Könnte Ich hier erfolgreich entdecken, wie der EITGENÖSSISCHE Künstler SEAK gemeinsam mit den Neueignern seiner gruppierten Schlüsselwerke, für die thematische Formulierung von Skizzen neuer gesellschaftlicher und persönlicher Fragen, um Antworten ringt?
Painting the details, the love for mechanical, functional, constructed, things i loved already in my childhood. When i was watching construction places, little models with in toys stores, the tanks & vehicles on packaging in the toy stores. What I saw in books, when with visiting museums, or playing with my toys, matchbox cars, playmobil/ lego Although with the computer games ( amiga 500), a few years. A summer in Mallorca, watching how people where playing 1942/1943 on the arcade Automat with in the hotel. Always admired the technical aesthetic, the used look, the weathering, with models, with in movies. I although loved my used up matchbox cars. I guess the forms, the look do give structure, being connected, steering my thought process, from reason to a reason, having functional thoughts. A form of being lazy, catching what I should think from from the forms, colours, aesthetic which surround me. What was there first, my thoughts, or the form structures which showing me what I should think? Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler