Why artist SEAK Claus Winkler is painting a painting.

My artwork makes people healthier. My paintings, my art supports healing energy. My oeuvre increases health growing patterns. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

My artwork makes people healthier. My paintings, my art supports healing energy. My oeuvre increases health growing patterns. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

– Iam painting a painting, to create optimise the supportive behavior by women surrounding, with in my social circle? The painting via the women viewing it direct, aswell as reading the painting via the owner, male painting watcher works with in the women. It’s purpose is, to make the women being helpful sidekicks to the man fullfilling his lifesmisson, being a dad. Including accepting although the other women when the man is alpha withstanding her poison dripping/ soul taining/ compilance tests. If the women with in the social circle belong to the streets, are 304 (hoe/ slut) with high bodycounts ( the opposite of being able to pairbond anymore) , the painting will make them the best sirene‘s/ jezebels/ succubus/ 304/ hotwife/ domme/ making him believing it was his idea/ etc the man desires/ wants to have, if he keeps them.

Auftragsarbeit, ein Wandkunstwerk für eine private Kunst Kundin hier im Kölner Umland/ Rheinland. Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

Auftragsarbeit, ein Wandkunstwerk für eine private Kunst Kundin hier im Kölner Umland/ Rheinland. Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

Why artist SEAK Claus Winkler is painting a painting.

– To feel when the painting is finished, ( a painting is never finished) happy for a short time. The artist rearranged the painting studio, to continue working in the upper part of the painting tomorrow. He went had to rearranged a stash of work in progess, late progression stage paper paintings. All small size. He felt unhappy. Knowing he has to continue painting the paintings, knowing how much work it is, how less joy it will give, being happy with what he does. The joy is rare. It drives the artist to expirement with in the possibility’s the painting gives. Playing with new ideas. This unhappiness drives l, fuels the artist. The joy comes from self surprise. Loving the process is the key. Loving the boredom. Solution: Discipline, different approach, deeper intensity in reflecting, working, painting. The level of the intensity brings the progression, the quality. The painting is still work in progress.

My works make people heal, and make the artviewer healthy. My art heals from with in, while implementing health growing patterns from the social surrounding. My paintings are health art. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

My works make people heal, and make the artviewer healthy. My art heals from with in, while implementing health growing patterns from the social surrounding. My paintings are health art. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

– painting it that it is clear visible the artist has painted by himself without assistance. No art production painting dozen recipey like, convience food like industry production like paintings by a squadron of professionell art studio assistants. Nope. Clear visible, the artist has painted by it by himself. Including accepting that the painting has parts which are far perfect painted. ( Perfection is a boring illusion). Iam writing this with good vibes. All good.

Künstler Zeichen, Skizzen, Ideen Buch Seite. Detail Ausschnitt. Buntstifte auf Papier, 2020. Eine Sammlung typischen Buchstbaben, mechaniserten Raumschiff Technik funktions Schrift. Immer, außer auf Wunsch von Sammlern und Kunst investoren mit Extra Anliegen, ‚ Seak ‚ ( S e a k ). Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

Künstler Zeichen, Skizzen, Ideen Buch Seite. Detail Ausschnitt. Buntstifte auf Papier, 2020. Eine Sammlung typischen Buchstbaben, mechaniserten Raumschiff Technik funktions Schrift. Immer, außer auf Wunsch von Sammlern und Kunst investoren mit Extra Anliegen, ‚ Seak ‚ ( S e a k ). Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

– painting it in away that none can paint a 1 to 1 copy, from the painting. Not even myself.

– accepting at every stage during the years, that I can just paint on the skill, knowledge level I have, and that is just enough, to keep keep on keeping on.

Contemporary painting. Titled: ‚ Matrix ‚, acrylics, spraytechnique, fineline marker, on canvas over thick museums quality wood frame, 2002 or 2003. This paintings backside although painted ( 2013 – 2022 – x ) till sold to a hnw/ uhnw art asset collector with a freeport. This paintings side shows a collection from the artist typical letters. ( ‚ S e a k ‚ ) for a couple of millions ( euro). Why selling? Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

Contemporary painting. Titled: ‚ Matrix ‚, acrylics, spraytechnique, fineline marker, on canvas over thick museums quality wood frame, 2002 or 2003. This paintings backside although painted ( 2013 – 2022 – x ) till sold to a hnw/ uhnw art asset collector with a freeport. This paintings side shows a collection from the artist typical letters. ( ‚ S e a k ‚ ) for a couple of millions ( euro). Why selling? Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

– having no aesthetic preferences, or goals, accept collecting different vibes, tastes, techniques, contrasts with in the painting, painting although a lot out of my comfort zone.

– delaying the quick gratification addiction I conditioned myself with in the 1980s/ 1990s, having a drawing, sketch, a painting finished in a hour, few minutes, few hours, a day.

Warum diese Buntstift Gemälde Miniaturen, Simulationen, Entwürfe? Pläne für zukünftige Kunstwerke in Groß? Die häuslich gemütliche Atmosphäre beim Schöpfungsprozess geniessen welche die Haptik, und Ästhetik der Buntstifte gibt? Buntstift = Kindheit, Geborgenheit, Warmes Wohnzimmer, Kinderzimmer, behütet, escapism, Heile Welt Momente? Anknüpfung an das Innere Kind, die Kreative Offenheit wenn Mann als Erwachsener an die Kindheit erinnert wird? Zugang über die häuslich geerdeten Braun, Ocker, rot, mineralischen, grauen, Terra cota gedämpften farben zu innerer Ruhe zu finden. Um danach gestärkt weiter zu machen? Das eigene Schaffen mal aus dieser Perspektive geprimed zusehen? Erinnerung daran mehr Gemälde in reifen erwachsenen Farben zu malen? Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

Warum diese Buntstift Gemälde Miniaturen, Simulationen, Entwürfe? Pläne für zukünftige Kunstwerke in Groß? Die häuslich gemütliche Atmosphäre beim Schöpfungsprozess geniessen welche die Haptik, und Ästhetik der Buntstifte gibt? Buntstift = Kindheit, Geborgenheit, Warmes Wohnzimmer, Kinderzimmer, behütet, escapism, Heile Welt Momente? Anknüpfung an das Innere Kind, die Kreative Offenheit wenn Mann als Erwachsener an die Kindheit erinnert wird? Zugang über die häuslich geerdeten Braun, Ocker, rot, mineralischen, grauen, Terra cota gedämpften farben zu innerer Ruhe zu finden. Um danach gestärkt weiter zu machen? Das eigene Schaffen mal aus dieser Perspektive geprimed zusehen? Erinnerung daran mehr Gemälde in reifen erwachsenen Farben zu malen? Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

– painting with techniques Iam the opposite from being comforts with.

– painting different then the artists who know my work.

Kunstwerk von SEAK Claus Winkler in früher Entwicklungsstufe. Wenn das Kunstwerk fertig geht es für ein paar Millionen euro irgendeinen Kunst Asset Investor Hnw / Uhnw Individual Sammler. Wahrscheinlich sichert sich der Kunstsammler das Gemälde schon vor der Fertigstellung mit einer Subscription Zahlung, oder Kunst Warteliste.

Kunstwerk von SEAK Claus Winkler in früher Entwicklungsstufe. Wenn das Kunstwerk fertig geht es für ein paar Millionen euro irgendeinen Kunst Asset Investor Hnw / Uhnw Individual Sammler. Wahrscheinlich sichert sich der Kunstsammler das Gemälde schon vor der Fertigstellung mit einer Subscription Zahlung, oder Kunst Warteliste.

Why making public that artist SEAK Claus Winkler‘s ( l ) art ist a bout sexuality? When that topic creates on a concious, visible, obvious level so much insecurity’s with in buyers, consumers, art investors, art watchers?

Iam Happy with this fineline marker drawing of a ‚ Seak ‚ style. I Love all styles/ sketches from this paper. Abstract characters if you will. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

Iam Happy with this fineline marker drawing of a ‚ Seak ‚ style. I Love all styles/ sketches from this paper. Abstract characters if you will. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

The artist perspective of the world, and people: they take up/ follow the impulses he makes/ does. When he is his own mental point of origin, aswell as when he might just catch upped a trigger/ signal/ Impuls from someone else. After all we are all connected with each other, when identifying with thoughts/ words/ aren’t able being alone with ourselfs. ( City’s, dense population, the absence of being alone with in natural recreational areas/ wood/ rural landscapes). ‘ So when iam just a filter, a transmitter, a relais station, a pony express/ Wells Fargo coach mail, postwaggon station, for a information/ signal, I filter, pre- prime it with in sexuality. Sexuality is reflected/ themed/ mentioned with in the words with in my name anyway. Like the elephant in the room. The challenge for people who watch my art is, to internal make the connections to connect themselves to the women they like/ are good for wellbeing/ the rotation/ the carousel if the person is a female. My art is about connecting the dots, the points.

Masterpiece, rare size, due small cut rooms with in the artist studio in cologne. Spraycan, marker, pencil. Painted from the back although with oil. Painted circa 2010. how many million euro would you offer when wanting to invest in this trophy/ passion investment? Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

Masterpiece, rare size, due small cut rooms with in the artist studio in cologne. Spraycan, marker, pencil. Painted from the back although with oil. Painted circa 2010. how many million euro would you offer when wanting to invest in this trophy/ passion investment? Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

Painting, continuing the details with in painting I started up to two decades ago. Choosing finer detailed brushes. The centimeters around the hand, the fingers, are the studio, the world. Interesting meditative/ switching into a different consciousness reality. I feel a burden, bringing my typical sci-fi – organic – mechanic – bio – binary- diverse – you name it – please be 18 – mechanical style to the highest/ best/ next level/ I can do. till i indulge my self fully with in pure abstract non letter based abstract paintings, on canvases/ paper. Probably Iam contradicting myself here. Anyway, as long as iam painting everyday , and relaxing/ doing Sport enough in my quality non painting time. The good thing is have enough small paintings, I can continue doing detail brush work sitting in a cafe, sitting in a train, at the beach, in a living room, on the Couch/ sofa, or maybe i do start again sailing, like a did when being a child, just painting, while being on board, participating a turn.

Exhibited this painting, painted in the usa, all over California. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

Exhibited this painting, painted in the usa, all over California. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

The paintings backside looks better, more official, major, etc, like the first thought paintings frontside. Though everything still work in progress. Still everything is possible. The last layer in a few months, weeks, years will be with oil paint. paintings never get finished, painting become desperate. Like artist don’t travel the world, they just travel from the artist studio with in the thoughts. further nuances with fine brushes, with in the details. Details, in the details of the details. From a painting in the streeta point of view this has a lot details. From a painting point of view this is medieval painting style raw. far from being Dutch golden age/ Flemish primitive detailed. Lots of work to do. Did the first of this paintings where ‚ all ‚ style elements listed like standing on the parade ground/ the chinese pottery army, after a work trip to Hongkong in 2000, after seeing a poster Michael Lau have of his figures. I called this painting style, the masterplan series. Painted a few paintings with in the that Layout composition style, lining up all the forms/ letters.

I make people with my art healthy. My paintings strengthens health. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

I make people with my art healthy. My paintings strengthens health. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

Work in progress, beginning stage. Detail growing phase. To make viewer healthier. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

Work in progress, beginning stage. Detail growing phase. To make viewer healthier. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

It’s still work in progess. It says my artist name / name ‘ SEAK, written ‘ Seak ‘. In this Photos the painting is vertical. The right part being up. The red green element is a small ‘ e ‘. I painted hunderds of paintings like this, with in a much large size, let’s say 2,50 meter x 8 meter the usual. All around the world, on walls, and vehicles. You see here the backside of a the painting. The other side although painted. The effort, the time, the fact that i paint them just by myself makes my art natural rare.

Close up of the letter ‘ K ‘. Work in progress. With in a few months, maybe a year or two this piece will have grown with in details. The purpose from my art is to make the viewer healthy. My art heals people. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

Close up of the letter ‘ K ‘. Work in progress. With in a few months, maybe a year or two this piece will have grown with in details. The purpose from my art is to make the viewer healthy. My art heals people. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

The painting above, reminds on, matchbox toycars from the 70s/80s, zordak ( a heman figure), allied warplanes from the pacific theater, or my favorite amiga500 arcade game Rtype1/ rtype2. ( the/ a original main source which inspired my SEAK style, although conceptual).

Bei diesem Kunstwerk, in der Entstehungsphase, aka noch nicht fertig, habe Ich es mir extra schwer gemacht. Eine der selbst gestellte Aufgabenstellungen war umständlich zu arbeiten. Mir es mir möglichst schwer zu machen beim malen, sprühen, Bild erstellen. Die Rückseite ist eher klarer typisch klassischer im ‘ Seak ‘ Stil. Diese Seite des Gemäldes hier im Photo hyper kleinteilig. Hand geschnittene mm/ cm große Klebestreifen schablonen. Es ging nicht um Ästhetik, oder optische Wirkung, eher Hauptsache sichtbar kompliziert gemalt, gemacht. Sprühdosen Lack, Marker, Acrylics, Leinenstoff auf Holzrahmen, 2011 – 2022 – still work in progress. Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

Bei diesem Kunstwerk, in der Entstehungsphase, aka noch nicht fertig, habe Ich es mir extra schwer gemacht. Eine der selbst gestellte Aufgabenstellungen war umständlich zu arbeiten. Mir es mir möglichst schwer zu machen beim malen, sprühen, Bild erstellen. Die Rückseite ist eher klarer typisch klassischer im ‘ Seak ‘ Stil. Diese Seite des Gemäldes hier im Photo hyper kleinteilig. Hand geschnittene mm/ cm große Klebestreifen schablonen. Es ging nicht um Ästhetik, oder optische Wirkung, eher Hauptsache sichtbar kompliziert gemalt, gemacht. Sprühdosen Lack, Marker, Acrylics, Leinenstoff auf Holzrahmen, 2011 – 2022 – still work in progress. Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

Brauche Ich einen Kamm?

Sexsells, wieder ein sexy erotisches Photo von Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler, für seine volljährigen unverheirateten Bio Frauen followerinnnnen, aka Menschen welche einen Uterus haben, bzw besitzen. Der Künstler beim Bilder hin und hertragen. Im Rahmen meiner Arbeitszeit Rotation. Das Wort Rotation is zeitgenössisch für Mann ist gerade bei mehreren Frauen am Zug. ( Sie ist niemals dir, du bist nur gerade am Zug. ) Jedenfalls habe Ich diese Papier und Pappe Arbeiten i meine aktuelle kleine Pinsel, feine dünne Linien Rotation wieder mit aufgenommen. Über die Jahre trage Ich immer wieder wie ein kleiner Junge seine Spielsachen durchs Haus, von Raum zu Raum. Das wühlen und suchen in der Spielzeugkiste wo die Lego, Playmobil, Matchbox, etc, Sachen drin sind, getauscht, durch das Wühlen, und sortieren durch Stapel von Papier, Pappen, und Leinwänden. Der jetzt kommende Arbeitsstchritt, im Rahmen von ‚ Dünner Pinsel, feine linien, genaues Arbeiten ‚ steht vor der Suche fest. Meine dünnen Linie male ich mit: Molotow One4all.

Yes these paintings ( left wood back side from a canvas. Right metal plate frontside) look ready/ already finished. But No. Both are work in progress, far from being a finished masterpiece. In substitute of having a rotation from beautiful young just adult women with in my rotation, Iam substituting with painting, being productive, having a work in progress rotation of paintings. In a way Iam pacing society, what people are real doing not what they are saying. Or is society pacing me? The paintings are showing the word ‚ Seak ‚. It’s called a piece or a ‚ style ‚. In the current phase, work stage, level, Iam doing the details, and the details with in the details. Small brush work. These paintings are usual hanging horizontal. In this photo just for the process, they are standing rightside down. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

Yes these paintings ( left wood back side from a canvas. Right metal plate frontside) look ready/ already finished. But No. Both are work in progress, far from being a finished masterpiece. In substitute of having a rotation from beautiful young just adult women with in my rotation, Iam substituting with painting, being productive, having a work in progress rotation of paintings. In a way Iam pacing society, what people are real doing not what they are saying. Or is society pacing me? The paintings are showing the word ‚ Seak ‚. It’s called a piece or a ‚ style ‚. In the current phase, work stage, level, Iam doing the details, and the details with in the details. Small brush work. These paintings are usual hanging horizontal. In this photo just for the process, they are standing rightside down. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

The paintings, like children, trees, plants are getting watered/ attention with in rotation all the time. Growing, higher complexion, more details, always different work techniques, different places with in the house working the paintings. First with current process canvases from 1998. Iam painting ( like playing in a way) 11 maybe 13 hours everyday, less when having sport/ working out/ having a run/ nature hikes/ going swimming. Sometimes I paint my paintings somewhere else, enjoying a different environment. Iam often alone, and iam real enjoying that. Iam disciplining my food intake. I watch people’s actions, the results of there patterns. All my paintings are connected to the walls, trains, cars, trucks, ships, docks, rooms, buildings i painted all around the world in the past, and maybe although in the future, and in the present. ( We just having the present/ presence work.) I enjoy like very one else to not think about me ego, giving my self up in the process of flow, doing, work, painting, playing, reading, creating, etc.

My works heal people. Healing & health from with in, aswell as creating parallel healer patterns, attracting healthy lifestyle choices, health pattern, aswell as sportive healthier people. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

My works heal people. Healing & health from with in, aswell as creating parallel healer patterns, attracting healthy lifestyle choices, health pattern, aswell as sportive healthier people. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

I will continue doing small brush work, with this bad boy here. Or bad girl, being a good girl being caught, if you will. I do see my self as the doctor, my paintings/ clients/ collectors, are my patients. Started this double sided paper painting, yes you guessed right, 2013ish. Don’t know when ready with what perspectives will a art owner hang this painting? A Warning, or he is packing? A binary female and or Lgbtq male, who wants to attract a certain kind of active/ or passive people? Or mabe reminiscence on a women’s carousel phase, her twentys, looking back in nostalgia, and reflection? Maybe someone with a love, or appreciation for german world war 2 vehicles? Or maybe just wants to digest and filtering all the triggers he catched during the day, and recontexualize them with in a other context, cleaning the soul. Paintings from the traditional meaning are ‘ a warning ‘. So all of the aboth can be true, just with the context of a warning. The opposite of a visionboard manifestation board.

Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

Disclaimer: The artist explors within his personal life, his work relationship everything with a “ professional” pre everything must be ‘ Virtue signaling woko haram political correct ‘ distance all humans depths. With a Redpill manosphere praxology lense. His motivation showing his work, and his perspective on art, the abstract etc, are just monetary, merkantile, art discurs, art context, creative motivated. Lead with invest financial interest. It’s just about the art. He prefers a binary lifestyle. He is a alturistic average size grower. He meets women on his own. Thank you for your kind understanding.

Acrylics, spray technique, on dispersions paint white roller paint, on canvas, framed over wood. The painting shows a ‚ Seak ‚ style ( piece ). The paintings backside from this square artwork is although painted. Full rich colors. Yes you guessed right, work in progress. When you visit this website, and or other Webstandard by the artist in a few years you will see this paintings backside growing, progressing. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

Acrylics, spray technique, on dispersions paint white roller paint, on canvas, framed over wood. The painting shows a ‚ Seak ‚ style ( piece ). The paintings backside from this square artwork is although painted. Full rich colors. Yes you guessed right, work in progress. When you visit this website, and or other Webstandard by the artist in a few years you will see this paintings backside growing, progressing. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

Paintings iam working with, giving me a offtime, getting ink done, getting my first tattoo vibe. Or like when I believed in Santa Claus, gifts. Or giving/ getting good advice. The paintings are work In progress from both sides. Painting is like having a beach life, sea sailing turn from your lair, while having a beautiful women assisting you, giving wings to expand. Or explaining your kids something, and there listening wanting to learn. Painting can be although like playing your favourite computer – arcade – games. Or painting can be like getting high, into the Flow from explaining others, knowing being ‚ right ‚. Most of the time painting is very unfulfilling, frustrating, usual the works of the other painting/ creating artists are the paintings i like. The paintings with in this post, late stage work in progess, showing the word ‚ SEAK ‚ painted ‚ Seak ‚ .

Ich mache Menschen mit meiner Kunst gesund, Ich erhalte die Gesundheit mit meinen Gemälden. Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

Ich mache Menschen mit meiner Kunst gesund, Ich erhalte die Gesundheit mit meinen Gemälden. Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

Painting, with letting go. Less thinking what makes sense, what is realistic, choosing colors by what feels good, choosing colors by what feels not good. Yes, when the comfort zone, is what is the pseudo feel good zone, choosing for example colors by what feels not good, is the right thing to do. Already have a black on the palette which supposed to be a dark green. Anyway, enjoying the not caring about colors, way of painting. Letting my inner auto pilot, my subconscious, in the cockpit, driver seat, on the captains bridge behind the steering wheel.

Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

Continuing a detail layer on the front side/ main side, from the painting. My work, my art is from the meaning about sexuality, intimacy, the intersexual dynamics between men, and women, all the things both genders want to hide/ lie about, are practicing. What people/ women are saying, and what they are in reality doing/ positives reacating/ acting too. Including although decadent non lifespending lifestyle choices, fetishes, integrated shadwows, nonintgrated shadows, intrinsic shame, shame in general, infidelity, nice guys, alphas, betas, blue pill/ redpill/ prep pill/ cialis pill/ prenups/ nda’s/ holding a family together, aswell as single parenthood, passion, desire, living everything, cultivating, discipline, fairness, unfairness, positions, everything, etc, etc, etc. all about sexuality/ sex.

Meine Kunstwerke, Gemälde, und Zeichnungen sind Gesundheitsmacher, Gesundheits Verstärker. Meine Munst heilt. SEAK Heil. Meine Kunst heilt von innen, und gleichzeitig verstärkt Sie Muster von Außen welche Gesundheitbund Heilungsprozesse Verstärkern, optimieren, und in gang setzen. Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

Meine Kunstwerke, Gemälde, und Zeichnungen sind Gesundheitsmacher, Gesundheits Verstärker. Meine Munst heilt. SEAK Heil. Meine Kunst heilt von innen, und gleichzeitig verstärkt Sie Muster von Außen welche Gesundheitbund Heilungsprozesse Verstärkern, optimieren, und in gang setzen. Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

Painting it, till, vermeer, rembrandt, caravaggio eske SEAK realism. Maybe making it a bit breughel, VanGogh, monet, ottodix, rough, and unaesthetic, to keeping it SEAK visual interesting in long run.

This has the cool machismo look from a stylish worldwar two plane, or tank, or the mean look from contemporary American truck? You can although choose other examples, your look in the mirror after working out in the gym for many years, how you look in the mirror when your barber did a good job, your favourite porn star when you are in feminine polarity pedestalising women putting them in there masculine polarity. ( yes art, paintings are although arthistory wise warning). I often like, chase while painting masculine cool, stylish aesthetics, sometimes although the feminine. In the process abstract naturalistic parts with in paintings are masculine, and or feminine, or something else? I sometimes paint outcome independent while with in few seconds later Iam on a outcome dependent frequency. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

This has the cool machismo look from a stylish worldwar two plane, or tank, or the mean look from contemporary American truck? You can although choose other examples, your look in the mirror after working out in the gym for many years, how you look in the mirror when your barber did a good job, your favourite porn star when you are in feminine polarity pedestalising women putting them in there masculine polarity. ( yes art, paintings are although arthistory wise warning). I often like, chase while painting masculine cool, stylish aesthetics, sometimes although the feminine. In the process abstract naturalistic parts with in paintings are masculine, and or feminine, or something else? I sometimes paint outcome independent while with in few seconds later Iam on a outcome dependent frequency. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

Ich wohne, lebe, und arbeite in einer Ecke der Welt wo ständig Geräusche sind. Während ich das hier schreibe fällt mir mal wieder auf wie laut die Autobahn zu hören ist. Standard Geräusche: Autobahn, Güter Bahnhof Rangier Geräusche, Nachbarn, Straßenverkehr, 24 Stunden, meistens. Ich lebe & arbeite in einer funktionalen, Industrie Region, welche Pott hässlich ( Butt ugly ) ist. Wahrscheinlich der Grund warum Ich male. Schon als Kind. Sich die hässliche, industrielle, plastik, Investitions Architektur Welt schön malen. Sehnsuchts Ort, Wildwest frontier stadt, Mittelalter Playmobil Burg/ Stadt, Jugendstil Gründerzeit 1900 Altbau Hohe Decken alte Bausubstanz Sehnsuchts Ort. Meine Grundschule als Kind, sah aus wie ein Wehrmachts Westwall Regelbau Bunker, in Groß, 60er Jahre Betonbau Sünde.

A ‘ Seak ‘ Style ( piece ) flying on the paper like a Hoover board, or a spaceship. I Love the ‘ Seak ‘ Style in the lower left corner, with strong ‘ K ‘. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

A ‘ Seak ‘ Style ( piece ) flying on the paper like a Hoover board, or a spaceship. I Love the ‘ Seak ‘ Style in the lower left corner, with strong ‘ K ‘. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

Flowing, with painting further details. Sitting on the sofa. Listening to useful redpill content about female nature. While freestyling small brush lines. Enjoying the procession. Integrating fresh knew ideas. Satisfying my instant gratification dopamine neediness, with posting these photos. Justifying, back rationalising my decision, with, people must the actual latest level how good my paintings are. A little doubt, a stain on my vanity, that I should have waited with posting these till afternoon, when the detail complexion is higher. When there are further light effects. So the awe, the being impressed will be optimal. Egosyntonic enough to blatant writing this. Knowing how high the bar is with in contemporary painting, the great Dutch golden age masters from the 16. Hunderts, when watching the details, that these paintings still having a long way to grow.

‘ Seak ‘, ink on paper. The ‘ K ‘ looking like the towers from the cologne cathedral, the Dom. ( Kölner Dom ), Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

‘ Seak ‘, ink on paper. The ‘ K ‘ looking like the towers from the cologne cathedral, the Dom. ( Kölner Dom ), Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

Iam painting myself the spaceships, vehicles, planes, tanks, military stuff, mint condition historic weapons, mint condition awards from all sides, uniform designs, camo designs, weapons, toys, cars, helicopters, cranes, trucks, I ever wanted, liked, indulged in, my ego identified with when being a child.

Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

Why am I painting? Maybe compensating father son conflicts with in my youth? Repressed sexuality? Not having spend enough time with my father. He had to work alot. The things he later wanted to do with me spending time weren’t my interests. Maybe it was already too late for father son activities. Not being able bringing home girls. My Mom putting down a playboy poster with Playmate of the month i liked. ( She didnt liked her. Putting it down without saying anything). Having to hide my fapping ( self relief) porn magazines, like a forbidden treasure deep with in my room. My parents could have been proactive supportive, practical elaborate with female psychology, girls, recommendings, advices. Instead of betaisation. Saying nothing, or saying too less. I guess me painting, drawing, sketching, so much. Holding pens, brushes, spraycans, with the finger, always round forms, is similar to mastrubating, selfreflief, fapping. It’s the same gesture. Surface the porn magazine, the bed blanket, the tissue = paper, canvas, cardboard. I based my signature small ‘ a ‘ , on my competition pro extra amiga500 joystick ( red/ visible window plastic) , as a substitute for my phallus, reproductive organ. ( rubberworm )

With painting on paper, and cardboard, I feel a painting is finished when it is with in a frame, with glas. Uv sunlight low reflection glas/ plastic. From both sides. Although when it was photographed professional, by a master photographer, two times. First time with out the frame, second time when successful professional framed. Please keep this in mind when planing to order to finish a painting from the process rotation. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

With painting on paper, and cardboard, I feel a painting is finished when it is with in a frame, with glas. Uv sunlight low reflection glas/ plastic. From both sides. Although when it was photographed professional, by a master photographer, two times. First time with out the frame, second time when successful professional framed. Please keep this in mind when planing to order to finish a painting from the process rotation. Artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

My art punishes my artowners, when they ask women for there opinions too much with being gaslighted & doublebinded. My art is blessing my artowners when they treat the women like the oldest child in the family household . My art gives people soo much situational confidence, like the fake artificial confidence Cocaine gives. Women being highly aware which visual, in my case the art, supports there power, there sexual strategy (contrary to the male strategy). The artowner asking there women for at advice brings them on ot a unreflected ego rush, where they self destruct themselfs, aswell as the asking artowner. Like a jealousy person masking lurking like a friend, giving bad advice, to not wanting to see you prosper. But! The same women can due my art can be although the good comrad, loyal buddy, wingmen, supportive donkey workhorse mule.

Von dieser Seite des Gemäldes: Sprühdose, Marker, Dispersions Farbe, auf grundierten Leinenstoff gespannt über Holzrahmen, Acryl, 2001. Die Rückseite habe Ich circa 2013 angefangen auch weiter zu bearbeiten. Seit dem ist die Rückseite dieses Kunstwerks in der Entstehungsphase. Diese Seite werde Ich aus kunsthistorischen Gründen so lassen. Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

Von dieser Seite des Gemäldes: Sprühdose, Marker, Dispersions Farbe, auf grundierten Leinenstoff gespannt über Holzrahmen, Acryl, 2001. Die Rückseite habe Ich circa 2013 angefangen auch weiter zu bearbeiten. Seit dem ist die Rückseite dieses Kunstwerks in der Entstehungsphase. Diese Seite werde Ich aus kunsthistorischen Gründen so lassen. Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

Just because she is with in a other situation, it’s is not in business, strategy. For the pickupart (pua), redpilled, psychology aware artwatcher/ artinvestor. This could although be compliance test ( slang: shit test). I guess all this behavior patterns, are embedded in the commands, meanings, triggers with in my name. Women: Iam feeling like do your thing, stop asking me things. I interpretate your interest in doing somehting with me as beta weakness. Do it yourself. Iam using sentences with with words like ‘ not ‘, ‘ don’t , etc, to give you at least a semi passive agressive hint thru the flowers of do it, stop asking me. While although wanting your attention. My Mum always said in #affluent couples, each partner likes doing there own thing. I guess that is although reflect with in my name, and so in my paintings. The artowner asking the women gives the women too much validation. When she stops chasing your validation , she….?

The letter ‘ K ‘ in different variations, drawn with crayon on paper, 2020. artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

The letter ‘ K ‘ in different variations, drawn with crayon on paper, 2020. artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

Work in progess. Think Johannes vermeer, breughel, otto dix, caravaggio, when it comes to details, complexity. The curse, the blessing who long the paintings taking. It’s duty, entertainment, boredom, responsibility, that drives me. I am not thinking, going mentally there too much, too deep, when catching myself thinking about the time it will take. It’s funny, i would prefer painting different paintings. Watching the paintings from the others. In a way the paintings from other are giving me a better pleasure, astonishing me, giving me a positive awe feeling. It’s the Same duty like thinking blood lineage, iam repeting myself, ‚ duty ‚ which keeps going. It’s the the other side working with a carousel/ rotation. Anyway iam exercising gratitude.

