Artist Intentions? Artinvestors motivation? Paintings results?

Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

German artist seak.claus.winkler intentions vary during the process.

There a different intentions, beauty/ aesthetics, innovation, curiosity, a ceratain focus which can sneak/ spark due current audio content. Due the effect he listens a lot growth mindset, history, military, Redpill praxeology, social dynamics, life coach, common sense content with in his artwork process, aswell as with in his free time his perspectives grow/ change often, are fluid.

Though painting abstract switching while painting within conciousness/ being in presence and identifying with his thoughts, he mixes colours, forms, work process, what he hears/ thinks/ reflects. Artist SEAK Claus Winkler switch in between different perceptive levels. His believesystems, the hunches how letters, words, sounds, silbs, colours, feelings, mind, aesthetic, sizes, composition work grow/ vary. There are different perspectives with in his focus for example like: Am i doing something new? Does it looks good? Did i do it too often? In which direction does it trigger? How can i make the colours beautiful? Are the colour muted enough? How many pieces do I have which already go in that direction? Why am I painting that like this vs. should i explain why I will do that vs does my concious gives better results? How does a painting, etc having a influence? In which direction do it want to develop my oeuvre? How does this painting will influence my soul? Does my concious knows what painting are getting bought, invested in? Why do I like this painting? Is it better to painting although with colour combination which I don’t pleasant at while painting the colours?

‘ Freiheit ‘ ( Freedom ) Painted for a client. A commissioned piece. In private possession of a art collector. Spraypaint, marker, on canvas, Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

‘ Freiheit ‘ ( Freedom ) Painted for a client. A commissioned piece. In private possession of a art collector. Spraypaint, marker, on canvas, Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

SEAK Claus Winkler’s artist intentions:

– fullfilling the embedded meanings/ commands/ suggestions “ hidden “ with in the artists name.

– learned as a child while drawing with in his room the happiness, the consciousness achieving/ having/ being while drawing/ painting. Liked/ appreciated The feeling of synchronization between feeling, being in the now, and form, and colour.

– Was already as child happy playing/ creating although alone with himself. Recreating, that feeling.

– Knowing that 95% of what we sense/ recon, happens unconscious, with painting ( workprocess aswell as the actual piece) achieving greater clarity, connection, insight into the 95% of the unconscious thoughts processes/ perception.

– Mastering the artists weak points, personality flaws during growth within the workprocess.

– Being a child having flow while playing being creative although as a adult. Living like summerholidays.

– Doing something productive, fun, child like play full while listening to interesting growth minded audio content, or interesting/ catchy fiction audiobooks. While listening being synchron with painting. Learning how sometimes what I paint influences how I perceive, interpretate what Iam listening ( fiction audiobook, a growth/ selfhelp/ history video, a documentary, etc). Sometimes what I hear inspires what/ how i paint in the second later.

– Growing from ego ( unaware/ unconscious/ unpresent/ pain), into free from ego into presence.

– Contributing, giving.

Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

Artist SEAK Claus Winkler intentions why he paints. ( a few example):

– Consuming, chase a feeling i do generate while painting. Where I ask myself question, & answering myself the question at an abstractlevel.

– Iam consuming my flow process feels better then just consuming food/ drink/ a service, etc.

– Iam feeling like a child painting my own toys, the things I liked in my childhood.

– Iam imitating my parents/ grandparents/ forefathers/ the people, the narratives, the implict triggers from life, society, the world, people, dreams, what influences me.

– Iam indulging form, colour, nuance, workflow.

– I create with my process for myself, & with the finished painting for the world, a possibility for escapism to something beautiful.

– In the 1990s/ beginning 2000‘s years, my intention was to be innovative, progressive, the opposite of being conservative, requesting painting, & requesting art, doing my own thing. in a way playing with taboos, the things people where afraid of, or ashamed of, wasn’t political correct, although empowering men ( heterosexual aswell as lgbtq‘s).

