Why I painted this? Why Iam painting? Artist SEAK Claus Winkler’s painter intentions?

Price for this masterpiece painting: ‘ 6 million euro (6.000.000 euro ) plus taxes, all extra costs. Art investment asset. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Price for this masterpiece painting: ‘ 6 million euro (6.000.000 euro ) plus taxes, all extra costs. Art investment asset. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

My Name: ‚ SEAK Claus Winkler / art/ paintings‚ from a pre-priming perspective has a shocking, shaking, activating energy.

It’s the last ditch, the last glacier, the last trench, the last fence, before it gets lgbtq, & or into kink/ cuckolding, ‚ swinging, permisqous.

Or staying with a woman, keeping that women with in rotation with multiple other women.

Or making the decision to not cuckold the many.

Or giving a way little signals when starting cheating 6 month in advance before breakup, with both branches with in hands, with the replacement guy.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

My Name is the breach in the fortress wall, with just a micro thought in this, or that or that direction. Or sailing, to beat, to sail windward in a other direction.

Monogamous decision, or the frame, when the male artviewer is alpha by deeds enough, having multiple women. Or a substitute activitiy like building, Reading, doing sport, a hobby, meditating. Or simply looking in the other direction not answering the indicator of interest view from the lgbtq Person, the other guy, the flirtatious women, etc.

Or the women for example, going in her feminine energy polarity, taking the femine from her man, behaving in her patterns & results feminine, helping supporting the man.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

My name directs the attention towards female hypergamy. Always showing interest in the upscaling, climbing the social ladder higher, to a bigger better deal aka man. My art brings couples to that last line, that border, where they make the decision, monogamy or not? Iam making this so that people make a decision at that personal border, problem. That they help & Support each other. From guy’s perspective just possible when the guy is redpill ( mensrights own dna-parents patriarchal clarity praxeology) manosphere alpha. At a concious level, i was already understanding this already in my childhood/ youth. What you see here in the photos, are close up 3d abstract stylised letters, single, & or connected saying the word ‚ SEAK / Seak ‘ . I painted them all round a the world. influencing multiple artist generations. Starting in that style in the 1990s. My art inspires women staying loyal, cause he can do better.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

My main motivation is often like Iam having too much from that colour on the palette. Iam just wanting to empty that colour. That’s why travell, Jetset to all paintings with in the room, perimeter where work, sit, stand, and search for parts with in the paintings where it makes sense using up that color. Making quick decisions. I guess it is connect to my name. The ‘ Ler ‘ from Winkler, my family name, means spoken with a ‘ e ‘ in German ‘ leer ( empty ), or if you interpretate that with in English ‘ Lair ‘ , or in spoken with a ‘ a ‘, ‘ lar ‘ ( reasonable rexlaxed clarity ). Love the process.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Wie wirkt deine Kunst auf die Menschen?

Es kann passieren, das die Leute unbewusst dem Kommunikativ proaktiven Konotierung Trigger in meinem Namen folgen. SEAK Claus Winkler = ‘ Mir Scharf, im Befehls/ Ego Unterton, ungefragt die Stille füllend mitteilen meinen mitteilen zu müssen Was nicht richtig ist, Zu tun und zulassen ist, zu kritisieren, zu belittlen, sich um mich Sorgen zu machen. Sorgen übrigens die Königsdisziplin den/ die jeweils andere mit Rahmen Kontrolle klein zu machen, zu erniedrigen, bzw zu versuchen Sich zu bevorteilen. Passiert öfters. Familie, Freunde, Bekannte, Kunstwelt, Kunst Kenner, Kultur Establishment, Kunst Kunden. Wenn’s perfekt ist, das Bild/ Kunst Werk stimmt. ( Stimmt sowie So. Künstler erklärt es für fertig. Stichwort Schützenswerte Gestaltungshöhe / Persönlicher Horizont). Dann wird gern was gesagt, irgendwas. Einfach weil mein Name das auslöst. Jeder darf was sagen, nur einer kann das Bild haben. In letzter Zeit habe Ich in meinem Arbeitsalltag meine Kunden/ Sammlern, auf der Unbewussten Frequenz/ ebene Sachen wie sie profitieren, erklärt. Das hat das wenn’s Sie offen, und Intelligent gewesen sind, sich sich still gefreut haben. Wie meine Kunst wirkt, hat wohl viel mit sehen zutun.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Wichtig zu lernen mit sich selbst ‘ alleine ‘ zufrieden zu seinen. Das die eigene Meisterschaft, die eigene Kunst, die eigene Gesellschaft der beste Freund, beste Freundin ist. Gegen die Einsamkeit helfen heiße Badewannen, bzw heiss Duschen. Beim sitzen auf dem Sofa, oder einem Stuhl, oder im Bett, ist mein Blick wie der vom Flugzeug, vom Berg, vom Burgturm. Phantasie macht es möglich. Verpackungen, wie die Dinge zufällig, oder mit Absicht, im Raum, auf dem Tisch angegordnet sind, bestimmen die Interaktion, die Gedanken, worrauf es hinaus läuft. Was das Leben, und den Mal, bzw Schaffens Prozess optimiert ist, bzw sind Übungen in Dankbarkeit. Im Englischen ‘ Gratitude’. Sich bewusst machen wofür man dankbar ist. Count your Blessings.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

What do you understand about your art?
Why do you make this?

I make my art as a aphrodisiac. They should eat the pie from the other guy, there significant other is going to, or be the bull, the alpha, & get a second woman, going out & get it.

I make my art that women having a exit strategy with in seriell monogamous relationships, which is fair to there significant other. They can give other guys, when sneaking head/ brains ( oral ), instead of bringing him creampie/ fermented fish rests.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Iam painting my art so men, with in relationships become alpha, being a good dominant present father, giving there feminine polarity to there significant others, cause she needs it, she is masculinesd.

I make my art so that Lgbtq+ can do there thing, eat prep, enjoy life, with in a tolerant society.

I make my art so that Germans get there balls back. Being although proud of there history, military history relearn/ rediscover that there is although a history before the 3.reich. Educating migrants which might be blind at the antisemitic / Holocaust eye, that the Holocaust is real, civilization a sensible plant.

‘ Schweizer Eigenheiten ‘ Wall painting ( mural/ Gesamtkunstwerk ), Dispersions paint, spraycan spraypaint (molotow premium ), spray technique, on concrete mixed with stones, attisholz, Switzerland. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

‘ Schweizer Eigenheiten ‘ Wall painting ( mural/ Gesamtkunstwerk ), Dispersions paint, spraycan spraypaint (molotow premium ), spray technique, on concrete mixed with stones, attisholz, Switzerland. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

I make my art, that people accept, & integrate there inner pig, there swine, shadow/ light frequency. Interpretating the swine, like behaving like a swine, being intelligent like swine, eating swine to make fun of all religions (bs). Seeing swine a symbol of luck/ gratitude. Iam a having the word ‘ swine ‘ with in my name. loving guinea pigs without washing them, or being in ego about it. Or just drinking wine, & eating swine. Or not behaving like a swine, taking care of the environment, living leading by deeds a good example rolemodel. (social)

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

I make my art to remember everyone, that all people lying about being lgbtq+, binary, hetero, that we all a naked bonobo apes sitting in a tree colony, getting/ being attracted to skin, triggered by thoughts, signals, pre-priming, & anchoring. Just seperated by lifestyle choices, trying to structure ourselves. Lgbtqs trying to shame the binarys. Binarys trying to keep there structured path.

I make my art, that families being families.

Price: 2,5 million euro ( 2.500.000 euro ), painting, oil, spraycan spraypaint, Marker, glue, linnen, canvas, wood plate, painted from both sides. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Price: 2,5 million euro ( 2.500.000 euro ), painting, oil, spraycan spraypaint, Marker, glue, linnen, canvas, wood plate, painted from both sides. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Iam painting this cause my name suggests I move, shake, signal something till it’s empty, being it my phallus (self relief, mastrubating, ego just thinking about my own pleasure), a pen/ marker/ spraycan/
brush with paint? I paint this cause i love like people so much, so that I make this, to give me structure, staying in my lane, securing my self. I make cause i love the connotations, thoughts, illusions, clarity, inspirations, feelings, narratives, which are connected to forms, colors, and compositions. I make this so I can collect myself, expierence calm, and the illusion of being in control. I make this, cause my name tells my I should make this.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Why i make this?
Iam painting art for men. Making male Egos stronger. Harden men with in world with matrix cheese, low testosterone, declaring that strong alpha males are bad. Empowering males with in a gynocnetric lalala social order. Where the state wants single parent households, offspring weaken by absent fathers. Where everyone virtuesignals without meaning it. A cancelculture which wants to cuckold & chastise binary males with bs like making them opening up, and talk to women about there feelings. Women claiming by action/ pattern, lower responsibility. Iam painting my art for men. To make stronger. To make them stoic, rational, present, alpha, redpilled, being in charge, being alpha, cool, calm, and collected.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

I make my art, that the male frequency a man says with in his subtext, is: ‘ yeah go to town, have the cake, the pie, eat tit too. ‘. In case a Woman, wants to shame him, make him beta/ pussy whip him. Binary man, can, and should interpretate the anal beats with in my paintings, as Anti shaming shields against vengeful, and or annoying/ attention seeking women. Confirming on a subtext with my art all shamings, questioning his sexuality, identify, subliminal attacks, poison dripping, soul snatching, etc, so her activities turn against herself, giving my male artwatcher peace & tranquility. That includes she threatening him with cuckoldery. My paintings, my art telling her, without him having telling her, direct: ‘ yeah, go, do it, wash yourself, or don’t wash yourself, I don’t care, I can do better.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

My art supports men. Gives men power, energy, supports men. Till the point that the man doesn’t want to share his sexuality with her. That forces her, to pull out her Personal ‘ a ‘ game, being a high quality women. On tiptoes, housewife, good mother, sport/ yoga/ cooking, baking, cleaning, having his back, low notch count/ low mileage, monkey double backflips, bringing home hot girls, no drama allowed, non female dating coach structured, in her feminine, reasonable non toxic hyper femininity. That’s why I make my art. To inspire this behavior, reality. Paintings for men.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Was macht deine Kunst mit den Menschen, meinen Auftraggebern, meinen Mäzenen, meinen Investoren?
Meine Kunst, meine Bild Komposition, meine Bildlichen Darstellungen heben Grenzen zwischen Menschen auf, und gibt allen ‘ Ja ‘. Das führt in zu Situationen, wo beim kennenlernen, in den ersten paar Sätzen, Sekunden, Gespräch, jemand irgendwas Mitteilt, tut, sagt, fragt, antwortet, was ein ‘ Nein ‘, ‘Ne’, ‘ No ‘, ‘ Ney ‘, behinhaltet. Weil die sexuelle Energie zwischen allen Menschen in der jeweiligen Situation durch mich, und oder meine Kunst auf ‘ Ja ‘ gestellt ist. Diese selbst sicherungs ‘ Ja ‘ Aufhebung, also ‘ nein ‘ Frequenz kann wird auch gerne, durch narrative erwähnt wo sublim die Frau unten rot ist. (sie hat ihre Tage), oder ‘ lesbisch ‘, oder es wird eine Frage gestellt welche mit ‘ Nein ‘ beantwortet wird. Oder es gibt Champagner, oder es wird was erklärt, gelehrt, oder gekauft, geschenkt. Oder es werden dem der jeweils andere Partner, und oder Single Frauen, Single Männer vorgestellt. Oder es wird angeboten, das einem durch Kleidungs/ Frisur Stil/ Hanky codes Klar erkennbare cruising Lgbtq Künstler vorgestellt, die einen schon die ganze Zeit auf dem Zettel haben. (Wenn Selber Künstler ist will man lieber Reiche Kunst Investition Interessierte vorgestellt bekommen, und oder junge attraktive Frauen. Mann sagt selbstverständlich dankbar nein, ist aus dem Trigger zwang befreit, im Nein, zufrieden mit sich selbst, und kann Sich wieder normal, nett miteinander unterhalten und was trinken, und sich an was zu essen beim Buffett festhalten.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Ich denke Ich male Gemälde welche sich von Sexualität abwenden, auf die Sexualität hinwenden, und Gemälde ( Meisterwerk / Schlüssel Werk), welche wo es ausgewogen ist. Ich könnte mal Kunstwerke malen, wo Sexualität ganz bewusst aufgehoben wird. Wo bei Sexualität ja auch Lebensenergie ist. Ich denke mal das Gemälde hier in dem Photo. Ist durch den Gelbton, zur Zeit auf dem Level integrierter Schatten. je länger man drauf guckt, je selbst kontrollierter wird Mann wachsen.

Gemälde, Öl auf Leinwand, preis: 120.000 euro, plus steuern, alle anderen Kosten, Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Gemälde, Öl auf Leinwand, preis: 120.000 euro, plus steuern, alle anderen Kosten, Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

How did accidents or discoveries lead you to the finished work?
I had a PrinceAlbert military guard intimacy piercing , among several other piercings done, after a painting I did for a well known piercer, here in cologne, late 1990s, that in influenced me. In 1996 i had financed from a painting an expensive telphone bill Siemens1 Mobile Phone, with a D2 (exclusive) contract. The antenna from the phone did influence/ inspired me.

I want to build, develop, progess, learn, grow. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Artist sketchbookpage part, crayon, paper, 2020, Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Artist sketchbookpage part, crayon, paper, 2020, Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

I usual love the work from the other creatives/ artists.
Iam chasing the rare times, Iam happy with what i did.
I can play, do what i want having fun. Like being a child playing being in my own world. I can consume colors, process, forms, the anticipation.

Iam pacing myself, mirroring myself, and then feeling that, within the Lense/ perspective from the word/ my name/ identity/ priming: ‚ SEAK Claus Winkler ‚.

I can paint with my art interesting feelings, nuances.

I can digest & answer with my paintings thoughts, questions etc, on a subliminal level, which iam not concious of.
I escape from the world.
I can paint my own ‚ awe ‚.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

– With my art I wave, signal, wink, people back from the structure less freedom back in to women. iam although giving the male artviewer the subliminal advice, to empower there sperm with semen retention, & mastrubation, karezza, to generate stronger sperm, to over power the sperm of the other mates, possible infidel, promisq, non faithful women chose, to cuckold the artviewer. Iam not suggesting to become a bull with in this this narrative. Don’t worry Lgbtq+ people my art has although your back. I can deduct, explain the whys with in my art although within your narrative/ lifestyle choice. For people who are ashamed from what I just explained, please check your inner unintegrated intrinsic shame/ shadow, and your ego investent believes you are trying to defend. After the rage, comes clarity.

My mother did described me as being fair, in German language ‘ Gerechtigkeits Sinn ‘ a Sense for righteousness. For example when children attacked, I must have answered to my parents while Iam not hitting back, defending myself: ‘but then iam hurting them ‘. Sounds like iam a pushover? The kids who hurt me and or tried worth, later all died. I found it out thru school comrades, and in my twenties thru former aquaintances, always a few years later. I called it after recognizing the pattern. The claus Winkler effect, or the SEAK Claus Winkler effect. In not defending my self, they learned when doing harm, being cruel, unfair, aggressive, etc, it had falsely no consequences. Other would call that karma. I can deduct that from the embedded priming with in my name. In truth, we are all named the same. ‘ Iam ‘. From short before puberty I although defended myself physical. Why am I writing, explaining, sharing this? It is related, to my #art. Why i am painting, drawing, making this. Iam digesting and filtering the energy’s, thoughts, from the other people, giving a answer, a solution, to question, a endpoint, from the other person(s) I don’t know about concious. It it is connected, with in my name, and I’m doing so, Iam giving myself different answers and questions. Maybe it’s the confirmation, from belonging being connected. Knowing if people when they get from this confirmed implict power perspective , lack of doubt, hyped up overconfidence, cruel, unfair, evil, they will….

My mother did described me as being fair, in German language ‘ Gerechtigkeits Sinn ‘ a Sense for righteousness. For example when children attacked, I must have answered to my parents while Iam not hitting back, defending myself: ‘but then iam hurting them ‘. Sounds like iam a pushover? The kids who hurt me and or tried worth, later all died. I found it out thru school comrades, and in my twenties thru former aquaintances, always a few years later. I called it after recognizing the pattern. The claus Winkler effect, or the SEAK Claus Winkler effect. In not defending my self, they learned when doing harm, being cruel, unfair, aggressive, etc, it had falsely no consequences. Other would call that karma. I can deduct that from the embedded priming with in my name. In truth, we are all named the same. ‘ Iam ‘. From short before puberty I although defended myself physical. Why am I writing, explaining, sharing this? It is related, to my #art. Why i am painting, drawing, making this. Iam digesting and filtering the energy’s, thoughts, from the other people, giving a answer, a solution, to question, a endpoint, from the other person(s) I don’t know about concious. It it is connected, with in my name, and I’m doing so, Iam giving myself different answers and questions. Maybe it’s the confirmation, from belonging being connected. Knowing if people when they get from this confirmed implict power perspective , lack of doubt, hyped up overconfidence, cruel, unfair, evil, they will….

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

– I made ( painted ) this cause, Iam imitating on a deep intrinsic level, with a hyper sensitive pacing from neuro impressions/ expressions. ( the muscles around the eyes), what I’ve read from my parents. My father with during his studies, had to draw, and sketch a lot technical plans.

Letter Style, Crayon, paper, 2020, Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Letter Style, Crayon, paper, 2020, Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

– My mother was drawing little bubble letter name tags for every child invited to my birthday party’s, when my parents where inviding friends, hand drawn name tag shields where people where sitting. Little captions with in the family photo album, drawn with a simple color marker for children. She was although drawing during allied carpet bomb raids, little paintings against the fear with in the anti aircraft air protection bunker, my grandfather (Engineer) build, for the protection from bombs, for his fellow colleagues, people, civilians.

-A childhoodfriend of mine, had from his older brother, and his family (they had multiple fair wagons selling play toys) large crests full with all kinds of different war toys. Some handpainted.

– In School I painted often when possible, & or unconcious triggered by fellow students with in class, instead of listening to what was teached, sailing ships, ships of the line with crayons, and color pencils (Buntstifte).

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

– Now being adult, and mature, I know, my name primes me on getting, being open, to suggestions, subliminal signals, commands, triggers, from outside. Although to prime, influence, command, signal, show others.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

– A pen/ brush, is a thin long material hard form. Which is can be put with in a body. ( Food, Phallus, Bathroom (toilet), Rectum, Vaginal). So with in the tension, or signaling greyzone field paint draw. Maybe my painting, and or drawing, is subliminal compensating, and digesting, filtering the food, sexuality, and or just having to go to the toilet, Energie from myself, the people around me, including the people reading via television, radio, audiobook, etc.

– My great grandfather ( Decorated WW1 12 year service Veteran/ later civilian life postal service mid rank) had a beautiful handwriting. My image (painting) shows a ‘ a ‘.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
Painting/ artwork price: 12 million euro ( 12.000.000 euro ) plus all taxes, all extra expenses. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Painting/ artwork price: 12 million euro ( 12.000.000 euro ) plus all taxes, all extra expenses. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

How did you choose this medium?

Canvas is practical. Traditional. High quality, stands the test of time, during the century’s. exclusive. I although enjoy painting on paper. I painted my first works on canvas circa 1994/ 1995. For example for a Jane Goodall Rememberance ( Gorillas in the Mist ) exhibition for the Museum König in Bonn. A few later, i was painting on canvas regular, parallel to my wallpaintings.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Maybe my art, my oeuvre‘s main topic, is having Gratitude. Iam having the ‚nk ‚ from the Word ‚ Thank you ‚ ( German language: ‚ Danke ‚ ). With in the middle of my family name. From my mothersides name, it includes aswell a positive word with in the family name. Being in gratitude, having gratitude, being thankful is foundation for being in a contentment state.

‘ Seak ‘ spraycan spraypaint from molotow premium, Venice beach, los angeles, california, usa, Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

‘ Seak ‘ spraycan spraypaint from molotow premium, Venice beach, los angeles, california, usa, Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Maybe my art is a lgbtq frequency protection shield/ dream catcher/ trigger redirector? Iam painting my art with the right arm. My male artviewers which seeing the painting get liberated from a possible hidden in der there psyche doubt about there sexual identity. Or my art making them being less with dissonance with possible lgbtq activies with in there past? Or my art shields there extra marriage activies from there wife’s ever screening intuition? Maybe my art make them grounded, and humbled, being in the masculine polarity? What is the energy your are getting? How is SEAK Claus Winkler’s art influencing you?

Copic Design Marker ink, paper. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

‘ Seak ‘ spraycan spraypaint from molotow premium, Venice beach, los angeles, california, usa, Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

How did you decide on this direction?

1989/ 1990/ 1991 I was hooked the first time on spraypainting my name/ Alta ego artist name (s). Found a challenge. Painted already before that long comic story’s, multiple pages, instead of doing my homework. Anyway, Thriving to grow, to become a better version from myself. In live with the #artwork from fellow painting artists. Hooked on getting better in visualizing my aesthetical tastes. Felt like iam
Belong to a kind of elite subculture (4 element hiphop/ writing). Similar like the waffenSS, specialforces, rangers, gsg9, guardianangels, superheroes, secretsociety, being part of the/ a avantgarde. Although a rebel within the artscene going my own way, rebelling non conform against rigide almost fascist thought models how styles ( abstract stylisedletters/ artist names) should be painted. I put a lot of work in, and e became a lot of fame, love, although jealousy. I started to influcenced at some point many generations artists, all around the world. Became published in books, fanzines, magazines, video magazines, being invited in many countries. Just to name a few things.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Painting in my own way, my own style was a necessity. It all happened cause I painted different from the others. I made style choices, aesthetic based on what the others don’t like,and did that. I looked at the weaknesses, what lacked of, and made that to my style. Like the Bruce Lee movie ‘the drunken master’. I although painted what was taboo, what the others where ashamed of. What’s forbidden. I integrated by own choice all that I liked from my cultural, historical, and popcultural contexts, and influences before, with in my paintings.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Why I painted this? Why Iam painting? Artist SEAK Claus Winkler’s painter intentions?

Price: 95.000 euro, plus all taxes, all other expenses. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Price: 95.000 euro, plus all taxes, all other expenses. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

My Name: ‚ SEAK Claus Winkler / art/ paintings‚ from a pre-priming perspective has a shocking, shaking, activating energy.

It’s the last ditch, the last glacier, the last trench, the last fence, before it gets lgbtq, & or into kink/ cuckolding, ‚ swinging, permisqous.

Or staying with a woman, keeping that women with in rotation with multiple other women.

Or making the decision to not cuckold the many.

Or giving a way little signals when starting cheating 6 month in advance before breakup, with both branches with in hands, with the replacement guy.

My Name is the breach in the fortress wall, with just a micro thought in this, or that or that direction. Or sailing, to beat, to sail windward in a other direction.

Monogamous decision, or the frame, when the male artviewer is alpha by deeds enough, having multiple women. Or a substitute activitiy like building, Reading, doing sport, a hobby, meditating. Or simply looking in the other direction not answering the indicator of interest view from the lgbtq Person, the other guy, the flirtatious women, etc.

Or the women for example, going in her feminine energy polarity, taking the femine from her man, behaving in her patterns & results feminine, helping supporting the man.

My name directs the attention towards female hypergamy. Always showing interest in the upscaling, climbing the social ladder higher, to a bigger better deal aka man. My art brings couples to that last line, that border, where they make the decision, monogamy or not? Iam making this so that people make a decision at that personal border, problem. That they help & Support each other. From guy’s perspective just possible when the guy is redpill ( mensrighs own dna-parents patriarchal clarity praxeology) manosphere alpha. At a concious level, i was already understanding this already in my childhood/ youth. What you see here in the photos, are close up 3d abstract stylised letters, single, & or connected saying the word ‚ SEAK / Seak ‘ . I painted them all round a the world. influencing multiple artist generations. Starting in that style in the 1990s. My art inspires women staying loyal, cause he can do better.

My main motivation is often like Iam having too much from that colour on the palette. Iam just wanting to empty that colour. That’s why travell, Jetset to all paintings with in the room, perimeter where work, sit, stand, and search for parts with in the paintings where it makes sense using up that color. Making quick decisions. I guess it is connect to my name. The ‘ Ler ‘ from Winkler, my family name, means spoken with a ‘ e ‘ in German ‘ leer ( empty ), or if you interpretate that with in English ‘ Lair ‘ , or in spoken with a ‘ a ‘, ‘ lar ‘ ( reasonable rexlaxed clarity ). Love the process. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

My main motivation is often like Iam having too much from that colour on the palette. Iam just wanting to empty that colour. That’s why travell, Jetset to all paintings with in the room, perimeter where work, sit, stand, and search for parts with in the paintings where it makes sense using up that color. Making quick decisions. I guess it is connect to my name. The ‘ Ler ‘ from Winkler, my family name, means spoken with a ‘ e ‘ in German ‘ leer ( empty ), or if you interpretate that with in English ‘ Lair ‘ , or in spoken with a ‘ a ‘, ‘ lar ‘ ( reasonable rexlaxed clarity ). Love the process. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Wie wirkt deine Kunst auf die Menschen?

Es kann passieren, das die Leute unbewusst dem Kommunikativ proaktiven Konotierung Trigger in meinem Namen folgen. SEAK Claus Winkler = ‘ Mir Scharf, im Befehls/ Ego Unterton, ungefragt die Stille füllend mitteilen meinen mitteilen zu müssen Was nicht richtig ist, Zu tun und zulassen ist, zu kritisieren, zu belittlen, sich um mich Sorgen zu machen. Sorgen übrigens die Königsdisziplin den/ die jeweils andere mit Rahmen Kontrolle klein zu machen, zu erniedrigen, bzw zu versuchen Sich zu bevorteilen. Passiert öfters. Familie, Freunde, Bekannte, Kunst Kunden. Wenn’s perfekt ist, das Bild/ Kunst Werk stimmt. ( Stimmt sowie So. Künstler erklärt es für fertig. Stichwort Schützenswerte Gestaltungshöhe / Persönlicher Horizont). Dann wird gern was gesagt, irgendwas. Einfach weil mein Name das auslöst. Jeder darf was sagen, nur einer kann das Bild haben. In letzter Zeit habe Ich meine Kunden/ Sammlern, auf der Unbewussten Frequenz/ ebene Sachen wie sie profitieren, erklärt. Das hat das wenn’s Sie offen, und Intelligent gewesen sind, sich sich still gefreut haben. Wie meine Kunst wirkt, hat wohl viel mit sehen zutun.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Wichtig zu lernen mit sich selbst ‘ alleine ‘ zufrieden zu seinen. Das die eigene Meisterschaft, die eigene Kunst, die eigene Gesellschaft der beste Freund, beste Freundin ist. Gegen die Einsamkeit helfen heiße Badewannen, bzw heiss Duschen. Beim sitzen auf dem Sofa, oder einem Stuhl, oder im Bett, ist mein Blick wie der vom Flugzeug, vom Berg, vom Burgturm. Phantasie macht es möglich. Verpackungen, wie die Dinge zufällig, oder mit Absicht, im Raum, auf dem Tisch angegordnet sind, bestimmen die Interaktion, die Gedanken, worrauf es hinaus läuft. Was das Leben, und den Mal, bzw Schaffens Prozess optimiert ist, bzw sind Übungen in Dankbarkeit. Im Englischen ‘ Gratitude’. Sich bewusst machen wofür man dankbar ist. Count your Blessings.

What do you understand about your art?
Why do you make this?

I make my art as a aphrodisiac. They should eat the pie from the other guy, there significant other is going to, or be the bull, the alpha, & get a second woman, going out & get it.

I make my art that women having a exit strategy with in seriell monogamous relationships, which is fair to there significant other. They can give other guys, when sneaking head/ brains ( oral ), instead of bringing him creampie/ fermented fish rests.

Iam painting my art so men, with in relationships become alpha, being a good dominant present father, giving there feminine polarity to there significant others, cause she needs it, she is masculinesd.

I make my art so that Lgbtq+ can do there thing, eat prep, enjoy life, with in a tolerant society.

I make my art so that Germans get there balls back. Being although proud of there history, military history relearn/ rediscover that there is although a history before the 3.reich. Educating migrants which might be blind at the antisemitic / Holocaust eye, that the Holocaust is real, civilization a sensible plant. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

What do you understand about your art?
Why do you make this?

I make my art as a aphrodisiac. They should eat the pie from the other guy, there significant other is going to, or be the bull, the alpha, & get a second woman, going out & get it.

I make my art that women having a exit strategy with in seriell monogamous relationships, which is fair to there significant other. They can give other guys, when sneaking head/ brains ( oral ), instead of bringing him creampie/ fermented fish rests.

Iam painting my art so men, with in relationships become alpha, being a good dominant present father, giving there feminine polarity to there significant others, cause she needs it, she is masculinesd.

I make my art so that Lgbtq+ can do there thing, eat prep, enjoy life, with in a tolerant society.

I make my art so that Germans get there balls back. Being although proud of there history, military history relearn/ rediscover that there is although a history before the 3.reich. Educating migrants which might be blind at the antisemitic / Holocaust eye, that the Holocaust is real, civilization a sensible plant. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Price 15 million euro ( 15.000.000 euro ), plus taxes, all extra costs. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Price 15 million euro ( 15.000.000 euro ), plus taxes, all extra costs. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

I make my art, that people accept, & integrate there inner pig, there swine, shadow/ light frequency. Interpretating the swine, like behaving like a swine, being intelligent like swine, eating swine to make fun of all religions (bs). Seeing swine a symbol of luck/ gratitude. Iam a having the word ‘ swine ‘ with in my name. loving guinea pigs without washing them, or being in ego about it. Or just drinking wine, & eating swine. Or not behaving like a swine, taking care of the environment, living leading by deeds a good example rolemodel. (social)

I make my art to remember everyone, that all people lying about being lgbtq+, binary, hetero, that we all a naked bonobo apes sitting in a tree colony, getting/ being attracted to skin, triggered by thoughts, signals, pre-priming, & anchoring. Just seperated by lifestyle choices, trying to structure ourselves. Lgbtqs trying to shame the binarys. Binarys trying to keep there structured path.

I make my art, that families being families.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Iam painting this cause my name suggests I move, shake, signal something till it’s empty, being it my phallus (self relief, mastrubating, ego just thinking about my own pleasure), a pen/ marker/ spraycan/
brush with paint? I paint this cause i love like people so much, so that I make this, to give me structure, staying in my lane, securing my self. I make cause i love the connotations, thoughts, illusions, clarity, inspirations, feelings, narratives, which are connected to forms, colors, and compositions. I make this so I can collect myself, expierence calm, and the illusion of being in control. I make this, cause my name tells my I should make this.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Why i make this?
Iam painting art for men. Making male Egos stronger. Harden men with in world with matrix cheese, low testosterone, declaring that strong alpha males are bad. Empowering males with in a gynocnetric lalala social order. Where the state wants single parent households, offspring weaken by absent fathers. Where everyone virtuesignals without meaning it. A cancelculture which wants to cuckold & chastise binary males with bs like making them opening up, and talk to women about there feelings. Women claiming by action/ pattern, lower responsibility. Iam painting my art for men. To make stronger. To make them stoic, rational, present, alpha, redpilled, being in charge, being alpha, cool, calm, and collected.

I make my art, that the male frequency a man says with in his subtext, is: ‘ yeah go to town, have the cake, the pie, eat tit too. ‘. In case a Woman, wants to shame him, make him beta/ pussy whip him. Binary man, can, and should interpretate the anal beats with in my paintings, as Anti shaming shields against vengeful, and or annoying/ attention seeking women. Confirming on a subtext with my art all shamings, questioning his sexuality, identify, subliminal attacks, poison dripping, soul snatching, etc, so her activities turn against herself, giving my male artwatcher peace & tranquility. That includes she threatening him with cuckoldery. My paintings, my art telling her, without him having telling her, direct: ‘ yeah, go, do it, wash yourself, or don’t wash yourself, I don’t care, I can do better.
My art supports men. Gives men power, energy, supports men. Till the point that the man doesn’t want to share his sexuality with her. That forces her, to pull out her Personal ‘ a ‘ game, being a high quality women. On tiptoes, housewife, good mother, sport/ yoga/ cooking, baking, cleaning, having his back, low notch count/ low mileage, monkey double backflips, bringing home hot girls, no drama allowed, non female dating coach structured, in her feminine, reasonable non toxic hyper femininity. That’s why I make my art. To inspire this behavior, reality. Paintings for men. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

I make my art, that the male frequency a man says with in his subtext, is: ‘ yeah go to town, have the cake, the pie, eat tit too. ‘. In case a Woman, wants to shame him, make him beta/ pussy whip him. Binary man, can, and should interpretate the anal beats with in my paintings, as Anti shaming shields against vengeful, and or annoying/ attention seeking women. Confirming on a subtext with my art all shamings, questioning his sexuality, identify, subliminal attacks, poison dripping, soul snatching, etc, so her activities turn against herself, giving my male artwatcher peace & tranquility. That includes she threatening him with cuckoldery. My paintings, my art telling her, without him having telling her, direct: ‘ yeah, go, do it, wash yourself, or don’t wash yourself, I don’t care, I can do better.
My art supports men. Gives men power, energy, supports men. Till the point that the man doesn’t want to share his sexuality with her. That forces her, to pull out her Personal ‘ a ‘ game, being a high quality women. On tiptoes, housewife, good mother, sport/ yoga/ cooking, baking, cleaning, having his back, low notch count/ low mileage, monkey double backflips, bringing home hot girls, no drama allowed, non female dating coach structured, in her feminine, reasonable non toxic hyper femininity. That’s why I make my art. To inspire this behavior, reality. Paintings for men. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Was macht deine Kunst mit den Menschen?
Meine Kunst hebt die Grenzen zwischen Menschen auf, und gibt allen ‘ Ja ‘. Das führt in zu Situationen, wo beim kennenlernen, in den ersten paar Sätzen, Sekunden, Gespräch, jemand irgendwas Mitteilt, tut, sagt, fragt, antwortet, was ein ‘ Nein ‘, ‘Ne’, ‘ No ‘, ‘ Ney ‘, behinhaltet. Weil die sexuelle Energie zwischen allen Menschen in der jeweiligen Situation durch mich, und oder meine Kunst auf ‘ Ja ‘ gestellt ist. Diese selbst sicherungs ‘ Ja ‘ Aufhebung, also ‘ nein ‘ Frequenz kann wird auch gerne, durch narrative erwähnt wo sublim die frau unten rot ist. (sie hat ihre Tage), oder ‘ lesbisch ‘, oder es wird eine Frage gestellt welche mit ‘ Nein ‘ beantwortet wird. Oder es gibt Champagner, oder es wird was erklärt, gelehrt, oder gekauft, geschenkt. Oder es werden dem der jeweils andere Partner, und oder Single Frauen, Single Männer vorgestellt. Oder es wird angeboten, das einem durch Kleidungs/ Frisur Stil/ Hanky codes Klar erkennbare cruising Lgbtq Künstler vorgestellt, die einen schon die ganze Zeit auf dem Zettel haben. (Wenn Selber Künstler ist will man lieber Reiche Kunst Kauf Interessierte vorgestellt bekommen, und oder junge attraktive Frauen. Mann sagt selbstverständlich dankbar nein, ist aus dem Trigger zwang befreit, im Nein, zufrieden mit sich selbst, und kann Sich wieder normal, nett miteinander unterhalten und was trinken, und sich an was zu essen beim Buffett festhalten. Ich denke Ich male Gemälde welche sich von Sexualität abwenden, auf die Sexualität hinwenden, und Gemälde, welche wo es ausgewogen ist. Ich könnte mal Kunstwerke malen, wo Sexualität ganz bewusst aufgehoben wird. Wo bei Sexualität ja auch Lebensenergie ist. Ich denke mal das Gemälde hier in dem Photo. Ist durch den Gelbton, zur Zeit auf dem Level integrierter Schatten. je länger man drauf guckt, je selbst kontrollierter wird Mann wachsen. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Was macht deine Kunst mit den Menschen?
Meine Kunst hebt die Grenzen zwischen Menschen auf, und gibt allen ‘ Ja ‘. Das führt in zu Situationen, wo beim kennenlernen, in den ersten paar Sätzen, Sekunden, Gespräch, jemand irgendwas Mitteilt, tut, sagt, fragt, antwortet, was ein ‘ Nein ‘, ‘Ne’, ‘ No ‘, ‘ Ney ‘, behinhaltet. Weil die sexuelle Energie zwischen allen Menschen in der jeweiligen Situation durch mich, und oder meine Kunst auf ‘ Ja ‘ gestellt ist. Diese selbst sicherungs ‘ Ja ‘ Aufhebung, also ‘ nein ‘ Frequenz kann wird auch gerne, durch narrative erwähnt wo sublim die frau unten rot ist. (sie hat ihre Tage), oder ‘ lesbisch ‘, oder es wird eine Frage gestellt welche mit ‘ Nein ‘ beantwortet wird. Oder es gibt Champagner, oder es wird was erklärt, gelehrt, oder gekauft, geschenkt. Oder es werden dem der jeweils andere Partner, und oder Single Frauen, Single Männer vorgestellt. Oder es wird angeboten, das einem durch Kleidungs/ Frisur Stil/ Hanky codes Klar erkennbare cruising Lgbtq Künstler vorgestellt, die einen schon die ganze Zeit auf dem Zettel haben. (Wenn Selber Künstler ist will man lieber Reiche Kunst Kauf Interessierte vorgestellt bekommen, und oder junge attraktive Frauen. Mann sagt selbstverständlich dankbar nein, ist aus dem Trigger zwang befreit, im Nein, zufrieden mit sich selbst, und kann Sich wieder normal, nett miteinander unterhalten und was trinken, und sich an was zu essen beim Buffett festhalten. Ich denke Ich male Gemälde welche sich von Sexualität abwenden, auf die Sexualität hinwenden, und Gemälde, welche wo es ausgewogen ist. Ich könnte mal Kunstwerke malen, wo Sexualität ganz bewusst aufgehoben wird. Wo bei Sexualität ja auch Lebensenergie ist. Ich denke mal das Gemälde hier in dem Photo. Ist durch den Gelbton, zur Zeit auf dem Level integrierter Schatten. je länger man drauf guckt, je selbst kontrollierter wird Mann wachsen. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

How did accidents or discoveries lead you to the finished work?
I had a PrinceAlbert military guard intimacy piercing , among several other piercings done, after a painting I did for a well known piercer, here in cologne, late 1990s, that in influenced me. In 1996 i had financed from a painting an expensive telphone bill Siemens1 Mobile Phone, with a D2 (exclusive) contract. The antenna from the phone did influence/ inspired me. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

How did accidents or discoveries lead you to the finished work?
I had a PrinceAlbert military guard intimacy piercing , among several other piercings done, after a painting I did for a well known piercer, here in cologne, late 1990s, that in influenced me. In 1996 i had financed from a painting an expensive telphone bill Siemens1 Mobile Phone, with a D2 (exclusive) contract. The antenna from the phone did influence/ inspired me. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

I make this, my art, cause on some level, a blind spot with in my awareness, it tells to make this. I guess, assume it is with my name hidden. I paint what I like, I love. Maybe to intensify my appreciation, for things, humans, animals, visuals, creations, art, i see. I can identify my ego with a form, with what inspires me, while although expierencing flow while making, although thinking further about what I like. On a the intrinsic level, my name, is although a embedded command, or a weasel phrase, of you speak to master manipulators, copywriters, advertisment, and or business people. So my name is telling me to keep on keep on moving, creating, painting, making. The ‚ EA ‚ (EE) sound with my artist name, although my the German pronunciation for the letter ‚ i ‚ (in German spoken ‚ ea/ ee ‚ triggers the process to learn/ discover/ identify/ culture a new taste, to build the self. That is making me urging chasing creative, gives me a energy.
It’s although an addiction, to optimize the painting. It’s a way entertaining myself. Iam being a man, visual, hunter. I like beautiful, Visual interesting things. I although love watching other people’s art, creations, paintings, scale models, diorama, styles, graphics, sculptures.

I want to build, develop, progess, learn, grow. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

I make this, my art, cause on some level, a blind spot with in my awareness, it tells to make this. I guess, assume it is with my name hidden. I paint what I like, I love. Maybe to intensify my appreciation, for things, humans, animals, visuals, creations, art, i see. I can identify my ego with a form, with what inspires me, while although expierencing flow while making, although thinking further about what I like. On a the intrinsic level, my name, is although a embedded command, or a weasel phrase, of you speak to master manipulators, copywriters, advertisment, and or business people. So my name is telling me to keep on keep on moving, creating, painting, making. The ‚ EA ‚ (EE) sound with my artist name, although my the German pronunciation for the letter ‚ i ‚ (in German spoken ‚ ea/ ee ‚ triggers the process to learn/ discover/ identify/ culture a new taste, to build the self. That is making me urging chasing creative, gives me a energy.
It’s although an addiction, to optimize the painting. It’s a way entertaining myself. Iam being a man, visual, hunter. I like beautiful, Visual interesting things. I although love watching other people’s art, creations, paintings, scale models, diorama, styles, graphics, sculptures.

I want to build, develop, progess, learn, grow. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

I usual love the work from the other creatives/ artists.
Iam chasing the rare times, Iam happy with what i did.
I can play, do what i want having fun. Like being a child playing being in my own world. I can consume colors, process, forms, the anticipation.

Iam pacing myself, mirroring myself, and then feeling that, within the Lense/ perspective from the word/ my name/ identity/ priming: ‚ SEAK Claus Winkler ‚.

I can paint with my art interesting feelings, nuances.

I can digest & answer with my paintings thoughts, questions etc, on a subliminal level, which iam not concious of.
I escape from the world.
I can paint my own ‚ awe ‚.

– With my art I wave, signal, wink, people back from the structure less freedom back in to women. iam although giving the male artviewer the subliminal advice, to empower there sperm with semen retention, & mastrubation, karezza, to generate stronger sperm, to over power the sperm of the other mates, possible infidel, promisq, non faithful women chose, to cuckold the artviewer. Iam not suggesting to become a bull with in this this narrative. Don’t worry Lgbtq+ people my art has although your back. I can deduct, explain the whys with in my art although within your narrative/ lifestyle choice. For people who are ashamed from what I just explained, please check your inner unintegrated intrinsic shame/ shadow, and your ego investent believes you are trying to defend. After the rage, comes clarity. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

– With my art I wave, signal, wink, people back from the structure less freedom back in to women. iam although giving the male artviewer the subliminal advice, to empower there sperm with semen retention, & mastrubation, karezza, to generate stronger sperm, to over power the sperm of the other mates, possible infidel, promisq, non faithful women chose, to cuckold the artviewer. Iam not suggesting to become a bull with in this this narrative. Don’t worry Lgbtq+ people my art has although your back. I can deduct, explain the whys with in my art although within your narrative/ lifestyle choice. For people who are ashamed from what I just explained, please check your inner unintegrated intrinsic shame/ shadow, and your ego investent believes you are trying to defend. After the rage, comes clarity. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Price for this painting ( oil, acryl, marker, canvas ) : 450.000 euro plus all taxes, extra costs. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Price for this painting ( oil, acryl, marker, canvas ) : 450.000 euro plus all taxes, extra costs. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

– With my art I wave, signal, wink, people back from the structure less freedom back in to women. iam although giving the male artviewer the subliminal advice, to empower there sperm with semen retention, & mastrubation, karezza, to generate stronger sperm, to over power the sperm of the other mates, possible infidel, promisq, non faithful women chose, to cuckold the artviewer. Iam not suggesting to become a bull with in this this narrative. Don’t worry Lgbtq+ people my art has although your back. I can deduct, explain the whys with in my art although within your narrative/ lifestyle choice. For people who are ashamed from what I just explained, please check your inner unintegrated intrinsic shame/ shadow, and your ego investent believes you are trying to defend. After the rage, comes clarity.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

– I made ( painted ) this cause, Iam imitating on a deep intrinsic level, with a hyper sensitive pacing from neuro impressions/ expressions. ( the muscles around the eyes),

– what I’ve read from my parents. My father with during his studies, had to draw, and sketch a lot technical plans.

– My mother was drawing little bubble letter name tags for every child invited to my birthday party’s, when my parents where inviding friends, hand drawn name tag shields where people where sitting. Little captions with in the family photo album, drawn with a simple color marker for children. She was although drawing during allied carpet bomb raids, little paintings against the fear with in the anti aircraft air protection bunker, my grandfather (Engineer) build, for the protection from bombs, for his fellow colleagues, people, civilians.

-A childhoodfriend of mine, had from his older brother, and his family (they had multiple fair wagons selling play toys) large crests full with all kinds of different war toys. Some handpainted.

– In School I painted often when possible, & or unconcious triggered by fellow students with in class, instead of listening to what was teached, sailing ships, ships of the line with crayons, and color pencils (Buntstifte).

– Now being adult, and mature, I know, my name primes me on getting, being open, to suggestions, subliminal signals, commands, triggers, from outside. Although to prime, influence, command, signal, show others.

– A pen/ brush, is a thin long material hard form. Which is can be put with in a body. ( Food, Phallus, Bathroom (toilet), Rectum, Vaginal). So with in the tension, or signaling greyzone field paint draw. Maybe my painting, and or drawing, is subliminal compensating, and digesting, filtering the food, sexuality, and or just having to go to the toilet, Energie from myself, the people around me, including the people reading via television, radio, audiobook, etc.

– My great grandfather ( Decorated WW1 12 year service Veteran/ later civilian life postal service mid rank) had a beautiful handwriting. My image (painting) shows a ‘ a ‘.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

How did you choose this medium?

Canvas is practical. Traditional. High quality, stands the test of time, during the century’s. exclusive. I although enjoy painting on paper. I painted my first works on canvas circa 1994/ 1995. For example for a Jane Goodall Rememberance ( Gorillas in the Mist ) exhibition for the Museum König in Bonn. A few later, i was painting on canvas regular, parallel to my wallpaintings.

Maybe my art, my oeuvre‘s main topic, is having Gratitude. Iam having the ‚nk ‚ from the Word ‚ Thank you ‚ ( German language: ‚ Danke ‚ ). With in the middle of my family name. From my mothersides name, it includes aswell a positive word with in the family name. Being in gratitude, having gratitude, being thankful is foundation for being in a contentment state. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Maybe my art, my oeuvre‘s main topic, is having Gratitude. Iam having the ‚nk ‚ from the Word ‚ Thank you ‚ ( German language: ‚ Danke ‚ ). With in the middle of my family name. From my mothersides name, it includes aswell a positive word with in the family name. Being in gratitude, having gratitude, being thankful is foundation for being in a contentment state. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Maybe my art is a lgbtq frequency protection shield/ dream catcher/ trigger redirector? Iam painting my art with the right arm. My male artviewers which seeing the painting get liberated from a possible hidden in der there psyche doubt about there sexual identity. Or my art making them being less with dissonance with possible lgbtq activies with in there past? Or my art shields there extra marriage activies from there wife’s ever screening intuition? Maybe my art make them grounded, and humbled, being in the masculine polarity? What is the energy your are getting? How is SEAK Claus Winkler’s art influencing you?

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

How did you decide on this direction?

1989/ 1990/ 1991 I was hooked the first time on spraypainting my name/ Alta ego artist name (s). Found a challenge. Painted already before that long comic story’s, multiple pages, instead of doing my homework. Anyway, Thriving to grow, to become a better version from myself. In live with the #artwork from fellow painting artists. Hooked on getting better in visualizing my aesthetical tastes. Felt like iam
Belong to a kind of elite subculture (4 element hiphop/ writing). Similar like the waffenSS, specialforces, rangers, gsg9, guardianangels, superheroes, secretsociety, being part of the/ a avantgarde. Although a rebel within the artscene going my own way, rebelling non conform against rigide almost fascist thought models how styles ( abstract stylisedletters/ artist names) should be painted. I put a lot of work in, and e became a lot of fame, love, although jealousy. I started to influcenced at some point many generations artists, all around the world. Became published in books, fanzines, magazines, video magazines, being invited in many countries. Just to name a few things.
Painting in my own way, my own style was a necessity. It all happened cause I painted different from the others. I made style choices, aesthetic based on what the others don’t like,and did that. I looked at the weaknesses, what lacked of, and made that to my style. Like the Bruce Lee movie ‘the drunken master’. I although painted what was taboo, what the others where ashamed of. What’s forbidden. I integrated by own choice all that I liked from my cultural, historical, and popcultural contexts, and influences before, with in my paintings.

Why did you make, painted, drawed, created, this painting/ piece? (Part1)

Art price for the piece on the eames chair: 2,5 Million Euro ( 2.500.000 euro ), all taxes, further expenses extra. For hnw/ uhnw art investor/ art lovers. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Art price for the piece on the eames chair: 2,5 Million Euro ( 2.500.000 euro ), all taxes, further expenses extra. For hnw/ uhnw art investor/ art lovers. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Art price for the piece on the eames chair: 2,5 Million Euro ( 2.500.000 euro ), all taxes, further expenses extra. For hnw/ uhnw art investor/ art lovers. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

– Iam painting art cause, Iam imitating on a deep intrinsic level, with a hyper sensitive pacing from neuro impressions/ expressions. ( the muscles around the eyes), what I’ve read from my parents. My father with during his studies, had to draw, and sketch a lot technical plans. My mother was drawing little bubble letter name tags for every child invited to my birthday party’s, when my parents where inviding friends, hand drawn name tag shields where people where sitting. Little captions with in the family photo album, drawn with a simple color marker for children. She was although drawing during allied carpet bomb raids, little paintings against the fear with in the anti aircraft air protection bunker, my grandfather (Engineer/ mid level local political party member (died 1944) build, for the protection from bombs, for his fellow colleagues, people living here, civilians.

Maybe Iam painting my art, cause iam simulating life, imitating action, modeling with my paintings what the other people expierencing in real life. In this photo Iam ( artist: SEAK Claus Winkler, with the number 5200) entering the finishing line during the new years eve marathon in Zürich, Switzerland. a Glimpse of life, while back in to the artist studio painting.

Maybe Iam painting my art, cause iam simulating life, imitating action, modeling with my paintings what the other people expierencing in real life. In this photo Iam ( artist: SEAK Claus Winkler, with the number 5200) entering the finishing line during the new years eve marathon in Zürich, Switzerland. a Glimpse of life, while back in to the artist studio painting.

Maybe Iam painting my art, cause iam simulating life, imitating action, modeling with my paintings what the other people expierencing in real life. In this photo Iam ( artist: SEAK Claus Winkler, with the number 5200) entering the finishing line during the new years eve marathon in Zürich, Switzerland. a Glimpse of life, while back in to the artist studio painting.

– A childhoodfriend of mine, had from his older brother, and his family (they had multiple fair wagons selling play toys) large crests full with all kinds of different war toys. Some lowlevel handpainted by his much older brother years before.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

– In School I painted often when possible, & or unconcious triggered by fellow students with in class, instead of listening to what was teached, sailing ships, ships of the line with crayons, and color pencils (Buntstifte).

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

– Now being adult, and mature, I know, my name primes me on getting, being open, to suggestions, subliminal signals, commands, triggers, from outside which I pace, filter, stabilize with painting. Although to prime, influence, command, signal, show others.

The artist small ‘ a ‘, work in progess, painting, paper, acryl, marker, spray, oil. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

The artist small ‘ a ‘, work in progess, painting, paper, acryl, marker, spray, oil. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

– A pen/ brush, is a thin long material hard form. Which is can be put with in a body. ( Food, Phallus, Bathroom (toilet), Rectum, Vaginal). So with in the tension, or signaling greyzone field paint draw. Maybe my painting, and or drawing, is subliminal compensating, and digesting, filtering the food, sexuality, and or just having to go to the toilet, Energie from myself, the people around me, including the people reading via television, radio, audiobook, etc.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

– My great grandfather ( Decorated (Ek.2/ Ek.1/ etc, WW1 highest nco rank, 12 year service prewar, Veteran/ later civilian life postal service upper mid rank) had a beautiful handwriting. My image (painting) shows a ‘ a ‘.

Welche Gedanken führen zur Entstehung deiner Werke?

