I make my art, that the male frequency a man says with in his subtext, is: ‘ yeah go to town, have the cake, the pie, eat tit too. ‘. In case a Woman, wants to shame him, make him beta/ pussy whip him. Binary man, can, and should interpretate the anal beats with in my paintings, as Anti shaming shields against vengeful, and or annoying/ attention seeking women. Confirming on a subtext with my art all shamings, questioning his sexuality, identify, subliminal attacks, poison dripping, soul snatching, etc, so her activities turn against herself, giving my male artwatcher peace & tranquility. That includes she threatening him with cuckoldery. My paintings, my art telling her, without him having telling her, direct: ‘ yeah, go, do it, wash yourself, or don’t wash yourself, I don’t care, I can do better.
My art supports men. Gives men power, energy, supports men. Till the point that the man doesn’t want to share his sexuality with her. That forces her, to pull out her Personal ‘ a ‘ game, being a high quality women. On tiptoes, housewife, good mother, sport/ yoga/ cooking, baking, cleaning, having his back, low notch count/ low mileage, monkey double backflips, bringing home hot girls, no drama allowed, non female dating coach structured, in her feminine, reasonable non toxic hyper femininity. That’s why I make my art. To inspire this behavior, reality. Paintings for men. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
Wie wirken Gemälde von Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler?
Macht jeder sein Ding? Gehört Niemand niemandem? Was machen Frauen welche nur ein Gericht kochen oder Backen können? Was machen Frauen welche garnicht kochen oder backen können? Haben Sie genug Möglichkeiten ihren Status zu zeigen? Zucken Sie zu wenig? Geht es ihrer Frau gut oder spielen Sie schon Golf? Sie sind als Mann was wert, oder verhalten Sie sich gegenüber ihrer Frau zu emaskuliert, zu zartbesaitet, zu behütet? Legen Sie ihrer Frau mit Schnur an die Leine?
After all these years ( 3 decades ) still made the cardinal
beginners failure making sketches, drawings for a project without payment, against my gutt feeling, against listening to my stomach. Anyway, lots lies, dirty politics, dirty politicians , egos, etc. Anyway loving this drawings, loving the styles, loving the individual vehicle like structures. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
When in need of deeper inspiration, growth, being bored from my paintings, i go back, studying what I painted, drawed here. Studying, learning from my own depth work. Loving the detail individualism with in these drawings/ project sketches. In reality painting wall paintings free style is the way. These drawings are just fun, staying in shape. Old knowledge, practical. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
The name of the wall painting the artist painted in Switzerland in summer 2021 is ‘ Schweizer Eigenheiten ‘. A tensionfield, which gives confidence, energy? Landmark? Redflag? redpill? Schweizer Eigenheiten, Attisholz Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
Die Gemälde von Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler markieren für den Kunst Rezipienten das was sowie passieren wird, jetzt schon auf der Visuellen Ebene. Dabei geht es weniger um das Gemälde, wie es aussieht, was zusehen ist. Das Kunstwerk, die Investition in das Gemälde ist nur eine Ersatz Handlung des kaufenden Kunst Rezipienten. Der Kunst Investor hat in seinem/ ihrem Leben mehrere Bewusste, und unbewusste Handlungstränge. Der Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler und sein Gemälde sind die Dasein Bewältigung, die Akzeptanz, die Entscheidung, der Punkt nach dem Satz. Welcher Satz, welcher Gedanke, Welcher Endpunkt, Welcher Start, Welche Lebenseinstellung, das weiß nur der Kunstsammler, bzw Kunst Investor, oder der Kunst Konsument. Es kann sein das das was der Kunstkäufer, oder die Kunstkäuferin, mit sich selbst im inneren ausgemacht hat, auch was mit dem Kunstwerk offensichtlich zu tun hat. Es kann sein das dies nur auf der psychologisch ausgelesen werden kann.
Geht es ihrer Frau gut, oder spielen Sie schon Golf?
This is the motto I name the theme of this picture. It’s the constant question/ answer ( We attract what we think ( the secret )/ Abundance mindset. ) when German painter SEAK Claus Winkler (b.1974 Cologne), what/ how does the trigger hidden/ being with in the letters of his name are influencing the audience/ people/ world/ artworld/ art effect/ the universe/ etc. The realest from artbuyers perspective would be, does the women around the wealthy families patron/ family leader/ grandfather/ father, etc consolidate with in there power ( female unvisible strings)? Does the artwork of Artist SEAK Claus Winkler gives the marriage freedom to live each a independent side lover lifestyle, asides the public persona? Does the artwork of SEAK Claus Winkler drives the husband back to his maturing Wife putting in work himself, or is he already playing golf, aka fleeing from ploughing? Yes there are although other perspectives like elicited substance abuse to formulate it in a amateur/ pc way. The non binar, non dynasty, non family legacy building lifestyles, etc, etc, etc, etc? To keep it natural/ boring/ Child like ideal perspective/ vibe. How does the paintings from German artist SEAK Claus Winkler’s artworking in the mind of the people watching his work?
Artist morning rituals.