– Adding/ resonating on/ at pig/ swine frequency. It’s up to viewers/ audience perception to interpretate, cute cuddle guinea pig, delicious food, contra caricature of religion ( fantasy), judgement of non judgement of intim activities aswell as activities in general, luck.

– Being practical, having my paintings giving me good/ constructive/ productive/ wellbeing energy, thoughts, advice, during my process aswell after the process when ready.

– Creating beautiful centers which create the ‚ awe ‚ / ‚ love ‚ ‚ cosy ‚ feeling i have with paintings from other artists, where the painting becomes the center of the universe.

– To achieve workflow

– To chase that feeling of happiness when being real surprised with a finished painting

– Entertaining myself, while creating a visual reality which is beautiful enough for me.

– Being intellectual stimulated with colors, forms, composition, nuance.

Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

“ Was macht meine Kunst mit den Leuten? ” SEAK Claus Winkler Meine Kunst macht das niemand, niemandem gehört? Es beeinflusst Leute dazu viele lockere leichte Freundschaften, Bekanntschaften, oberflächliche Kontakte zuhaben. Das jeder frei ist, offen für andere. Das Mann über all jemanden “ kennt “ ? Leichte Kontakte. Und es beeinflusst kultivierte Reiche vornehme distinguierte Männer welche ohne starken männliche Vater Vorbilder aufgewachsen sind, mit ihren Frauen männlicher umzugehen. Weniger weiblich, unmännlich, zart, feinfühlig zusein, stattdessen bei ihren Frauen zu zupacken, und sich wie echte Kerle, ‘ Saukerle ‘ zu verhalten. ( Sau Kerl : Zitat Kunstsammler, Firmen Eigner, Sitz in mehreren Vorständen, Mehrfacher Vater, Etc) Das macht meine Kunst mit den Leuten.

Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

Why artist SEAK Claus Winkler is painting this painting?

– To feel when the painting is finished, ( a painting is never finished) happy for a short time. Knowing he has to continue painting, the paintings, knowing how much work it is, how less joy it will give, being happy with what he does. The joy is rare. It drives SEAK Claus Winkler to expirement with in the possibility’s the painting gives. Playing with new ideas. This unhappiness drives, fuels the artist. The joy comes from self surprise. Loving the process is the key. Loving the boredom. Solution: Discipline, different approach, deeper intensity in reflecting, working, painting. The level of the intensity brings the progression, the quality.

Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

Artist SEAK Claus Winkler work process:

I feel child like, playing adult, from the feeling how I precieve living/ feeling while paintings/ having break (tea/ nuts)/ a coffee/ Espresso). I connect childhood, creative, holidays, playing, toys, building/ social interaction/ reliving narratives from books/ movies/ audio play books/ story’s/ energys from the other people/ from the animals. ) I guess that feeling is a similar feeling when being in mothers womb prebirth, maybe what is considered ‘ flow ‘. Going from room to, room, paintings progress. Escape/ learn while paint ( play), release / create / discover/ emotions. I have the feeling from good things like, nature, landscapes with sceneries houses, the good times with my grandmother, a farm atmosphere ( past centuries). An ideal how childs imagine. I guess with in a state like this Iam feeling like child. I use the imagination for escaping from a harsh/ how the world real is. Positive: a used wooden plates floor, a old oven, maybe the organic look a teabag can have, the wooden product lotbox, where Iam having colors in jam glasses. Can be a brush which could be from a different age, or the absence of someone telling me what do, except playing/ painting. Part of the process, sharpen my mind connect/ better how I think, is observing myself what Iam doing. Due the amount of paintings I work with, i walk often, with a word based autopilot from room to a room, digest/ reflect/ Deduct a word, while being maybe doing something. I do catch myself, some times keep being thoughts based on that word. I stop & watch what colors/ composition/ forms, had influenced me. Rooms are always different, though arranging from process, paintings. When I work instead off the rotation, just with a single painting, it can be that the way the paintings are standing in the house are influcencing me how Iam painting further.

Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

Why artist SEAK Claus Winkler paints? :

– connecting at a deeper/ intense level with thoughts/ narratives/ dreams/ phantasys/ what plain can consuming things can’t deliver.

– Indulging in the music/ the audio plays/ audio books with greater pleasure while working ( playing (childhood style/vibe ).

– Clearing the mind, deidentfying from thoughts reaching a higher/

– Clearer presence

– Learning how colour, form, work flow/ process/ composition, thought, sound, light, etc is all connected to, with each other.

– Being free from what is happening around me (us/ we/ i/ you/ the world). Escapism/ meditation.

– Getting better, feeling useful, feeling that I develop.

– Thriving

– Being a child again, happy with myself, playing, self sufficient, letting go.

– Loving creating

– Self development/ growth

– Having fun.

– Mastering myself.

– Inspiring artists.

Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

30+ years art expierences by german artist SEAK Claus Winkler

– I usual prepare for each quick art sale appointment a artexhibtion with rare pieces with in my studio gallery for the particular investor.

– I am painting most of my typical visual language/ abstract stylised letters shaped like bombs/ projectiles/ aerodynamic/ like bullets/ rockets, cause i like seeing my artaudience, my artowners succeed in life, intim love ( there is just leverage. Psssst), platonic love, and business.

– Iam avoiding public artgallerys for many years. iam focusing on my own art. Technical Iam having my own artgallery, with minimum 4 whitewashed art showroom’s with lightsystem. I prefer going to museums, spending time in nature, running/ swimming, or chilling on couch watching a movie/ reading a book. The day just had 24hours.

– Painting is like being a child in my room, playing, having no responsibilities, listening to audiobooks.

– My everyday goal painting 6 days the week at least 11 hours each day.

Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

You see here how german artist SEAK Claus Winkler started adding further layers of forms, colours, style elements, Single stylised letters from artist name, aswell as his full name written ( SEAK ), at his paintings. With all that the pieces are reaching complexity grade which will look good. ( keeping the possible ego illusions absence, staying present, analyzing the why.)

The great thing about painting small with a abundance non/ low outcome dependent mindset = good results, focus, presence, feeling enoughness.

Free Digital painting, 2016, Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

( Free Digital painting, 2016, Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler )

Coffee-cacao bomb induced artmarket secrets with artcollectors by german artist SEAK Claus Winkler:

– I remember the artcollectors who paid the most, the coolest. Swiftcode wiring the agreed money for a painting to be painted just on handshake.

– The artcollector casual saying while walking thru my homemade gallery: ‚ make me a invoice for these paintings, without asking the price.

– The artcollector who was angry at me because I was financial struggling hard, wasting time on online posting, instead of going inward, just being more disciplined, and less of a pussy, & painting without being extroverted. ( extroverted in hopes aquiring artclients.)

– The artcollector/ artclient who was checking my fridge, seeing if I buy from the cheaper food again, so he might be in a better pricing position when buying art.

– Artcollectors who wanted to hook me up with there just married Wife’s, goodlooking Ts-Escorts sexworker, beautiful female friends of there family, with future nanny’s from abroad for money (5000euros) so she can become germancitzienship.

– Artcollector‘s who brought 1qm fresh crumblecake which the cook from there Golfclub just baked for this occasion. They said they are visiting an artist. The artcollector couple did a artbuying duel in my studiogallery house. Running thru all rooms dueling each other with what/ which paintings they aquired/ invested in. They bought the paintings as a financial & cultural investment for there son. ( Please no gifts. Money = paintings)

– I have 5 celeb artcollectors which i know of, the rest, the majority are non famous financial established artcollectors.

– Besides the business, i learned from every artcollector/ artclient.

Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

Artcollector/ Artclient secrets by german artist SEAK Claus Winkler:

– Some professions from my artcollector’s/ artclients which I know of: german Highschoolteachers, Wirtschafter ( Pimp ), Ceo‘s , Restaurant owners, LifeCoach, IT specialist, Tax chancellory / familyoffice owner, Board of Directors, It programer, florist shop owner, international known football player (soccer), australian mining ceo, worldchampigonship winning basketballcoach, progammer from Colombia owning 2 large estates in Miamibeach, californian estate owner, LA tattoo artist, entrepreneures , privatiers, münster telefonmarketeer, Business / company owners, ad agency owner, talent agency booker, city cultural departments, french artmuseum curator, international fashion business senior directors & owners, international music artist (Djaying), painting artists ( international ), SF based curator from london, pharmacists, austrian stakeholder/ entrepreneur, dentist, senior Bankmanager, german business advisor living switzerland, ……

– Artcollector‘s not pick up the art I painted for them, due they loving it, paid for it in advanced. Incl being overwhelmed by the results. I do really need the space. It’s almost 3 1/2 years now. Please. Though thanks for letting having it for such a long time, seeing it myself.

– Artcollector’s first investing in already existing painting before aquiring a painting to be painted.

– An artcollector showing up on there bday buying himself paintings.

– Artcollectors sending there Drivers with the limousine catching up the art.

– Artcollector sending a spedition with a huge empty truck for large pieces.

– Artcollector renting a large Sprinter himself, flying to cologne, catching the painting himself, driving it home.

Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

An artist manifesto by german artist SEAK Claus Winkler:

My art inspires / makes women, girls, the feminine to taking up the the masculine energies & conotations which are communicated, painted, drawn, visualized, implicit, or obvious shown with in / thru the painting. The repulsing energies by the painting, let’s say male male energy’s gets catched up by brands, businesses, substitute activitys, or lgbtq people. All binary people are in a triangle situation with my art and women. Triangle can be prosmiquity/ cuckolding/ couple searches single, aswell as natural nuclear family faithful conservative monogamous females.

“ Women are hyperaware of how an can image can be used to facilitate or handicap there sexual strategy “ ( Quote: the rational male by Rollo Tomassi @rational_quotes_men / @rational_male )

My art makes women being fast, swift, clever, under the radar, over the radar, with or without sprezzatura will inweb/ integrate/ Inweave themselfs with in my art, getting all male attention, making the situation heterosexual pleasant. With clothes, colours, haircut, words, gestures, movement, connecting with the painting, the picture, the art. My art makes for present good reflective nonjudgmental observers the dynamics between people clear, clean, visible, easy, rational.

In Privatbesitz. Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

An artiststatement from many by artist SEAK Claus Winkler:

What I want achieve with art? It doesn’t matter why I paint or what i want a achieve with art? The words, silbs, hidden words meaning in my name ‚ SEAK Claus Winkler , influence people to do the same as I do, while making them believing it was there own idea. Does the horse harvested the haver (reap) , gets the haver (reap)? Are we entitled just to work, & not the fruit of the work? From the 90ies to the late 2000s I just wanted to be avant-garde inspiring as much artists possible.

How a complex piece influences, grown with in process of painting, is impossible to say. Variables like colour nuances. Interpretation, how viewers pronounces my name with in themselfs. How they perceive me. There identity, lifephase, how they are pre-primed before they saw the art. What the person there are with in the room, thought seconds before, etc.

Rapper olli banjo described me a few years ago a ‚ empathy monster ‚ my ex-web wing/ artbusiness supporter with invested interest, current german finance minister christian lindner , was always fascinated, complimented me, that when I said something positive that in the same sentence, say the very opposite, to achieve a area which is….. x?

My name ‚ SEAK Claus Winkler ‚ in ‚ relationships ‚ describes opposites with in the same. Promisq – faithful. Including exit, cheat strategy’s for her ( good lock? ), aswell dna fathership security spreading seed, for the man ( good key). Including reversing roles. Does it matter, when my artviewer can be manipulated by narcissists with in a convinient personna via poisondripping? Writing this Iam sitting with a piece, which started as a ego work, which turned the last weeks, with in a ‚ make viewer better ‘, soul mirror.

Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

My name ‚ SEAK Claus Winkler ‚ in ‚ relationships ‚ describes opposites with in the same. Promisq – faithful. Including exit, cheat strategy’s for her ( good lock? ), aswell dna fathership security spreading seed, for the man ( good key). Including reversing roles. Does it matter, when my artviewer can be manipulated by narcissists with in a convinient personna via poisondripping? Writing this Iam sitting with a piece, which started as a ego work, which turned the last weeks, with in a ‚ make viewer better ‘, soul mirror.

Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

From the mid 90ies on to the late 2000s i saw my role in art being rebellious ( aka doing your own style/ aesthetic/ message/ context) with in the scene, being the progressive, adding fresh a fresh vibe with new technical vibes. Painting organic 3d, painting soft, antennas, taboo forms, making the intimate lies & desires society have visible. Founding my style, oeuvre on popcultural things I expierenced, lived, played with when being a child/ in my teenage years, my forefather heritage, reflecting personal experiences.
From circa 2010 i added further goals to my focus, like empowering with my work although non artists artviewers. Giving non painting themselfs people the same ego/ power/ grandiosity/ selfsucciency rush/ feeling like fellow other painting artists. I although played with a broader range of techniques beyond just mixing spraypaint with markers. Learning to accept that it takes much longer painting without spraypaint. Widening my horizon going in all kinds of directions:

– still painting with the word ‚ SEAK ‚ in mind defining boundaries.

– Painting readable painting series to self growth topics.

– Painting oil abstract paintings with brush, fingers, mixedmedia/ mixed tool techniques with and without a aesthetic vision.

– Abstract aswell as readable Portraits from my artclients.

– Expierementing with all kinds of different painting strategies, studio routines keeping the process for me exciting.

– Studying my own already known style.

– Making it my difficult challenging myself painting with for me new techniques & new strategies.

– painting paintings which makes better leaders.

– x…..

Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

Maybe I became a artist, because a childhood friend never let me play with the wartoys from his big brother. His family had fair wagons, so he had huge piles of war toys. Like chests full of military vehicles, cannons, trucks, keeps, planes, ship, tanks with in all kinds of size, quality, painted, high quality scale models, cheap plastic toy quality, real good play toy quality, in painted, in unpainted, overwhelming. I was never allowed playing with them. Maybe he saw me being a risk stealing them. The word ‘ claus ‘ with in German language implies stealing/ to nick/
Taking away. So he was full filling his honour deed to his absent brother being inspired by name, guarding, taking care of. It inspired me escaping in my own creative dream world supported by books, comics, playing with in nature with having less/ nothing, making things out of less, imagining things. At a certain point I was realizing especial when sketching, drawing that i then was closer connecting with things like computergames, narratives, then just consuming them. Especial when parallel listening to audio. I am still remembering that some tanks where handpainted. Not like from a skilled master scale modeler, just from a kid. I guess these little easy to over see unplanned details are stepping stones of influence. Before I met my friend, I had already a natural I interests in tanks. I remember a conversation in the first days kindergarten that the best German tanks were Panther, Tiger, Kingtiger, Leopard 2, Gepard. Our Kindergarten looked like regelbau Bunker complex, a 1960s/ 70s brutalism Investment architectural sin. My 3 favourite stuffed cuddle animals being a panther, leopard, and a teddy bear which I learned thru my exgirl 30 years later had the same name like a axis supportive tank. Maybe that’s why my art has a natural masculine machismo flair/ streak.

Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

Prozess Gefühle & Perspektiven von Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler: Meine Gefühle beim malen, beim process sind zum beispiel davon geprägt was Ich höre. Welche Persona hat der Protagonist, welches Grundgefühl wird transportiert? Welche Grundgefühle spiegele Ich, und komme so in den Malen process rein? Habe Ich ein Grundgefühl beim Selbstvergessenen malen? In welche Richtung steuert mich die Farb Nuance des Mediums mit dem Ich male ( Pinsel farbe/ haptik/ Logo/ Finger/ Sprühdose/ Stift/ Marker/ Stock) und die Farbe an sich mit der Ich arbeite? Oder male Ich mit der Euphorie Illusion welche Musik vermitteln kann? Grandiosity durch Rap/ Rock/ Pop/ Schlager/ Electronisch beim malen? Oder Jazz/ Oldies/ Volkslieder/ Klassische Musik, Peakperfomer Meditations sounds/ etc, beim malen? Oder setzt beim malen mit Großartigen & Euphorischen Gefühlen beim malen Reflektion & Bewustheit mit ein weil Menschen gerne den der Hervorragt gern belittled/ beneided, etc, und jede Handlung eine Form von manifesttieren ist? Ist es klüger ein Seinsbewussstein zu entwickeln beim malen, beim Prozess? Welche gefühlten Vorwegnahmen, gesteuerte Aufmerksamkeit, hinein fühlen, und Bewusstseins gesteuerten Annahmen sind die Richtigen für meinen malen prozess? Welche Rituale, Gedanken, Dinge, pre-primen mich das im Satz vorher geschriebene gut umzusätzen, bzw anzuwenden? Wie male Ich die optimalsten Gemälde? Welches Gefühl bringt mich zu welchem Malen Ergebnis im Gemälde? Welches Gefühl, Welches Seinsbewusstein in welcher Phase des malens eines Gemäldes? Welches Gefühl bringt welche Vorstellungskraft für das Gemälde? Oder Welche Vorstellungskraft bringt welches Gefühl, um das Gemälde zu malen?

Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

Prozess Gefühle & Perspektiven von Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler: Seit ein paar Jahren male, erschaffe Ich in Rotation. Ein Arbeitsschritt bei allen Arbeiten, allen Gemälde welche sich in meinen Atelier, meiner Galerie befinden. Ausnahmen sind/ waren, wenn in der Vergangenheit Anfragen für Gemälde da gewesen sind. Dann habe Ich gezielt ein Gemälde gemalt. Das Rotation System hatte Sich ergeben, weil Ich angefangen habe meine schon fertigen Gemälde zuerst von hinten, und partiell von vorne angemalt/ weiter gemalt habe. Jetzt nach circa 12 Jahren der immer weniger frustierenden Schaffensphasen, da mit jedem Arbeitsgang das Gesehene schöner, optimierter wird bzw. ist, macht auch mein Leben mehr Freude. Fühlen wir uns wie was wir sehen, wie wir das Gesehene annehmen und interpretieren? Wie machtvoll sind Farben? Allerdings stehe Ich jetzt vor einem Oeuvre wo es viel zu tun gibt. Die Gemälde brauchen präzise Details um das letzte, das beste rauszuholen, um richtig gut abzuliefern. Meine Künstler Perspektive, auch wenn das Geschmacks ist, und ein Kunstsammler, Investor das vielleicht anders sieht. Die Gemälde welcher hier sind erfordern nach meiner Meinung Details, kleinteiliges “ kompliziert ‘ aussehendes arbeiten. Wenn alle Gemälde fertig sind male Ich mit anderer Ästhetik, anderen Konzept, große Formate. Zur Zeit fühlt sich das fühlen über den Prozess so an. In die Detail kleinteiligkeit feines Malen Unfreiheit korset, dann beim Schaffen, Freiheit, Akzeptanz, sich selbst verlieren in der Aufgabe, dem Farbe auftragen, der Selbsthingabe .

Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

Prozess Gefühle & Perspektiven von Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler: Bei Kunstwerken, Gemälden welche länger als ein paar Minuten, bzw Stunden, Tage dauern, habe Ich in jeder Arbeitsphase andere Perspektiven, und Gefühle. Ich bekomme Ja beim malen z.b. durch Hörbücher, Persönlichkeitsentwicklungs/ Dokumentations Videos völlig neue Perspektiven meine Gemälde zu interpretieren, und zu verstehen. Dazu kommen neue gelernte Erfahrungen Im Zwischenmenschlichen Bereich. Wichtig ist das egal was man wie interpretiert, denkt, lernt, fühlt, einen verändert, man auf seinen täglichen Schnitt/ Pensum/ an arbeits Prozess Stunden kommt. Will heißen Farbe auf Fläche aufgetragen. Ich beschäftige mich beim malen selber, in meiner “ Freizeit / Privaten Zeit “ ( Badewanne, Film gucken, Buch lesen, Sport, laufen, Schwimmen, nahrungmittel zubereiten, wandern, Faping/ Fapp ( leicht bis garnicht bekleidete digitale Photographien von mindestens 18 Jahren alten Frauen ), mit wie Wörtern wirken, Kompositionen, klang,strukture, Vielschichtigkeit von Wörten/ Geräuschen, Werbung, Farbe, Form, Nuancen, Manipulation, Wie Wörter im Zusammenhang genutzt werden. Um mal hier einen ganz kleinen, Blick in die Dinge zu geben wo Ich mich mit beschäftige. Sowie dem verarbeiten von hunches ( spontanen dezenten, leichten Signale des Unterbewussten welche Antworten sind auf Fragen welchen man mal hatte). So wird alles zum Prozess. Ist ja eigentlich auch klar. Zur Zeit höre Ich Neville Goddard, da geht es um Bewusstsein.

Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

Künstler SEAK Claus Winklers Gefühle Wie sind meine ( SEAK Claus Winkler) Gefühle in den Phasen welche meine Gemälde haben? – Ich fühle entspannte, motivierte, ungerührte unbeeindruckte Unzufriedenheit. Mit einem Leistungsdruck, Verantwortung das es gut werden darf & kann. Das zwingt mich wieder in das jetzt. Bin Ich in dem Moment frei bin Gedanken? Auf Autopilot, durch Gedanken, den Blick, fremdgesteuert? Ich sehe die viele Arbeit die getan werden darf bzw kann, außer wenn die, bzw das Gemälde fertig ist. Die Frage wäre ob Ich ins Unbewusste Grandisositäts Ego abrutschen würde wenn mir ein Gemälde gut gelungen ist. Zur Zeit bin Ich seit circa 12 Jahren gefangen, in meiner Malen Rotation. Gemälde fertig malen, heißt gute Ideen für zukünftige Gemälde mit Geduld zurück stellen. Das beeinflusst meine Gefühle. Zur Zeit freue Ich mich, akzeptiere, vertiefe präzise Details zu malen. Die Gemälde auf den höheren Level anheben. Das unpresente Ego bleibt bescheiden geerdet, bei dem bewusst werden der vielen Arbeit. Mal abgesehen das der Maßstab durch die Maler des goldenen Holländischen Zeitalters, den flämischen Primitiven ziemlich hochgelegt wurde.

Artist, Künstler, SEAK Claus Winkler

Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler Gefühle Es gibt Momente wo ich mich richtig wohlfühle beim malen. Zum Bsp hatte ich vor ein paar Tagen so einen Moment. Bin gleichzeitig Present, konzentriert gewesen. Hatte parallel wie eigentlich immer Hörbuch gehört. Und dann gemerkt das die Worte die dann nach gekommen sind nach dem Ich mich gefragt hatte wo dieser gute Moment hergekommen ist, und das das dem im Hintergrund meiner Wahrnehmung laufenden Hörbuch zutun hat, die Worte gehört welche mich zu dem guten Gefühl brachten. Wie geht das? Ist eine Mischung aus Ich habe das Hörbuch schon gehört, und weiß das diese Stelle kommt, und greife Gefühlsstechnisch vor. „ SEAK Claus Winkler „, und parallel weil selbiges passiert mir auch bei Hörbüchern/ Dokus/ Filmen, Etc, die Ich das erste mal höre. Ich spüre schon ein paar Sekunden, circa Minute / x Minuten vorher was passiert bzw gesagt wird und fühle/ ahne es, und reagiere darauf bevor es passiert. Als Gefühl was bewertet im Sinn von Gut/ schlecht/ Etc kann man das nicht bewerten. Es beeinflusst allerdings meinen Prozess.