Ethnic german artist SEAK Claus Winkler writing about his art.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

Here a few postings showing variations from the habtic surface structure from my paintings.

It gives impressions how my art looks from up close.

When i have a client here iam selling my art to, he usual sees a much smaller selection to choose his or her piece to purchase from.

The reasons why people are liking my art can variate.

I guess they are differ with each artbuyer.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

Here a few postings showing variations from the habtic surface structure from my paintings.

It gives impressions how my art looks from up close.

When i have a client here iam selling my art to, he usual sees a much smaller selection to choose his or her piece to purchase from.

The reasons why people are liking my art can variate.

I guess they are differ with each artbuyer.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

My paintings are painted with all kinds of different techniques, on different mediums.

Material iam painting my art on is canvas, wood, paper, cardboard, metal.

In 99 percent of the time i have painted although the backside from the painting equal complex or good.

Iam mixing spraycans, airbrush pistol, Acryl, marker, pencil, roller paint, oil paint, ink, anything I can get my hands on.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

My paintings are painted with all kinds of different techniques, on different mediums.

Material iam painting my art on is canvas, wood, paper, cardboard, metal.

In 99 percent of the time i have painted although the backside from the painting equal complex or good.

Iam mixing spraycans, airbrush pistol, Acryl, marker, pencil, roller paint, oil paint, ink, anything I can get my hands on.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

This is here is is sofar a rare painting, where i just was painting in oil.

Its on a canvas, framed, staple gunned over a wooden plate.

I have although a few larger paintings where I painted from one side just with/ in oil.

The other side, the backside are painted in mixed media.

In the future I will paint more with in oil. I love oil.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

This is here is is sofar a rare painting, where i just was painting in oil.

Its on a canvas, framed, staple gunned over a wooden plate.

I have although a few larger paintings where I painted from one side just with/ in oil.

The other side, the backside are painted in mixed media.

In the future I will paint more with in oil. I love oil.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

From circa 2010 on I had a phase from circa 1-2 years where i painted painted paintings on canvas, stretched over wood, i found.

In the years later i started after first signing them on the back, although full color & effort painting them.

In that process i altbough painting the backside from all my other paintings with in my persation from my oeuvre.

Infact i don’t know anymore, if i first started painting the wooden plate 2010-2011 paintings backsides, or the other canvas paintings backsides i had here, or with stack of works of papers.
SEAK Claus Winkler:

From circa 2010 on I had a phase from circa 1-2 years where i painted painted paintings on canvas, stretched over wood, i found.

In the years later i started after first signing them on the back, although full color & effort painting them.

In that process i altbough painting the backside from all my other paintings with in my persation from my oeuvre.

Infact i don’t know anymore, if i first started painting the wooden plate 2010-2011 paintings backsides, or the other canvas paintings backsides i had here, or with stack of works of papers.
SEAK Claus Winkler:

In the artworld the winners are defined and declared in the beginning, by the gatekeepers and large mega dealers and the cartels.

The game is rigged, and sharks pool where shark have a further shark pool with in the shark pool where they play with other smaller sharks.

That’s why iam putting so much quality and akribic details with in my art.

Iam trying to beat that system by not even trying to participate.

That is liberating. I opens the possibility to be being pro white, painting and progressing paintings over multiple decades.

On the flip side, my paintings are bounding so much invested time and energy, that they become expensive. Although even by super rich uhnwi standards.

Who cares? I wasted my life anyway, being in rooms, painting, being alone, (and happy/ fulfilled with my self.

(It was a process).

Theoretically I can paint any time something cool and fast, and although for me uplifting due just the mere change of routine, on some wall. Instead of selling a painting.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

In the artworld the winners are defined and declared in the beginning, by the gatekeepers and large mega dealers and the cartels.

The game is rigged, and sharks pool where shark have a further shark pool with in the shark pool where they play with other smaller sharks.

That’s why iam putting so much quality and akribic details with in my art.

Iam trying to beat that system by not even trying to participate.

That is liberating. I opens the possibility to be being pro white, painting and progressing paintings over multiple decades.

On the flip side, my paintings are bounding so much invested time and energy, that they become expensive. Although even by super rich uhnwi standards.

Who cares? I wasted my life anyway, being in rooms, painting, being alone, (and happy/ fulfilled with my self.

(It was a process).

Theoretically I can paint any time something cool and fast, and although for me uplifting due just the mere change of routine, on some wall. Instead of selling a painting.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

The painting has with in the background from many different faded dusted with spraycans with different colors, and tonality’s.

