Maybe I keep on painting them tomorrow too.
Maybe later, maybe in a few months.
It depends.
Don’t know on what? Inspiration maybe?
SEAK Claus Winkler: tomorrow I will stash theses work in progress works all on one stack.
Maybe I keep on painting them tomorrow too.
Maybe later, maybe in a few months.
It depends.
Don’t know on what? Inspiration maybe?

I still remember what i thought with most of my childhood drawings in the late 1970s and 1980s.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
I still remember what i thought with most of my childhood drawings in the late 1970s and 1980s.

Something which is much more interesting then me postings informations about my art is, is what my art, my process is telling, communicating you on all levels?
Social context, implicit informations, context, what do you see, get, read, recon?
What does the Intuition is telling you?
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Something which is much more interesting then me postings informations about my art is, is what my art, my process is telling, communicating you on all levels?
Social context, implicit informations, context, what do you see, get, read, recon?
What does the Intuition is telling you?

SEAK Claus Winkler: Name one thing you like about my art?

SEAK Claus Winkler: In which directions you would like to see my artistic oeuvre develop?

How to raise white birthrates?
How to set successful impulses and manipulation with art to successful counter breed from the white/ Christian/ cultural Christian side. ( population exchange/ Reconquista/ Islamization/ etc).
If yin have ideas, how suddle inspire, and program higher white birth rates, with art, and paintings, feel free forwarding me your ideas, and impulses.
SEAK Claus Winkler: My Meta/ sub theme is how to make German, and white women breeding more white children?
How to raise white birthrates?
How to set successful impulses and manipulation with art to successful counter breed from the white/ Christian/ cultural Christian side. ( population exchange/ Reconquista/ Islamization/ etc).
If you have ideas, how suddle inspire, and program higher white birth rates, with art, and paintings, feel free forwarding me your ideas, and impulses.

SEAK Claus Winkler: I painted in that style all around the world in almost 30 countries.

SEAK Claus Winkler: What are your favorite paintings from my oeuvre

If you have any old photos from my art, or from me painting, or us chilling, etc, feel putting them online, or sending them to me. In times like these support is welcome.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
If you have any old photos from my art, or from me painting, or us chilling, etc, feel putting them online, or sending them to me. In times like these support is welcome

SEAK Claus Winkler: it’s the German word for love.

SEAK Claus Winkler: I , We, us, in German language in oil, on paper.

SEAK Claus Winkler: 2 black and white Seak style sketches. Airbrush spray technique with black ink on paper

It’s never enough.
Individualism instead of collectivism.
SEAK Claus Winkler: when painting in my process multiple painting at the same day, in the same routine, Iam concerned that I variate enough.
It’s never enough.
Individualism instead of collectivism.

SEAK Claus Winkler: it starts looking interesting.