Könnte Ich hier erfolgreich entdecken, wie der EITGENÖSSISCHE Künstler SEAK gemeinsam mit den Neueignern seiner gruppierten Schlüsselwerke, für die thematische Formulierung von Skizzen neuer gesellschaftlicher und persönlicher Fragen, um Antworten ringt?
“ the thing which looks like a exclamation mark spaceship Grenadier unit symbol bomb is actually my small ‘ a ‘. The brown, line sprayed thing on the upper left, is a small ‘ e ‘ which is although a large ‘ E ‘, the other brown line thing is a ‚ S ‚. On the upper part, on the second behind canvas a few ‘ S ‘ looking down. All other forms on the first canvas are ‘ a ‘. Might will ad a further layer with other letters/ forms for being eyecatchers. The paintings are backsides from paintings I did paint in the 2000er years, late 1990s. The forms are from my typical wall paintings I did paint a lot here in germany, and all around the world. It’s is never enough. Would love painting walls again. Though painting on canvas/ paper makes sense. „ Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler