Mit meinen Kunstwerken können Sie und ihre 1-3 Kinder dann in nicht muslimsche dominierte flüchten ( Russland, Japan, China, Süd und Mittelamerika, Neuseeland ) , wenn der Bevölkerungsaustausch in 10 Jahren seinen Kipp Punkt erreicht. Mit meiner Kunst können Sie erfolgreich die Realität verdrängen, den Kopf in den Sand stecken und weiter cucken. Mit meiner Kunst können Die sich weiter ihre Ego Investments bestätigen. Mit meiner Kunst können Sie auch perfekt hündisch die aktuelle Staatsdoktrin mit heucheln. Also jetzt von der Kunstwirkung her gesehen. Das Bild zeigt übrigens das Wort ‘ Seak ‘. Meine Kunst konsolidiert auch die Macht ihrer Frau. Ps: Die Nazis waren links. Die Regierung lügt, und die Scharia kommt. unterstützen/ support/ Patronage: http://paypal.me/SEAKClausWinkler
Falls sie dich in ihrem Npc Boomer Dumpf Michel kopf einscheissen wegen der Fraktur artigen altdeutschen Schrift? Hitler, hat die Schrift Mitte der 40ziger Jahre verboten. Wenn ihnen sich ganz boomer brd boomer/ anti deutsch/ cuckservative nicht für die basierte politische Perspektive auf Kunst interessieren? Weil sie auf dem Gymnasium und im Studium indoktriniert wurden? Anti patriotisch etc? Kein Problem, scrollen sie einfach weiter runter. Ich habe ein paar Jahre relativ unpolitische Perspektive über meine Kunst, meine Prozess hier aufgeschrieben. Immer dran denken, mit meinen Bilder können sie sich richtig gut in Nicht muslimische weißere Länder absetzen, wenn hier in ein paar Jahren alles wegkippt. Heucheln Sie mit meiner Kunst und Stil perfekt ihr Wef Globalisten Systemling Weltenbürger Mindset. Wenn ihnen mein Ton hier nicht passt, Sagen sie sich das was sie hier lesen in den Worten und der Tonalität die sie richtig finden. Einfach Framen, und sich selber nudgen. Ps: Jedem Volk sein eigenes Volk. Alle heißt, alle außer Deutsche. Unterstützen/ support/ Patronage: http://paypal.me/SEAKClausWinkler
Vielleicht baue ich zu einem Späteren Zeitpunkt Wörter wie: Volkstod, Framing, Npc, Normie, Alles für Ostpreussen, Rechts, rechts extreme, Umvolkung, Bevölkerungsaustausch, Islamisierung, mehr Scharia wagen, die Regierung lügt, lügen, Systemling, Die Nazis waren links, Hass sprech, gesinnungsjustiz, räächts, Gasbeleuchtung, Cucken, Antiweiss, antideutsch, power cucking, hoeflation, Wahrheit ist Hass, black knives matter, digital faschismus, fuck the system, Remigration, volksverhetzung, Es sind Hakenkreuze im Haus, Ethno Pluralismus, Nazis gegen Rechts, etc. wenn ihnen geile, gute, Wörter Sätze, einfallen welche ich in meine Kunst einbauen sollte. Bitte nur politisch unkorrekte Sachen. zerlegen wir die Meinungsklimaanlage des Antideutschen, anti weißen, anti europäischen Soros Globalisten WEF/ Un, Systems. Vorschläge bitte per Mail, dm (Twitter / X ), Telegram, Insta, Facebook, oder im realen Leben. Führen wir die bösartige Geisteskrankheit der Linken vor. Danke unterstützen/ support/ Patronage: http://paypal.me/SEAKClausWinkler
Mit meinen Bilder, können Sie auch im akribischen Detail dem System, der Regierung, ihrem Materlistischen Freundeskreis, den Globalisten zeigen das Sie auch auf Linie sind. Das die Leute kommen sollen, ihr Land, ihre Kultur klauen und aus machen sollen. Das die Die kommen und gewinnen sollen und es klären sollen. Das Sie auch für Kalashnikovs Aks, Bevölkerungsaustausch, Umvolkung, und die totale Islamisierung Deutschlands und Europa sind. Kein Problem. Mit meiner Kunst können Sie perfekt Virtue Signaling und so tun das Sie ein guter sind, ein inverter zu tiefst völkischer Schultkult Patriot. Das geht weniger aus meinen Bildern hervor, eher von dem konotierungen in meinem Namen. Ihre Enkel können später sehr gut heucheln und zeigen sie waren auch für die Unterwerfung für die neue Religions Gesetz Kultur Staatsform. Suggerieren sie perfekten Vorhergehorsam. Wandeln sie ihrer Eitelkeit in Klarheit um, mit einer Kunst. Bekommen sie mit meiner Kunst innerhalb ihrer sozialen Blase (bubble) Bestätigung, Anerkennung, Aufmerksamkeit. Validieren sie sich mit meinen Werken weltweit. Die hier gezeigten Bilder sind Ausschnitte und zeigen akribische Details. In ein paar Jahren, wenn die Bilder nicht ab verkauft sind, habe ich mehr details gemalt. Dann sind die Bilder komplexer.
