistol spraying technique.
with ink pen drawing, aswell as since circa 2011 -2013 with oil.
Around 2019/2020 I painted the first time although with large broad airless compressors, which are super fun too. This close up photo is from a painting which painted in 2011.

SEAK Claus Winkler: „ ist = love“

This painting detail shows a mix of airbrush, spraypaint, and acrylics painted in brush.
It’s the paintings backside, which has developed in the last months to the mainside. I started the painting around in 2012-2014
SEAK Claus Winkler:
This painting detail shows a mix of airbrush, spraypaint, and acrylics painted in brush.
It’s the paintings backside, which has developed in the last months to the mainside. I started the painting around in 2012-2014

SEAK Claus Winkler: great take by Ht. Worth shaping the take till it fits.

Painting is for me away to escape modernity, the butt ugly post worldwar two boomer truth white replacement reality.
In procreative, productive way.
It’s next best thing to playing computergames to eject from society. Painting, and listening to audiobook, a stream, videos, or music. Perfect.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Painting is for me away to escape modernity, the butt ugly post worldwar two boomer truth white replacement reality.
In procreative, productive way.
It’s next best thing to playing computergames to eject from society. Painting, and listening to audiobook, a stream, videos, or music. Perfect.

Whom who distance himself from someone with in its own opinion interest/ high ingroup preference/ group is losing.
The side which is distancing themselfs is the losing side.
Thats why it is essential to learn history. The true non state historybook regulated history.
Despice all leftists buzzwords.
Leftists work with buzzwords.
If you neglect & ignore this buzzword framing, they lose with in there attempt to f-you over. On top you can publicly naming the dynamic they are doing. Name All the techniques, to decamoflage there insane & malicious attends.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Whom who distance himself from someone with in its own opinion interest/ high ingroup preference/ group is losing.
The side which is distancing themselfs is the losing side.
Thats why it is essential to learn history. The true non state historybook regulated history.
Despice all leftists buzzwords.
Leftists work with buzzwords.
If you neglect & ignore this buzzword framing, they lose with in there attempt to f-you over. On top you can publicly naming the dynamic they are doing. Name All the techniques, to decamoflage there insane & malicious attends.

I first thought in 2008-2009 the painting was finished.
Which in all honesty it was.
It still looks great, although when i continued painting at it around 2013-2015 ish.
Nowadays the painting includes lots of different painting techniques, medias, and school of thoughts regarding my art.
It is like all my paintings painted which in my possession painted from both sides. I started painting my paintings full, from allsides, around 2013.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
I first thought in 2008-2009 the painting was finished.
Which in all honesty it was.
It still looks great, although when i continued painting at it around 2013-2015 ish.
Nowadays the painting includes lots of different painting techniques, medias, and school of thoughts regarding my art.
It is like all my paintings painted which in my possession painted from both sides. I started painting my paintings full, from allsides, around 2013.

In welche Länder und Regionen der Welt würden Sie wenn hin auswandern?
Meine Top Auswahl zur Zeit: Schweiz, USA, Bayern, Münster, Eifel, Tirol, New England, Main, Ozarks, die 7 Staaten mit den meisten weißen, Spanien, Mallorca, Portugal, Japan, Baden Württemberg, und Ungarn (allerdings auch nur weil da soviele von reden).
Ich denke es bleibt spannend wo sich die meisten Weißen ansammeln werden. Mitteldeutschland wäre auch eine Möglichkeit.
Mein Englisch ist richtig gut, und zum Teil optimaler als das von gebürtigen weißen Amerikanern.
Die Frage ist auch wo es Sinn macht wegen meiner Kunst.
Wie sich das entwickelt?
Dann wäre da auch das Thema Familie.
In welchen Ländern hätte ich welche Rechte im Falle eines Sorgerechts Streites?
SEAK Claus Winkler:
In welche Länder und Regionen der Welt würden Sie wenn hin auswandern?
Meine Top Auswahl zur Zeit: Schweiz, USA, Bayern, Münster, Eifel, Tirol, New England, Main, Ozarks, die 7 Staaten mit den meisten weißen, Spanien, Mallorca, Portugal, Japan, Baden Württemberg, und Ungarn (allerdings auch nur weil da soviele von reden).
Ich denke es bleibt spannend wo sich die meisten Weißen ansammeln werden. Mitteldeutschland wäre auch eine Möglichkeit.
Mein Englisch ist richtig gut, und zum Teil optimaler als das von gebürtigen weißen Amerikanern.
Die Frage ist auch wo es Sinn macht wegen meiner Kunst.
Wie sich das entwickelt?
Dann wäre da auch das Thema Familie.
In welchen Ländern hätte ich welche Rechte im Falle eines Sorgerechts Streites?

SEAK Claus Winkler: A lot of my paintings which I painted (all from both sides) on plates, or canvas stretched over plates and planks are manifested and installed with hooks and nails, on to my studios walls, with in a petersburger hanging, wunder Kammer, style.

Mal ganz was anderes. Ich habe letztens einen Kumpel der ebenfalls Künstler ist gefragt was man gegen den Schuldkult tun kann, der unser ethnisches Volk (Nicht das Staatsvolk!) geistig und seelisch, und dann auch körperlich verkrüppelt und verstümmelt.
Auf meine Frage bekam Ich die Antwort: „Wo waren Sie in Urlaub?/ Wie war der Urlaub?/ Wo warst Du im Urlaub?/ Wo fährst Du in den Urlaub?“
Ich hatte in dem Moment garnicht kapiert das er mir mit diesen genialen Antworten schon die Lösung gegeben.
Stattdessen bin Ich frei vom Schuldkult völlig ausgerastet und böse geworden.
(Ich habe ihm dann später nach dem merken und reflektieren wie genial das ist, im das auch gesagt.
Das seine Antwort genial war/ ist.
SEAK Claus Winkler: Thema Schuldkult, Verstehen, Kunst, Copywriting, Reflektion, gute Ratgeber, und Wörter sezieren, und durchdringen.:
Mal ganz was anderes. Ich habe letztens einen Kumpel der ebenfalls Künstler ist gefragt was man gegen den Schuldkult tun kann, der unser ethnisches Volk (Nicht das Staatsvolk!) geistig und seelisch, und dann auch körperlich verkrüppelt und verstümmelt.
Auf meine Frage bekam Ich die Antwort: „Wo waren Sie in Urlaub?/ Wie war der Urlaub?/ Wo warst Du im Urlaub?/ Wo fährst Du in den Urlaub?“
Ich hatte in dem Moment garnicht kapiert das er mir mit diesen genialen Antworten schon die Lösung gegeben.
Stattdessen bin Ich frei vom Schuldkult völlig ausgerastet und böse geworden.
(Ich habe ihm dann später nach dem merken und reflektieren wie genial das ist, im das auch gesagt.
Das seine Antwort genial war/ ist.

Another sysiphus detailed akribic painting by me, mixing all kinds of complicated painting and picture making techniques.
Like most my paintings, they have grown over long stretch of times.
This can be from a few months, up to 28 years and longer.
Or just few minutes or hours.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Another sysiphus detailed akribic painting by me, mixing all kinds of complicated painting and picture making techniques.
Like most my paintings, they have grown over long stretch of times.
This can be from a few months, up to 28 years and longer.
Or just few minutes or hours.

This is as cold and as realisticly as perception of reality goes.
Especially with that color.
Interesting is, is that color is i think steering, pacing, inspiring discipline, and psychological and physical health.
So how would people who want to stop people from migrating somewhere (white flight context) use which colors to counter influence people, who saw this?
Just from a color, composition, forms, copywriting point of?
And how would people increase the process to emigrate (white flight), building up on that message/ signals/ trigger?
Iam in both cases following a hunch.
Note, that „hope“ is an ego illusion and ego strategy.
Consider although my name, with in its meanings, and nudging.
Btw my soul is gone.
That was a process.
The guiltcult is although gone. If you have ideas, hunches, wants to support artist SEAK Claus Winkler, etc, you know what to do.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
This is as cold and as realisticly as perception of reality goes.
Especially with that color.
Interesting is, is that color is i think steering, pacing, inspiring discipline, and psychological and physical health.
So how would people who want to stop people from migrating somewhere (white flight context) use which colors to counter influence people, who saw this?
Just from a color, composition, forms, copywriting point of?
And how would people increase the process to emigrate (white flight), building up on that message/ signals/ trigger?
Iam in both cases following a hunch.
Note, that „hope“ is an ego illusion and ego strategy.
Consider although my name, with in its meanings, and nudging.
Btw my soul is gone.
That was a process.
The guiltcult is although gone. If you have ideas, hunches, wants to support artist SEAK Claus Winkler, etc, you know what to do.

SEAK Claus Winkler: so many reasons loving oil paint.

What is interesting is, that the scripture and signature here are tags/taggs, the artist perceives as ugly while doing them.
It’s part of the learning curve.
The risk is to although as an artist, is to explore directions in art, which are already explored by others.
Maybe it is the artists subconscious inner mind way to indirect painting something ugly, to make the artist stop exploring an painting Sujet, direction, nice, which is already over explored by oter painters.
Like women, dating the „Wrong fun bad boy guy „ to have later a reason to date the next guy, without feeling guilty about them self’s, for being the one, who ended the relationship/ situationship, etc.
Maybe in creating this bad after vibe, or disgust in seeing what I painted, it forces me, to come up with new directions.
Going new, own paths. Well at least i could make an useful art posting about this, this here what i do, is called art journaling, in the artworld.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
What is interesting is, that the scripture and signature here are tags/taggs, the artist perceives as ugly while doing them.
It’s part of the learning curve.
The risk is to although as an artist, is to explore directions in art, which are already explored by others.
Maybe it is the artists subconscious inner mind way to indirect painting something ugly, to make the artist stop exploring an painting Sujet, direction, nice, which is already over explored by oter painters.
Like women, dating the „Wrong fun bad boy guy „ to have later a reason to date the next guy, without feeling guilty about them self’s, for being the one, who ended the relationship/ situationship, etc.
Maybe in creating this bad after vibe, or disgust in seeing what I painted, it forces me, to come up with new directions.
Going new, own paths. Well at least i could make an useful art posting about this, this here what i do, is called art journaling, in the artworld.

SEAK Claus Winkler: i love oil, and krapp lack altough for its texture, and form.

Iam writing this postings text freestyle from below up.
It is interesting reverse engineering the colors and the meanings, and the effects the colors and composition has/ just had.
One can learn a lot about the human psyche, if the one has enough knowledge about colors.
Though still then you are always still a student, constantly learning.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Iam writing this postings text freestyle from below up.
It is interesting reverse engineering the colors and the meanings, and the effects the colors and composition has/ just had.
One can learn a lot about the human psyche, if the one has enough knowledge about colors.
Though still then you are always still a student, constantly learning.

SEAK Claus Winkler: this a rough mix from spraypainting technique from dark to light, with acrylics painted with brush. This part is still work in progress. It shows a bold rough strokish rough spraypainted style red „S“.

Am I just steered by the colors effects why I like this paintings version more optimal, then the version 2 pictures below?
From an psychological embedded command point of view manipulated due my own choosing of colors and there might on our though process?
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Am I just steered by the colors effects why I like this paintings version more optimal, then the version 2 pictures below?
From an psychological embedded command point of view manipulated due my own choosing of colors and there might on our though process?

My paintings how they builder up in technical complexity reflects my ethnic German background and tradition, in inventing complex detailed technical things, making inventions, with akribic precision and in the long haul patience.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
My paintings how they builder up in technical complexity reflects my ethnic German background and tradition, in inventing complex detailed technical things, making inventions, with akribic precision and in the long haul patience.

SEAK Claus Winkler: continuing painting when perceiving something as ugly, or non goodlooking can be a path to out of the comfortzone, where all the magic is happening.

SEAK Claus Winkler: thin detail part in a painting like this can save your heterosexuality in an leftist antiwhite satanic degenerate world/ matrix.

Does this painting creates fear and hopelessness? Hmm.
It’s the background colors, i guess. Colors are a powerful tool.
But maybe people are just buying and investing in art when they experience a positive disharmony.
Why should entertain people here , and they don’t buy art, or donate and support me?
Interesting that my antennas reconned the change in how I reacted at the markers („emotions“) I was getting from the painting, after I have and during i used the background colors.
Am I painting with theses digital pixel painted, paintings/ drawings/ fun scribbles,advertisement for my self, or finished paintings which delivering what art collectors will choose?
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Does this painting creates fear and hopelessness? Hmm.
It’s the background colors, i guess. Colors are a powerful tool.
But maybe people are just buying and investing in art when they experience a positive disharmony.
Why should entertain people here , and they don’t buy art, or donate and support me?
Interesting that my antennas reconned the change in how I reacted at the markers („emotions“) I was getting from the painting, after I have and during i used the background colors.
Am I painting with theses digital pixel painted, paintings/ drawings/ fun scribbles,advertisement for my self, or finished paintings which delivering what art collectors will choose?

Lots of spraypainted dusted faded paint pigments, creating a creative dust spherical atmosphere and depth.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Lots of spraypainted dusted faded paint pigments, creating a creative dust spherical atmosphere and depth.

Layers of colors painted with different medias and techniques on a wooden board.
The small dots are pigments from spraypaint from the brand Molotow premium belton.
Properly spraypainted with a super fatcap.
The Matt dark green in the background is rollerpaint.
The round cow eye, nipple, pupils style, raf korkade like dot in dots with the graphic symbol in the middle are painted with my fingers with acrylic buntlack.
The olive line shaped forms, and mech suggesting structures are painted with marker or brush.
The white lines in the dark green are white chalk, or white Buntstift (pen).
The thin line with in the drip, in the left middle lower part, is millimeter super fine brush painted.
The glowing turquoise green graphic forms in the dark green background are marker (Molotow premium)
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Layers of colors painted with different medias and techniques on a wooden board.
The small dots are pigments from spraypaint from the brand Molotow premium belton.
Properly spraypainted with a super fatcap.
The Matt dark green in the background is rollerpaint.
The round cow eye, nipple, pupils style, raf korkade like dot in dots with the graphic symbol in the middle are painted with my fingers with acrylic buntlack.
The olive line shaped forms, and mech suggesting structures are painted with marker or brush.
The white lines in the dark green are white chalk, or white Buntstift (pen).
The thin line with in the drip, in the left middle lower part, is millimeter super fine brush painted.
The glowing turquoise green graphic forms in the dark green background are marker (Molotow premium)

SEAK Claus Winkler: layers upon layers upon layers of painting techniques, effects, colors, shades, details, etc giving depth.