– The painting in the picture here ( work inprogress/ first third beginning stage), is upside down. My ex/ office woman had put it like that when she cleaned with me ( i helped a little), the studio kitchen/ some rooms.
– I enjoy the fresh, brandnew feeling from a house, a room, a studio. I almost never clean my rooms. ( just very Rough re-arranging workplace style. When it’s clean, usual a woman cleaning it, then Iam loving it too.
– It’s Astonishing, although after all these years. Painted the first stime with spraycan 1989, how efficient faster they are to all other mediums, like brushes, pencils, etc, except maybe airless compressors. Painting small takes a long time.
– Each painting technique has a unique painting/ work atmosphere i like/love.
– I get some many implicit hunches ( almost hidden idea sparks) during the day/ night/ all the time, all connected to color knowledge/ energy’s/ sounds/ „ coincidences „ that this keeps me all time intertainted.
– Every sound, every voice, everything hearable a form, a letter, a color, a context.
– All the paintings with in my studio houses are work in progress. They are finished when sold/ invested in by a artinvestor.
– I often switch in between painting just from the intuition, from not thinking why i do this, or that. Painting from what feels good, or what looks good. Use a slang/ different word for good, as you please. Switching in to painting from knowledge, painting from letting me guide not letting my concious guiding me. I paint with a specific manipulation. Cant tell which works better. I would say here on Instagram ( the web) everyone behinds there social masks what they pretend, is painting with marketeers/ designer/ strategic manipulative mindset to achieve the desired attention results.
– I still don’t know what brings the optimal results. Letting the unconscious guide my creativity, or the conscious?
– Talking with people with every word i get parallel multiple hunches how every word spoken, connects with things, humans, colors, animals, Stories, sounds.
– I deduct where, and how brands, labels, bames words, use words to keep there customers, peers, Multiplikators consuming/ triggered. I do watch how I influcence people with my work. Every color, every form, has meanings, effects. Most people, including myself are following what the colors, the forms around us, what we wear etc are dictating, suggesting us by the physical effect there have on psyche.
– I reflect everyday, every interaction, every person.
– When being happy, having high feelings, about a for example a success, I discipline myself, forcing myself to feel low, after a quick celebrating feelings. Then I reflect why what I lead to that, with as much possible, „ crazy „, „ odd „ etc perspectives.
– I love learning from other people’s perspectives. I do filter plain attention seeking, vanity, jealousy, hate, of sell fears as expierences to stop the others.
– I believe all states, thoughts, hunches, opinions, spoken/ thought words, all actions can be deducted from the environment people are seeing in this moment.
– I know that the vibe the sound iam recon, is formatting the energy i exhale, how I perceive the world.
– Painting is the best feeling in world.
– I paint as much as possible everyday.
– I train myself to recon something about every person which i admire, i like, a skill, a look, a style, a way of thinking, a life situation, a habit, a personality trade. It makes it easier to get along.
– I usual prefer the artworks, the paintings, drawings, of other painters/ artists, creatives.
– I have no photoshop, or computer, digital drawing/ painting skillz.
– I love historic museums.
– I saw during my transfer stop in Bangkok flying to new Zeeland the first video footage from the worldtradecenter towers collapsing in 2001
– We had one time a business meeting in the office of playboy Nyc, watching there artcollection, although a great view.
– I love the nighttime skyline view of frankfurt you have when leaving the Städelmuseum after a exhibition.
– I love bavarian, austrian, and Mexican food.
– I used to love redlight districts allaround the world, inspecting the girls with my buddys.
– I always loved doing interviews. Radio, tv, newspaper, magazine, was always equal fun.
– I used to collect different expierences/ interactions with police officers. So far: mexico, usa, italia, germany, tzech republic, the netherlands, belgium.
– I don’t do anything sexual with my artcollectors, there wife’s/ spouses/ etc. doesn’t matter what they say, do, did tried, etc. My artcollectors, artclients, etc, just get handshakes/ fistbump. Thanks.
– I still wear a lot of the clothes brands gave me 15/ 20 years ago. ( endorsements/ sponsoring/ art projects/ support)
– I don’t do anything with women where I life, where I work, which are artwork related. Sometimes it’s hard to say no.
– I have one foot a little larger/ smaller.
– I have a dead mouse inbetween studio ovens since circa 10 years.
– I found a mummyfied frog at the studio oven.
– I love watching the german sunday crime series ‚ Tatort ‚ with in my bathtube.
– I found once a used condom in a female sexworker, a befriended legal pimp ( Wirtschafter), supporter/ artcollector recommend to me with a free goodie ticket. He later praised me for being fair, correct, a good sports with her. We reap what we sow.
– i love selfmade vanilla pudding.
– i like roses
– I accepted many years ago that people/ friends/ etc, steal from me, sugar coating it inspiration, etc. including using communication techniques so that I don’t complain/ saying anything. It’s the e energy/ connotations with in my name.
– Painting on canvases/ on paper/ cardboard/ a portable medium helps me escaping the ugly, harsh, unbeautiful parts of reality.
– I am studying the intuition, the witchcraft, the illusion like witt of women.
– Iam always happy doing sports, doing training.
– My ideal are 10000 steps done, everyday.
– I eat for breakfast 1 loaf black/ dark/ / full corn / grey bread.
– I compare constant: form/ color/ position/ picture with feeling/ thought/ effect. Looking inside.
– I observe how words do carrying me.
– I look for pattern recognition.
– I was sitting on stage on a music box with cypresshill when they performed lowrider ( my favorite rap song back then ) in front of 15.000 Fans during the angermanagement tour in Essen.
– I like smells of summer. I although like all seasons.
– I painted for circa 1 week a project with famous german political comedy/ cabaret legend Jürgen Becker, the funniest hilarious time of my life ( so far).
– I sometimes paint in a way that I hope artists won’t copy it, cause they don’t like it.
– My aim is weighting 90kilo, or better 85 kilo. today it was 108,X kilo.
– I observe how color influence the emotions.
– Favourite childhood color: blue
– I loves cleaning my studio/ gallery house, it makes me happy, though does it just a few time a year. Usual when a woman is encouraging me to clean it with me with a motherly teaching tone. A balance in power.
– I paint 6 days a week
– I most of the time i am pissing in my garden for practical fertilizing reasons.
– I miss cuddling with guinea pigs.
– I went out with my pyjama, my painted baseball bat, and my grandfathers ww2 easternfront dog tags around my neck, calling the police, when a lgbtq boy calling for help was crushed by a mob of eight black dressed guys. It was when antifa people where rioting. Although neighbor women’s went out, all showing natural civil courage, helping.
– I wear headphone most of the time blending out the noise, the talk people are doing, for focused thoughts. When he is somewhere silent without headphones he hears what people say, knowing we are all connected, learning from every person, every animal.
– I wear headphone most of the time blending out the noise, the talk people are doing, for focused thoughts. When he is somewhere silent without headphones he hears what people say, knowing we are all connected, learning from every person, every animal.
– I am constant challenged with holding/ lowering his bodyweight. Everything must make sense within a keep on moving, is it healthy context.
– I collect my receipts, dockets with in a box.
– My work rooms, are having a rough dusty swept clean sheriffsoffice, Wildwest farmhouse, eastprussian cottage charm. Everything serves the painting of paintings.
– When I eating cake I disciplined myself to just eating 1 piece. Following the advice from my mother in her last life year, r.i.p.. The second piece doesn’t taste good.
– I love table top games, though i never played one for decades. The last when in school. Though I like the idea of playing.
– The Archivist of Christoph Schlingensief is a writing colleague from the beginning 90s, did a short movie about me, a scientific artstudy/ artworkessay about my art, aswell had his brother invested in a canvas by me.
– The family of Markus Kippenberger aquired a painting of me.
– My left nipple is larger cause I had this side pierced when I had my #PrinceAlbert piercing. I am not pierced since circa 2010/ 2011.
– I a lot of the times I do talk with animals like with humans.
– I have a little militaria collection.
– I know a lot about the american civilwar, the wildwest, ww1, ww2, nam, the age of sail, the napoleonicwars, roman history,…
– I don’t like the naked guinea pigs, just likes the guinea pigs with furr.
– I love all donkeys
– I still have most of my child cuddle animals, aswell as all of my childhood toys, books, etc.
– I swim in lakes for a hour or longer.
– I was with 15 on a Miami Dade – county shooting ranch, shooting rifles, pistols, m-16‘s, etc.
– I Have pregnancy strips on my stommac.
– I would love having animals, but doesnt want the responsibility, and need to focus on paintings.
– Few years ago i was swimming on New Year’s Eve with in the zürich lake Switzerland for a few minutes.
-On the Sylvester night at central station cologne where the the supposed mass rapings where supposed to happening i was with my xgirl in the middle of a nongerman crowd. No rapings, no other women, no Germans, i although took a proof photo.
– I was on time Street tagging with a artist colleague in Los Angeles, and became on myspace the other days mails from local artists asking me signing there artist blackbooks ( sketch/ drawingbooks)
– When shoppping for food it takes me often alot energy focusing on shopping for grocery’s, due the heavy flirting, chasing, cruising happening in discounters, supermarkets, and if I have money enough the wholefood markets.
– When i was a child i did sail on the lake Bodensee, lake Chiemsee, and the Baltic sea ( East sea) by storm.
– I was on time in invited by the Goetheinstitute in Lisbon Portugal at the German embassy painting, representing germany.
– My grandmother remembered the Tzars Cossacks being fair gentlemen, child friendly during ww1, though the family barn was burning during the war, tannenberg battle, etc.
– My great great grandmother still spoke a rough German being migrants from Lithuania. They shortened ther family name, to intergrate themself with Germanculture.
– In auckland i had sex with a maori woman.
– Iam online with my artwork since the mid 90s. I have never sold a painting, thru social media. It was when/ if always thru the website, or personal contacts.
– We had in the same week a street riot ( burning cars/ a few hunderds state police troopers protecting our Vernissage) by hyped up antifacists, cause we had a wealthy sponsor for a large project. Became mentioned on the national Tv news. With in that same week we where painting a pro bono charity project for grassroots first frontline real antifacists/ antifas, fighting real street neo nazis with in the new german states. ( Real neo nazis in : physical killing non whites, ‘ the leading neo nazis father, is the head of the local police ‘. A surreal situation, almost 20 years ago. All a lot of labels/ virtue signaling justifying violence, ego, etc.
– I love sitting in nature doing almost nothing
– I “ try “ speaking just few words a day.
– I reflect, reduct how/ why a word, a Sound which sounded like a word brought me to this, that, etc, feeling/ thought.
– I am a notorious mastrubator ( fap/ fapper), to relief stress, and tensions caused by life, colors, color overstimulation. Saves time for painting.
– I constant thinking about how colors, forms, shapes, etc create our perception, thoughts. What is there before the thought? The color/ with form?
– Iam cautious with people.
– I love riding my bike. Thinking about aquiring a e-bike.
– I never watched Netflix
– I never had a tinder date
– I loves pre 1930s houses, with high cielings.
– I love short non stretched espresso ( real )/ Ristretto
– I like the smell of weed without smoking weed.
– I needs some personal space when chilling with people. Especial with same sex people who are attracted to me/ projecting too much sexual energy. females inbetween to have a visual relief for my energy/ thoughts.
– I doesn’t own a tv
– Iam cautious with calorie intake.
– I didnt liked my freckles, and red cheeks when I was a child too much.
– I always observe how women are being manipulative/ lying to themself/ being not hold accountable ( for lack of a better word).
– I believing people at the very core just them money they give me. When painting a painting on request for a person I do ask a lot question. Although intimate question. Delivering a painting which supports the #artowner life. After that, I am cautious to ask any question. It might set too much boasting/ bragging pressure on to the person. So I just believe there money.
– Iam schooling myself to have a low profile for lack of a better word. Iam keeping the hating, the envy, the jealousy, the insecurities which come masked with in all kinds of hidden ways, as low as possible.
– I study how people are using words, to there advantage? To my advantage?
– I love doing easy things, like a bike ride, a nature hike, swimming in a lake, a walk thru a city, a history museum, something where there is no art playing the major role of what so ever.
– I love watching animals.
– I love when I can think what I think, when people not watching my face to read my emotions.
– I always drinks a lot of water, crane water, tea.
– I am busy grounding himself, staying humble, being in presence.
– I painted the first graff mural in hongkong in 2000 at the old police station in aberdeen, at the hill with some colleagues. ( thanks to Mc yan a local well connected Mc Hiphop Activist/ Writer OG HipHopper Mc yan. before going to Hongkong we both hooked everything via email. ) in the year of the dragon. When i checked in at the airport the kelly family as although checking in.
– I call my ex girl/ back office woman/ artbusiness backbone/ winggirl many nicknames, my favourite/ casual is ‘ donkey ‘ in German language. Including lots language plays with the word donkey. I emulate myself being a child too young knowing/ giving animals names, so I call each animal by what the animal is called. It gives me a good feeling of childhood wellbeing.
– I love reading. It does takes time away from painting. I love the escapism with books.
– I love the smell of fresh streetpavement tarr. The smell: pre/ during raining/ Guinea pig furr/ nature, wood, sea air/ breeze.
– Due a lot whorehouse visits during my twentys, Iam spoiled/ numb when it comes to non attractive women flirting with me. She ( 8,5/ 9/ 10 ) must fumble/ touch me equal direct/ proactive like the working girls/ ts girls with in the redlight district that i develop interest.
– In the late 1990s there was a rumor that i was sponsored by the city of Köln
– Other painting artists always thought I was/ where financial rich cause of my art, who my paintings did appeal. Especial artists from other countries though that.
– I was one time weighting 140 plus Kilos bodyweight being obese
– In 1993 i organized a well visited HipHop ( ‚ Too crazy Hip Hop Jam ) jam paying my respects, showing my enthusiasm/ love for the culture, with DJs ( dj_lifeforce, funky fresh mike, …) , writers , breakdancers, rap ( scope, rude poets, tuareg808, Das Gelbe vom Ei, Tcm ( The Microphone Mafia) & rnb-rap groups like Dela Bmg ), uvm.
– When i was a child i had from @playmobil pirateship ( which was in reality a british sailship ( flag), the wildwest Bank, the Sheriff bureau, the medieval debttower, lots of horses, the divercraftboat, the red Jeep with motorbike trailer, the greenwhite police car Cabrio, the fish trawler,
– In the 1990s i did a painting work tour thru the Netherlands with broken foot on crutches after a month in hospital.
– In 1989 i painted the first time with eisodur spraycans, using syringe needles for thin lines, after doing lots of sketches before.
– Between 2013 to 2019 i lived for several years from 15 to 25 euros per week for food.
– In the 90s i did painted life a canvas with in the German afternoon Tv show Hans Meiser while being interviewed.
– When i was visiting Russia 1992 I just found metallica logos spray painted under hidden bridges from the 1980s from heavy metal fans. Back then I was wearing black britishknights , with air window system, with neonish glowing green applications designs, with a green reflecting british knight tag mini shield hanging from a little metal ball chain from my sneakers, listening to naughty by nature on my cd walkman. I did a wedding marker tag in a hotel elevator.
– When i was visiting Russia 1992 I just found metallica logos spray painted under hidden bridges from the 1980s from heavy metal fans. Back then I was wearing black britishknights , with air window system, with neonish glowing green applications designs, with a green reflecting british knight tag mini shield hanging from a little metal ball chain from my sneakers, listening to naughty by nature on my cd walkman. I did a wedding marker tag in a hotel elevator.
– When I was a kid I went with the 3 triangle wehrmacht’s solider camouflage poncho/ tent part, my grandfather brought back from his time in a russian pow camp for officers, in to the local woods. We played all summer with other kids, some kind of mixture of ww2, vietnam, Wildwest, etc. wearing all kinds of Bundeswehr, ww2, carnival plastic weaponery, nato ammunition belts, mixture. I lost/ forgot the tent poncho blanket somewhere during that time.
– l love beergardens, Bavarian style, though I can’t drink beer cause it programs my digesting to gain calories. I although love mum’s n pop’s coffee/ breakfast places, Mexican street food, american burrito places, sushi, breakfast places New Zealand/ Aussi style, & American dinners ( though although most food there forbidden, due calorie intake)
There is a illegal taken photo by a dominatrix during a private playsession of me hanging with in bondage from a apartments ceiling just wearing a Saloon Madame‘s style corset looking surprised.
– loves guinea pigs
– first movie in cinema ‚ Quatermains Treasure
– first Vinyl ‚ Life is Life ‚ Opus.
– When i was a child i had a way too small moeterhead pullover. I was told my uncle signed moeterhead, being procurist/ manager.
When i was a child i watched the Karl May movie ‚ Der Schut ‚( Au pays des Skipétars / Una carabina per Schut / Sut ) 1964 , 6 times in the row, the whole Saturday, on repeat on the vcr video recorder. My parents had forgoten that i was watching.
– Fave Childhood tvshows: The fallen guy, Simon & Simon, Sesame Street, Nam ( Tour of Duty ), Ein Engel auf Erden ( Highway to heaven ), Muppetshow, aktuelle Stunde ( a German local State ( nrw) Newsshow, Der kleine Maulwurf (Krtek), Die Märchenbraut ( Arabela ), Pantau,
-My fave games amiga 500: R-Type1, It came from the desert, Barbarian, Into the eagles nest, Rick Dangerous, Bordello Beauties , Rvf Honda ( i had the game 3 hours after it was cracked in the United States by quartex ), Indiana Jones 3, Pacman 3D, Populous, Simcity 1, Bubble Bobble, Speedball 2, Defender of the crown, Elite, North & South, Batman, Ports of call,
– When I was kid, I founded a computer game swapping group, to swap cracked computer games. I had a plk ( postlager Karte ( postoffice storage Card), the Gateway/ pre step to a postoffice box with a key. ( something i had circa 10 years later when exchanging letters with photos from/ with magazines/ artists worldwide.
– fave child food: eastprussian poppyseed strudel/ cake with raisins, cherry cake with crumbles, apple cake with crumbles, plum cake, Mexican apple tart with oats ( Kölln flakes recipe ), Mürbeteig Plätzchen, Peaches, Nektarines, Strawberrys, eastprussian cherry milk soup with yeast-dough dumplings, eastprussian pear milk soup with yeast-dough soup, soft waffles,
Legal stories about the german artist SEAK Claus Winkler:
– SEAK Claus Winkler had for many years a Prince albert intim glans piercing, which he became as a bonus/ gift from a art patron for painting wagon for him and his female partner. In the years later, artists friends from SEAK Claus Winkler from the United kingdom jokingly made fun song version from the rule britannia anthem mocking him in buddy manor with the new text, to show him the ring, & that socks’n’s sandals were never be a thing. Referring to SEAK Claus Winklers fashion style wearing socks with sandals when mutual painting.
– SEAK Claus Winkler was once declined a offer by a fellow painting artists colleague with in the bay area, working with in the production from the computer game simps, having his work digitalised being part of the canvas art being able hanging/ installed in the simps computergame.
– SEAK Claus Winkler had his first drawing published with in a newspaper ksta_koeln ( Kölner Stadtanzeiger ) with in the age of 8 years, in 1982, a seapiece with two shipsoftheline, one under German colors.
– SEAK Claus Winkler was on time flown to Burlington, Vermont, Upstate Vermont, by fashion mogul, & snowboarding pioneer jake burton to his super cool barn at his estate talking with him about fashion, streetwear & style. On his way he painted a piece with in the meat packing district in nyc where became hosted/ shown around/ accommodated by fellow colleague artist ces (fx) . Thx to Ces, he mit oldschool legend Seen again which he had painted with before in germany. In Vermont thanks to a hotel concierge, the support of molotowheadquarters , aswell Molotow (unitedstates/ nyc) he painted a spontaneous mural talent skatepark and painted there the first painting.
Legal story’s about german artists SEAK Claus Winkler:
– SEAK Claus Winkler loves drinking short espressi, aswell as unsugared.
– Following a invitiation from his tattooartist/ artcollector mister cartoon, aswell as his partner Estevan Oriol joining Eminems VIP Hospitality during his concert June 13. 2003 , essen germany. SEAK Claus Winkler followed Mr. cartoons wish/ bringing skimasks, a bagpack full of molotow 800 ml large silver/ black spraycans for bombing ( illegal spraypainting), fatcaps, anti fingerprint protection gloves, backstage to the Eminem, 50cent, Obie trice, Cypress hill , Xzibit thru, passing the german police do high security check, with the excuse that the buddys from cypress hill wanted to go painting after the concert. The German police officers where so baffled by the normality of the explanation that they led the artist thru/ further.
– SEAK Claus Winkler often still uses his first childhood children stool/ chair, when painting at low positions during wall paintings. It still got he natural medium light green wool cord wrapped around one part when he was kid.
During SEAK Claus Winkler’s armytime Bundeswehr painted military puzzle for his unit/ armybase here in his birth town Köln ( cologne ) . SEAK Claus Winkler painted the first Bundeswehr graffiti ever made. He remembers the iron crosses, the unit arms, the mural painting he painted on request of his Hauptmann from the stammkompanie for his comrades. On his last day in the army he convinced his officers driving him and his spraycans he had at the army base, a full trunk full, with a chauffeur in uniform, with the the generals, locations oldest highcommander personal duty car. The artist sitting in the back, greeting everyone like a elderstates man, the car with the base logo at the front, home.
Workprocess of/ from the artist SEAK Claus Winkler:
He shows artbuyers/ artlovers/ art clients/,choose your own words/ just a few paintings to invest from with in his gallery/ studio showroom house. ( cologne/ Köln / Germany area ). Sometimes they become a custom painting that takes a while.
He recons Ideas, hunches connected to his work, his art with in the non work related situation like Nordic walking, swimming, hiking, cycling, shopping, you name it. he deduce what he saw in that moment. A form of tree, a shape, a color, a traffic sign, a word, a sentence, and connects it with the artwork related question, endpoint, thought. Often is the form morphed, different, upside down, etc.
For tention relief he watches the color green, the color, blue, or brown, or grey, or mastrubates with in absence of fertile 9s/ 10s, drinks crane water, or tea ( always unsugared), or listens to nature, or has a walk, doing some sports.
For ten years he was with conceptual stoic autism like ( autism like is here a understatement) was conceptual missmatching all communication which was from the words with in the slightest at a same/ Bi/ gay/ sex frequency/ male to male flirting, or people trying to sell him something in a joking deep drug slang / drug subculture communication, blant, out in the open. Long, and broad referring about it, with in long unwanted Monologs. Usual it was about blow/ cocaine/…. ( he collected/ dissected hunderds of code words about/ around that topic. Switching from making jokes/ Witt about it with a dealer, medium wholesale/ international import/ police/ politicians/ wealthy consumer/ hnwi consumer/ classic societal knowledge, insider knowledge, from real life, expierences, books, movies, advertisement, social lies, life realities, etc.
Artist SEAK Claus Winkler’s work process:
He aquired the studio easel’s here in cologne ( Köln) circa 1996 from boesner ( art store/ shops) . From a contemporary perspective the word ‘ Boesner ‘ influenced him a lot, with all his sub/ double/ multi interpretation. With in life/ art/ his perspective on the world. For example ( Boese : Evil/ a Boe: a spontaneous powerful short wind on sea/ or felt on land) Sner: sound like a part from beat structure. / The word Starts B, ends with r : like the ‘Br ‘ sound people make stopping horses. SEAK Claus Winklers family in eastprussia had 7 or 8 Trakehner Horses @trakehnerverband on there farm, till the very end of the worldwar2 for breeding protection/ national heritage.
On his artstudio wall he has from a classic mainstream postoffice at centralstation Pinup Calender. Truck stop/ Workplace/ construction stop style, with a good standard looking 8,5/ 9/ 10 girl on. He aquired the calender last year to channel possible same sex energy’s with in himself, for people watching thru window, or for artbusiness clients, where it belongs.
Describing the workprocess by artist SEAK Claus Winkler
He drinks a lot of tea, always unsugared. He used to drinking a lot espressi ( he has 2 not working very simple handhandle original Italian espresso machine with in his cellar waiting to be repaired again ). Since a few years he drinks espresso from little plastic sticks or filter coffee, or he uses a metal espresso heater, for putting on the heating plate. He became this as a gift from a female friend from the south of Italy. He likes listening to the sound of nature, especial to birds, when not listening to something useful/ entertaining digital. When he I somewhere he listens to what words people using, how each words letters, each trigger is used by the person strategically. Often he thinks, deduces, analyses the word, the words whith in this word, and or what are the other words which this word connects with thru little 2 or 3 letter word parts, from all kinds of perspectives. For a day, a week. All day everyday. All though what things, forms, colors, conoations, sexual relief and points are hidden with in a word, or a sound. Which word, which sound, which feeling, is connected to which color, which metaphor, which micro then macro narrative. How people are using the same words. How does the letters look, how does these words are connected with in the view, the architecture, the painting, the advertisement, the context of a situation. He started doing the same with all kinds of things, doors, windows, body parts, products, structures, clothing, animals. What, where are they leading, what are the conoations, what does they represent, how am i reacting at/ on something. Then remodelling where came these triggers/ anchors/ leads. This happens while painting, and around painting.
Artist SEAK Claus Winkler’s work process:
He takes in some level his name be it’s meaning, suggesting he is doing what other, or himself where suggesting him earlier in his life, or in just in time. He works with in his former grandparents house, one of his studios these days, stealing ( the word claus does although includes the German phonetic conoations for showing/ stealing/ thieving) himself from the world painting paintings instead of exhibiting, showing his work in the world. Well he is doing to a degree here digitally.
As a child he saw his grandmother here handling round forms ( kitchen tools/ pottery/ dishes), square forms ( cake/ cookie baking plates / duck/ turkey/ chicken ) baking plates, he these days works with in similar colors all the time square forms ( canvases/ canvas framed over wooden plates/ although a few metal plates ). The material he paints with is similar, food bases, similar texture to paint colors. He heard storys how his family kept a old loyal serving female ( mare) workhorse, on the eastprussian farm, for honor reasons as a milkhorse bringing the milk to the collecting station. He kept a older ex girlfriend as a platonic, serving/ supporting partner/ bottombitch ( street slang)/ backbone/ sidekick. He feels/ since childhood, or he gets in subconscious way since childhood the cutthroat scrupulous nonnaive female hypergamous sexual market energy from a redpill understanding, and pacing, confirming these natural human conditions with in his honest artwork. His mother did painted in the 70s/ beginning 80s little bubble names for birthday markings, where each visiting childhood friend has to sit at the table, he latter starts drawing, later drawings his own comics, till a classmate from a parallel class,with 14/ 15 years old showing him a woodblock with stylised letter & the book spraycan art.
German artist SEAK Claus Winkler’s Artprocess inspirations, hunches:
With in the individual painting are the different mindsets, attitudes, wishes, dreams, horizons the artist, and or the the painting with in its state are suggesting, manifesting, implieing. He stacks his paintings, works them in rotation. Each rotation round on the painting carousel a singular workstep, a singluar color, a singular technique.
Each day, month, year, a different influence, lots of different influences.
The brush, spraycan, crayon, finger, towel, stick, has different influence how the artist percives the world, his inner world during the process in that moment. Sometimes he breaks with is own painting rules, suggested from the painting his is painting with, or from a trigger anchor grown during the days before fired up thru a context with in a audiobook listening while working, or thru a word/ or a story from a women. The influence often comes although from the all things, the creative chaos, or the cleanliness with in sight of the artist while working. Sometimes he switches like a 1970s spontaneous middleclass interlectual hippie 1 2 3 Impro (visational) theatre in a child infantil like mindset painting with making baby/ children voices. Or he paints a certain part like he has painted that part just in bigger somewhere in the world 10/ 20/ 28 years ago on some train, a wall or for a museum show he was invited to. Or he remembers what he heard something with in a picture, a view has a certain way with psyche. Or he is afraid doing something wrong with that color, while he is too lazy thinking a few seconds longer what to do, & puts the paint where the most unpainted space is, enjoying the charismatic, non aesthetic, non too concious overthinking act.
Art process, inspiration by german artist SEAK Claus Winkler:
What does he wants to say with this ore that painting? Noticed the ‘ sore ‘ between ‘ this or that painting?
The paintings in the picture are painted, still in progress in the house SEAK Claus Winkler became from his grandparents/ grandmother. The houses architecture, the cards given to him, are dictating, or influencing his process. Lots of smallcut rooms, for painting, for storage, result, painting detailed, painting the paintings from boths sides. It saves space, time, energy. In the beginning discovering that painting the backsides ( quite late around 09/ 10ish ) it has the feeling/ idea/ effect, painting without expectations, which equals painting out of the comfort zone, discovering, having fun. Soon painting at the backsides, the playing safe, being afraid doing this ore that, being conservative with in the decision making process with in the painting sets in. A challenge all artists/ creatives/ people are having.
So painting lots of details with in a painting, takes time, takes less resources, demands higher prices, communicates although without gallery/ museums social proof for the easiest mind, the painting is expensive.
A lot small paintings according to a famous german art curator who was visiting the artists studio with a female artcollector friend from a wellknown wealthy family is bad with in the artworld. Well this could be true, but maybe the curator is although a bit of a businessshark too.
The small paintings are comfortable painting in sitting position ( Yes sitting is unhealthy). The detailpainting route was signature trademark from him when painting with his late 1990s early 2000s/ 2010s paintings.
When most peers back then painted in a finishing outlines lasts way, he painted in dutch golden age style from dark to light.
Art process from german artist SEAK Claus Winkler.
They are different ways he is doing his decisions. Most of the time, he worked the last 10 years always with one color, one nuance a time. Using that color with all paintings where there was/ is the other color he it was connecting it with to create a particular feeling, psychological effect. With a certain stoic, rough ingnorance, he ignored on purpose that a color combination has a total different meaning, effect, on the paintings programming effect when it has different position with in the painting. Like a farmer, plowing with his horse going with eastprussian stubbornness thru his acre field lines, he was going thru his works, putting the chosen color to the chosen by psychological reasons fitting other color. He believes that colors are greatest underestimated manipulation trigger/ thing/ tool, equal the the strongest trigger effect on the human/ animal decision makings. he learns a lot from woman. How they use colors with in the everyday life steering the relationships, giving husbands/ boyfriends/ customers/ tricks/ hoes/ pimps/ politicians/ clerks/ family members/ children/ grandchildren/ the illusion they do things on there choice. He did often paint with that color, for afew Days all this paintings with in his studio house where there was although the other matching color on the painting. He started working that way step by step around after circa maybe 2019. when he was already painting a lot with his double sided paper / discounter packaging lot’s cardboard paintings which he started around 2010. Before that it’s was like, ok, lets paint with all paper paintings, just adding pencil style sketches where space is. This was a very boring frustrating process, painting/ drawing for months, just with one technique thru all pieces.
For german artist SEAK Claus Winkler everything, every person can be a inspiration. The conversations I have with people, some times just a word can give me inspiration showing me a weak spot, or a solution to a thought problem. I deduct that word, from what i know about the implicit effects words are having at reality perception, influencing/ ‚ manipulation ‚ for lack of a better word. Considering something a inspiration is already not knowing where the true little micro primings, pre-primings are coming from which lead to concious declaring something ‚ inspiring ‚. When not knowing what to paint next, rerrange the work in progress paintings with in the studio gives time for reflecting, hearing inside for little hunch what would make sense. The words with in SEAK Claus Winkler are having in a way a sexual excalating, vacuum creating deducting effect, while creating clarity, cleanliness with in people. The little conscious was we all do our little paintings while eating from a plate, with rest of the food, sauce, can be the true inspiration how SEAK Claus Winkler is painting in this way, or that way. Or a color inside has certain sexualcode preference meaning which he learned people from all lifestyles are using concious/ or unconscious. So he unconscious is using it although with certain form. Nature, walks with in nature, or sitting in nature getting in the textures, with colors, with smells can be inspiring. Especial later painting with oil/ acrylics. If he paints for a woman, he goes direct, assuming she wants what she wants without being diplomatic, or being polite pretending to conservative. He paints the painting that the woman gets the most for guys, with the highest social status, which are the most hung, putting in the work, rawdogging, choo choo trains. All these with pure decent innocent abstract painting.
Failures where german artist SEAK Claus Winkler was wrong, or was loosing, fkd up, with in his art process, around his artprocess. Underestimating the powergames, very suddle indirect manipulation women playing with their attire, with words. Spending too much money all around the world on prostitutes ( in Germany cheaper compared to Dubai, or Las Vegas) , taxis, and in restaurants for overcompensating not being financial equal to middleclass, as well as wealthy artbuyers. It would have been way smarter, staying on the ground, keep on buying food at cheap discounters ( supermarkets). All this effected, influenced the art, and the art process. At least later in crippling major lack in finances. Not listening enough, how sounds, connecting with things, colors, words, thoughts, breathe, motion, feeling. Holding my work selling a painting to collector instead selling to a important art museum which wanted the painting. The collector a few years later sold flipped it at auction cause he needed money. Denying the advances from non sexworking beautiful single women ( 9s/ 10s) cause of insecurity, beta male blue pillish mindset. Underestimating how good, and supportive women/ people can be with the right alpha male mindset from the right perspective, and how that influences the art process, the art work
Situations, with in, around, or connected with the art process where german artist SEAK Claus Winkler fxxked up, did. a failure, failed, or had the opposite of success.
Having a lack of appreciation, and creating with these absence ego situation for himself and others thru micro expressions/ energy’s. Weighting 140 kilo, obviously most bodyfat, from emotional overeating, due absence of discipline, not hearing what friends, faily, peers where recommending, and a 1 1/2 year substance abuse, aswell as underestimating the similarity’s in triggers. Painting with oil, acrylics, the paint, the little paint cans, the brushes, the colors, the texture, the nasal stimulations all very similar to food. Making the paintings too cheap for a artbuyer, and not not repacing the overconfidence and sweet success of feeling powerful he was feeling. Which ended up in Millie seconds with in puahing us away from each other. Like a instant mural arrogance bliss, fueled from my site from the realization that with the paintings just sold it i could by working/ middle class standards survive a short time. While for him it was maybe what he consumes with in a day or two. The failure was on mys site. Too cheap prices, being naive, not having my ego emotions with in check, not seperating myself not enough from people emotional, although wanting to have respect on a metaphysical level. And yes being arrogant, and although being needy financial, which inflicts all other levels with in life too.
Lack of presence, due talking too much ( like being on speed ) all the time. Which excluded seeing, getting, understanding of the oneness with in life, the connection between, with in a moment.
Having for years a blindness towards/ regarding the double multi meaning powers with in words.
Enjoying colors, expierencing the color flush, and the feeling of oneness with the self, including the flow state while painting is, with in early childhood are major reasons why SEAK Claus Winkler developed into living, working, being an artist.
Every picture, view, color nuance, form, shape, texture, a different emotion, a other feeling, sweeter, a higher interest like other stimula, like sexuality. Beautiful women, delicious foods, drugs, reading. everything you own, owns you, after a short while. SEAK is owned by finishing all these future masterpieces. All from both sides. Cursed blessing small paintings require often longer while painting in detail takes sharp focus. The richer the details, the greater the challenge to work with fresh ideas during the process. The good thing after the low emotional low, the beginning of the paintings 2010 ish 1 year after partay year rockbottom sobriety, manifested In colours. From these emotional lowering colors, demanding happiness the paintings have grown inline with the artists sobriety, the personal growth, with better colors, true inner healthy happiness colors. Thru the painting rotation years, the healing process, the feelings radiating from the paintings with colors, composition, shapes, although became better. A humbling expierence how long it sometimes is taking working with brush, compared to how efficient spraycans, especial on walls are.
Art process, inspiration by german artist SEAK Claus Winkler:
What does he wants to say with this ore that painting? Noticed the ‘ sore ‘ between ‘ this or that painting?
The paintings in the picture are painted, still in progress in the house SEAK Claus Winkler became from his grandparents/ grandmother. The houses architecture, the cards given to him, are dictating, or influencing his process. Lots of smallcut rooms, for painting, for storage, result, painting detailed, painting the paintings from boths sides. It saves space, time, energy. In the beginning discovering that painting the backsides ( quite late around 09/ 10ish ) it has the feeling/ idea/ effect, painting without expectations, which equals painting out of the comfort zone, discovering, having fun. Soon painting at the backsides, the playing safe, being afraid doing this ore that, being conservative with in the decision making process with in the painting sets in. A challenge all artists/ creatives/ people are having.
So painting lots of details with in a painting, takes time, takes less resources, demands higher prices, communicates although without gallery/ museums social proof for the easiest mind, the painting is expensive.
A lot small paintings according to a famous german art curator who was visiting the artists studio with a female artcollector friend from a wellknown wealthy family is bad with in the artworld. Well this could be true, but maybe the curator is although a bit of a businessshark too.
The small paintings are comfortable painting in sitting position ( Yes sitting is unhealthy). The detailpainting route was signature trademark from him when painting with his late 1990s early 2000s/ 2010s paintings.
When most peers back then painted in a finishing outlines lasts way, he painted in dutch golden age style from dark to light.
How paintings by artist SEAK Claus Winkler develop, evolve, change direction, end up, and progressing can have different ways, attitude, reasons, agendas.
Having a idea maybe from wall painting down by him 10 / 20 years ago in a other country, a legal wallpainting like for example Los Angeles, Sydney, Hongkong, Munich, or Rome, a illegal painted train with in a other country, a participated exhibition in a Museum like kiasma museum , klingspor_museum , national footballmuseum Manchester, museum koenig. which SEAK wants to paint again. Getting inspired by himself.
The painting can develop during the process within a total different direction. As long it looks good. Some time a painting has to lay around a while, to become occupied with different paintings, then working again at the first painting just less conservative, being braver, bolder.
With a different idea, often without ideas, just a different color, a different tool, like different brushes, marker, or just with a different form in mind. A reason why a lot of the paintings from SEAK here a so compilcated, complex, rich in details, is, that they should look high quality although without the marketing magic from a gallery, without the social proof from masterclaquers, gatekeepers, opion leaders. The small paintings are although detailed to bridge possible power games, playing dumb games from art investors, like ‘ the painting is small so it is not expensive, wrong. Small paintings same expensive like big paintings, visible although cause the paintings having masterpiece quality’s. A good thing is the great feeling of surprise, the artist surprising himself how the painting develops. The painting here, started at this side around 2009/2010, progress on both sides, till today. The grey pencil collage sketch in the painting is from a Blackbook ( drawingbook) from SEAK from the late 1990s.
A lot of times the artist SEAK Claus Winkler integrates all kinds of different from a oldschool classical painting point of view contradicting techniques with in his paintings. Spraypaint, acrylics, brush, oil, marker, pencil, chalk, clear coat, tape, etc. he is doing that since the late 1990s. In the beginning it always had bad forbidden rebellious feeling for him. The influence, aka believe sentences of fellow peers trying to keep there established high ground position from what is real, style/ aka ‘ realness ‘ conservative dogmas. SEAK who liked decades earlier the 3d’ish bootblock intros from amiga500 computer/ arcade games, the swapping group/ cracking group culture aesthics, the loose free almost realistic french belgian Spanish comic culture, the 1970s/ 1980s perception from Science fiction design, and the politcial uncorrect stylish design/ fashion cool from the German military/ waffenSS combat aesthics, rebelled, paced this influence to own artist direction. He mixed it with his inhability painting straight lines, having a good can control. The paintings with in the photo, all work in progress, are from around 15 to 20 years later. Here he challenged himself painting with in small space, with different layers bringing the best out of the painting. Trying ( yes there is no trying just executing) fresh ideas for the first time. To overcome his own conservatism. He loves the different atmospheres textures, colors are having. Learning while going from room to room working he lives with work in progress paintings using although that time to come up with ideas, or just painting while passing by the paintings.
Describing artist SEAK Claus Winkler’s work process:
Painting with directions the artists want follow.
Painting without thinking too much, cause he wants to focus on the audiobook he is listen, or at least the ambivalent concious space in between flow, thinking a little what he is doing, while focusing on the story in the audiobook/ music/ etc, while on X ?
Cursed blessed appreciation that he can just paint with in certain size range cause of small rooms.
Choosing ala color not it would sell well later, but it feels good for the artists own well-being. ( or the other way around?)
Describing artist SEAK Claus Winkler’s work process:
Concious or Unconscious discovering a weakness with in himself, so he chooses painting a certain form, which later when painting again at the same paintings will have a nurtureing, healing, the mind optimising effect cause it is implict or just because it is there.
Choosing the work method, technique which makes the artist paint longest time per day, being productive. With or without idea/ inspiration.
Painting like not being able painting like a child, a mental challenged person, or a like primates with in viral fun video.
Painting with mindset painting a classic futuristic/ organic stylised/ detail/ 3D SEAK Style mindset like back in the days.
Describing artist SEAK Claus Winkler’s work process:
Painting like feeling like a old never painted with spraycans abstract artist who can’t/ won’t paint anything naturalistic just painting, enjoying the abstraction, the composition the pure colors.
Painting to say, show something particular. Having a theme, a message, a statement. In the end every painting has that, sometimes it has that in the beginning, it starts with that.
