SEAK Claus Winkler:
Before mobile social media/ till around 2008 a quick list of some variations of non art related situation in life, i became recognized and approached in public as the artist SEAK Claus Winkler. ( I can remember)
During checkin at the bodyscanning from the body scanning security personal at airports two times.
Becoming recognized at the airport gate before checking by the major from my home city
Becoming recognized by a aficionado from my art in the hood in East Los Angeles at a mac Donald’s parking lot.
From a girl working at Starbucks at Venice beach.
Cashier girl at at the supermarket at/ next to the university of San Diego campus
Clubbing in electro/ HipHop/ music/ techno/ you name it clubs/ raves, countless times, it an own Sujet.
ordering pizza somewhere else by the pizza taxi guy.
in rural Bavaria in a historic church by a 13 year old ish kid who was there with his family.
by police officers in mexico, and germany.
swingers couple in a swinger club in germany at the bar.
in the streets countless times.
Although what happens often is:
We had you in art class in school.
SEAK Claus Winkler: a painting from me from 2002 gets documented
SEAK Claus Winkler:
A huge inspiration stepping stone iam aware of, where the arcade Amiga shoot em up computer game around 1989-1992 ish.
My SEAK styles (abstracted/ stylized letters ) are although often objects/ spaceships/ vehicles.
Although the way I paint them is similar.
Iam building them up, adding extra weapons and functions.
My small “a” is based/ inspired by the joystick (competion pro extra (transparent version).
The joystick 🕹️ looks similar to the emoji graphic joystick here in the sentence.
Knowing how addictive seductive computer games and there aesthetic Iam using my painting my art, as a substitute alternative to playing computer games to escape reality.
It’s analog, i must put in work, sometimes decades till a painting had has for my taste level an aw (awesome/ burner/ astonishing/ fascinating/ positive surprise/ next level reached/ higher plateau, vibe).
Since circa 17 years I am just having a telephone.
The computer here in the picture is from the photographer (professional/ although an artist) documenting my art.
Maybe Iam getting an apple laptop in the future.
There is less danger stumbling into computer games.
It less the computer games, it’s the aesthetics, the character the forms and designs, and objects Iam appreciating.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
A huge inspiration stepping stone iam aware of, where the arcade Amiga shoot em up computer game around 1989-1992 ish.
My SEAK styles (abstracted/ stylized letters ) are although often objects/ spaceships/ vehicles.
Although the way I paint them is similar.
Iam building them up, adding extra weapons and functions.
My small “a” is based/ inspired by the joystick (competion pro extra (transparent version).
The joystick 🕹️ looks similar to the emoji graphic joystick here in the sentence.
Knowing how addictive seductive computer games and there aesthetic Iam using my painting my art, as a substitute alternative to playing computer games to escape reality.
It’s analog, i must put in work, sometimes decades till a painting had has for my taste level an aw (awesome/ burner/ astonishing/ fascinating/ positive surprise/ next level reached/ higher plateau, vibe).
Since circa 17 years I am just having a telephone.
The computer here in the picture is from the photographer (professional/ although an artist) documenting my art.
Maybe Iam getting an apple laptop in the future. I had from 1996 till 2008 always apple computer.
There is less danger stumbling into computer games.
It less the computer games, it’s the aesthetics, the character the forms and designs, and objects Iam appreciating.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Iam painting modern functional mechanic organic stylized abstract letters ( Seak/ S e a k ) in all variations as ego items, with spaceship scifi/ Oldtimer/ tech/ military/ civilian mindset/ appreciation.
All my paintings are in a rotating work growth process getting further detailed.
During my process Iam learning painting, aswell as all techniques I need to know.
Iam on that journey since my first childhood drawings in the 1970s.
From the mid 1990s on I started having a huge inspirational impact on multiple artist generations in the world wide graffiti scene, and the artists and creatives connected with.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Im innen aufräumen räumt im außen auf, und umgekehrt.
Wahnsinn. Aufgeräumt im Atelier, und schon hat man klarere Gedanken und Erkenntnisse, ist weiter.
Ich merk das teilweise daran das ich dann andere you tube videos höre vor welchen ich mich davor drücke zu hören, und habe dann ein guten lern Effekt, bin im Ergebnis positiv überrascht.