unterstützen/ support/ Patronage: http://paypal.me/SEAKClausWinkler
Artist SEAK Claus Winkler explaining his work from a non political perspective. Support the artist with a donation at Unterstützen/ support/ Patronage: http://paypal.me/SEAKClausWinkler (2500 euro max)
Long almost an Hour interview where artist SEAK Claus Winkler explains his work from a non political perspective.
Link below:
Artist SEAK Claus Winkler explaining his artwork from a non political perspective. Support the artist with a donation at Unterstützen/ support/ Patronage: http://paypal.me/SEAKClausWinkler (2500 euro max)
Künstler Portraits, Deutscher Maler SEAK Claus Winkler, 183,4cm (6.01ft) Frühjahr 2024
Haare selber geschnitten. Ich bin ausnahmsweise mal mit mir zufrieden beim selber photographieren. Habe mir vorher Phil von Flak, und Sleipnir angehört, auf iTunes? Ob es daran liegt? Pre-priming Matrix? Oder selbst Akzeptanz? Das Bild im Hintergrund ist work in progress, in der Schaffensphase. Mein Licht im Griff, und nur auf Frauen ausgerichtet. Ja ich weiß es ist schwierig die Energie zu steuern, wenn man in seiner Kraft, im Licht ist, bzw attraktiv ist. Wir machen weiter. Um das ganze mal abzukürzen. Meine Damen (18-24) Ich kann nur mit Frauen welche geil Kochen und Backen können. Ihr tretet gegen eine Ostpreussische Großmutter & Bäuerin an. Die hat auf dem Holzkohle Backofen das gekonnt wie die beste Feinkost Bäckerei in eurer Stadt. Nur indigene deutsche Frauen, deine Urgrossväter müssen gedient haben, und oder in der Partei gewesen sein. Mindestens Entweder oder. ( Ganz stumpf formuliert). Bei tattoos, piercings, links grün, single müttern, dorfmatratzen, bordis, fühlis, gut rumgekommenen, strong and independent, boss babes, cuckservative normie npc’s, dicken, gutmenschen, etc bei Frauen schmiert mir die Lunte ab. Ich sag dir nicht wieviel Kinder ich möchte. Wir wollen ja niemanden verschrecken. Zur Not mit mehreren Frauen. Eine große Sippe, oder Klan währe schön. Ich verliebe mich in Verhalten. Beziehungen müssen erarbeitet werden.
Ich muss hier meine Kunst mit meinem “ privat “ Leben mischen. Effizienz, geht nur so. Ich weiß ihr habt Verständnis.
Join me although at (insta: @seak.clauswinkler / @seakclauswinkler ) aswell as for “free speech “ (Digital Service Act!), as long we still have free speech, on X .
Unterstützen/ support/ Patronage: http://paypal.me/SEAKClausWinkler
Here actual photos from native ethnic german artist SEAK Claus Winkler from the last days. If you want to up to date, follow him on X (Twitter). He keeps himself informed escaping the leftist fachists wef globalist anti german government lies commounicated via the state mass media propaganda lies networks. If you think different, or the the artist is crazy, you are what they folkmouth , the common uncurated informed public describes as a Npc, a Normie, or Sheeple. Nope, the artist doesn’t have in his non existent private life any other topics then ‚ Umvolkung, Defend Europe, Islamisation, resistance against the state, remigration, politics, social engineering, self protective measures, psychological patterns of nice guys, betas, lefties, folk, ethnicity, etc. Iam Being supervisual here, writing this thinking Iam having a full on non political moron/ systemling/ system oldparty antigerman Cuckservative Cartell cookie cuter boomer in mind. No hard feelings. I was sleeping, although for many years. I had a waking up process too. Besides politics the artists painting all the time, thinking all the time to found a large multi women family. With based rightwing women. If you real interested in what’s going on with SEAK Claus Winkler, scroll back in his two Instagram Accounts, his Twitter, and his Facebook artist page. Lots of texts there. If you have a right wing/ aka alternative platform/ Channel/ magazine, newspaper, etc the chances are SEAK Claus Winkler is giving you an interview, or doing a live stream with you. Unterstützen/ support/ Patronage: http://paypal.me/SEAKClausWinkler
Gesichert #Rechtsextremes KinderFrühwerk des #entarteten #prowhite #prodeutsch #proeuropäische #ethnoPluralismus Künstler #SEAK #ClausWinkler. WachsmalStift Papier, späte 70er frühe 80er Jahre.
Unterstützen/ support/ Patronage: http://paypal.me/SEAKClausWinkler
Kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung seiner Bildinhalte.
wirkung der Farben
Ein Bild lernen
Lebenszeichen Lebensmotto
Wann kommen Sie & holen das Bild ab?
When will you come & pick up the picture?
unterstützen/ support: http://paypal.me/SEAKClausWinkler
#SEAK #ClausWinkler #SEAKClausWinkler #painting #Künstler #luxury #uhnwi #familyoffice #hnwi #artist #art #kunst #remigration #ethnischewahl
Unterstützen/ support/ Patronage: http://paypal.me/SEAKClausWinkler
Impressions from my process.
Lots of painting with spraycans the last week. With a wide , broad nozzle, fat cap. Painting in the sun. Summer vibes.
SEAK ClausWinkler SEAK Claus Winkler moderner künstler Moderne kunst moderne Künstler Kunst online moderne Gemälde acryl auf leinwand kunstausstellung malen vom malen bilder machen bildermacher prozess analyse bilder erstellen meisterwerke kunst detail bild erstellung
kunstkurator deutschekunst kunst zeitgenössisch positionen junger Kunst
Abstrakt aktuelle positionen
Words, Sentences which aren’t connected to the postings, with these work in progess, almost ready paintings.
Begeistert (Amelie )
Ich bin ja nicht nur zum decken da, Ich will auch leben. ( Rainer )
Abs always be screening
Okey Doke
You call her a virgin after the legions hammered thru galilea ( Bernard Cornwell )
Claus Winkler artcollector Kunst informal art zeitgenössische kunst curate art makeyourmark new contemporaries Stylewriting art collections letterscience contemporary arts artviewer
Contemporary painting contemporary figurativeart new painting arte moderna artcollecting artconsulting daily collector Modern art radical painting newpaintings artnow
abstractartist exhibition contemporary artgallery Kunst SEAK Claus Winkler
Some snapshots from my process, from the last days.
All Paintings from two sides.
They keep growing into classical masterpieces, just abstract, with technical, mechanical, approach aesthetic.
My Process is already so long, that I just iam just theoretical enthused. Iam too based, knowing all the work to be done, till they are finished.
Plus I have already saw them so often. Though i love the process.
I expierence mild happiness with in details, little moments with in the process.
I think Iam doing a no fap sabatical, to see how my perception from my art is with high testo level.
I watched a yt by @coach_magic_resurration yesterday, where he explained how a higher testo level changes your live.
