The german painter SEAK Claus Winkler
Is this artist art helping me with his paintings to integrate the intrinsic shame with in my shadow?
( multi million usd/ euro each painting )
My art makes for parents the problems & deficiences there children having visible.
My art punishes absent fathers, and rewards present fathers.
My art rewards tough love.
My art guides all intercourse, intimacy, kink, fetish, reproductive triggers, conotations, meanings on food, kitchen culinary culture and activities.
My art punishes the emotional eating, slothing individual, including greenwashing like ostrich politic ‘ body positivity ‘ .
My art rewards individual which are logical causal disciplined eaters.
My art says yes all the time, in spanish. ( if you interpretate the artist name from the phonetics Spanish). That leads to when people meet, a person saying something with a ‘ nay/ no / not/ ‘ conotation.
The person interpretated something non binary, and wants securing themselfs.
I would love saying my paintings inspire, prime, program your male offspring to be a binary healthy, sportive, intelligent, social upwardly, based, successful, alpha male. A future biological father of his bloodlineage. That’s your, the fathers job. My paintings just support you.
Why this artist makes high networth individual with company’s wealthier?
My art makes others then my artinvestors take there advice, use there products, follow there paths.
My art makes selfdestructive beta males which have grown up without a strong good father figures to selfdestruct.
My art makes cucking & weakening themselfs a-ok with harmony addiction and conflict avoidance a normal, when a good male role model is absent.
My paintings makes children amplifys the copying of what they see there father are doing.
My paintings makes other paintings artist copying my paths, ways, style, ideas, and pretending it being there own.
My art makes males become wanting to bound with traditional women, due grandmother childhood role models, and the intimacy escalation my art induces.
My art makes people being egosyntonic, and deattached from lgbtq active/ passive waving/ signaling.
My art creates around my art owners social circles a for them beneficial dynamic.
This paintings supports parental efforts from High networth Individuals with in there children.
The paintings by pre social media age, international known artist SEAK Claus Winkler liberates you from shaming triggers & crippling fetishes.
„ I although have paintings which are below a few multimillion euros/ usd, each. „ ( quote: German painter SEAK Claus Winkler (Spring 2023, cologne, germany )
My art makes due the conotations within my name every kink, fetish, intimacy interaction a-ok, obvious. With this my art liberates people from taboo, stigmatized over the edge fetishes which they catched and or have grown with in there shadows.
My art amplifys these desires, and creates a surrounding of ‚ likeminded ‚ looking/ waving/ winking fetish/ lifestyle „ peers “, which deflect, decline the imprisoning, cuffing fetish due normalization & showing its reality.
My art goes beyond physical intimacy fetishes. My art makes although substance abuser outing themselfs, as a first step of accepting, and fighting there addiction. Being it legal substances like drinking a , glas/ bottle‚ of wine with everyday, loosing posture. Till illicited substances.
Yes they al it of others positive effects my art inflicts. Although from a art historical context. The artist inspired allround many artist generations. A lot of fellow painting artists, copied him, aka „ inspired “ ( bandwagon/ deadwater) You know.
My art is painted from both sides. My art makes your children, you, your blood lineage although reflect from multiple perspectives.
Without investing in my art, your offspring will become the cutest twink, most obedient, all out, fierce total power bottom, for a hot non versatile alpha hung alpha top. 🌈🍍🍻
Hello Honored High Networth Individual art investor/ client
Investing in art which suggests your partner it’s ok to play with others?
My masterpieces, each a multi millions usd/euro exhales your confidence with in your self although to friends, and lovers a like.
With my art your remind yourself, and your partners, that know one owens anyone.
Enjoy my paintings which have grown from bothsides with in 24 year work process.
My paintings will amplify all pervertions, kinks, and degenerate Phantasy you and your consent adult partners never dared to play before.
My paintings will take you far over the edge of your past intimacy boundaries and limitation.
Enjoy the different reflections you will have depending which side of the painting is within your view.
You can bragg with artist allround the world.
The artists paintings will open up any person you like easy for intimate physical interaction.
The german painter SEAK Claus Winkler
Hello High Networth Individual art client.
Why investing in artist which paints his rare pro health paintings by himself, from both sides?
My paintings makes you just having intimacy with healthy people. You can travell with my paintings with in your Luagage allround the world.
My paintings will create a karma with in your life where you will easy connect with people Allround the world although without social media.
Due the artist long international reputation, you can Bragg with your investment acquisition Allround the world.
The artist paintings will activate due the pro active connotations with in the artist name the art power of your other paintings.
The paintings will correspond with the luxury time pieces you are wearing opening, a feelable intrinsic trigger energy field.
The paintings will connect you with of offspring long after you are gone.