✏️👌🏻👍🏻💪🏻✌🏻14 German Artist SEAK Claus Winkler: Bayonets!

Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler:

Ja Ich hab was machen lassen.

Moob Job.

Meine Men Boobs (Moobs. der Begriff ist von @owencookla / @OwenCookX ) .

Ich muss jetzt auch mal an mich denken.

Bin gut drauf.

8kilo Gewicht sind runter testo Spiegel geht wieder hoch.

Ich merke die Macht, und die zusammenSetzung von formen optimaler, Dank der Runen die Ich male.
Artist SEAK Claus Winkler:

Celebrating -8kilo bodyfat. 29kilos to come. Food discipline, burning the boats, fighting on death grounds.

Artist SEAK Claus Winkler:

Celebrating -8kilo bodyfat. 29kilos to come. Food discipline, burning the boats, fighting on death grounds

Artist SEAK Claus Winkler: 183,4cm (61ft) privilege
Artist SEAK Claus Winkler:
SEAK Claus Winkler:

Iam although posting the errection photos, due the connection between knocking jerking one out: off, shaking a marker, or a spraycan.

Touching a round form while somthing liquid comes out. (Nooo, Iam want many children. We counter breed. ) Aswell as with in my youth playing with my joystick 🕹️ (just with a transparent plastic), on my amiga500 a considered advanced graphic play and music computer.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

Iam although posting the errection photos, due the connection between knocking jerking one out: off, shaking a marker, or a spraycan.

Touching a round form while somthing liquid comes out. (Nooo, Iam want many children. We counter breed. ) Aswell as with in my youth playing with my joystick 🕹️ (just with a transparent plastic), on my amiga500 a considered advanced graphic play and music computer.

Artist SEAK Claus Winkler:

Seeing my moobs like that reminds me of that super cool female orangutan Rambo, driving in a relaxed chilling flow state with a golf cart, to the sound of phill Collin’s, thru what seems to be a private zoo?

I had a glimpse of that thought when shooting these selfies.

Artist SEAK Claus Winkler:

Seeing my moobs like that reminds me of that super cool female orangutan Rambo, driving in a relaxed chilling flow state with a golf cart, to the sound of phill Collin’s, thru what seems to be a private zoo?

I had a glimpse of that thought when shooting these selfies.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

Der Kaffee scheppert gerade ganz gut.

Eine Euphorie Nuance der Nuance, fast wie in meinem Feierphase afterhour rumspringer/rumspringa (Amish masemat) Jahr um 2009 von schnellen bömbchen/ sportsachen.

Hab gestern durch Zufall erfahren das Sonntag ist.

Hätte gedacht es ist Mittwoch oder Donnerstag.

Gut gelaunt.

Ich überlege gerade ob Ich Photos von meiner Errektion vor, und danach ins Internet stellen sollte.

Von heute morgen.

Anti zyklisch rechts-teilrasiert, und niché Kunst vermarkten.


SEAK Claus Winkler:

Der Kaffee scheppert gerade ganz gut.

Eine Euphorie Nuance der Nuance, fast wie in meinem Feierphase afterhour rumspringer/rumspringa (Amish masemat) Jahr um 2009 von schnellen bömbchen/ sportsachen.

Hab gestern durch Zufall erfahren das Sonntag ist.

Hätte gedacht es ist Mittwoch oder Donnerstag.

Gut gelaunt.

Ich überlege gerade ob Ich Photos von meiner Errektion vor, und danach ins Internet stellen sollte.

Von heute morgen.

Anti zyklisch rechts-teilrasiert, und niché Kunst vermarkten.


German artist SEAK Claus Winkler:

Since i claim my art is honest, radical realism, me being redpilled manosphere, here my first errection picture from him.

My small a is based on my completion pro extra red/transparent joy stick with automatic fire, aswell as the make phallus.

My art looks bodyshaped, round forms, which connects my work in the mind, in the world with things physical, with the body.

There is an old saying in art: „ all sculpture is phallus „.

Anyways, here with 50 years, my tool.

The circumsition/ Circumsized, was abulanf a few years ago, after a secondary phimosis.


Must be circa 2010/2011 ish. I must check the medical papers.

A major set back for my psyche, in the after math.

A challenge, which i transformed into productive work, in my studio.

There where multiple things.

Coming together, where the body must heal from.

But you know, it makes you stronger.

From the late 1990s till maybe 2006-2011 I don’t know anymore, I was sporting a Prince Albert piercing too.

Aswell as for a short time, few other piercing.

Which influenced my style what I painted.

Most of my way of painting is at least so far roundish, in shapes.

Then you have the conotations with in my name.

So I think to understand my art you must although see the my inspiration source.

Although the process how my artist is created, how am I pre-primed to starting and painting art is inspired from me being male, from my phallus.

German artist SEAK Claus Winkler:

Since i claim my art is honest, radical realism, me being redpilled manosphere, here my first errection picture from him.

My small a is based on my completion pro extra red/transparent joy stick with automatic fire, aswell as the make phallus.

My art looks bodyshaped, round forms, which connects my work in the mind, in the world with things physical, with the body.

There is an old saying in art: „ all sculpture is phallus „.

Anyways, here with 50 years, my tool.

The circumsition/ Circumsized, was abulanf a few years ago, after a secondary phimosis.


Must be circa 2010/2011 ish. I must check the medical papers.

A major set back for my psyche, in the after math.

A challenge, which i transformed into productive work, in my studio.

There where multiple things.

Coming together, where the body must heal from.

But you know, it makes you stronger.

From the late 1990s till maybe 2006-2011 I don’t know anymore, I was sporting a Prince Albert piercing too.

Aswell as for a short time, few other piercing.

Which influenced my style what I painted.

Most of my way of painting is at least so far roundish, in shapes.

Then you have the conotations with in my name.

So I think to understand my art you must although see the my inspiration source.

Although the process how my artist is created, how am I pre-primed to starting and painting art is inspired from me being male, from my phallus.

SEAK Claus Winkler: Second round this morning. HTTP://www.x.com/seakcwinkler


SEAK Claus Winkler: Second round this morning.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

After his second fapping this morning.

After his second fapping this morning.