Gedanken von sich Erweitern, optimieren, bauen, wachsen, schöner machen, schönes sehen, meine Mission als Mann leben. Die Rückseite hier im Photo dieser Papier Arbeit ist leer gewesen. Dann habe Ich auch hinten, auf dieser Seite meine Signatur gemacht. Dann diese erweitert. Dann kamen kleine graue ‚ Seak ‚ Schriftzüge mit Bleistift, auf der Rückseite auf das Papier. Das Blatt, bzw Stück wächst stetig an malerischer Komplexität. Die Vorderseite ist vermeintlich das erste mal 2013 fertig gewesen. Seit dem wachsen beide Seiten, im stetigen Schaffensprozess. Das gute beim malen von vielen Arbeiten gleichzeitig, ist, man mal wie beim Zen, ohne erwartung, oder Ergebnis Anspruch. Außerhalb der Komfortzone, gibt es Freiheit von Sicherheits denken, und Chancen für Neues entdecken beim malen. Das Wort ‘ Seak ‘ treibt mich aus möglicher Faulheit, in die Strebsamkeit, in das tun, das Schaffen, das Suchen, den Flow? Photo: 2022 Atelier Galerie. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Gedanken von sich Erweitern, optimieren, bauen, wachsen, schöner machen, schönes sehen, meine Mission als Mann leben. Die Rückseite hier im Photo dieser Papier Arbeit ist leer gewesen. Dann habe Ich auch hinten, auf dieser Seite meine Signatur gemacht. Dann diese erweitert. Dann kamen kleine graue ‚ Seak ‚ Schriftzüge mit Bleistift, auf der Rückseite auf das Papier. Das Blatt, bzw Stück wächst stetig an malerischer Komplexität. Die Vorderseite ist vermeintlich das erste mal 2013 fertig gewesen. Seit dem wachsen beide Seiten, im stetigen Schaffensprozess. Das gute beim malen von vielen Arbeiten gleichzeitig, ist, man mal wie beim Zen, ohne erwartung, oder Ergebnis Anspruch. Außerhalb der Komfortzone, gibt es Freiheit von Sicherheits denken, und Chancen für Neues entdecken beim malen. Das Wort ‘ Seak ‘ treibt mich aus möglicher Faulheit, in die Strebsamkeit, in das tun, das Schaffen, das Suchen, den Flow? Photo: 2022 Atelier Galerie. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Es kann Sein, das zum Beispiel Menschen in meinem Umfeld meine Gefühle, Stimmungen verändern wollen, um einen persönlichen Vorteil haben zu wollen, oder Sie wollen mich provozieren, oder Sie sind neidisch.

Durch meine Kunst, mein Wesen, meine künstlerische Arbeit stifte Ich Frauen und Männer zu Intimität an. Diese Anstiftung, Verschärfung zu allem Körplichen Dingen wo am Körper Ein und Ausänge ( Oben/ Unten/ Augen/ Nase/ Mund/ Ohren/ Vorne/ Hinten/ Etc) treibt mich zum malen zum Kunst Schaffen an. Ich bekomme von meiner Umwelt die selben Signale zurück und Antworte mit Tätigkeit. Meine Werkzeuge sind ebenfalls körperlich Rund, wie zum Beispiel Pinsel, Finger (Malen), Sprühdosen, Haar Quaste, Stifte, Marker. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Durch meine Kunst, mein Wesen, meine künstlerische Arbeit stifte Ich Frauen und Männer zu Intimität an. Diese Anstiftung, Verschärfung zu allem Körplichen Dingen wo am Körper Ein und Ausänge ( Oben/ Unten/ Augen/ Nase/ Mund/ Ohren/ Vorne/ Hinten/ Etc) treibt mich zum malen zum Kunst Schaffen an. Ich bekomme von meiner Umwelt die selben Signale zurück und Antworte mit Tätigkeit. Meine Werkzeuge sind ebenfalls körperlich Rund, wie zum Beispiel Pinsel, Finger (Malen), Sprühdosen, Haar Quaste, Stifte, Marker. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Dieser versteckte Neid kann Sich zum Beispiel durch Farben hervorrufen welche Sie hier in meinen Postings sehen. Das kann zu Interaktionen führen wo sie dann psychologischen Schmerz auslösen. ‘ Weh in Klär ‘ Weh = pain, In = in Kler: Check it, Kläre es, lass es raus, Luft, Air, Heir, Etc.

Im Galerie Raum von Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler. Gemälde: ‘ Matrix ‘, Anfang der 2000er Jahre, Sprühlack, Dispersions Farbe, Leinen, Holz. Die Rückseite ist seit circa 2013 Work in progress.

Im Galerie Raum von Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler. Gemälde: ‘ Matrix ‘, Anfang der 2000er Jahre, Sprühlack, Dispersions Farbe, Leinen, Holz. Die Rückseite ist seit circa 2013 Work in progress.

Und nutzen mich von meiner Seite ungewollt als Medium. Das wiederum nimmt Einfluss auf meine Farbwahl, beim Kunstwerk. Zum Beispiel, Ich wähle mittleres grün was mir sagt, in der Reflektion, hier ist Neid im Spiel (eine Eigenschaft von Grün. Bzw Ich habe dunkeles future green benutzt. Was denn neid begrenzt, meine Schmerz Gefühle ( W = Pain ), mildert/ reguliert.

Dieses Photo, mit der Ready made Kunst Installation von den beiden doppelseitigen Leinwand bespannten Holzplatten Gemälden, ist vor ein paar Wochen entstanden. In der Eifel, nach einer Wanderung. In der Ferne hatte eine Kuh geblökt, nachher kam der Bauer, mit zwei Fahrzeugen, und fuhren auf den anderen Acker. Ein völlig normaler, schöner geerdeter Wandertag. Ohne Hype, schicke Leute, schicke Locations, wenn Bodenständigkeit bodenständig ist. Die Kunstwerke habe Ich wohl zum ersten Mal 2013 als fertig signiert. Seitdem sind Sie von beiden Seiten gewachsen. Ich nutze seit ein paar Wochen auch bei meinen Freizeit Wanderungen, Wo Ich Ausgleich zum malen und Kunst schaffen Zeit für Photos wie diese. Wie eine attraktive junge Frau mit Smartphone, die Hypergamy, der Weltweite Sexuelle Marktplatz, oder John Rambo ( Wenn du denn Krieg gewinnen willst must du selbst zum Krieg werden), selbst und ständig. Ich hab eben die ard Dokumentation über Krypto Neureiche Billionäre gesehen. Dankbar für all die unspektakulären Wanderungen bei grauen tristen regenwetter, ohne Trophy Influenzerinnen Insta Model Freundin, Etc. Das mittel mässige beim wandern erdet mich, wo bei dir Natur erstklassig ist. Man könnte jetzt sagen oh, Ich rede mir den Mangel, die Abwesenheit von Fülle schön, und Lüge mich selber an. Allerdings steht mein Leben Ja fest. Egal wie sich mein Leben wohl entwickelt, Ich werde jeden Tag an bzw vor kleinen, mittleren und oder großen Rechtecken ( Kunstwerke, Werke, Pieces, Arbeiten) stehen, bzw sitzen, und malen. Egal in welcher Umgebung. Ob Wohnung, Haus, Hotelzimmer, Luxus Real Estate Mansion, Mittelklasse Haus, Autobahn Raststätten Tisch, Wander Gebiet Picknick Tisch, Boot, Kajüte, Flugzeug, EisenBahn Vierer Tisch, Atelier, Halle, x. Und zum Ausgleich muss, bzw Kann und darf Ich Sport, bzw Training machen. Von daher ist Erdung, Disziplin, Kontinuität, das Wichtigste. Gleichzeitig das Leben genießen. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Dieses Photo, mit der Ready made Kunst Installation von den beiden doppelseitigen Leinwand bespannten Holzplatten Gemälden, ist vor ein paar Wochen entstanden. In der Eifel, nach einer Wanderung. In der Ferne hatte eine Kuh geblökt, nachher kam der Bauer, mit zwei Fahrzeugen, und fuhren auf den anderen Acker. Ein völlig normaler, schöner geerdeter Wandertag. Ohne Hype, schicke Leute, schicke Locations, wenn Bodenständigkeit bodenständig ist. Die Kunstwerke habe Ich wohl zum ersten Mal 2013 als fertig signiert. Seitdem sind Sie von beiden Seiten gewachsen. Ich nutze seit ein paar Wochen auch bei meinen Freizeit Wanderungen, Wo Ich Ausgleich zum malen und Kunst schaffen Zeit für Photos wie diese. Wie eine attraktive junge Frau mit Smartphone, die Hypergamy, der Weltweite Sexuelle Marktplatz, oder John Rambo ( Wenn du denn Krieg gewinnen willst must du selbst zum Krieg werden), selbst und ständig. Ich hab eben die ard Dokumentation über Krypto Neureiche Billionäre gesehen. Dankbar für all die unspektakulären Wanderungen bei grauen tristen regenwetter, ohne Trophy Influenzerinnen Insta Model Freundin, Etc. Das mittel mässige beim wandern erdet mich, wo bei dir Natur erstklassig ist. Man könnte jetzt sagen oh, Ich rede mir den Mangel, die Abwesenheit von Fülle schön, und Lüge mich selber an. Allerdings steht mein Leben Ja fest. Egal wie sich mein Leben wohl entwickelt, Ich werde jeden Tag an bzw vor kleinen, mittleren und oder großen Rechtecken ( Kunstwerke, Werke, Pieces, Arbeiten) stehen, bzw sitzen, und malen. Egal in welcher Umgebung. Ob Wohnung, Haus, Hotelzimmer, Luxus Real Estate Mansion, Mittelklasse Haus, Autobahn Raststätten Tisch, Wander Gebiet Picknick Tisch, Boot, Kajüte, Flugzeug, EisenBahn Vierer Tisch, Atelier, Halle, x. Und zum Ausgleich muss, bzw Kann und darf Ich Sport, bzw Training machen. Von daher ist Erdung, Disziplin, Kontinuität, das Wichtigste. Gleichzeitig das Leben genießen. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Nahaufnahme ‘ S ‘, Papier, Acryl, Sprüh Technik, Papier, Hauptseite des Kunstwerks. In der Entstehung befindliches Kunstwerk. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Nahaufnahme ‘ S ‘, Papier, Acryl, Sprüh Technik, Papier, Hauptseite des Kunstwerks. In der Entstehung befindliches Kunstwerk. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Gleichzeitig Gönnen, Wohlstand, Sicherheit, Leben, Natürlich. Je tiefer Ich mein Bauchgefühl, meine Geistesblitze, Inspiration, und was diese auslöst recherchiere, je vielfältiger werden meine Perspektiven als Künstler, Maler und Mann. Ich könnte die oben gestellte Frage innerhalb eines mehrstündigen Kunst Gespräch beantworten. Auf ganz unterschiedliche Weise.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Die Anerkennung anderen Suchen, bzw die Eigene Anerkennung suchen? Denn Level in der Kunst von dem Was möglich ist weiter anheben? Die Welt visuell Ästhetisch bereichern? Sich selbst was beweisen? Mich selber mit meinen Gemälden Überraschen? Was zurück geben? Mich selber durch mein künstlerisches Wachstum optimieren? Verstehen Wie meine Kunst, mein tun, mein Schaffen sich auswirkt auf die Welt? Farbe, Form, Ästhetik, und Arbeits flow beim malen konsumieren? Durch meine Kunst strukturlos meine die Begeisterung für andere Menschen, Dinge, Tiere, Natur, alles was es gibt hier in der Welt an schönen Ungebremst zu Erleben, mir ungebremst Angucken können? Mein Ding machen können mal reflektiert, mal unreflektiert? Meine Gefühle rauslassen, und ausdrücken? Mich kompetent und wichtig fühlen? Das Gegenteil von Langeweile erfahren? Wie ein Kind die ganze Zeit zu spielen?