Knowing how important, and powerful colours@are, it will be interesting to observe how that all will interact.
Although how my art, will influence women Iam attracted to, to what women Iam attracted to.
I have painted in the last 2 weeks lots of paintings with in my process. ( listening on yt to Redpill content from for example Admiral Paul save a hoe )
The usual backsides.
Like always you can see the same signal, trigger with in different perspectives.
Blue balls = the man doesn’t getting any S3ggs.
Blue balls = Cialis = potency = having children = large family’s = elite independence from Manager big corporate Ideologies trying to cuck the individual.
Blue balls = politics, blue is the color for political rightwing/ traditional/ right conservative partys allaround the world.
Blue ball = with in the context conotations from my name, a demand to make the blue balls go away.
Or that the political right should go do there work.
Or that the cialis male potency pill should be consumed, the male putting in work.
Or that the male must work out/ train more, so that he has a higher testo level which makes the blue ball ( pill) obsolete.
Blue ball= My painting working like a false flag, a illusion for npc algorithm pro matrix people that everything is ok with the paintings owner, that isn’t a independent check out, thinker/ doer.
That the paintings owner isn’t one of the droids they are looking for.
Blue balls = X
Blue = triggers, freshness, causality, sadness, clear logic thinking, etc, ….depending the colours nuance. Though I have the colour green honored from molotow premium, my favorite colour is although blue.
The last hours ago in watched a video from Klaus Thiele, about “ Elitentheorie “.
I Shared the link on twitter. I wish i could communicate the content from this video with in my paintings.
In general my paintings progressing, with every round turn my process rotation carousel takes.
Later the balls will grow in to , SEAK ‘ Structures.
SEAK Claus Winkler is your Messiah, your Court Jester, the fool who says the truth.
Everybody trying to repusser, to replace everybody while lying, denieing the very same.
Though one must say the truth. Sacrificing himself. Iam that one.
My art connects, describes, what is the truth.
My art makes the greatest problem in the world the topic, the context.
From my perspective that is the Npc matrix, the Islamization from Germany and Europe.
The remigration. The security of borders. The cutting of Germans from there History knowledge by lefties to cuck, misslead, and control them.
The feminization from German men/ boys.
Identifying the strong thick lies lefties, wokes, and anti german, anti white people are using in there framing to top, cuck, degrade, overrule the others, my people.
That males, men are citizen of second class, with lesser rights, compared to the privileged second of two genders, the women.
The npc matrix lefties, and the ostrich policy people, the cucked feminised decadent short term thinking beta male fighting against there own folk & culture society.
My paintings accumulate the lies, the truth, and creates a trigger union which breeds, erupts, the non integrated aswell as integrated shadow truth.
What are the other great all the world connecting things, problems, topics which are communicated, themed within my art?
That mankind must expand into space, in to other galaxies, due the imploding of the sun.
My art describes that the Nazis where lefties/ socialists.
That everybody should drive a small little lefties/ socialist/ crippled/ small car.
Just to that some more equal then others leaders with will drive own that slightly better version of that car.
Painted yesterday aswell as today some blue on my studio. Gesamtkunstwerk. Blue: rationality, women getting it in, cool calm collected, höflich freundlich ungerührt, supportive of each one’s mission, intelligence, we do further.
Blau ist als Kind schon meine Lieblingsfarbe gewesen.
Bin allerdings auch sehr gut mit mir alleine zurecht gekommen.
Dunkeles Blau kann Männer welche innerlich Schwach sind bzw noch nicht fertig sind, und nicht gut mit sich alleine zurecht kommen runter reißen.
Da muss Mann gefestigt sein, und sich zu beschäftigen wissen.
Ich mag blau, egal ob Dunkel oder gesundes mittleres Hellblau.
Bei Hellblau braucht Selbstdisziplin, Empathie, und muss Werte in sich tragen um die Gesundheit, Kühle und Klarheit derFarbe höflich freundlich ungerührt auszuhalten.
Habe mein Atelier es blauer gemacht. Die Wand brauch blaues.
