Urban Poetry: High Life in your Face Mural

100 characters in your face

graffiti in your faceE seak lurking eyeball our A aaaahhh the painting season has begun!!!!!

Übers Wochenende waren zwei alte Graffitikollegen aus Düsseldorf Flingern zu Besuch.

Wir haben endlich die “in your Face” Wand mit den Nordlichtern, und den NewYorkern

fertigt gesprüht.

Der Bildtitel des linken Wandbildes ist übrigens:”It feels so good it must be wrong”.

Ein befreundeter Leinwand Sammler wünscht sich seit ein paar Wochen,

das ich das Bild mal unter dem Titel “High Life” auf Leinwand umsetzten sollte.

Dreideutige Multi dimensionale Metakommunikation überall wo man hinsieht.

Werde die nächsten Tage bei mir hier im Viertel noch eine weitere Wand anfangen

mal gucken was mir da so einfällt. Zur Zeit sind Experimente jeder Art angesagt.


Over the Weekend i had some “back in the days” Artist friends from Duesseldorf over, for a little spraypaint session. We joined forces to finish the “in your face” Mural ive started in february with my Friends from NYC/slash almost finsihed a few weeks ago with an old buddy from up North and his Wing. The Odds and teh weather were against us. nuff said its finally finished and it goes perfect with the “it feels so good it must be wrong” Mural on the left. Did i mention a Collectors buddy who has that Mural on his “Seak can you this one as a 2m x 2m canvas, Title “high Life”.

Sometimes you see Metacommunication everywhere you look.

Sprühdosen Hersteller widmet SEAK eigenen Farbton.


The Spraycan/spraypaint Producer Belton Molotow is for the Graffiti/Urban/street art scene, what Apple Macintosh for the Computer and Graphicdesign World.
Needless to say that i was super happy when they honoured my achievements in/for the graffiti/urban art scene in dedicating me a colour in there Premium Product. The Story behind Seak´s “futuregreen” is that my first serious recognised Series of futuristic Style Pieces where based on the same green tone. Just back then where the colours back then super watery, and it was really difficult to paint properly.
in way its similar to Samuel Colt in the 1850ies. “god created the human, and Samuel COlut made them all equal. glady technique is not everything these days and style and originality are still first.