((💪🏻👌🏻👍🏻✌🏻14 Remigration Bevölkerungsaustausch Odin
There is Nothing great about being replaced, stop using there language and terminology,
replacement, Bevölkerungsaustausch, Volkstod, No more whites, Schuldkult, Schuldkrüppelei, Kaligeri Plan, Hooton Plan, Henry Morgenthau Plan, Stephen Steinlight Plan, Mustererkennung ist Rassismus, Wahrheit ist Lüge, Die Regierung lügt.)
Meiner Meinung nach / mutmaßlich/ Kunstfreiheit/ Schützenswerte Gestaltungshöhe/ Gesamtkunstwerk
Die einzelnen Memes sind von vielen genialen Meme Lords, und Digitalen Künstlern angefertigt worden, und sind Netzfunde und zu diesem ebenfalls digitalen Gesamtkunstwerk zusammen gefunden und collagiert.
Falls Ihnen die Fühli Kognitive Dissonanz Kosten zu hoch sind, dann ignorieren Sie es doch, sowie Sie die Korruption und Verbrechen der Regierung, und die Messerangriffe und Massenvergenusswurzelungen ignorieren.
Sie können auch ein Kunstwerk von mir kaufen, um das alles erfolgreich zu verdrängen, oder noch optimaler, in ihren Schatten zu internalisieren, um später klar zukommen.
( Ist die gesunde Variante))
Ps: Gucken Sie unbedingt über Apps/ oder Webseiten wie aufgarkeinen Fall: Telegram, Rumble, Goyimtv, gtvflyers, oder Odysee nicht die Filme:
- “ Europa Die letzte Schlacht” ( Englishe Original Version: Europa The last battle)
( Der Account Ich den Film gerade gucke, er geht insgesamt 12 Stunden ist der von @Honkler (Einen grüner Regenbogen Perücke Pepe Frosch als Logo) auf der App Odysee)
- “ Everything is a rich man’s “ trick (dauert 3-4 Stunden). Den Film gibt es sogar auch auf YouTube.
- “ Occupied” von Stew Peters
Zum suchen sich angewöhnen anstatt den stark zensierten Suchmaschinen wie Google, lieber Yandex & Bing nutzen.

I painted these digital paintings this morning.
I still not had breakfast, a shower, a cup of coffee.
At least I have already brushed my teeth. Anyways.
I already posted these, from me digital painted paintings already in ten Chat from Martin Sellner, and Ht, on telegram.
I have already shared them with a few contacts from telegram.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
I painted these digital paintings this morning.
I still not had breakfast, a shower, a cup of coffee.
At least I have already brushed my teeth. Anyways.
I already posted these, from me digital painted paintings already in ten Chat from Martin Sellner, and Ht, on telegram.
I have already shared them with a few contacts from telegram.

SEAK Claus Winkler: It’s a great way learning handwriting, composition, etc.

SEAK Claus Winkler: having fun is in important factor when painting art

You are witnessing here my computer abilities.
Painting with my thumb on my small phone screen. Thats it. Sofar. Iam an oldschool Artist/ old master.
SEAK Claus Winkler: I have zero computer or adobe photo shop or ki/ai skills.
You are witnessing here my computer abilities.
Painting with my thumb on my small phone screen. Thats it. Sofar. Iam an oldschool Artist/ old master.

Maybe I should paint more nice thinks.
Helping boomers escape the population shithole pre civil phase they have created.
Helping boomers to escape into there naive arrogant toxic anti white decadency matrix with art.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Maybe I should paint more nice thinks.
Helping boomers escape the population shithole pre civil phase they have created.
Helping boomers to escape into there naive arrogant toxic anti white decadency matrix with art.

SEAK Claus Winkler: How to wake up boomer, Normies, npc’s, gulliable betas, cucks, sheeple, simps, white knights, race traitors, etc, with art?

SEAK Claus Winkler: if you want to collect my oeuvre, building up a serious art collection, you can start with my digital art.

SEAK Claus Winkler: I would prefer father white babies, raising them outside the system.

Iam too expensive. But you can scroll down, and learn more about my art, and my artistic path and life.
Make yourself useful, support me with in your means. Have fun. Thank you.
SEAK Claus Winkler: if you landed here on my blog, cause you want to buy, and invest in art.
Iam too expensive. But you can scroll down, and learn more about my art, and my artistic path and life.
Make yourself useful, support me with in your means. Have fun. Thank you.

SEAK Claus Winkler: Name one thing you like about the art from SEAK Claus Winkler.

I painted another one.
I am curious how much my art collectors know about non official state dictated history, social engineering, who holds power, etc?
How based and informed are the people who can afford my art?
SEAK Claus Winkler:
I painted another one.
I am curious how much my art collectors know about non official state dictated history, social engineering, who holds power, etc?
How based and informed are the people who can afford my art?

This artwork (Kunstwerk/ digital painting) has that yoghurt dairy product packaging, escapism from an urban zog moloch anti white hostile world aesthetic.
Boomer critique for making there ethnicity not being there any more.
I painted it a few minutes ago. Politcal Normies and npc’s, and zog system droids, can sugar coat it as “ theming toxic egality”, or “contextualizing in a controversial way the atomized society”.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
This artwork (Kunstwerk/ digital painting) has that yoghurt dairy product packaging, escapism from an urban zog moloch anti white hostile world aesthetic.
Boomer critique for making there ethnicity not being there any more.
I painted it a few minutes ago. Politcal Normies and npc’s, and zog system droids, can sugar coat it as “ theming toxic egality”, or “contextualizing in a controversial way the atomized society”.

Did I painted a homework/ digital research shopping list for fresh awaken sheeple, Normies, Npc’s, and
Are in this painting although interesting new protagonists and learnings for seasoned based ogs and veterans hidden?
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Did I painted a homework/ digital research shopping list for fresh awaken sheeple, Normies, Npc’s, and
Are in this painting although interesting new protagonists and learnings for seasoned based ogs and veterans hidden?

What is your favorite painting from me?
„ In which direction goes the „emotional „ „evidence“ and in which direction goes the logical rational cold hard evidence.
How deep goes your American reeducation?
Do you you know what boomer truth means?
What is the boomer truth regime?
Show me your budget you want to invest, and your wall, and I show you your painting.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
What is your favorite painting from me?
„ In which direction goes the „emotional „ „evidence“ and in which direction goes the logical rational cold hard evidence.
How deep goes your American reeducation?
Do you you know what boomer truth means?
What is the boomer truth regime?
Show me your budget you want to invest, and your wall, and I show you your painting.

SEAK Claus Winkler: a digital artwork (Kunstwerk), in form of a an Photo over painting. The societal destiny questions. „ SchuldKult“ is the German word for „Guiltcult“.