– lustless, redpill ( @redpillhub , @redpillsformen , @red_pilled_rican , @cm_beratung ) numbed chopping down Morningwood with my magical redflag apple mirror watching situational digital tens which aren’t tens by being there without judging them.
– brushed me teeth, no shower (later).
– Breakfast, home made multi seed black bread, half piece heated up raisins cake, 2 litre @stanley_europe thermos can with tea ( Fancy yogi yoga moon salutation relaxation tea (( gift)), 1 cup coffee ( strong ), half apple against enjoying food too much/ healthy.
– watched a few from the short you tube videos from my phone, about color psychology. A mix of useful, and cold reading the sense of the composition later with in. ( video about color usage with in breaking bad ( the tv series). Overall ok.
– no noises, just birds. The sounds from the highway silentish. Instead the railway tracks, the container roro freight trains are giving a nice downlow industry sound timbre ambience. Though the birds are louder, maybe equal.
– Enjoying the auttum atmosphere.
– the Stanley tea steam engine bottle steaming away. Looks with paint ( acrylics @molotowheadquarters / brush) like a locomotive with in the Wildwest/ civil war, waiting in the station. In few minutes I will lock in to Mr Sharpe ‘s, the Rifles, Patty Harper, and the Peninsular war. Listening to Bernard Cornwells best, while painting. continuing a paintings backside from 2001.
– Must work out, running, again. Last week I didn’t do any sport. Painted everyday as much I could. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
Unusual virtue signaling fun facts pg 21 on German artist SEAK Claus Winkler
– became a great compliment by a befriended local Pimp, how gentle correct / brave he treated a elderly attractive bio og female sexworker he was granted to parley with as a gift/ honey favor. The artist found forgotten protective gear from former chevaliers during the interaction with in the girl. He although kept his promise catering the best he had for breakfast, oats with milk, hot. Due his rustic Stalingrad 6. Army encircled trench eske living/ accommodation style. It was winter, 40cm snow, now heating system/ oven with in his sleepingroom, it was,… refreshing. Like a uptight father he was watching the lady eating her breakfast with in his studio kitchen sitting on a painted beer garden beer bank ensemble at circa 6 in the morning. Leaving with a ordered taxi. Just good feedbacks.
⁃ Spray painted pro bono free tshirts for middle school pupils/ kids with in watts/ Compton, Los Angeles, a infamous American social hot point.
⁃ Invited 2 enthusiastic Ungentle low in money semi aggressive roughian polish thiefs with in the law, for icecream with waffles, befriending irritating peacing them, with in dark night at polish train station, to calm the situation for him, and his fellow travelling friends
⁃ With in a old factory in the English Midlands, painting among a lake of used up burned aluminum foils. Talked so long, and nice/ correct, sporting a carpenters hammer good seeable with in his belt, that the young addict English fellow dropped his soap. A self made razor sharp shank like fist knife.
⁃ painted a quick illegal wallpainting outside a building. On the first floor, in the saturday midday shopping time, in downtown Hongkong. Watched by Chinese police officers with ak47s not knowing what this is.
The artist showing room, gallery room, investing room. The German painter is showing his art investors his paintings with in this room since the late 2000er years. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
Having multiple boxes with flyers, posters, postcards, invitation cards from all the hip hop jams, painting jams, events, exhibitions, Artshow, life performances, etc, artist SEAK Claus Winkler was part of the artist line up, the perfoming artist. All around the world.
ink, spray paint, paper, started the painting in 2019. As the piece looks it will be from this side a style collection. How will it look from the other side? Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
Copic marker, pantone marker, design marker drawings, 2 versions from the word ‘ Seak ‘. Stylized letters, space ship scifi science fiction gundam robot functional vehicle style abstract. Stone paper. ( yes paper made from stone. ) Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
Irgendwie habe Ich das Gefühl die anderen Menschen, welche meine Kunst sehen, mit meiner Kunst aufgewachsen sind Leben mein Leben.
Ich male nur die Start, und Endpunkte von Dingen, Lebensstilen, konotierungen, Traditionen, Aktivitäten. Die anderen Menschen leben, machen, tun, diese Sachen, leben die Geschichten, Narrative, welche Ich damit nuanciere, aufgreife, filter, wieder gebe, Spiegele. Egal ob gut, schlecht, ich vermeide
Bewertungen. Das verhindert nur verstehen. Die Menschen welche meine Kunst kennen, Sie sehen, gesehen haben, leben das was von mir nur gemalt wird. Ich habe in vieles mal kurz ( im Verhältnis zur Lebenszeit) reingeschnuppert, was Sich in meinen Werken spiegelt. Zum Beispiel: Sex, Drogen, Waffen, Militär, Raumschiffe, Oldtimer, Technik, Tiere haben/ halten, Spielzeug, Design, Gewalt, Sport arten, Gemeinschaften, Szenen, Beziehungs Dynamiken, Lebenstile,… Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
Paintings by artist SEAK Claus Winkler: Oil, spray, marker, acrylics, pencil, paper, cardboard, ink, crayon, clear coat, wood, canvas, etc, 2013,