I later have sprayed a layer clear coat, over the hyper multi single pigmented visible surface.

Then I painted a SEAK style with spraycans, markers, and a little airbrush with in this environment.

A few years later, circa 10 years, I started in parts splash gush painting with oils over parts from the SEAK style.

Making it a bit complicated and unusual.

Then later I brushed with Acryl in parts of the visible parts from the SEAK style.

Before I did that I taped masking tape little mini stickers, which I might declare being a pert from the painting?

SEAK Claus Winkler:

The painting has with in the background from many different faded dusted with spraycans with different colors, and tonality’s.

I later have sprayed a layer clear coat, over the hyper multi single pigmented visible surface.

Then I painted a SEAK style with spraycans, markers, and a little airbrush with in this environment.

A few years later, circa 10 years, I started in parts splash gush painting with oils over parts from the SEAK style.

Making it a bit complicated and unusual.

Then later I brushed with Acryl in parts of the visible parts from the SEAK style.

Before I did that I taped masking tape little mini stickers, which I might declare being a pert from the painting?
SEAK Claus Winkler:

Also dieses Bild von einem Ausschnitt von meinem Gemälde von mir habe Ich mit Absicht rein gemacht in dieses Blog Pfosting.


Weil die Leute teilweise positive auf schlechte Motive, Photos, oder Kunstwerke reagieren. Als wenn die das mit Absicht machen?

Wahrscheinlich ein inferior komplex. Mann will sich sagen, das hätte ich auch gekonnt?

Oder vielleicht einfach nur, weil es für das Auge leichter ist?

SEAK Claus Winkler:

Also dieses Bild von einem Ausschnitt von meinem Gemälde von mir habe Ich mit Absicht rein gemacht in dieses Blog Pfosting.


Weil die Leute teilweise positive auf schlechte Motive, Photos, oder Kunstwerke reagieren. Als wenn die das mit Absicht machen?

Wahrscheinlich ein inferior komplex. Mann will sich sagen, das hätte ich auch gekonnt?

Oder vielleicht einfach nur, weil es für das Auge leichter ist?

SEAK Claus Winkler:

Here you can see a part where i faded (strategic dusted visible multiple layers of spraypaint to create spraypaint/ tone/ nuance/ dark light/ warm cold/ you naming it transition/ contrast.

I did it with spraypaint with spraycans with a wide nozzle, cap, a super fat cap.

Usual the part where it is light, is where the the most paint is. Iam usual painting from dark to light.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

Here you can see a part where i faded (strategic dusted visible multiple layers of spraypaint to create spraypaint/ tone/ nuance/ dark light/ warm cold/ you naming it transition/ contrast.

I did it with spraypaint with spraycans with a wide nozzle, cap, a super fat cap.

Usual the part where it is light, is where the the most paint is. Iam usual painting from dark to light.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

This is the upper part from my letter “K”, painted with spraycans and ink acrylics with brush.

It is in part painted on wooden frame, and glas. The red/ light red orange part is spraycan spraypaint.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

This is the upper part from my letter “K”, painted with spraycans and ink acrylics with brush.

It is in part painted on wooden frame, and glas. The red/ light red orange part is spraycan spraypaint.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

Here you see a with two colors, black and green Claus Winkler signature, by me, the artist.

In between the Claus & Winkler I have drawn or sketched with a pencil a small “a”.

My small has a from a basic form sometimes the ground form of an exclamation mark, or a microphone upside down.

Or the silhouette from asshole and Vulva.

Though Iam style my letters usual tech mecha functional.

My intention was with painting the details there green, on the yellow ocre like wooden canvas frame structure.

It inspires positive pro social energy.

Though the conotations in my name, the effect from my art can although have the opposite effect, or a virtue signaling effect.

So observe careful the patterns my art inspires with in the different people.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

Here you see a with two colors, black and green Claus Winkler signature, by me, the artist.

In between the Claus & Winkler I have drawn or sketched with a pencil a small “a”.

My small has a from a basic form sometimes the ground form of an exclamation mark, or a microphone upside down.

Or the silhouette from asshole and Vulva.

Though Iam style my letters usual tech mecha functional.

My intention was with painting the details there green, on the yellow ocre like wooden canvas frame structure.

It inspires positive pro social energy.

Though the conotations in my name, the effect from my art can although have the opposite effect, or a virtue signaling effect.

So observe careful the patterns my art inspires with in the different people.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

This grey pencil element is my letter “K”.

Iam having a circa 35 years of history & tradition of sketching, painting, drawing, creating, and styling letters.

I painted the with a marker all the green, to inspire optimal social vibes, taming the ego.

The photo shows the backside of the framing structure of a large painting.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

This grey pencil element is my letter “K”.

Iam having a circa 35 years of history & tradition of sketching, painting, drawing, creating, and styling letters.

I painted the with a marker all the green, to inspire optimal social vibes, taming the ego.

The photo shows the backside of the framing structure of a large painting.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

Die rechte obere Ecke eines meiner Meisterwerke/ Schlüssel Werke.

Dicker Museums Rahmen, 6,5cm dick.

Leinwand nach hinten umgeklappt dran getackert.

Acryl, Marker, Krapp Lack (Öl ish?). Auf der Innenseite ein blaues “T” wo ich ein weiteres kleineres blaues “T” rein abgeklebt habe.

Muss ich noch weiter malen? Das Gemälde ist eigentlich schon fertig, von allen Seiten?

SEAK Claus Winkler:

Die rechte obere Ecke eines meiner Meisterwerke/ Schlüssel Werke.

Dicker Museums Rahmen, 6,5cm dick.

Leinwand nach hinten umgeklappt dran getackert.

Acryl, Marker, Krapp Lack (Öl ish?). Auf der Innenseite ein blaues “T” wo ich ein weiteres kleineres blaues “T” rein abgeklebt habe.

Muss ich noch weiter malen? Das Gemälde ist eigentlich schon fertig, von allen Seiten?

SEAK Claus Winkler: painted in oil on a small compact detailed akribic wooden plate. On the other side is a canvas stapled in a different style and technique painted, or spraypainted.

SEAK Claus Winkler: painted in oil on a small compact detailed akribic wooden plate. On the other side is a canvas stapled in a different style and technique painted, or spraypainted.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

I like the dark rich green acrylic paint stroke. It reminds of the female reproductive organ. The letter in the background below the clear coat is a large capital „N“.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

I like the dark rich green acrylic paint stroke. It reminds of the female reproductive organ. The letter in the background below the clear coat is a large capital „N“.

SEAK Claus Winkler: The details here are so akribic, cause I painted them all with markers.

Just the thin lines are masking tape painted with in oil.

The cracks in the background in cool light color, comes from the spraypaint layer.

Sometimes spraycan can crack like oil paintings from the Dutch golden age, etc.

The grey round element is the left part from a small letter “e”.

SEAK Claus Winkler: The details here are so akribic, cause I painted them all with markers.

Just the thin lines are masking tape painted with in oil.

The cracks in the background in cool light color, comes from the spraypaint layer.

Sometimes spraycan can crack like oil paintings from the Dutch golden age, etc.

The grey round element is the left part from a small letter “e”.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

These small stripes I painted in oil. Behind, or under the oil stripes, is a clear coat.

Below/ under the firnis clear coat are in parts multiple layers of spraypaint acrylics.

Aswell as some ink, pencil, and the from the manufacturer white washed pre primed grounding first layer of paint, White, on the canvas.

The canvas itself is staple gunned on a piece of wooden plate.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

These small stripes I painted in oil. Behind, or under the oil stripes, is a clear coat.

Below/ under the firnis clear coat are in parts multiple layers of spraypaint acrylics.

Aswell as some ink, pencil, and the from the manufacturer white washed pre primed grounding first layer of paint, White, on the canvas.

The canvas itself is staple gunned on a piece of wooden plate.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

Below this oil paint noodles or pasta like 3d organic flame like stripes, is the word “Nein” (German for “No”) painted in a mix of spraypaint, marker, acrylics, in a oldschool Bock simple style.

Just the Letter “N” on the right site is visible. Like almost all my paintings, i painted all sides from my paintings.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

Below this oil paint noodles or pasta like 3d organic flame like stripes, is the word “Nein” (German for “No”) painted in a mix of spraypaint, marker, acrylics, in a oldschool Bock simple style.

Just the Letter “N” on the right site is visible. Like almost all my paintings, i painted all sides from my paintings.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

This like this since around 2016 ish like that.

The tape flakes, mini stripes are painted with oil paint, aswell as the blue and other color parts are although oil. It’s on the backside of a painting painted on canvas.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

This like this since around 2016 ish like that.

The tape flakes, mini stripes are painted with oil paint, aswell as the blue and other color parts are although oil. It’s on the backside of a painting painted on canvas.