Detail aus dem Gemälde ‚ Masterplan. Das typische kleine ‚ a ‚ von des deutschen Malers SEAK Claus Winkler mit den SEAK Antennen/ Schlawönzeln/ Tentakeln. Acryl, Bleistift, Edding Lackstift, Sprüh Technik, auf Leinenstoff, Herbst/ Winter 2001. Photo: Atelier Galerie 2022.
1989/ 1990/ 1991 I was hooked the first time on spraypainting my name/ Alta ego artist name (s). I Found a challenge, where I could prosper my visual aesthetic language, aswell as my vision for the world, my perspective of politics, views. I painted already before that long comic story’s, multiple pages, instead of doing my homework. Before comics, I was drawing a lot when being a child, although painting with acrylic paint/ colors/ brush. Anyway.
Teil der Künstler Referenzen Belegexemplare von Veröffentlichungen ( für den Künstler) zur möglichen Ansicht für Kunstinvestoren , von Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler, in seinem Galerie Raum. Photo: 2022
Thriving to grow, to become a better version from myself, following my artist intuition. Ignoring peer pressure. In love with the artwork from fellow painting artists. Hooked on getting better in visualizing my aesthetical tastes. I felt like iam
Belong to a kind of elite subculture (4 element hiphop culture/ writing). Similar like the waffenSS, specialforces, rangers, gsg9, guardianangels, Superheroes, secretsociety, being part of the/ a elite cultural art avantgarde. Although a art rebel within the artscence/ artworld going my own way, rebelling non conform against rigide almost fascist peer pressure scence thought models how styles ( abstract stylised letters/ artist names) should be painted.
Artist SEAK Claus Winkler with the number 5200. They where no women ( 8s/ 9s / 10s without redflags ) waiting at the finish line like they said with in Redpill praxelogy wisdom. Just a few 6‘s and 7‘s, and lots of delicious cake from the marathon kitchen. No cake for the marathon participating artist SEAK Claus Winkler. He got to loose weight, grind harder, grind smarter, doing more finish lines, winning etc. purpose driven, non painting quality time activities. Photo: New Year’s Eve Zürich Switzerland marathon 2022. Starting the year right. Now in retrospective there was a Shawtie (a 8 from 10) at the hotel when checking out. Too ghetto, no perspective. Gotta chase the bag, being on my purpose. Ignored her choosing. Still proud of myself for not giving in to to all the fresh homemade Swiss nutcakes when chilling after the run at the kitchen area. Great way spending pressures non painting/ art studio time.
Vier Schriftzüge welche das Wort ‘ Seak ‘ zeigen. In der phonetischen Übersetzung heißt ‘ Schriftzüge ‘ Englisch’ Letter Trains ‘. Dedudziere Ich diese beiden Wörter heißt ‘ Lass diese Frau in Ruhe sie macht Züge. Ein Zug ist: Eine Frau, und ganz viele Männer hintereinander in der selben Session, anstatt alle Gleichzeitig. Oder Mann kann diese Wörter so interpretieren. Lass diese Frau in Ruhe und mach dein Training, mach Sport. Es gibt bestimmt weitere Interpretationen. Diese Papier Arbeit, zum Zeitpunkt dieses Photo weiterhin in der Entstehung, ist die Rück bzw Vorderseite. Die rechte gegen diagonal Seite der K ‘ ‘s von Maler SEAK Claus Winkler sind of ‘ Flügel ( Vogel/ Raumschiff/ Flugzeug/ Hubschrauber/ Drone/ Abzeichen) welche Horizontal nach rechts gehen. In der aktuellen Schaffensperiode seiner Arbeits Rotation versieht der Künstler seine Kunstwerke mit Details. Milliemeter Pinsel, Farbnuancen, malen, pinseln auf wenigen zentimetern. Photo: Oktober 2022
I put a lot of work in, and became a lot of fame, love, although jealousy from fellow painting artists. I started to influcence at some point many generations artists, all around the world. I became published in books, fanzines, magazines, video magazines, 1990s websites, being invited in many countries. Just to name a few things.
German artist SEAK Claus Winkler’s studio-gallery ‘ Alles möglich ‘ ‘ Tierisch Hunger ‘, Drive way, with masterpieces backsides. Photo: a few years ago.
Painting in my own way, my own style was a necessity. It all happened cause I painted different from the others. I made style choices, aesthetic based on what the others don’t like, and did that. I looked at the weaknesses, what i lacked of, and made that to my style, my advantage. Like the Bruce Lee movie ‘ the drunkenmaster’.
Art: ‘ Untitled ‘ , SeeeeeAAAK, spraypaint, on canvas, 1998, by German artist SEAK Claus Winkler
I although painted what was taboo, what the others where ashamed of. What’s forbidden. I integrated by own choice all that I liked from my cultural, historical, and popcultural contexts, and influences before, with in my paintings.
Photo: 2022 in the artist studio-gallery, both pieces backgrounds ( backsides) are work in progress till aquired by art investor. The mainside ls are already finished for authentic arthistory reasons. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler