Iam Glueing my small double sided paintings to large pieces together✏️👌🏻

SEAK Claus Winkler:

Just like when you political awake on a deeper level, and due selfinformation putting the pieces of informations together.

Iam putting these single double sided painted cardboard pieces with glue together.

Iam painting theses piece since circa 2014.

I will make from many small pieces a few „large“ pieces, collage paintings.

These larger pieces I will continue painting from both sides.

With this I make my paintings more worth, due to the rarity increase. Pardon my English.

At this point I have no idea in which direction I will steer these pieces aesthetically and conceptually.

Or maybe I don’t know consciously but unconsciously.

Considering the long time Iam working theses pieces, the effort, it will be just something for ultra wealthy clients/ art collectors.

Ironically i probably I will keep financial successes as long as possible on the down low, to avoid haters, jealousy, false friends, etc. the good thing being politcal on the common sense sight of politics.

It limits the rapport to people in a good way.

Anybody these days who isn’t a ethno masochist, isn’t anti white, a Cuckservative, an npc, or doesn’t like that there children get stabbed, or massraped, is a Nazi, farright, etc.

if success comes that limits the circle of new false friends, etc.

no one from the nice guy syndrome left facsists, wants to get dirty regarding contact guilt.

Anyway, Iam happy with this solution.

The amount of time I have put in this pieces is nuts.

SEAK Claus Winkler:

Just like when you political awake on a deeper level, and due selfinformation putting the pieces of informations together.

Iam putting these single double sided painted cardboard pieces with glue together.

Iam painting theses piece since circa 2014.

I will make from many small pieces a few „large“ pieces, collage paintings.

These larger pieces I will continue painting from both sides.

With this I make my paintings more worth, due to the rarity increase. Pardon my English.

At this point I have no idea in which direction I will steer these pieces aesthetically and conceptually.

Or maybe I don’t know consciously but unconsciously.

Considering the long time Iam working theses pieces, the effort, it will be just something for ultra wealthy clients/ art collectors.

Ironically i probably I will keep financial successes as long as possible on the down low, to avoid haters, jealousy, false friends, etc. the good thing being politcal on the common sense sight of politics.

It limits the rapport to people in a good way.

Anybody these days who isn’t a ethno masochist, isn’t anti white, a Cuckservative, an npc, or doesn’t like that there children get stabbed, or massraped, is a Nazi, farright, etc.

if success comes that limits the circle of new false friends, etc.

no one from the nice guy syndrome left facsists, wants to get dirty regarding contact guilt.

Anyway, Iam happy with this solution.

The amount of time I have put in this pieces is nuts.

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