My art anchors people on the word ‚ n ‚ the letter ‚ n ‚, and then makes/ gets the person with in sight get all the attention, validation, sexual attention, choice.

‚ E towers ‚ from 2002, exhibited in Hamburg at the Urban Discipline exhibition, at the Dokumenta in Kassel, in Bavaria, in Milano italy, at the Kunstverein 68elf, etc. German artist SEAK Claus Winkler works the paintings backside. Photos from today. The artist started upgrading all his paintings which he had in his possession from 2010 on. The paintings 2002 side is featured with in several magazines, and artbooks during the years. It shows like the title suggests the artists small ‚ e ‚ with in his classical style. The paintings backsides work process will take a little time till it is ready, due the fact the painting is with other paintings with in a rotation.

Paintings backside, started circa 2013, work in progess till aquired by a/ some art investor. Spraycan, acrylics, dispersions ( out door roller paint), photo 2022, Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Close up, paintings backside, showing little high complex painted ‚ Seak ‚ pieces. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
Although a well travelled/ well exhibited painting, which has a work in progress backside since circa 2013. the paintings mainside is from 2000. it’s Shows the backside the artist name stylized painted. Today the artist did paint several small brushwork lines, on the paintings backside. The backside will grow with in an abstract realism nuance & 3d form complex detail rich painting.

What do you see? Canvas, spraypaint, marker, dispersions paint, spray technique, Buntlack, oil ( on the other side of the painting), Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
My art punishes my artowners, when they ask women for there opinions too much with being gaslighted & doublebinded. My art is blessing my artowners when they treat the women like the oldest child in the family household . My art gives people soo much situational confidence, like the fake artificial confidence Cocaine gives. Women being highly aware which visual, in my case the art, supports there power, there sexual strategy (contrary to the male strategy). The artowner asking there women for at advice brings them on ot a unreflected ego rush, where they self destruct themselfs, aswell as the asking artowner. Like a jealousy person masking lurking like a friend, giving bad advice, to not wanting to see you prosper. But! The same women can due my art can be although the good comrad, loyal buddy,

wingmen, supportive donkey workhorse mule. Just because she is with in a other situation, it’s is not in business, strategy. For the pickupart (pua), redpilled, psychology aware artwatcher/ artinvestor. This could although be compliance test ( slang: shit test). I guess all this behavior patterns, are embedded in the commands, meanings, triggers with in my name. Women: Iam feeling like do your thing, stop asking me things. I interpretate your interest in doing somehting with me as beta weakness. Do it yourself. Iam using sentences with with words like ‘ not ‘, ‘ don’t , etc, to give you at least a semi passive agressive hint thru the flowers of do it, stop asking me. While although wanting your attention. My Mum always said in affluent couples, each partner likes doing there own thing. I guess that is although reflect with in my name, and so in my paintings. The artowner asking the women gives the women too much validation. When she stops chasing your validation , she….?

Work in progress, the paintings (canvas ) frontside is from 2003 ish, the photo from 2022. the forms are small ‚ a ‚ ‘s and a few ( just small ) ‚ e ‚ ‘s. The large marge Simpsons looking towers are top parts from small ‚ a ‚ ‘s. , Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
My art is making aware how women are. Nobody’s owns anybody, nonbody owns nobody. When spelling, saying my name, thinking my name, the mouth always stays open. Not like wide open when a Hollywood a lister celebrity female bragging on photos with having new boyfriend tummy D. Mouth open like a cobra, or they are at the dentist, flexing in front of the paparazzi. My name thought, and or spoken, open Just like natural open. I guess it amplifys eating food, smoking, astonishment, awe, post pregnancy, drinking something, putting things, body parts with in the area of the mouth, nose, eyes, ears, hair, etc.

Letter ‚ S ‚ by SEAK Claus Winkler
The element visual with in the picture is the artists ‘ S ‘. The ‘ S ‘ with in psychology represents the uncontrolled, unfiltered, uncultured, unreflected, animalistic, ego, senses, will. Wanting everything, direct, without empathy, cleverness, or what is useful, practical, or would make sense, free of the control.

Why is SEAK Claus Winkler’s artwork in most cases a misunderstanding between men & women? I the artist, the man, forget that my occupation is that of an artist. Iam getting signals. The correct words are Ioi’s, indicators of interests, or ‘ She Choosing ‘, Choosing signals. Me, in most cases with in my life, Iam not interested. To high standards, not my type, too much redflags, too young, too old, not single, lives too close, lives too far, wrong energy, wrong lifestyle, she just seeks validation, time waster, Etc. Iam getting the choosing signal, the Ioi from her, in the same second maybe a Millie second layer, already not just saying with my instinctive bodylanguage no, Iam although suggesting her what to do. Me being ‘ SEAK Claus Winkler ‘ my name, my programming is automated with in my name, the name already says it, go Take my advice, my wink, my hint, to this.

Me knowing female nature, without judging them, accepting them for how they are. Iam telling her, to go get it, appealing to her swine, Porca misera, boar, animalistic, hypergamous, carousel side suggesting her to go full on ‘ she belong to the streets, go to town, let yourself out busted, do the choo choo trains, amtrack, group activities, eat the prep pill, go raw dogging, planb, tinderella all the gigachads, etc, etc. being ‘ fair ‘, not being interested, giving her the mirror to look in. Telling ,suggesting her with bodylanguage, with my paintings what to do, cause i don’t believe word she says on being a ‘ good girl ‘ etc anyway. The ‘ ‘ She ‘ is referring to all women, as well as ‘ not all women ‘ , including attractive above passable Ts.

All the mentioned aboth happens unconcious with in middle seconds, with in my #art, when being on the street, at a restaurant, in a #museum, on a boat, everywhere. It’s my natural reaction frequency. A chairman Ceo (Vorstand ) from a famous german company/ cooperation, which is Lgbtq, told me years ago, during artbusiness her with in my studio “ that i knew too much “. I guess, he ment, that have too much knowledge about what people are hidding from the world, like sex, drugs, etc. that when being natural interacting it triggers.