Trying surprising himself with painting. Or being so sick from the boredom, that he paints something different to feel the sweet curiosity again.
Painting a new idea.
A few rockbottom, low points, where SEAK was loosing something, or where he failed, which influenced his art, or his art process. With in no chronological order, just out of the head spontaneously. They where several Situations where SEAK expierenced betrayal, or backstabbing, like connecting people, for mutual going painting illegal trains, when in the end he became left out, there wasn’t no space in the car for him joining the painting mission. The death of his mother recent, which always supported him. There was one time although in the 90s a jealousy beef over project competency, miraculus lost spraycans with in a other city, which ended for while real bad, where he became betrayed by fellow artists thought to be a friend. All real good lessons to grow from. With in all Situation, SEAK Claus Winkler was although part responsible for how things developed in the beginning. That one time, no 2 times when he became rescued by 2 artists friends, just acting ungreatful years later, feeling a shamed about short after. A healthy deep downer was the low attention, non digital social media success with in the last 10 years, compared to the fame hype with in earlier internet times, thru books, magazines, tv, radio, etc with in the mid 90ies/ 2000s. A real good reality check to humbling the ego from grandiosity illusion, and the price to pay for painting in the studio. The emotional rockbottom after his 2008/ 2009 everyweek 3 days hardcore partying partay substance tolerance rumspringa ( while painting during the rest of the week), including ending a 7 year realationship with his girlfriend, and heavy weightloss, just to be gaining massive bodyweight in the end. Sobriety Studio painting himself from 2009 for circa 5 years thru a deep depression with out of comfort zone’s techniques.
The artist SEAK Claus Winkler isn’t available in gallerys, didnt studied art, he is not knowing what he is doing, he is caucasian, middleclass background, small town germany. The first painting in the slide ( long high canvas, large furr pink top art of the small SEAK ‚a ‚, is from 2003/ 2002. painted although from the backside in a different abstract style. The other paintings with in the slide are from 2009 to 2021 all mixed media. SEAK Claus Winkler painted with in this style allaround the world in 35 countries. The paintings here are still work in progress with in his Cologne ( Köln ) Germany Studio House ( 1950 social housing program, which got from his grandparents). He sells his paintings there to affluent/ wealthy artfriends/ art investors direct.
Artist Rock bottom/ failures/ low point glimpses:
SEAK Claus Winkler was always although the scape goat for the negative feelings, jealousy/ envy, self hatred for a lot peers. That’s why he is very suspicious when people he meet in real life make him compliments he is more than he is alarmed, having learned his lesson. There was that museums exhibitions project he had word from curator being a part of where it was just lie, and he being left out for strategic reason. All in the end great lessons for growth. Several Situation painting in public where he was glad holding a shank/ a carpenters Hammer/ Etc staying healthy. Being a for several years super low in money just a having way below 50/ 20 euros the week for food/ phone/ etc, just painting in his studio on canvas/ paper with in isolation. It formed character, and personality. Necessary growth. Situations where wealthy collectors where being flirting with there financial cruel site of there personality. Inretrospective although part selfinflicted due expectation instead of gratitude, being too close, expectations, instead gratitude, underestimating the implict power of the artwork, the magic of color psychology, and lack in kowledge about human nature. All this while forcing himself not painting with for him safe comfortable known paintig techniques, working with new painting ways, different painting tools, while being depressive, underestimating the power of the colors nuances he was working with. A major factor additional was the absence of outside validation, and the fact that he started working his rotation system, so he denied himself the every few day satisfiying feeling having finished successfully a painting, a piece.
A selection ( rough, by feeling) from audiobooks / authors, #SEAKClausWinkler ( #SEAK #ClausWinkler ) was listening (too) often while painting in the last 15 years:
leechild reacher, BernardCornwell richard sharpe , Tom clancy , John Maddox Roberts Spqr, IanFleming James Bond , daniel kahneman , robert greene , George MacDonald Fraser Harry Flashman , World War Z MaxBrooks , TheCandyMachine Tom Feiling , Washington Irving , napoleon hill, Alfred Wallon , rhonda byrne, bear grylls , roberto saviano, john niven kill your friends , Die Tulpe des Bösen , paulo coelho , ricky gervais , american desperado , doctor dealer Marc Bowden , Don Winslow, Thirteen months in the rebel army William G Stevenson , robert cialdini , phillip buchanon , Cormac o Brien Secret Lives of the civil war , Cobra Frederick Forsyth , Monaco Thorsten Passek , The riddle of the sands Erskine Childers ,Mister Undercover Alex Caine , james lee burke , Monster 1983 , Barry Seal , Dan Adams , Jason Dark , Tag der Apocalypse J. L. Bourne , Strange and obscure Story’s of the civilwar Tim Rowland , Headshot Chris Knopf, François Lelord , Nikki Sixx , Karsten Brensing, Frank Schätzing , benjamin von stuckrad barre, neale donald walsch , Schwere Knochen David Schalko , Mr Nice Howard Marks , Männer mit Erfahrung Castle Freeman , Andreas Eschbach , gerald_huether , Ottfried Preussler, heinz strunk , Frank Goosen, Rocko Schamoni , Sven Hassel , ryan holiday , joe navarro, Hans Jakob Christoffel zu Grimmelshausen , David Foster Wallace , Michael Crichton , Dr. David R. Hawkins , John Grisham , Blackadder , Rita Falk , Derek B. Miller , Tonino Benacquista , jonathan Littell , Viviane Koppelmann, david deida , carsten henn , Bruno Preisendörfer, Sam Eastland , christoph mariaherbst , Ruediger Dahlke , Father Brown G.K. Chesterton, Beyreuther, Ken Follett , Cherringham Matthew Costello Neil Richards , Josh Bazell, Howard Linskey, Reminiscences of Rebel Wayland Fuller Dunaway , Stefan Merath, Eckart Tolle , Oliver Kuhn , David Deangelo, The Cociane Chronicles , Volker Kutscher , Jo Nesbø , Gustav Le Bon , The Corleones , Robert Harris ,