Tierisch Hunger: How did you as an artist, a painter, decide on this direction with your art?

Detail aus dem Gemälde ‚ Masterplan. Das typische kleine ‚ a ‚ von des deutschen Malers SEAK Claus Winkler mit den SEAK Antennen/ Schlawönzeln/ Tentakeln. Acryl, Bleistift, Edding Lackstift, Sprüh Technik, auf Leinenstoff, Herbst/ Winter 2001. Photo: Atelier Galerie 2022.

Detail aus dem Gemälde ‚ Masterplan. Das typische kleine ‚ a ‚ von des deutschen Malers SEAK Claus Winkler mit den SEAK Antennen/ Schlawönzeln/ Tentakeln. Acryl, Bleistift, Edding Lackstift, Sprüh Technik, auf Leinenstoff, Herbst/ Winter 2001. Photo: Atelier Galerie 2022.

1989/ 1990/ 1991 I was hooked the first time on spraypainting my name/ Alta ego artist name (s). I Found a challenge, where I could prosper my visual aesthetic language, aswell as my vision for the world, my perspective of politics, views. I painted already before that long comic story’s, multiple pages, instead of doing my homework. Before comics, I was drawing a lot when being a child, although painting with acrylic paint/ colors/ brush. Anyway.

Teil der Künstler Referenzen Belegexemplare von Veröffentlichungen ( für den Künstler) zur möglichen Ansicht für Kunstinvestoren , von Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler, in seinem Galerie Raum. Photo: 2022

Teil der Künstler Referenzen Belegexemplare von Veröffentlichungen ( für den Künstler) zur möglichen Ansicht für Kunstinvestoren , von Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler, in seinem Galerie Raum. Photo: 2022

Thriving to grow, to become a better version from myself, following my artist intuition. Ignoring peer pressure. In love with the artwork from fellow painting artists. Hooked on getting better in visualizing my aesthetical tastes. I felt like iam

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Belong to a kind of elite subculture (4 element hiphop culture/ writing). Similar like the waffenSS, specialforces, rangers, gsg9, guardianangels, Superheroes, secretsociety, being part of the/ a elite cultural art avantgarde. Although a art rebel within the artscence/ artworld going my own way, rebelling non conform against rigide almost fascist peer pressure scence thought models how styles ( abstract stylised letters/ artist names) should be painted.

Artist SEAK Claus Winkler with the number 5200. They where no women ( 8s/ 9s / 10s without redflags ) waiting at the finish line like they said with in Redpill praxelogy wisdom. Just a few 6‘s and 7‘s, and lots of delicious cake from the marathon kitchen. No cake for the marathon participating artist SEAK Claus Winkler. He got to loose weight, grind harder, grind smarter, doing more finish lines, winning etc. purpose driven, non painting quality time activities. Photo: New Year’s Eve Zürich Switzerland marathon 2022. Starting the year right. Now in retrospective there was a Shawtie (a 8 from 10) at the hotel when checking out. Too ghetto, no perspective. Gotta chase the bag, being on my purpose. Ignored her choosing. Still proud of myself for not giving in to to all the fresh homemade Swiss nutcakes when chilling after the run at the kitchen area. Great way spending pressures non painting/ art studio time.

Artist SEAK Claus Winkler with the number 5200. They where no women ( 8s/ 9s / 10s without redflags ) waiting at the finish line like they said with in Redpill praxelogy wisdom. Just a few 6‘s and 7‘s, and lots of delicious cake from the marathon kitchen. No cake for the marathon participating artist SEAK Claus Winkler. He got to loose weight, grind harder, grind smarter, doing more finish lines, winning etc. purpose driven, non painting quality time activities. Photo: New Year’s Eve Zürich Switzerland marathon 2022. Starting the year right. Now in retrospective there was a Shawtie (a 8 from 10) at the hotel when checking out. Too ghetto, no perspective. Gotta chase the bag, being on my purpose. Ignored her choosing. Still proud of myself for not giving in to to all the fresh homemade Swiss nutcakes when chilling after the run at the kitchen area. Great way spending pressures non painting/ art studio time.

Vier Schriftzüge welche das Wort ‘ Seak ‘ zeigen. In der phonetischen Übersetzung heißt ‘ Schriftzüge ‘ Englisch’ Letter Trains ‘. Dedudziere Ich diese beiden Wörter heißt ‘ Lass diese Frau in Ruhe sie macht Züge. Ein Zug ist: Eine Frau, und ganz viele Männer hintereinander in der selben Session, anstatt alle Gleichzeitig. Oder Mann kann diese Wörter so interpretieren. Lass diese Frau in Ruhe und mach dein Training, mach Sport. Es gibt bestimmt weitere Interpretationen. Diese Papier Arbeit, zum Zeitpunkt dieses Photo weiterhin in der Entstehung, ist die Rück bzw Vorderseite. Die rechte gegen diagonal Seite der K ‘ ‘s von Maler SEAK Claus Winkler sind of ‘ Flügel ( Vogel/ Raumschiff/ Flugzeug/ Hubschrauber/ Drone/ Abzeichen) welche Horizontal nach rechts gehen. In der aktuellen Schaffensperiode seiner Arbeits Rotation versieht der Künstler seine Kunstwerke mit Details. Milliemeter Pinsel, Farbnuancen, malen, pinseln auf wenigen zentimetern. Photo: Oktober 2022

Vier Schriftzüge welche das Wort ‘ Seak ‘ zeigen. In der phonetischen Übersetzung heißt ‘ Schriftzüge ‘ Englisch’ Letter Trains ‘. Dedudziere Ich diese beiden Wörter heißt ‘ Lass diese Frau in Ruhe sie macht Züge. Ein Zug ist: Eine Frau, und ganz viele Männer hintereinander in der selben Session, anstatt alle Gleichzeitig. Oder Mann kann diese Wörter so interpretieren. Lass diese Frau in Ruhe und mach dein Training, mach Sport. Es gibt bestimmt weitere Interpretationen. Diese Papier Arbeit, zum Zeitpunkt dieses Photo weiterhin in der Entstehung, ist die Rück bzw Vorderseite. Die rechte gegen diagonal Seite der K ‘ ‘s von Maler SEAK Claus Winkler sind of ‘ Flügel ( Vogel/ Raumschiff/ Flugzeug/ Hubschrauber/ Drone/ Abzeichen) welche Horizontal nach rechts gehen. In der aktuellen Schaffensperiode seiner Arbeits Rotation versieht der Künstler seine Kunstwerke mit Details. Milliemeter Pinsel, Farbnuancen, malen, pinseln auf wenigen zentimetern. Photo: Oktober 2022

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

I put a lot of work in, and became a lot of fame, love, although jealousy from fellow painting artists. I started to influcence at some point many generations artists, all around the world. I became published in books, fanzines, magazines, video magazines, 1990s websites, being invited in many countries. Just to name a few things.

German artist SEAK Claus Winkler’s studio-gallery ‘ Alles möglich ‘ ‘ Tierisch Hunger ‘, Drive way, with masterpieces backsides. Photo: a few years ago.

German artist SEAK Claus Winkler’s studio-gallery ‘ Alles möglich ‘ ‘ Tierisch Hunger ‘, Drive way, with masterpieces backsides. Photo: a few years ago.

Painting in my own way, my own style was a necessity. It all happened cause I painted different from the others. I made style choices, aesthetic based on what the others don’t like, and did that. I looked at the weaknesses, what i lacked of, and made that to my style, my advantage. Like the Bruce Lee movie ‘ the drunkenmaster’.

Art: ‘ Untitled ‘ , SeeeeeAAAK, spraypaint, on canvas, 1998, by German artist SEAK Claus Winkler

Art: ‘ Untitled ‘ , SeeeeeAAAK, spraypaint, on canvas, 1998, by German artist SEAK Claus Winkler

I although painted what was taboo, what the others where ashamed of. What’s forbidden. I integrated by own choice all that I liked from my cultural, historical, and popcultural contexts, and influences before, with in my paintings.

Photo: 2022 in the artist studio-gallery, both pieces backgrounds ( backsides) are work in progress till aquired by art investor. The mainside ls are already finished for authentic arthistory reasons. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Photo: 2022 in the artist studio-gallery, both pieces backgrounds ( backsides) are work in progress till aquired by art investor. The mainside ls are already finished for authentic arthistory reasons. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Wie wirkt deine Kunst auf die Menschen auf deine Kunstinvestoren?

Es kommt natürlich immer auf das Kunstwerk an wie meine Kunst die Menschen verändert. Welche Winkel der Wahrnehmung steuert meine Kunst, und welchen Winkel übersehe wohl selber gerade? Das Werk hier im Bild, ein Detail von meinem großen gelben Gemälde ‘ ICH ‘. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Es kommt natürlich immer auf das Kunstwerk an wie meine Kunst die Menschen verändert. Welche Winkel der Wahrnehmung steuert meine Kunst, und welchen Winkel übersehe wohl selber gerade? Das Werk hier im Bild, ein Detail von meinem großen gelben Gemälde ‘ ICH ‘. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Es kann passieren, das die Leute unbewusst dem/ den Kommunikativ proaktiven Konotierung Trigger in meinem Namen folgen. SEAK Claus Winkler = ‘ Mir Scharf, im Befehls/ Ego Unterton, ungefragt die Stille füllend mitteilen meinen mitteilen zu müssen Was nicht richtig ist, Zu tun und zulassen ist, zu kritisieren, zu belittlen, sich um mich Sorgen zu machen.

