Könnte Ich hier erfolgreich entdecken, wie der EITGENÖSSISCHE Künstler SEAK gemeinsam mit den Neueignern seiner gruppierten Schlüsselwerke, für die thematische Formulierung von Skizzen neuer gesellschaftlicher und persönlicher Fragen, um Antworten ringt?
Detailed art, the work process, the artmarket, rare pieces
Details. Painting the details. Iam binging this part of work in progress rotation. Started working this paintings backside, wooden plate, with canvas stretched, around 2012ish. The ‚ main side ‚ a oil mix Media painting from 2010 to 2012 painted, including a oil firniss clear coat. A why how I paint is, to make painting which are although for regular non art people clear visible, the artist painted the painting himself. In contemporary Art, or how ever you wanna call it, most of the painting are ‚ produced ‚ by a large amount of studio assistants. The artist is just doing a show, pretending that he/ or her painted all the works by him/ herself. I decided being always short in resources, fighting a peasants war, Vietcong style, werwolf, guerillero, drunken master, etc style, making my disadvantage to my advantage. Like no large painting rooms, no resources paying/ investing other painting artists. I decided creating paintings where everyone sees, that the artist painted it himself. Painted high complex detail rich art. It forced me to overcome my lack of being able concentrating myself. It forced me a away from being in the ego, unpresent, feeling a upper drug infueled like rush from seeing, feeling the colors, to learning to feel the colors effects with in a civil, cultured way. It challenged me to overcome the instant gratification, learning patience, having the paintings growing over a decade long, process. Learning new painting techniques outside my comfortzone, being a underdog, being humbled. Focusing on myself. The good thing is that the paintings become, are natural rare. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler