SEAK Claus Winkler: „S“
Category Archives: Information
Digitale Malerei Studien für richtige Malerei Werke auf Leinwand.
SEAK Claus Winkler: „S“
I can’t decide which variant I like more.
I think I will paint both in the future, in oil, Acryl or with spraycans
SEAK Claus Winkler: „S“Digital watercolor pixel painting study. Testing painting ideas for real. Composition, mood, atmosphere. This here is a huge „S“.
Digital pixel „a“ painting study & real life painted „a“‘s.
SEAK Claus Winkler: „a“, Pixel painting, painting program from the telephone.
SEAK Claus Winkler: „a“, spraypaint on brick, 2001, Birmingham, UK, Thanks to Molotow Premium, Shok1, Graphotism.
SEAK Claus Winkler: „a“, Planning digital my future paintings.
SEAK Claus Winkler: „a“, beginning 2000er years, spraypaint on concrete, on the roof of the Vienna academy of fine arts, Austria.
SEAK Claus Winkler: „a“, Digital pixel painting studies.
SEAK Claus Winkler: „a“
SEAK Claus Winkler: „a“, Spraypaint, airbrush, marker, on canvas, beginning 2000er years. (Black and white photo/filter, the original is colorful)
Comparing display pixel painted pieces with analog real world pieces
SEAK Claus Winkler:
This, is a work in progress „Seak style“.
Artist SEAK Claus Winkler just continued drawing and painting this with basic painting function from his small screen basic smartphone.
It is still in the process.
Check in tomorrow or the next days to see the progression.
Below are a few „Seak styles“ from real life.
To give you comparison, and some more context.
The photos from the pieces painted on canvas/ cardboard, are from a few minutes ago.
The photos from the wallpaintings (murals) are from when SEAK Claus Winkler painted them.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
A Seak Style (or Seak piece ) from 1998/1999 ish, spraycan (spraypaint spray technique) on canvas.
Bote here, due enough length, or wideness, the „K“ is longer, in its modern way, full visible.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
A Seak Style piece from 2024.
spraycan spray technique, airbrush spraypainting technique, brush, acrylics, on pertinax sleeping-room cabin sidewall instead of a canvas or a metal plate. Hyper detailed, hyper akribic. Fine art.
SEAK Claus Winkler: 2 Seak styles, Ink pencil on paper, style studies, drawn/ sketched in the roestbar, in an travel sketch/ idea/ blackbook, in münster, Westphalia, somewhere between 2013-2017 ish.
SEAK Claus Winkler: „SEAK“ style piece, Urbis Museum, Manchester, United Kingdom, beginning 2000er years, spraycan on wood.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
On canvas, hanging at the studio/ gallery wall, a Seak style painted with markers and spraycans, in 2011.
SEAK Claus Winkler: Another Seak style piece, painted with spraycans, and brush, acrylics, on canvas, 2010 – 2024
SEAK Claus Winkler: „Seak“ style piece, 1990s, Exhaus, Trier, germany. Spraypaint on concrete.
SEAK Claus Winkler: Work in progress Close up zoomed in screenshots from artist SEAK Claus Winkler Digital pixel painting with his smartphone.
This part of the painting is the upper part from the letter „S“.
The „S“ has two upper „S“ bows.
This here a larger blue light purple, and a small olive green dirty yellow one.
The painting style is in detail rough, and raw like Van Gogh, or like a confident 5-6 year old with crayons which had during the drawing process his first espresso.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
This part is the round part from the iconic german painters signature small „a“.
The left part from the part which is around the hole from the small letter „a“.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
This part shows that little hook/ serif, at the lower right part from the small „a“.
It’s painted with the draw function form the photo album/ notes function from the smartphone.
Artist SEAK Claus Winkker might take these screenshot close ups, and paint them with an airless compressor or with spraycans on a large house, or a canvas.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
For fun, and out of laziness, and to get his mind clear, artist SEAK Claus Winkler sometimes draws on his smartphone screen digital pixel paintings.
He started painting digital circa 8 ish years ago.
SEAK Claus Winkler: A digital display painted „SEAK „ Tag signature.
The artist has different styles signing his work. Usual his work is
Signed lower right, aswell as on the backside, sometimes although on the side of the painting.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
This detail shows the upper right bar from the „K“.
In detail, all details and structures are painted with a rogue stroke, with a childish, playtoy aesthetic conotations.
Enjoy the creative energy set free with in you.
SEAK Claus Winkler: the hole from the small „a“.
Some times the holes with in the German painters styles and Letters look like opened up assholes, some times like vulvas, some times like the hole in the glans, sometimes like neutral suggestion which can be interpreted in all directions.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
In this digital display finger painted painting, SEAK Claus Winkler painted his usual known paintlayer based mech 3d organic Letter pieces.
A few years ago he although painted digital landscape paintings & stilllife paintings, with a neo impressionists/ neo expressionists/ pointillism flow.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
SEAK Claus Winkler‘s art is built up on paint layers.
Painting with digital painting programs is a fun side step, and a good opportunity playing with different ideas, effects, and paths.
SEAK Claus Winkler: This Phallus form, is the in to right direction going lower bow , from the small „e“.
(Which goes up). The digital pixel paint brush like strokes suggests acrylic/ oil brush strokes.
Meme Netzfunde/ Netfounds: For Leftists Normies/ Npc‘s a Hic sunt dracones posting
((💪🏻👌🏻👍🏻✌🏻14 Remigration Bevölkerungsaustausch Odin The white gxnxcxde replacement, Bevölkerungsaustausch, Volkstod, No more whites, Schuldkult, Schuldkrüppelei, Kaligeri Plan, Hooton Plan, Henry Morgenthau Plan, Stephen Steinlight Plan, Mustererkennung ist Rassismus, Wahrheit ist Lüge, Die Regierung lügt.)
Meiner Meinung nach / mutmaßlich/ Kunstfreiheit/ Schützenswerte Gestaltungshöhe/ Gesamtkunstwerk
Die einzelnen Memes sind von vielen genialen Meme Lords, und Digitalen Künstlern angefertigt worden, und sind Netzfunde und zu diesem ebenfalls digitalen Gesamtkunstwerk zusammen gefunden und collagiert.
Falls Ihnen die Fühli Kognitive Dissonanz Kosten zu hoch sind, dann ignorieren Sie es doch, sowie Sie die Korruption und Verbrechen der Regierung, und die Messerangriffe und Massenvergenusswurzelungen ignorieren.
Sie können auch ein Kunstwerk von mir kaufen, um das alles erfolgreich zu verdrängen, oder noch optimaler, in ihren Schatten zu internalisieren, um später klar zukommen.
( Ist die gesunde Variante))
Ps: Gucken Sie unbedingt über Apps/ oder Webseiten wie aufgarkeinen Fall: Telegram, Rumble, Goyimtv, gtvflyers, oder Odysee nicht die Filme:
- “ Europa Die letzte Schlacht” ( Englishe Original Version: Europa The last battle)
( Der Account Ich den Film gerade gucke, er geht insgesamt 12 Stunden ist der von @Honkler (Einen grüner Regenbogen Perücke Pepe Frosch als Logo) auf der App Odysee)
- “ Everything is a rich man’s “ trick (dauert 3-4 Stunden). Den Film gibt es sogar auch auf YouTube.
- “ Occupied” von Stew Peters
Zum suchen sich angewöhnen anstatt den stark zensierten Suchmaschinen wie Google, lieber Yandex & Bing nutzen.
“ Der Schuldkult steht exemplarisch für ein historisches Bewusstsein, das unvereinbar ist mit deutschem Leben in Deutschland. “ Zitat: Philipp Huemer (Telegram/ via Martin Sellner)
„Diese deutsche Psychose muss jetzt aufhören, zu glauben wir hätten als Volk kein Recht auf Glück. Wir seien nicht mal ein Volk, als hätte es die Summe unserer parallel verlaufenden Familiengeschichten nie gegeben. Wird Zeit, mit diesen ganzen Habecks abzuschließen.“
Zitat: Alexander Wallasch
Iam from Germany. Don’t get too excited. The leftist government we are having installed last year a turbo citizenship Program. Anyone who is in Germany for 3years, knows a few words in German, and can answer a few known common knowledge question can become a citizen.
Iam supporting the AfD. They aren’t real right wing. I wish they would. It’s like the system has installed them as a counter balance to secure the replacement. There is a 20 year old article by Stephen Steinlight which explains the dynamic. The ego wants to hope, that AfD is right wing enough.
„Softies and lefties will never stop failing“ Quote: John Pxxxxx
Pixel study drawing, planning my paintings.
SEAK Claus Winkler: In anticipation of painting it like that in real life, in large, with different medias/ techniques.
SEAK Claus Winkler: SEAK Claus Winkler: „S“
Work in progress digital/ pixel painting/ drawing.
Having fun painting my style with the phones standard drawing function, instead of with oil, acrylics, spraycan spraypaint technique.
SEAK Claus Winkler: This version/ state of this in process pixel painting is my favorite.
SEAK Claus Winkler: „S“
Work in progress.
To be continued
Describing artist SEAK Claus Winkler & his art.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
With what materials & techniques is the german (ethnic german/ pro white) artist/ painter SEAK Claus Winkler painting and working?
SEAK Claus Winkler paints at on canvas, walls/ concrete/ brick, metal, paper, wood.
The artist is painting is paintings from all sides.
He works with spraycans & multi-purpose acrylic-based hybrid-paint, both from Belton Molotow Premium.
He depending on his budget is buying all kinds of acrylics and oil
paint, in all kinds of qualities.
He sometimes get paint & materials donated pro bono.
On wallpaintings ( Murals) he is although painting with dispersion outside (Fassaden) acryl paint.
He would paint much more with oil paint.
He just first must take the acrylic based painting layers to the highest development level, before he can paint the layer/ layers with oil paint.
You can’t over paint oil paint, it would come off.
Regarding utilizing techniques, SEAK Claus Winkler paints with spraycans, brushes, airbrush pistols, airless compressors (guns), paint roller, fingers (Acrylics/ oil ).
Sometimes he although paints with textile rests.
Drawings, sketches, etc with all pens, pencils, though usual in majority with fine liner marker (Molotow premium), copic/ Pantone/ stylefile marker, and ink school pens.
I although love painting with oil just throwing gushing it on the canvas, and mixing the oil paint with just moving the canvas.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
The figurative elements artist SEAK Claus Winkler is painting and drawing in majority since the late 1980s are based on letters, are stylized letters.
Since the beginning 1990s he focuses on painting, drawing, studying, presenting, characterizing, and utilizing the letters/ word “ S e a k / S E A K / SEAK “.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
This the left side of the upper bow from the letter “S”.
It is painted with spraypaint from spraycans, and acrylics with brushes, on plastic, artificial canvas.
Artist SEAK Claus Winkler already love how it looks, though He will add future finer nuanced akribic details.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Thats is the complexity, nuance, akribic richness level with in a work in progress painting (spraypaint/ brush/ acrylics/ maybe later airbrush gun), where it starts looking good, from artist SEAK Claus Winkler’s perspective.
A first glimpse, hunch, where there is a visual haptic evidence that the painting starts having quality.
It’s like when you check out bakery’s, and you study from up close, from the side the cake piece on the display.
I have a few paintings either in my process carousel rotation at that fine art level.
SEAK Claus Winkler: Claus Winkler, better known as “SEAK”, is a german artist.
He influenced & mesmerized with his unique unusual nonconform style & painting technique, since the late 1990s multiple generations of artists, graffiti writers, street artist, taggers, painters, creatives, the art world, artists, illustrators, and society.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Modern Contemporary Art
SEAK Claus Winkler:
With smaller brushes i will sculpt here further akribic details.
Keeping the rough rogue raw childish playful stroke/ vibe.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
The german painter SEAK Claus Winkler isn’t showing, showcasing in any gallery’s.
If you want to buy, acquire, invest in a piece by the artist, you can buy direct from the artist.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
When aquiring a painting by artist SEAK Claus Winkler, you can have as an certificate of authenticity, and to have a deeper understanding about the work, a video where the artist is explaining it from different perspectives.
SEAK Claus Winkler: The artist has no social live in exhcange for being very productive, having the privilege to paint the paintings himself, on his own.
SEAK Claus Winkler: No price list, no art catalog with works, no gallery, no exhibitions, etc. you can purchase SEAK Claus Winkler Direct from him.
SEAK Claus Winkler: building up layers & 3d depth
SEAK Claus Winkler:
My art via/ in context with my name describes, foresees, reflects, nudges, steers, inspires, hunch glitches, makes evident, the world politics, society dynamics.
The power energies, social dynamics. In between people, countries, deepstate, usrael, Oy to the vey vey to the oy, left right framing, the system, the agenda, etc.
it’s not so much the paintings.
It’s first my artist name SEAK Claus Winkler, then the paintings.
It’s rather i have cursed the world, or iam in rapport with the world, and mirroring and pacing the world, or iam leading, and the world is pacing me, and my art.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
How can I help artist SEAK Claus Winkler to get inspired to make art which steers white people allround the world to make more white babies?
SEAK Claus Winkler: Do what you want.
SEAK Claus Winkler: My creative process is painting in rotation carousel on all paintings i have with in the particular studio.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
This round shape with a hole, spraypainted and painted with brush and acrylics, by SEAK Claus Winkler, is the round part with the whole from the small “a”.
It is though it already looks great, work in progress. Here on a canvas painted it is a small detail. It would be although fun painting it in 12 meter x 22 Meter on the side of a 4 stories high house/ building side wall. Inside or outside.
SEAK Claus Winkler: SEAK Claus Winkler, born 1974, in cologne (Köln) Germany, he Utilized the first time the spraycan for painting art in the late 1980s.
In the late 1970s he painted his first drawings and paintings.
SEAK Claus Winkler: The works of SEAK Claus Winkler has since the late 1990s inspired artists allround the world.
SEAK Claus Winkler: How do you interpretate SEAK Claus Winkler‘s art?
SEAK Claus Winkler: no idea
SEAK Claus Winkler: purchase art direct from the artist.
Pixel painting. Ich stelle mir vor es wäre Öl.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Es macht einfach Spass wie die digitalen Farben auf der Leinwand wirken.
Ich stelle mir dann vor es wäre in echt, und es wäre Öl.
So auf das wesentliche reduzierte, farblich, Detail technisch eher einfach minimale Arbeiten sind auch sehr geil.
Die meisten Werke von mir sind ja eher dich und Complex gemalt.
In Wahrheit sehnt sich ein Teil von mir so einfache, skizzenhafte, minimale, oder Einfarbig/ monochrome, starke Werke mit wenig Farben zu malen.
in digging
Iam having fun, playing with the standard basic finger painting pixel drawing function.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
German Contemporary Artist SEAK Claus Winkler started a new “Seak” style.
This time digital.
Check in tomorrow, to see the progress.
It’s a fun, sitting on the studio couch, digesting the food concept.
It is pixel painted with fingers, using the phone’s photo album’s basic standard sketch & draw function.
The german painter, with his meta motto “Mach was du willst “
( Do what you want ).
SEAK Claus Winkler painted & exhibited invited in sofar around 27 countries these Seak styles, on walls in large and small.
The digital over painting painting is in a beginning stage of the work process.
Meme Netzfunde/ Netfounds: Don‘t use there language. The replacement isn’t great! It’s a white gen…..!
Der Titel dieses Pfosting ist ein Zitat von Handsome truth (Goyimtv/ gtvflyers), Von seinem aktuellen kurz Video von Telegram.
((💪🏻👌🏻👍🏻✌🏻14 Remigration Bevölkerungsaustausch Odin The white gxnxcxde replacement, Bevölkerungsaustausch, Volkstod, No more whites, Schuldkult, Schuldkrüppelei, Kaligeri aPlan, Hooton Plan, Henry Morgenthau Plan, Stephen Steinlight Plan, Mustererkennung ist Rassismus, Wahrheit ist Lüge, Die Regierung lügt.)
Meiner Meinung nach / mutmaßlich/ Kunstfreiheit/ Schützenswerte Gestaltungshöhe/ Gesamtkunstwerk
Die einzelnen Memes sind von vielen genialen Meme Lords, und Digitalen Künstlern angefertigt worden, und sind Netzfunde und zu diesem ebenfalls digitalen Gesamtkunstwerk zusammen gefunden und collagiert.
Falls Ihnen die Fühli Kognitive Dissonanz Kosten zu hoch sind, dann ignorieren Sie es doch, sowie Sie die Korruption und Verbrechen der Regierung, und die Messerangriffe und Massenvergenusswurzelungen ignorieren.
Sie können auch ein Kunstwerk von mir kaufen, um das alles erfolgreich zu verdrängen, oder noch optimaler, in ihren Schatten zu internalisieren, um später klar zukommen.
( Ist die gesunde Variante))
Ps: Gucken Sie unbedingt über Apps/ oder Webseiten wie aufgarkeinen Fall: Telegram, Rumble, Goyimtv, gtvflyers, oder Odysee nicht die Filme:
- “ Europa Die letzte Schlacht” ( Englishe Original Version: Europa The last battle)
( Der Account Ich den Film gerade gucke, er geht insgesamt 12 Stunden ist der von @Honkler (Einen grüner Regenbogen Perücke Pepe Frosch als Logo) auf der App Odysee)
- “ Everything is a rich man’s “ trick (dauert 3-4 Stunden). Den Film gibt es sogar auch auf YouTube.
- “ Occupied” von Stew Peters
Zum suchen sich angewöhnen anstatt den stark zensierten Suchmaschinen wie Google, lieber Yandex & Bing nutzen.
„ Nur der dümmste Trottel glaubt noch das wir in einer Demokratie leben „ (Zitat: Maximilian Pütz (Casanova Coaching ))
Erik Ahrens entwickelt sich neben Martin Sellner zu einem der wichtigsten im Rechten Vorfeld. Bzw wird es sichtbar. Gucken.
Die Videos die Ich teile habe Ich alle selber am Tag/ an den Tagen vor dem Pfosten selber geguckt.
Sie sind so wichtig und so gut, das Ich der Meinung bin Ihr Du sollst/ musst/ darfst Sie sehen. M
ein Anspruch bei dem was Ich pfoste ist Schlafschaf Normie Npc’s Flach bis garnicht Denker, interessierte Boomer, Zoomer Systemlinge, Betas, Soy boys, A alphas, bluegills, manosphäre praxeologie redpilled, Frisch Aufgewachte, Alte Hasen, Alte Garde, junge und alte Wölfe gleicher Massen positive zu inhalieren und einen Mehrwert zu liefern.
Im Ideal wachen sogar die Systemschützer, Zensoren, und die welche hier beruflich mit lesen mit auf, und handeln in meinem, unserem Sinn.
Ich hätte diesen Text jetzt auch überall drunter machen können.
Pflichtprogramm/ Essenziell.
Die hatten mich mal letztes Jahr über insta wegen Interview angefragt. Hatte denen zuspät geantwortet.
Wichtiges Video. Für Profis.
„ Die welche Verrat begehen, werden Angst vor anderen Verrätern haben. „
Ua die Dynamik der erweiterten Hoepium Strategie für Fortgeschrittene erklärt.
Von/ Link:
Digital painting by artist SEAK Claus Winkler. Pixel on Screen, 2025
Thanks to Maria, for the photo background:
Digital painting by artist SEAK Claus Winkler. Pixel on Screen, 2025
Thanks to Maria, for the photo background:
Digital painting by artist SEAK Claus Winkler. Pixel on Screen, 2025
Thanks to Maria, for the photo background:
Digital painting by artist SEAK Claus Winkler. Pixel on Screen, 2025
Thanks to Maria, for the photo background:
“ my fellow whites…”
„ Grüne sind Linke, die zu Geld gekommen sind und sich dafür hassen. „ Digital painting by artist SEAK Claus Winkler. Pixel on Screen, 2025
Thanks to Maria, for the photo background:
They ruin the fabric of society
Radio Tip: ShowAgenten Radio!
Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler: signing a guestbook, in/ at an exhibition in a state museum.