Inside view: Collectors Cards/ Nike support/ new canvas pics/….

SEAK on canvas/leinwand/toile  2009

Parallel zu meinen Wandbildern im öffentlichen Raum, arbeite ich seit Anfang der Neunziger auf Leinwand.

new frontal pic of one my 2009 canvases (leinwand) Thanks to lil Olli

Iam working regulary in my style on canvas since the mid nineties. A mix of spraypaint, marker, fineliner, pens, and pencils.

SEAK canvas close up/ nahaufnahme SEAK Leinwand

Hier mal der Buchstabe “S” in Nahaufnahme. Die untere Seriffe ist an geschnitten.

and in the close up my Letter “S”. The colours are in reality much brider

Advertisment for the Musical Hairspray in Koeln (cologne)

dedicated to the musicial hairspray here in cologne. Advertisment for the new Musical

Nike just sended another fresh package of af1`s. thanks!

Love from Nike, another pair of premium af1`s. Kleine Gesten erhalten die Freundschaft.

US Collector cards/ SEAK Sammelkarte

SEAK Sammelkarte/ SEAK Collectors Card…Collect them all. 🙂

Another Busy Week is over. The rainy weather is blockading me a little bit @ the Big Planet Mural in Cologne Bocklemuend, but i keep myself busy any how. Cutting a  few stencil for Bocklemuend aswell as the Rose Club Outside. My Homie Olli sended me fresh frontal pics of one my actual 2009 canvases.

The Berlin Newspaper “Berliner Zeitung” did a pretty personal feature about my background. at first i thought its maybe a bit too personal, considering the hiphop/graffiti/street/urban culture/ survival of he fittest subculture iam coming from. But fuck it.

Nike was sending me some love to have a proper start into this cold and dark time of the year. airforce1 premium. SInce there were talks at Nike to do a SEAK signature Sneaker, a Homie who back then worked for Nike brought me into the Friends for Nike Circle. 🙂 Besides a few well known Artists friend of mine, there are although Folks like Harris, Sido, Oliver Korritke…..

Regarding the Berliner Zeitung article, i will try o get a English translation and post it soon.

In case you are in germany/switzerland or austria make sure to get a copy of the HipHip Magazine JUICE.

They did in there current monthly issue a large Interview with me. ( i will double check with them, maybe they are cool, and i can post a translation here too.

Felix from Over collectibles in New Jersey send me a mail, announcing that my collecors cards are ready to Ship. As soon as i have sample`s i will post them.

The canvas of the card is done in Bolzano Tirol Italy for a art collector, on a castle of the Mount Everst Climber Reinhold Messner.

About the BMW Mini Project here more soon in between the next days.

see you all on facebook, here, twitter, or in real life. later

peace & piece & piece