Morgen geht es weiter mit pinseln.
Ich bin wahrscheinlich von den Worten einer guten Freundin gesteuert.
Ich kann meine Taten und mein Verhalten über die gesagten bzw von mir vorher gehörten Buchstaben und narrative zurück deduzieren und Reverse Ingenieuren.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Iam having foottrench or grabenfuß. Two pairs of socks on. One pair wool. Ice cold. Iam brushing painting doing details. Focus. Clarity.
While listening to @AdmPaulSvaH & drinking hot tea from my Stanley can. Painting with Molotow premium paint.
First time having a model here. She naked.
Her Name is Rebel Alliance B-Wing.
Though from the heart, always has been, always will be an imperial guy. The shoes Iam sporting are a gift from Nike Germany, from the time I was product support by them. I was a difficult case.
I have large feet, including one foot half a size larger than the other. Incl flat foot. I think these do make some funny noises, like air sneezing.
The air balloons having wholes.
Anyway iam enjoying myself.
Happy with my process.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Painting, working this two Seak styles. Letting the brush guiding me. The brush knows best what to do. The brush knows his way.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
Das weiche unscharfe locker geairbrushte hinter meinen Seak Style mit der elipsen haften Serife vom S ganz links (als gegen diagonale. Ist eine Riesen fotze/ futt/ Dose/ Vulva/ Kiste/ pussy/ schlitten .
Und rechts oben im Bild kann ein Hintern sein, zwei Löffel, zwei oder ein Phallus, oder ein neugeborenes Kind. ist mir eben bzw gerade aufgefallen.
Ich habe das Bild bzw. diesen Teil des Bildes 2011/2013 ish gemalt/ gesprüht (angefangen) und merke es erst jetzt. Wahnsinn.
Die macht des unbewussten.
Ich sollte mir mehr vertrauen.
Ich muss mir angewöhnen früher bzw gleich Dinge zu checken.
Wobei es natürlich wie gesagt das unbewusste gibt.
SEAK Claus Winkler:
what am I doing, painting, drawing, in what direction Iam developing involving?
Iam painting, styling, based on, aswell as around the letters “Seak” my aesthetic vision from items, of ego object identification masculine thinking.
That means Iam taking for the letters, the surface from my highly stylized letters, aesthetic graphic visual narrative inspiration.
That can come from anything I like I came in contact with, or what I saw, and admired, or which touched reached etc me some how.
Usual Iam kinda stuck in away with in my akribic detail ritual.
So Iam thriving for variation, out of my comfortzone, on how and what little details, and mechanic structure effects Iam incorporating.
What I Like are spaceships (1970s/ 1980s till today ) from paperback book cover, scifi movies, etc. from tanks, vehicles, toy cars, digital 3d Demos, intros, effects, computer games, retro aesthetics, toy designs, weapo designs, caterpillar, firefighter cars, functional vehicles from all centuries and ages, etc.
Aswell the surface level, from all kinds of vehicles, planes, machines, designed objects.
That can be plastic, metal, or digital artificial.
The form the silhouette the basic skeleton from my “abstract” looking “objects” are the stylized letters from my Name “Seak”. Painter alone flying, swimming, driving, hoovering around, or connected into the word “Seak”.
Theoretical it could be although other letters.
Due Iam painting, stylizing my Seak styles (letters/ the full word) for many decades my work looks sometimes more like items, then readable letters.
The question for me could be what though process routine would/ will inspire me for painting more optimal paintings?
First thinking about that it is a letter?
Or first thinking about the character, the main form of the object the form?
Or first having a fictive function a narrative in mind? Maybe i should cultivate multiple painting picture strategies.
Switching in between.
So in the present and future my work, iam painting in a rotation system will grow in details, in the direction spaceships, function, 3d, representational.
Till I think Iam finished painting like that, and switching in different period or phase.
Realistic, Iam keep on painting, getting to higher plateaus regarding akribic details, with in that style.
((( Disclaimer/ Reminder/ Concious:👌🏻💪🏻👍🏻✌🏻14 Words Remigration Reconquista Ethnische Wahl Bevölkerungsaustausch Population Exchange Umvolkung Volkstod great reset great exchange. Replacement Migration. The death of europe. Make more white babies. )))