Art price for the piece on the eames chair: 2,5 Million Euro ( 2.500.000 euro ), all taxes, further expenses extra. For hnw/ uhnw art investor/ art lovers. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
Art price for the piece on the eames chair: 2,5 Million Euro ( 2.500.000 euro ), all taxes, further expenses extra. For hnw/ uhnw art investor/ art lovers. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
– Iam painting art cause, Iam imitating on a deep intrinsic level, with a hyper sensitive pacing from neuro impressions/ expressions. ( the muscles around the eyes), what I’ve read from my parents. My father with during his studies, had to draw, and sketch a lot technical plans. My mother was drawing little bubble letter name tags for every child invited to my birthday party’s, when my parents where inviding friends, hand drawn name tag shields where people where sitting. Little captions with in the family photo album, drawn with a simple color marker for children. She was although drawing during allied carpet bomb raids, little paintings against the fear with in the anti aircraft air protection bunker, my grandfather (Engineer/ mid level local political party member (died 1944) build, for the protection from bombs, for his fellow colleagues, people living here, civilians.
Maybe Iam painting my art, cause iam simulating life, imitating action, modeling with my paintings what the other people expierencing in real life. In this photo Iam ( artist: SEAK Claus Winkler, with the number 5200) entering the finishing line during the new years eve marathon in Zürich, Switzerland. a Glimpse of life, while back in to the artist studio painting.
Maybe Iam painting my art, cause iam simulating life, imitating action, modeling with my paintings what the other people expierencing in real life. In this photo Iam ( artist: SEAK Claus Winkler, with the number 5200) entering the finishing line during the new years eve marathon in Zürich, Switzerland. a Glimpse of life, while back in to the artist studio painting.
– A childhoodfriend of mine, had from his older brother, and his family (they had multiple fair wagons selling play toys) large crests full with all kinds of different war toys. Some lowlevel handpainted by his much older brother years before.
– In School I painted often when possible, & or unconcious triggered by fellow students with in class, instead of listening to what was teached, sailing ships, ships of the line with crayons, and color pencils (Buntstifte).
– Now being adult, and mature, I know, my name primes me on getting, being open, to suggestions, subliminal signals, commands, triggers, from outside which I pace, filter, stabilize with painting. Although to prime, influence, command, signal, show others.
The artist small ‘ a ‘, work in progess, painting, paper, acryl, marker, spray, oil. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
– A pen/ brush, is a thin long material hard form. Which is can be put with in a body. ( Food, Phallus, Bathroom (toilet), Rectum, Vaginal). So with in the tension, or signaling greyzone field paint draw. Maybe my painting, and or drawing, is subliminal compensating, and digesting, filtering the food, sexuality, and or just having to go to the toilet, Energie from myself, the people around me, including the people reading via television, radio, audiobook, etc.
– My great grandfather ( Decorated (Ek.2/ Ek.1/ etc, WW1 highest nco rank, 12 year service prewar, Veteran/ later civilian life postal service upper mid rank) had a beautiful handwriting. My image (painting) shows a ‘ a ‘.