((💪🏻👌🏻👍🏻✌🏻14 Remigration Bevölkerungsaustausch Odin Great replacement, Bevölkerungsaustausch, Volkstod, No more whites, Schuldkult, Schuldkrüppelei, Kaligeri aPlan, Hooton Plan, Henry Morgenthau Plan, Stephen Steinlight Plan, Mustererkennung ist Rassismus, Wahrheit ist Lüge, Die Regierung lügt.)
Meiner Meinung nach / mutmaßlich/ Kunstfreiheit/ Schützenswerte Gestaltungshöhe/ Gesamtkunstwerk
Die einzelnen Memes sind von vielen genialen Meme Lords, und Digitalen KĂĽnstlern angefertigt worden, und sind Netzfunde und zu diesem ebenfalls digitalen Gesamtkunstwerk zusammen gefunden und collagiert.
Falls Ihnen die FĂĽhli Kognitive Dissonanz Kosten zu hoch sind, dann ignorieren Sie es doch, sowie Sie die Korruption und Verbrechen der Regierung, und die Messerangriffe und Massenvergenusswurzelungen ignorieren.
Sie können auch ein Kunstwerk von mir kaufen, um das alles erfolgreich zu verdrängen, oder noch optimaler, in ihren Schatten zu internalisieren, um später klar zukommen.
( Ist die gesunde Variante))
Ps: Gucken Sie unbedingt ĂĽber Apps/ oder Webseiten wie aufgarkeinen Fall: Telegram, Rumble, Goyimtv, gtvflyers, oder Odysee nicht die Filme:
- “ Europa Die letzte Schlacht” ( Englishe Original Version: Europa The last battle)
( Der Account Ich den Film gerade gucke, er geht insgesamt 12 Stunden ist der von @Honkler (Einen grĂĽner Regenbogen PerĂĽcke Pepe Frosch als Logo) auf der App Odysee)
- “ Everything is a rich man’s “ trick (dauert 3-4 Stunden). Den Film gibt es sogar auch auf YouTube.
- “ Occupied” von Stew Peters
Zum suchen sich angewöhnen anstatt den stark zensierten Suchmaschinen wie Google, lieber Yandex & Bing nutzen.
Gaslighting in disguise in this video. I shouldn’t post it. But it is is a good negative example.
Conservatives = Cuckservatives / Christians = Christian cucks / gaslighting. It’s about race. It always was, always will be. Fuck the Bible. Race first. Race just.
Gaslighting in disguise in this video. I shouldn’t post it. But it is is a good negative example.
Conservatives = Cuckservatives / Christians = Christian cucks / gaslighting. It’s about race. It always was, always will be. Fuck the Bible. Race first. Race just.
Gucken! Bzw hören.


Practicing my handwriting, playing with paint/ drawing Programm from my phone.

My subconscious does t know the difference between the digital world and the offline regular normal real world.
Interesting how my body reacts.
A fresh pen, in my drawing program. Smoother handwriting.
My subconscious does t know the difference between the digital world and the offline regular normal real world.
Interesting how my body reacts.

Maybe I should do it in other colors.

My body is a bit crazy anyway iam going into Ketose, and iam having too less fat in take.
Writing this texts, captions, is although testing how I react on different levels on the message, and the signals.
My body is a bit crazy anyway iam going into Ketose, and iam having too less fat in take.

they (cia/ usrael) had let the grooming gangs in uk untouched and grow.
To have a fake target (common leftist strategy) to go for, to take steam of the Normies.
Having a good cause for the in between lib to cuckservative overtone window politicians to do something. Instead of digging deeper.
Or stopping the replacement. Etc.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
they (cia/ usrael) had let the grooming gangs in uk untouched and grow.
To have a fake target (common leftist strategy) to go for, to take steam of the Normies.
Having a good cause for the in between lib to cuckservative overtone window politicians to do something. Instead of digging deeper.
Or stopping the replacement. Etc.

Via: https://www.compact-shop.de/produktkategorie/zemella/
The admiral is among the smartest in our camp regarding female psychology/ social dynamics regarding women and general behavior.
Redpill manosphere.
If you understand German worth digging in, and listening to it a few times.
Interesting for everyone with Highschool German skills.
The admiral is among the smartest in our camp regarding female psychology/ social dynamics regarding women and general behavior. Redpill manosphere. If you understand German worth digging in, and listening to it a few times.

