Vaccines = wegziehen’s

Painting artist SEAK Claus Winkler with a take:

Iam wear a gift from one of our friends at the german police force.

I just had a hunch realization.

The English word: vaccines sounds phonetic on German like wegziehen which means movingaway from somewhere, or resettling / resettle . Vaccines in german is called „impfen“.

If I would want to pre prime the whole upper western hemisphere on the Makro into the acceptance to getting population exchanged, mass invasioned, I would do the following:
I would make them want and need to do something in the preparation stage (covid) which becomes part of there identity.

It must sound from the naming hidden in German or English language, the desired fake designed rationalization that they (the invaders) are just new neighbors, and i can although resettle somewhere like it’s no big deal, right?

„That thing the needle goes in, and it wasn’t that bad, it helped me. „

So on the meta indirect level the invadors who go in, came in are although not bad, are needed.

The German phonetic of the English word vaccines Programms the mind that the massmigration is ok, making it harmless.

While it although Programms the subconscious of the people in Europe too.

I guess on top comes, if accept the first gesslerhat hoop of the masks, the needles, the booster (jab), Iam already in line submitted accepting although getting exchanged and replaced.

What a nice harmless word.

Replaced. Covid is part of the mass migration population exchange depopulation agenda.

They will install anti white civil wars in the western world at later stage if they can’t stop whites having baby’s with whites fast enough.

Follow: @NoWhiteGuiltNWG @Martin_Sellner @NickJFuentes @Rich_Cooper @RationalMale @AdmPaulSvaH @RealAlexJones @NewDiscourses @cschneido @Cobratate @snicklink @lichtstifter

#wethepepe #thegreatreplacement #greatreset #Künstler #thegreatreset #reconquista #remigration #bevölkerungsaustausch #greatreplacement #wef #soros #ngo #Antiwhite #Prowhite #Naive #bolshewiki #bolshewoke #Populationexchange #nazihammer #Rechts #nazi #Nadsi #replacement #Umvolkung #volkstod #rechtfertigungslehre #Kaligerie

Painting artist SEAK Claus Winkler with a take:

Iam wear a gift from one of our friends at the german police force.

I just had a hunch realization.

The English word: #vaccines sounds phonetic on German like #wegziehen which means #movingaway from somewhere, or #resettling / #resettle . Vaccines in german is called „impfen“.

If I would want to pre prime the whole upper western hemisphere on the Makro into the acceptance to getting population exchanged, mass invasioned, I would do the following:

I would make them want and need to do something in the preparation stage (covid) which becomes part of there identity.

It must sound from the naming hidden in German or English language, the desired fake designed rationalization that they (the invaders) are just new neighbors, and i can although resettle somewhere like it’s no big deal, right?

„That thing the needle goes in, and it wasn’t that bad, it helped me. „

So on the meta indirect level the invadors who go in, came in are although not bad, are needed.

The German phonetic of the English word vaccines Programms the mind that the massmigration is ok, making it harmless. While it although Programms the subconscious of the people in Europe too.

I guess on top comes, if accept the first gesslerhat hoop of the masks, the needles, the booster (jab), Iam already in line submitted accepting although getting exchanged and replaced.

What a nice harmless word.

Replaced. Covid is part of the mass migration population exchange depopulation agenda. They will install anti white civil wars in the western world at later stage if they can’t stop whites having baby’s with whites fast enough.

Follow: @NoWhiteGuiltNWG @Martin_Sellner @NickJFuentes @Rich_Cooper @RationalMale @AdmPaulSvaH @RealAlexJones @NewDiscourses @cschneido @Cobratate @snicklink @lichtstifter

wethepepe #thegreatreplacement #greatreset #Künstler #thegreatreset #reconquista #remigration #bevölkerungsaustausch #greatreplacement #wef #soros #ngo #Antiwhite #Prowhite #Naive #bolshewiki #bolshewoke #Populationexchange #nazihammer #Rechts #nazi #Nadsi #replacement #Umvolkung #volkstod #rechtfertigungslehre

( 👌🏻💪🏻👍🏻✌🏻14 Words Remigration Reconquista Ethnische Wahl Bevölkerungsaustausch Umvolkung Volkstod.