Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler:
What i like about me, my art, my paintings:
Iam old. Iam someone people are stealing there ideas, texts, business concept, business ideas from. I can’t cut my rats tail from a brand point of view, having people copying me, my artwork. I radiate a constant sexual yes energy on to people unfiltered. I painted a lot of not good looking but technical & from the time effort spent complex painting, almost ugly paintings because I was trying to interrupt Cuck/ steal/ thiefing/ gangstering/ me from a business strategic p.o.v., feeling good while being happy with it. A lot of times when I project I don’t like a person it is just me saving, stopping, going into my breaks cause the person is to attractive. Iam happy that Iam digital on socialmedia unsuccessful, cause it keeps the jealousy & the envy people are easily triggered into at a low level.
Iam cool with being scapegoat for the negative feelings, the hatred, grass is greener, etc frequency for other, it’s the meanings with in my name. I have hanging tits from overeating. I have grey hair at side of my head. A lot of times I have people who bought ( invest) art from me being jealous on me cause of the triggers with in the art, my name, that the real reason why they like the art is ambivalent. Most people not interested in my art. People who are interested in my art are a lot times because they want to copy what I do, take, learn from me. I give people with my art freedom, motivation, thrive, empowerment, the green light to exhale, especial when the person dislike, ignors my artwork. Iam obsessed with the suddle ways people are manipulating people, with in suddle ways. Iam always anchoring with my work in directions where others benefiting, without giving in return.
My paintings ugly. I always talk about the same topics. The generations who copy me, became technical better then me. Iam sometimes a little angry about myself that despice myself having all the 9s/ 10s ( beautiful females) with in closer area where I live keeping my life easy, focusing at work. Iam a little frustrated when seeing 9s/ 10s with red flags. Iam having old, cheap, lower middleclass furniture in my studio.
I couldn’t afford clothing that’s why I became clothes sponsored from clothing/ sneaker brands. I bought food at cheap discounters (supermarkets) cause couldn’t afford to buy the food at the middleclass discounter (supermarkets). A lot of times I like watching the paintings, artworks, you name it, from the other artist/s, painters, you name it, better, then my own work. Iam easy triggered in having a ego, when people are giving compliments/ validation, which usual happens when they want to manipulate, wanting to trick me. Iam hoping getting better when Iam thinking to highly of myself when the ego validation comes from thirds. I hope I get better in detecting this hidden competitiveness / jealousy/ you name it, in thirds/ others, a reason why I keep to myself. I have a doublechin, Iam working at tit, to become slim, below 100/ 90 kilograms. I attract within people : narcissism, exploiting, tricking others. Iam sexual emotional unavailable for the majority of female advances due mixture of lack of beauty, and there signals/ advances too decent. Iam used to the physcial fumble, touching, with the fullcontact direct sensual voice talk from all the female/ts sexworkers i was customer, with in my twenties. There is a photo, me in bondage, hanging from the cieling, in a female dame corset looking real surprised my piece bonded too.