Künstler Kollegen aus New York zu Besuch

Die Wand vorbereiten am Karnevals Sonntag.Writer collegs from Nyc on visit in cologneWriter collegs from Nyc on visit in cologneWriter collegs from Nyc on visit in cologneWriter collegs from Nyc on visit in cologneWriter collegs from Nyc on visit in cologne

Über Karneval hatte ich Graffitisprüher aus New York zu Besuch.

Geplant war spontan ein gemeinsames Wandbild umzusetzen.

Als das Wetter sich dann verschlechterte und die Jungs sich vom Kölner Rosenmontagszugs erholt hatten, improvierten wir einfach in dem wir gemeinsam das Mural was ich mit einem Künstlerkollegen aus Sao Paulo 2002 hier gemacht hatte ausbesserten und weiterfortsetzten.

latley more and more artist friends and collegs are anouncing them self for a short “paint over weekend” as it seems. this time i had some graffiti writers from new york of carnival here.
the odd weather and the crazy street carnival couldnt stop us from painting at least something together.
i still regret not having a little tag wall in the studio or my guestroom, from everyone who has stood, chilled, painted here with me, missed cantwo, os gemeos, daim (mirko reisser), codeak (daniel mann),Henning Krautmacher von den Hoehnern, Herbert Baglione aus Sao paulo, Heiko zahlmann (daddy cool) und stohead (Christoph Hässler) aus hamburg, David Kamerer (CEMNOZ), Helge Steinmann (Bomber), duesseldorf`s fume, von der kelly family, Till westwood, Henning Krautmacher, Frank Schnuettgen, dyset, neck cns, efais, moritz, scien and klor cns/ 123klan, wow 123, dash from perth, vania from montepellier, loomit (matthias koehler), robots will kill, seemsoe aus dortmund, sula /tnb/tats, how and nosm von der tats crew, tilt,ceet, toast (ata), satone, besok (daniel doebner),Seen (richie), tony curanaj (sub), ecb/hendrik, phenc/ remco van de craats, kilo from england, shok1, skore, liese, dos crew, wik,……….pardon and remind me ive forgot someone. well what ive basically wanted to say, looks like those times are coming back.

Graphotism: 10 Years CNSKILLZ crew Special Feature

10 Years Cnskillz Crew x Graphotism Magazine

10 years Cnskillz Crew Special @ Graphotism Magazine

Graphotism Magazine, the UK No.1 Publication in Graffiti and StreetArt, printed in its last Issue of 2005 a 20 Pages Special Feature about the 10.th Year Anniversary of Cnskillz Crew. My first Major Club of Honour/ Graffiti Crew. Here is what i had to say about being in a Graffiti Crew.


in the begining ive started on my own alone, with that Continue reading