A book which has an empowering effect, pro masculine, pro German, and makes Cristal clear hard: “ In stahlgewittern “ by Ernst Jünger.
The German system and the leftists are hating this book to the guts
Ernst jĂĽnger was 12 times wounded during ww1 in the trenches, received both iron crosses, and is one of 4 infantry boots on the ground soldiers recieving the pour Le merite.
It’s written like a war diary. It’s the very opposite to le marque (Cuck).
Judging from listening to the effect this book has on me listening to it via audible (German version) it’s a must have.
If you buy it in German, just buy it at Verlag antaios, in schnellroda, via there website.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
A book which has an empowering effect, pro masculine, pro German, and makes Cristal clear hard: “ In stahlgewittern “ by Ernst Jünger.
The German system and the leftists are hating this book to the guts
Ernst jĂĽnger was 12 times wounded during ww1 in the trenches, received both iron crosses, and is one of 4 infantry boots on the ground soldiers recieving the pour Le merite.
It’s written like a war diary. It’s the very opposite to le marque (Cuck).
Judging from listening to the effect this book has on me listening to it via audible (German version) it’s a must have.
If you buy it in German, just buy it at Verlag antaios, in schnellroda, via there website.

They must control the official defacto law regulated narrative.
Those who control the youth control the future. In the next step Trump will create anti free speech laws in the USA and in Europe to extra protect and benefit a certain group.
Concious i learned myself just a few weeks ago about the existence of the Adl and Aipac, and words like goyim, goys, zog, noticing, stop the noticing. Stop noticing, the noticing continues, noticing intensifies, gentile, gentiles, etc.
An established pattern which goes thru history is derived from the popular/ famous saying: „The goyim know“ and „Should it down“.
Iam curious if they can get the tooth paste back in to the tube?
The Afd boomer voter seem to in majority having no clue.
It takes a deeper digging into the rabbithole to come to that level.
1 year ago I was although super naive, while thinking I know a lot, and would have although flipped out on certain framings, common narrative established „truths“ if someone would have woken me up too fast.
It’s a process.
Btw there are around 30% NGOs from the aboth mentioned thru suggestion ethno religious group, which are responsible for the anti white population exchange into the USA, (Incl Australia, Canada, uk, Europe?).
The us pro white activists from the website gtvflyers are having flyers to distribute and or downloaded and to self print, with all the facts.
They are encouraging people to try to debunk the facts, via own research. „
„ In the leaked audio from Mr. Greenblatt, a leader from the ADL (anti defamation league) which defacto controls Usrael, lobbied (bought) via the Aipac 90% of the US congress senators, is heart/ brain/ soul of the antiwhite deepstate, explains that they banning TikTok cause the youth in the west is waking up and becoming antise….c.
They must control the official defacto law regulated narrative.
Those who control the youth control the future. In the next step Trump will create anti free speech laws in the USA and in Europe to extra protect and benefit a certain group.
Concious i learned myself just a few weeks ago about the existence of the Adl and Aipac, and words like goyim, goys, zog, noticing, stop the noticing. Stop noticing, the noticing continues, noticing intensifies, gentile, gentiles, etc.
An established pattern which goes thru history is derived from the popular/ famous saying: „The goyim know“ and „Should it down“.
Iam curious if they can get the tooth paste back in to the tube?
The Afd boomer voter seem to in majority having no clue.
It takes a deeper digging into the rabbithole to come to that level.
1 year ago I was although super naive, while thinking I know a lot, and would have although flipped out on certain framings, common narrative established „truths“ if someone would have woken me up too fast.
It’s a process.
Btw there are around 30% NGOs from the aboth mentioned thru suggestion ethno religious group, which are responsible for the anti white population exchange into the USA, (Incl Australia, Canada, uk, Europe?).
The us pro white activists from the website gtvflyers are having flyers to distribute and or downloaded and to self print, with all the facts.
They are encouraging people to try to debunk the facts, via own research. „