Ich denke mal ganz of bin Ich wenn Ich rede ohne nachzudenken, frei, in meinem Licht, meiner Klarheit, das andere Menschen sich bremsen müssen weil Ich die Grenzen & Hürden aufhebe im zwischenmenschlichen Bereich. Also meine Kunst ist gut für Leute wo zuwenig geflirtet, intim eskaliert wird, und für Leute welche sich gut abgrenzen & und in ihrer inneren Mitte sein können. Bzw bewusst present sind, und gut sich mit Worten steuern, im Griff haben. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Ich denke mal ganz of bin Ich wenn Ich rede ohne nachzudenken, frei, in meinem Licht, meiner Klarheit, das andere Menschen sich bremsen müssen weil Ich die Grenzen & Hürden aufhebe im zwischenmenschlichen Bereich. Also meine Kunst ist gut für Leute wo zuwenig geflirtet, intim eskaliert wird, und für Leute welche sich gut abgrenzen & und in ihrer inneren Mitte sein können. Bzw bewusst present sind, und gut sich mit Worten steuern, im Griff haben. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

‘ Seak ‘ Schriftzug, in der Entstehung. Eine Mischung aus bündelung von dem was Männer gut finden. Spielzeug, Panzer, LKWs, Traktoren, Bagger, dem eigenen Phallus, Technik, Stylischen Buchstaben, x. Photo: Atelier – Galerie SEAK Claus Winkler.

‘ Seak ‘ Schriftzug, in der Entstehung. Eine Mischung aus bündelung von dem was Männer gut finden. Spielzeug, Panzer, LKWs, Traktoren, Bagger, dem eigenen Phallus, Technik, Stylischen Buchstaben, x. Photo: Atelier – Galerie SEAK Claus Winkler.

Sorgen übrigens die Königsdisziplin den/ die jeweils andere mit Rahmen Kontrolle klein zu machen, zu erniedrigen, bzw zu versuchen Sich zu bevorteilen. ( Nachtrag: Sorgen können allerdings auch vor leicht sinn, Grandiosität, und mangelnder Ernsthaftigkeit schützen. )

Passiert öfters. Familie, Freunde, Bekannte, Kunst Kunden. Wenn das Kunstwerk, Werk, Gemækde, Meisterwerk perfekt ist, das Bild/ Kunst Werk stimmt. ( Stimmt sowieso. Künstler erklärt es für fertig. Stichwort Schützenswerte Gestaltungshöhe / Persönlicher Horizont). Dann wird gern was gesagt, irgendwas.

Meine Kunst wirkt so, das Ich Frauen in meinen Leben hole, welche mich dazu antreiben, am Neujahrs morgen am Züricher (Viertel) Marathon teilzunehmen, und Bequemlichkeiten überwinde. Meine Kunst macht das das Umfeld Gute Unterstützer sein können. Sie fordert mich allerdings auch mein Unbewusstes Ego im Griff zu haben. Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler, Start Nummer 5200, Zürich Marathon, 1. Januar 2021.

Meine Kunst wirkt so, das Ich Frauen in meinen Leben hole, welche mich dazu antreiben, am Neujahrs morgen am Züricher (Viertel) Marathon teilzunehmen, und Bequemlichkeiten überwinde. Meine Kunst macht das das Umfeld Gute Unterstützer sein können. Sie fordert mich allerdings auch mein Unbewusstes Ego im Griff zu haben. Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler, Start Nummer 5200, Zürich Marathon, 1. Januar 2021.

Einfach weil mein Name das auslöst. Jeder darf was sagen, nur einer kann das Bild haben. In letzter Zeit habe Ich meine Kunden/ Sammlern, auf der Unbewussten Frequenz/ ebene Sachen wie sie profitieren, erklärt. Das hat das wenn’s Sie offen, und Intelligent gewesen sind, sich sich still gefreut haben. Wie meine Kunst wirkt, hat wohl viel mit sehen zutun.

Wie meine Kunst im
Intimen sexuell zwischenmenschlichen wirkt werden Sie mir wohl nicht sagen, also Wie sie wirklich wirkt. In weiteren Postings, Büchern, und Veröffentlichungen werden Wir, Sie, bzw Ich dem Geheimnis auf die Spur kommen, Wie die Kunst von Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler wirkt. In dem Photo hier sehen Sie eine Papier Arbeit des Künstlers SEAK Claus Winkler, Öl, Bleistift, Buntstift, Acrylic Marker, am 09.07.2013, das erstemal signiert, im Atelier des deutschen Malers. Das Werk ist von zwei Seiten in der Entstehung, und wird solange bearbeitet bis es von Kunst Investoren, investiert wird.

Wie meine Kunst im
Intimen sexuell zwischenmenschlichen wirkt werden Sie mir wohl nicht sagen, also Wie sie wirklich wirkt. In weiteren Postings, Büchern, und Veröffentlichungen werden Wir, Sie, bzw Ich dem Geheimnis auf die Spur kommen, Wie die Kunst von Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler wirkt. In dem Photo hier sehen Sie eine Papier Arbeit des Künstlers SEAK Claus Winkler, Öl, Bleistift, Buntstift, Acrylic Marker, am 09.07.2013, das erstemal signiert, im Atelier des deutschen Malers. Das Werk ist von zwei Seiten in der Entstehung, und wird solange bearbeitet bis es von Kunst Investoren, investiert wird.

Wie wirkt deine Kunst auf die Menschen?

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Es kann passieren, das die Leute unbewusst dem/ den Kommunikativ proaktiven Konotierung Trigger in meinem Namen folgen. SEAK Claus Winkler = ‘ Mir Scharf, im Befehls/ Ego Unterton, ungefragt die Stille füllend mitteilen meinen mitteilen zu müssen Was nicht richtig ist, Zu tun und zulassen ist, zu kritisieren, zu belittlen, sich um mich Sorgen zu machen.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Sorgen übrigens die Königsdisziplin den/ die jeweils andere mit Rahmen Kontrolle klein zu machen, zu erniedrigen, bzw zu versuchen Sich zu bevorteilen.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Passiert öfters. Familie, Freunde, Bekannte, Kunst Kunden. Wenn das Kunstwerk, Werk, Gemækde, Meisterwerk perfekt ist, das Bild/ Kunst Werk stimmt. ( Stimmt sowieso. Künstler erklärt es für fertig. Stichwort Schützenswerte Gestaltungshöhe / Persönlicher Horizont). Dann wird gern was gesagt, irgendwas.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Einfach weil mein Name das auslöst. Jeder darf was sagen, nur einer kann das Bild haben. In letzter Zeit habe Ich meine Kunden/ Sammlern, auf der Unbewussten Frequenz/ ebene Sachen wie sie profitieren, erklärt. Das hat das wenn’s Sie offen, und Intelligent gewesen sind, sich sich still gefreut haben. Wie meine Kunst wirkt, hat wohl viel mit sehen zutun.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Gedanken von Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler die zu der Entstehung seiner Werke führen

Der deutsche Maler SEAK Claus Winker, Herbst 2022, in seiner Kölner Atelier Galerie, bei malen mit dünnen kleinen pinseln.

Der deutsche Maler SEAK Claus Winker, Herbst 2022, in seiner Kölner Atelier Galerie, bei malen mit dünnen kleinen pinseln.

Auf impliziter, unbewusster Ebene, aktiviert meine Kunst den ` SEAK Claus Winkler ́ Wirk- Effekt, der in meinem Namen, den Wörtern und Bedeutungen meines Namens versteckt und die welche nicht versteckt sind. Dies findet zu Gunsten meines/ meiner #Kunstauftraggeber/ Kunst-Mäzene/ Kunst-Patrone/ Kunst-Sammler statt, deren Geschäftsmodelle und beruflichen wie privaten Spiels statt.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Mein unbewusstes, meine Gemälde, meine Werke, mein künstlerisches Schaffen, auf abstrakter Ebene kumuliert alle diese Dinge/ Denk-Konzepte/ Fetische/ Lebensstile, Geschmäcker, Preferenzen und spiegelt-suggeriert wohlfühl familiäre Zugehörigkeit, auch wenn man alleine ist.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Artist intuition: Why I make this painting, this piece?

SEAK Claus Winkler

I make this so that all watching artviewer can do there thing. Example the with in a family watching my paintings. My work suggests to the father:

SEAK Claus Winkler

Do your thing be alpha, follow your purpose, be in your masculine energy. Give your femine energy to, your masculinised wife, she needs that feminine energy.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

And or in parallel Universum, the father so beta already works his wife to go from swinging / wifesharing to full on Cuckolding/ female led relationship/etc.

SEAK Claus Winkler

And or in other parallel Universum my work suggests to the wife, he can do better, he non needy, other women want him, I better be a good mother to our children, seek my man’s validation.

SEAK Claus Winkler

And or in a other Universum my art suggests, …….. my art, the name I have always suggests, or is a way that people have made a decision. It can be anything. I make this, cause i want to be left alone, and people can signal, wink, show the world, or me, to my paintings, or there significant others. I make this cause it represents, the trigger, meanings, conotations with in my name, and I don’t care if they are lgbtq, I don’t wanna do something with there wife, or daughter, etc. just watch a painting instead it gives you what you want from me, because my name suggests you that.

SEAK Claus Winkler

Iam painting this cause my name suggests I move, shake, signal something till it’s empty, being it my phallus (Ego just thinking about my own pleasure), a pen/ marker/ spraycan/ brush with paint? I paint this cause i love like people so much, so that I make this, to give me structure, staying in my lane, securing my self. I make cause i love the connotations, thoughts, illusions, clarity, inspirations, feelings, narratives, which are connected to forms, colors, and compositions. I make this so I can collect myself, expierence calm, and the illusion of being in control. I make this, cause my name tells my I should make this.

SEAK Claus Winkler
SEAK Claus Winkler

#SEAK #ClausWinkler #SEAKClausWinkler #Artist #Painter #Künstler #Artcollection#Sammlung #Kunstsammlung #Artcollector #kunstwerk #arte #painting #abstraction

Gedanken von Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler die zu der Entstehung seiner Werke führen

Der deutsche Maler SEAK Claus Winker, Herbst 2022, in seiner Kölner Atelier Galerie, bei malen mit dünnen kleinen pinseln.

Der deutsche Maler SEAK Claus Winker, Herbst 2022, in seiner Kölner Atelier Galerie, bei malen mit dünnen kleinen pinseln.

Auf impliziter, unbewusster Ebene, aktiviert meine Kunst den ` SEAK Claus Winkler ́ Wirk- Effekt, der in meinem Namen, den Wörtern und Bedeutungen meines Namens versteckt und die welche nicht versteckt sind. Dies findet zu Gunsten meines/ meiner #Kunstauftraggeber/ Kunst-Mäzene/ Kunst-Patrone/ Kunst-Sammler statt, deren Geschäftsmodelle und beruflichen wie privaten Spiels statt.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Mein unbewusstes, meine Gemälde, meine Werke, mein künstlerisches Schaffen, auf abstrakter Ebene kumuliert alle diese Dinge/ Denk-Konzepte/ Fetische/ Lebensstile, Geschmäcker, Preferenzen und spiegelt-suggeriert wohlfühl familiäre Zugehörigkeit, auch wenn man alleine ist.