Mein Ausgleich zum seit 6 Monaten jeden Tag im Atelier Büro Kunst Business machen, ist zu malen.
Kommen auch wieder andere Zeiten wo Ich nur male.
Habe vom vielen Büro spielen seit 33 Jahren das erste mal wieder so etwas Wieder wie eine Handschrift bzw Schreibschrift bekommen.
Mein Atelier hat was von Pointilllismus, Monet, Expressionisten? Impressionisten? Keine Ahnung verwechsele die immer.
Bin versucht heute mit Maske im Atelier zu malen mit Dose.
Stinkt halt immer so. Mal gucken.
Vielleicht lege Ich heute wieder eine 12 Stunden Schicht Atelier Büro ein. Wir machen weiter.
SEAK Claus Winkler SEAKClausWinkler artist working on ostpreussen artista abstraction arts artist in the picture artathome newpainting artstyle mixedmedia artwork studioartist artist studiowork germanpainter abstractpainting stylewriting collectingart neue kunstwerke zeitgenössischer Künstler sprayartist new contemporary artists blue color kunstwerk abstract oldpainting artcollect
Was mach Ich nachdem Ich heute soviel mit Blau mein Atelier angemalt habe? ( Unbewusste Kunst Wirkung?)
Habe Linsen gegessen (viel), Agenten sterben einsam zu Ende geguckt ( “ Where Eagles dare “ ( 70er Jahre Agenten/ Kriegs Film), alte Folge Miami Vice erste Staffel weiter geguckt. ( etwas), Buch über die Ritterzeit weiter gelesen.
Festgestellt Ich stinke nach Schweiß und muss mich duschen, Atelier Büro aufgeräumt, Küche aufgeräumt, viel furzen ( farting/ gesund), Mein Denken, Energie und wo die Impulse hingehen würden reflektiert wenn Ich ihnen nachgehen würde. Gedanken, Malerische Entscheidungen beim reflektieren mit den Buchstaben in meinen Namen abgeglichen.
Gutes Selbst, bei mir selbst Verankerung/ selbstbild/ Verortung.
Führe Ich auf die von mir heute im Bild gemalten Blau Nuancen zurück.
Wirkung: Farbe/ Color/ sowie die Konotierten Buchstaben welche jede Farbe hat, sowie wo Ich was hin gemalt habe.
Parallel teilweise Apex Mindset gehört ( Redpiller/ You tube).
Thema Gratitude ( Dankbarkeit). Freue mich jetzt auf die Frische Dusche.
Wirkung von Gemälden reverse engineering, um zu verstehen wie Ich von Kunst/ Signalen be-Einflusst bin.
SEAK Claus Winkler SEAKClausWinkler dream art mixedmedia artwork stay abstract raumschiffe art for your home artfoundation kunststiftung 3dart #3d artistic artlover scifi spaceship raumschiff stylewriting pittura 3dstyle wallpainting studioartist gesamt kunstwerk spray abstract spray abstractart painting of the day abstract artwork
I Just took these photos.
With one of my studios where Iam painting my art.
Iam painting my art everywhere. In the detail phase Iam having the body movement range from a Guinea pig (love. I can’t love women, I can just like them, having intercxurse, though I can love Guinea pigs.).
My paintings are growing in sacral power, depth, and energy. Iam painting them in rotation, just like the modern women having rosters of men. Iam doing my paintings most of the time one work step each.
So they grow all in a year. Some times, for example when I collector pre paid a painting, Iam working a piece in a row.
When the painting is finished it gives me a rush, being happy for a very short moment.
Happiness is rare/ scarce, when being an artist who paints his paintings himself.
My mother when being a child, was although painting.
She did her childhood drawings during the english/ American carpet bombing attacks, with in the anti aircraft bunker ( Luftschutz) here in the local Powerplant/ industry area, where although my studio is.
My grandfather became 2 awards for his achievements/ deeds with anti air craft/ airprotection. Iam still having them.
The bunker is although still there. It looks like a part from my typical painting style.
My family from my fathers side expierenced 5 months everyday dive bombing attacks on there refugee horse carried wagons in one of the coldest winters.
