my current Project: NEUGIER/ curious/ merak/ curioso/ curiositè

curious for NEUGIER

My current wallpainting project. SEAK Graffiti 2.0: Curious for Life, learning, things, you name it!!

I will keep you updated about this mural. Thanks to Walter from Peru/New Zeeland for helping out.

Besides the regular on-going paint requests and canvas painting, this will be my beach for the Summer09.

Stay Curious/Neugierig!!! Word! 😉 SEAK

Loveletters: Dude your mum is…..


deine mudder MMH MMH  MMHH by the way/ Gro�stadtindianerlove letters

I had a Visitor from perth overhere. Instead of throwing done another crazy debauchery drugged up party weekend, we decided to get serious, keeping it real. ps: I can`t stand your mother.

Thanks to Malik and Erbil for showing some Love and helping out, Familie Schneider for the Power, and Victor Hugo Henriquez for taking the Photos