Private Kunstauftraggeberin Glücklich gemacht. Mein Wissen als Mann über die Praxeology der Roten Pille, frei gesetzte Weibliche Hypergamie, die Weibliche Natur, moderne und traditionelle Frauen genutzt. Hier habe Ich ein Wandkunstwerk ( Wandbild/ Mural) geschaffen welches sich auf die Seite Frauen stellt, und die zwischen menschliche Strategie der Frauen/ meiner Auftrageberin Unterstützt. Ja auch die nicht körperlichen Bedürfnissen, spirituellen Gedanken Gänge, und Muster. Primär habe Ich auf abstrakter Ebene all die Dinge aufgegriffen welche Frauen nicht zugeben wollen. Hier bei kam mir mein Wissen über die Farben von Lgbtqs zur Nutze, das zwischen den Zeilen lesen, und mein Wissen über Deutsche Militär Geschichte. Meine Kunstaufgeberin ist auf ganz gut auf meine klartext ordinäre Art klar gekommen. Diese Kreativen Gespräche haben wir in kurz Mal Pausen, drinnen, abseits von Nachbarn geführt. Für meinen Schöpfungs Prozess, geht es primär um Sex, Soziale Dynamiken, und das was Leute wirklich machen, also die Schatten der Worte. Ich übertrage diese Dynamiken abstrakt. Es kann sein das wenn Sie diese Zeilen lesen mein Schöpfungsprozess, und meine Perspektive Wie Ich meine Kunstwerke entwickele sich schon wieder geändert hat. Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

Private Kunstauftraggeberin Glücklich gemacht. Mein Wissen als Mann über die Praxeology der Roten Pille, frei gesetzte Weibliche Hypergamie, die Weibliche Natur, moderne und traditionelle Frauen genutzt. Hier habe Ich ein Wandkunstwerk ( Wandbild/ Mural) geschaffen welches sich auf die Seite Frauen stellt, und die zwischen menschliche Strategie der Frauen/ meiner Auftrageberin Unterstützt. Ja auch die nicht körperlichen Bedürfnissen, spirituellen Gedanken Gänge, und Muster. Primär habe Ich auf abstrakter Ebene all die Dinge aufgegriffen welche Frauen nicht zugeben wollen. Hier bei kam mir mein Wissen über die Farben von Lgbtqs zur Nutze, das zwischen den Zeilen lesen, und mein Wissen über Deutsche Militär Geschichte. Meine Kunstaufgeberin ist auf ganz gut auf meine klartext ordinäre Art klar gekommen. Diese Kreativen Gespräche haben wir in kurz Mal Pausen, drinnen, abseits von Nachbarn geführt. Für meinen Schöpfungs Prozess, geht es primär um Sex, Soziale Dynamiken, und das was Leute wirklich machen, also die Schatten der Worte. Ich übertrage diese Dynamiken abstrakt. Es kann sein das wenn Sie diese Zeilen lesen mein Schöpfungsprozess, und meine Perspektive Wie Ich meine Kunstwerke entwickele sich schon wieder geändert hat. Künstler: SEAK Claus Winkler

When the canvas will be ready, there will be lots of details, nuances. Abstract technical realism. In the 2000 Years, or in the 90s I would have thought this painting would be already finished. My eyes have grown. Iam thankful that despite that i had all these conflicts with my father with in my youth, he let me follow my interests. I have although in class starting in German Grundschule ( after kindergarden, before Middelschool ) drawing, and painting, often not following what the teacher said in class. Although in Highschool ( Realschule). Was always the sorrow child. In a way a scapegoat for teachers, etc. it’s wasn’t like i was on highquality elite schools, where teachers where supporting individual interests. I was always doing my own thing.

Documenting artist SEAK Claus Winkler’s painting.

Documenting artist SEAK Claus Winkler’s painting.

Ich gebe mit meinen Gemälden abstrakte avantgardistische experimentelle ästhetische Coolness & Liebe, bzw Begeisterung ein männliches Forum. Meine Bildwelten, Figurengruppen, und Darstellungen sind handgemalt. Ich bündele in meiner Kunstauffassung in meinen Darstellungen, Gefühle von Männern. Die Schönheit, die Freude am visuellen, vereine Ich auf Leinwand, frei von Bewertungen, Kultivierungen, politischer Korrektheit, oder was die Gesellschaft sagt, die Frauen, die Eltern, der Beruf, oder Marken. Es ist ein Konglomerat von Gefühls, Erinnerungslücken, endpunkten von Dingen, Menschen, Blicken, Marken, Geschichten, anderen Kunstwerke, welche meine händisch gemalten Gemälde abholen, und in ein Gefühl, eine Wahrnehmung vereinigen.

Dispersions paint on paper, work in progress. Studio view 2020, artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

Dispersions paint on paper, work in progress. Studio view 2020, artist: SEAK Claus Winkler