Laughing waving cheering sowjet pilots, happy & excited shooting down the family’s on the treck.
I like painting my paintings from all sides.
The left painting in stairways is from 1998.
All paintings are at least with one side work in progress.
I assume I will still work the paintings with in my possession still in 20 years. Doing details, nuances.
Think Dutch golden age.
I should always talk about my paintings.
If Iam not talking myself about my paintings, Iam asking others saying something about my paintings.
Why am I painting? Is it Iam switching, ejecting at a certain point with presence.
Conversation, life with in a other parallel universe, doing, making, saying, thinking everything i must to with painting.
Creating playful a oneness of all things, thoughts, beings, autistic non sensor filtered human overflow from the moment with in a paint.
Structureless structure, frozen transformed in a painting.
Iam often having parts with in my paintings where Iam not knowing what I do.
I just paint something.
Sometimes I paint with a strategy. Sometimes, with light, mechanical, weathering, usage, organically effects, I paint automatic.
Sometimes Iam painting so that I have good colors to see later in the process, so i catch myself.
I did. this already in advance with colors, forms, when I had known that I have a loved one dieing in the near future.
Keeping myself strong, stoic with my paintings.
I hung these painting this spring.
For the first time. Although in floors above. No concept.
Just a tetris logic, space.
All paintings are painted from both sides, and are work in progess.
They are growing into sacred muted mature Dutch golden age/ flamish primitives/ Van Gogh/ Rembrandt/ Bruegel/ Kirchner/ old masters etc like masterpieces.
i have accepted my faith working theses babies for a few further decades.
I could although paint them with my small brushes on some uhnwi superyacht, or in a mega estates couch landscape.
Maybe me painting is my digitalsobriety compensation substitute from playing computer games.
I loved indulging in to these with in the 80s ( amiga500), and then a little with in the 90s when I bought myself a power Mac station from a painting I sold.
Painting is a mix of escapism aswell as being hyper present, while reflecting, creating, playing.
It takes ages painting on canvas/ paper/ metal, compared to painting outside at walls.
Always remember when see my work, the paintings are all just work in progress.
Although when they seem ready/ finished, it’s just a beginning/ mid stage.
During my process I am always having different approaches painting.
Inspiration comes with work, long hours. I often trade being focused while painting with being entertained while painting listening to audio content, to keep on keeping on.
Sometimes to create depth, sophistication, concious nuance i don’t listen to anything which takes my focus away.
Sometimes I do the opposite. At the end of the day it counts how long I have painted.
When I get asked what i want to say with my paintings which is visible with in the painting, I learned people often wan’t/ can’t follow my depth of explanation.
They usual need a supervisual answer.
Same goes for/ with why paint.
Beautiful day yesterday.
Picture like my paintings with in my mind, beautiful.
The company you keep. Sitting in the morning sun now. Should go swimming in the lake today?
Or should I paint? Or should I do my art marketing?
I must do mummy work out today too.
From the next painting deal I will invest in a gym work out station bank. Lifting weights.
I just took these photos with in my studio. Iam interested in what the paintings are doing with the people.
Why am I painting my paintings?
Creating a glowing, perfect state, anchoring between what objects, item, visuals, thoughts, ego investments I fetishize with in the outside, and the inside with in same moment?
When I see a beautiful awesome machine, vehicle, ship, men made structure painting something is my way connecting with it?
Maybe my paintings are a pussiiii well destroyed, glowing, reflecting in the light?
Or my painting when looking too different from that are describing the reflection from the good deed?
My painting waving in people in to the vagene like the groundcrew the landing crew at a aircraft carrier?
Iam almost hearing the soundtrack from top gun/ iron eagle right now?
For me machines, and technology has faces, personality, character, which Iam reflecting in my paintings.
With in my paintings Iam digesting, coping, filtering, the enchanted influence from narratives, from what machines, structures visual things, animals, although humans having communicated to me.
Maybe Iam relieving my self allthough from ego, me me me, aswell as disgust/ stabilsing/ etc via painting what I paint.
Maybe that’s the pattern, structure, below from what I think what I paint it, why I paint it?
Maybe May paintings are a reflection from being in a constant ‘ awe/ autism/ autistic/ etc ‘ state?
Work progress:
To feel, thinking, doing better with myself, i painted my paintings with in a directions that I feel better when painting at the painting. So when within my workprocess rotation a further Workprocess level starts, i get better thoughts/ feelings, the paintings programs me becoming better, supporting growth.
A lot of times i catch myself having innerdialog which could be better, which can be deduct looking at the ground painting paintings laying at the floor. I catch myself, switching, upgrading having good thoughts. When painting with painting at the easel/ with a easel like structure im having good thoughts. For having a optimal work process walk a lot with nature alone, going hiking, cycling. Since this year i do my walks with nature with nordic walking sticks. I minimum do 10.000 to 13000 steps. I avoid people, the bodylanguage movement ( active/ passive, top/ bottom, she wants me/ he encouraging her/ pretending being blind/ couples looking for a third/ women to old/ / mediocre/ not attractive/ too young/ plain narcissisism/ gay/ bi cruiser/ young girls below 8,5/ people annoying with ther believes/ etc) takes up too much from my energy, and inner peace. So I like listening to useful things, walking alone, enjoying the green/ brown/ grey/ blue, watching animals. The absence of adult females minimum face 8,5/ 9s / 10s works with in my favour, helping me work focused. Knowing that i support, encourage, empower with art the flirting, thotery, the female hypergamy, a decadent/ lgbtq tolerance, the sexual ( life ) energy within/ between people. Increasing the peace. I although swim a lot in lakes, channels, public baths ( openair/ swimmhall), & watch/ hug/ cuddle animals like guineapigs/ donkeys/ pigs/ goats/ cats/ straydogs.
Work process:
I watch what i fap too. Which fantasy/ stimulation comes from which trigger/ Kink/ color/ the form/ the sound of word, interior element, work process? How does the fap ( selfrelieve/ mastrubation ( for lack of a better ‚ pc/ family friendly) word, it self triggers me. Position, hand, myself, the abstraction/ redirecting of thoughts. What/ which scenes? What suggests the woman at the photo, the photo arrangement, the design the photo is, etc, etc, etc, influencing my psyche. If that ritual is the first in after I wake up, how does that will influence my color choice later that day when painting? What kind of narrative am i giving to my art, into world at that level? How is my view deducting my work with perspective on how my abstract paintings influenced by me watching myself? Part of process, is although watching what are the little everyday rituals who influenced me in the past. The little logo with in my Shower, when wash myself? How clever is my subconscious protecting me from the things i wanted with in the past, which in retrospective didn’t happened? How did my paintings/ my work process is reflecting that? Or is my art already the digestion from that thought process?
How did my concious strategic decision circa 10 years ago to analyze during the faping process the picture themselfs influenced my art/ my life, my workprocess?
How does the interior, the architecture, the colors/ texture/ the everyday weather influenced my fap relief, which influcened my workprocess? How does everyday street, city, village, town, cars, people, children, animals ( cats/ dogs/ birds ), planes, hot air balloons, voices/ sounds/ noises, did influenced my work process, due I work with sound reducing headphones. How can my art become better?
Work process:
Since i started saying less, I started understanding better the connections between color, composition, words, priming, pre-priming, sounds, feelings, contexts, social dynamics. My process includes who thoughts i have, are connected, correspond with other people/ the world, via micro impressions/ expressions around the eyes/ with in the face, movement, breathing, the pheromones/ sweat/ the way our body’s are smelling different with the a different thought, with bodylanguage. My work process does include how people are influencing me? Are there intentions/ results from there action kind minded? How does thirds are influencing me, with suggesting me good solutions which help me where I could optimize myself?
Iam painting my paintings from all 6 sides is that I realised around 2009, that is efficient painting although the backsides. Color/ word / form/ knowledge a everday. Reflection: Emotions, color, thought? A thought word can change the reality live. I listen how my body reacts thinking about color/ a form/ both?