Künstler Manifesto, Kunst Intuition,

Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler’s Kunst: In meiner Kunst spiegele & erforsche Ich alle menschlichen Tiefen. Auf der Unbewussten & Impliziten Weise aktiviere, spiegele, und bejahe Ich, mache Ich denn Weg frei für alle Lebenstile, legale wie illegale Konsum muster. Egal ob Binär Hetero Normative, Lgbtqia+, Bdsm, Kink, Vanilla, Vengeful 4. Welle feminismus zu betaisieren von Männern, Mensright movement, Nuclear White Pickett Fence Family, Patchwork Family, Flr, klassisches Patriarchat, You Go Go Girl Hot Girl Summer Hook up Culture, Serielle Monogamie, Moderne/ Tradionelle Frauen, Beta Provider/ Alphas, Redpill praxeology, Mansophere, Mgtow, Leben mit der Klarheit das Liebe nur Hebelkraft ist/ Menschen welche an Liebe glauben, Gesunde/ Ungesunde Lebensweisen, Beta Soja Links Liberale/ Alpha Rechts pro Wehrpflicht Nationale, Naive/ Realisten, Diskrete Angehörige der Geheimen Gesellschaft von Leuten welche ohne zu bewerten und darüber zu reden Sex haben, Etc. Meine Kunst gibt allen Lebenstilen Gefühle von familiärer Zugehörigkeit. Weißt auf der Unbewussten Ebene den Weg, gibt Lösungen vor. Meine Kunst bejaht alle integrierten und nicht integrierten Schatten in den toten Winkeln der Psyche. Meine Kunst setzt das Ego, Gesellschaftliche Taboos,

SEAK Claus Winkler
SEAK Claus Winkler
SEAK Claus Winkler

die intrinische Scham, frei, In die Freiheit. Meine Kunst macht die versteckten und offensichtlichen Trigger, und Bedeutungen welche in jedem Namen von Betrachtern meiner Kunst stecken frei, und macht sie zu deren Vorteil nutzbar, und verstärkt die Intuition meiner Kunstsammler. Meine Name, mit seinen Wirkungen, mit meiner Kunst gibt den Kunst konsumenten auf der unbewussten Ebene Erfolg. Meine Kunst macht das die Betrachter, die Kunstmäzen/ Kunst Auftraggeber/ Sammler meiner Kunst, zu ihrem Vorteil auf der Unbewussten Ebene handeln und akumulieren. Meine Kunst überbrückt die menschlichen Hürden, und schafft freiraum für menschliches freundlich locker familiäres miteinander.

Rare masterpieces & artist intuition.

Everything in the picture, yes you guessed right, work in progress, all paintings backsides. The two long paintings are showing both a ‚ Seak ‚ Style. My inspirations are my natural masculine sense for aesthetics. Quoting Eminem ( Slim Shady) , which hospitality I had the honor to enjoy when he was performing in germany in the 2000er years, would call it ‚ rap shadow ‚. My rap shadow is that Iam on concious/ unconcious level/ frequency suggesting/ promoting/ proactively inspiring people behaving borderless flirtatious non monogamous promiscuous. Call it cuck-oldery, hot wife-ing, swinging, hypergamy, cxxk carousel, hookup culture, thotery, secret society of having sex, high body counts, dorfmatratzen, a bonobo like social order, being open minded to everybody, etc, etc. Although in a non physical way, regarding being open minded to people who aren’t good for oneself. my name/ energy is, just being open for people. Noooo, I don’t have time. Iam busy painting the work in progress paintings with in my rotation. I guess my work is for men who should have a higher bodycounts, vetting a higher number of women, and or being a little bit tougher, ‚ less nice guy ‚, masculiner with there woman/ women. ( Yes, 2 consenting adults). It’s the words, the energy with in my name, in case you don’t see that in my paintings. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Everything in the picture, yes you guessed right, work in progress, all paintings backsides. The two long paintings are showing both a ‚ Seak ‚ Style. My inspirations are my natural masculine sense for aesthetics. Quoting Eminem ( Slim Shady) , which hospitality I had the honor to enjoy when he was performing in germany in the 2000er years, would call it ‚ rap shadow ‚. My rap shadow is that Iam on concious/ unconcious level/ frequency suggesting/ promoting/ proactively inspiring people behaving borderless flirtatious non monogamous promiscuous. Call it cuck-oldery, hot wife-ing, swinging, hypergamy, cxxk carousel, hookup culture, thotery, secret society of having sex, high body counts, dorfmatratzen, a bonobo like social order, being open minded to everybody, etc, etc. Although in a non physical way, regarding being open minded to people who aren’t good for oneself. my name/ energy is, just being open for people. Noooo, I don’t have time. Iam busy painting the work in progress paintings with in my rotation. I guess my work is for men who should have a higher bodycounts, vetting a higher number of women, and or being a little bit tougher, ‚ less nice guy ‚, masculiner with there woman/ women. ( Yes, 2 consenting adults). It’s the words, the energy with in my name, in case you don’t see that in my paintings. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Detailed art, the work process, the artmarket, rare pieces

Details. Painting the details. Iam binging this part of work in progress rotation. Started working this paintings backside, wooden plate, with canvas stretched, around 2012ish. The ‚ main side ‚ a oil mix Media painting from 2010 to 2012 painted, including a oil firniss clear coat. A why how I paint is, to make painting which are although for regular non art people clear visible, the artist painted the painting himself. In contemporary Art, or how ever you wanna call it, most of the painting are ‚ produced ‚ by a large amount of studio assistants. The artist is just doing a show, pretending that he/ or her painted all the works by him/ herself. I decided being always short in resources, fighting a peasants war, Vietcong style, werwolf, guerillero, drunken master, etc style, making my disadvantage to my advantage. Like no large painting rooms, no resources paying/ investing other painting artists. I decided creating paintings where everyone sees, that the artist painted it himself. Painted high complex detail rich art. It forced me to overcome my lack of being able concentrating myself. It forced me a away from being in the ego, unpresent, feeling a upper drug infueled like rush from seeing, feeling the colors, to learning to feel the colors effects with in a civil, cultured way. It challenged me to overcome the instant gratification, learning patience, having the paintings growing over a decade long, process. Learning new painting techniques outside my comfortzone, being a underdog, being humbled. Focusing on myself. The good thing is that the paintings become, are natural rare. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Details. Painting the details. Iam binging this part of work in progress rotation. Started working this paintings backside, wooden plate, with canvas stretched, around 2012ish. The ‚ main side ‚ a oil mix Media painting from 2010 to 2012 painted, including a oil firniss clear coat. A why how I paint is, to make painting which are although for regular non art people clear visible, the artist painted the painting himself. In contemporary Art, or how ever you wanna call it, most of the painting are ‚ produced ‚ by a large amount of studio assistants. The artist is just doing a show, pretending that he/ or her painted all the works by him/ herself. I decided being always short in resources, fighting a peasants war, Vietcong style, werwolf, guerillero, drunken master, etc style, making my disadvantage to my advantage. Like no large painting rooms, no resources paying/ investing other painting artists. I decided creating paintings where everyone sees, that the artist painted it himself. Painted high complex detail rich art. It forced me to overcome my lack of being able concentrating myself. It forced me a away from being in the ego, unpresent, feeling a upper drug infueled like rush from seeing, feeling the colors, to learning to feel the colors effects with in a civil, cultured way. It challenged me to overcome the instant gratification, learning patience, having the paintings growing over a decade long, process. Learning new painting techniques outside my comfortzone, being a underdog, being humbled. Focusing on myself. The good thing is that the paintings become, are natural rare. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

By Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Great works of art.

Painting the details, the love for mechanical, functional, constructed, things i loved already in my childhood. When i was watching construction places, little models with in toys stores, the tanks & vehicles on packaging in the toy stores. What I saw in books, when with visiting museums, or playing with my toys, matchbox cars, playmobil/ lego Although with the computer games ( amiga 500), a few years. A summer in Mallorca, watching how people where playing 1942/1943 on the arcade Automat with in the hotel. Always admired the technical aesthetic, the used look, the weathering, with models, with in movies. I although loved my used up matchbox cars. I guess the forms, the look do give structure, being connected, steering my thought process, from reason to a reason, having functional thoughts. A form of being lazy, catching what I should think from from the forms, colours, aesthetic which surround me. What was there first, my thoughts, or the form structures which showing me what I should think? Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Painting the details, the love for mechanical, functional, constructed, things i loved already in my childhood. When i was watching construction places, little models with in toys stores, the tanks & vehicles on packaging in the toy stores. What I saw in books, when with visiting museums, or playing with my toys, matchbox cars, playmobil/ lego Although with the computer games ( amiga 500), a few years. A summer in Mallorca, watching how people where playing 1942/1943 on the arcade Automat with in the hotel. Always admired the technical aesthetic, the used look, the weathering, with models, with in movies. I although loved my used up matchbox cars. I guess the forms, the look do give structure, being connected, steering my thought process, from reason to a reason, having functional thoughts. A form of being lazy, catching what I should think from from the forms, colours, aesthetic which surround me. What was there first, my thoughts, or the form structures which showing me what I should think? Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Beautiful piece the canvas backside painted

Blue hour, painting lines, up detailing this painting. It’s the backside of a painting i painted in 1998. The side visible here, is from 2013 till today, work in progress. When finished, this will be johannes Vermeer milkmaid style detailed. Iam 48 years old know. Painting in rotation my whole canvas/ paper/ plates oeuvre, painting 6 days a week 12 hours everyday, the painting will be finished in 10 maybe 20 years. Maybe never, maybe when some super wealthy individual spoils me with money. Interesting thought. Money make happy, when feeling I should have painted longer? I guess will just start any further paintings, when they are large paintings. Just canvas. In the mean time, I will paint forever the paintings with in my studio rotation. Like with in a fairy tale from the brothers grimm, cursed blessed for all times painting sitting/ standing his canvases and papers. Just being interrupted for eating, working out, decompression with reading a book, or watching a movie/ series. No life, no nothing. Just living Groundhog Day painting everyday. What you own, quickly owns you. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Blue hour, painting lines, up detailing this painting. It’s the backside of a painting i painted in 1998. The side visible here, is from 2013 till today, work in progress. When finished, this will be johannes Vermeer milkmaid style detailed. Iam 48 years old know. Painting in rotation my whole canvas/ paper/ plates oeuvre, painting 6 days a week 12 hours everyday, the painting will be finished in 10 maybe 20 years. Maybe never, maybe when some super wealthy individual spoils me with money. Interesting thought. Money make happy, when feeling I should have painted longer? I guess will just start any further paintings, when they are large paintings. Just canvas. In the mean time, I will paint forever the paintings with in my studio rotation. Like with in a fairy tale from the brothers grimm, cursed blessed for all times painting sitting/ standing his canvases and papers. Just being interrupted for eating, working out, decompression with reading a book, or watching a movie/ series. No life, no nothing. Just living Groundhog Day painting everyday. What you own, quickly owns you. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Artist process

“ the thing which looks like a exclamation mark spaceship Grenadier unit symbol bomb is actually my small ‘ a ‘. The brown, line sprayed thing on the upper left, is a small ‘ e ‘ which is although a large ‘ E ‘, the other brown line thing is a ‚ S ‚. On the upper part, on the second behind canvas a few ‘ S ‘ looking down.
All other forms on the first canvas are ‘ a ‘. Might will ad a further layer with other letters/ forms for being eyecatchers. The paintings are backsides from paintings I did paint in the 2000er years, late 1990s. The forms are from my typical wall paintings I did paint a lot here in germany, and all around the world. It’s is never enough. Would love painting walls again. Though painting on canvas/ paper makes sense. „ Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

“ the thing which looks like a exclamation mark spaceship Grenadier unit symbol bomb is actually my small ‘ a ‘. The brown, line sprayed thing on the upper left, is a small ‘ e ‘ which is although a large ‘ E ‘, the other brown line thing is a ‚ S ‚. On the upper part, on the second behind canvas a few ‘ S ‘ looking down.
All other forms on the first canvas are ‘ a ‘. Might will ad a further layer with other letters/ forms for being eyecatchers. The paintings are backsides from paintings I did paint in the 2000er years, late 1990s. The forms are from my typical wall paintings I did paint a lot here in germany, and all around the world. It’s is never enough. Would love painting walls again. Though painting on canvas/ paper makes sense. „ Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Der Deutsche Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler und seine Kunst im Ausland.

Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler In Domburg, Niederlande, Sand, 2020, ein paar Tage vor dem ersten Corona Covid Lockdown.

Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler In Domburg, Niederlande, Sand, 2020, ein paar Tage vor dem ersten Corona Covid Lockdown.

Zur Zeiten von Myspace, Anfang der 2000er Jahre war Ich mal in Los Angeles. Ich hatte im Rahmen von der Artbasel Miami ausgestellt. Fast 3 monatige Schaffens Tour durch Kalifornien dran gehangen. Habe in meiner ersten Nacht eine Tour durch das Viertel dort gemacht. North Hollywood glaube Ich. Also nicht Boystown, sondern das Gegenteil. Wir sind taggen gegangen, Illegal namens Schriftzüge sprühen.

Rückseite einer Papierarbeit, in der Entstehung. Acyrl Tinte, dispersions farbe, Sprühdosen lack, 2020 – x , Atelier Photographie, Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Rückseite einer Papierarbeit, in der Entstehung. Acyrl Tinte, dispersions farbe, Sprühdosen lack, 2020 – x , Atelier Photographie, Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Auf drauf getretenen verlängerter Nasen Süßigkeit. ( Kein Vergleich zu Mexico/ oder der Schweiz). Jedenfalls haben wir ein paar Spraydosen bei einem Gang durch die Gemeinde, bzw das Wohnviertel leergemacht. Ich habe meinen Namen verewigt. Danach sind wir in, hier in Deutschland würde man sagen Kober Kneipe ( So eine Art Kontakthof in ganz klein) eingekehrt, und haben mit den südamerikanischen leichtbekleideten Damen der Nacht geplaudert.

Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler am Morgen des 1.Januar, Züri
See, Goldküste, Zürich, Schweiz, Photo Courtsey: Silvia Wiegers.

Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler am Morgen des 1.Januar, Züri
See, Goldküste, Zürich, Schweiz, Photo Courtsey: Silvia Wiegers.

Am nächsten Morgen, bzw Mittag habe Ich dann jede Menge Fan post emails auf meinem MySpace Profile postfach, und meiner Email Adresse gehabt. Künstler, & Sprüher von Los Angeles welche meine Tags gesehen hatten, & sich mit mir treffen wollten. Ich sollte in die Zeichnen & Entwurfsbücher signieren, zeichnen und unterschreiben. Völlig surrealer Moment. Ich hatte zu diesem Zeitpunkt schon mal sowas erlebt. Als Ich im September 2001 in Australien gemalt habe.

Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler, Minsk, Belarus, 2007, spraypaint, on concrete.

Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler, Minsk, Belarus, 2007, spraypaint, on concrete.

‚ Something for the Ladys: Des Kaisers neue Kleider der Frühjahrs Putz ‚ Ready made Soziale Skulptur, 2020, Atelier-Galerie Gäste WC ( Studio-Gallery guest bathroom ), photo courtsey: Silvia Wiegers. Künstler/ artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

‚ Something for the Ladys: Des Kaisers neue Kleider der Frühjahrs Putz ‚ Ready made Soziale Skulptur, 2020, Atelier-Galerie Gäste WC ( Studio-Gallery guest bathroom ), photo courtsey: Silvia Wiegers. Künstler/ artist: SEAK Claus Winkler

Erstes Photo wo der Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler lächelt, seit circa 20 oder 30 Jahren. ( Paar Runden gelaufen. Hier habe Ich in mit 18 / 19 Jahren, auf meinem Motorroller von Piaggio (Vespa Cosa 200er (circa: 110 km/ 55 Miles Maximum Speed) ) von außen Guns’n’Roses, und den Rolling Stones zugehört. Den Hoodie habe Ich mal in den späten 2000er Jahren wo Ich von Nike product Sponsoring hatte bekommen. Hatte mir damals nicht gepasst. Ich bin damals zu obese gewesen. Jetzt sitzt er perfekt. Dankbar mir selber ins Gesicht gucken zu können. Von wegen Gewicht. Das Photo mit Lächeln, ist das das erste seit 20 oder 30 Jahren. Zumindest was auf Kamera ist. Habe wie Timm Thaler/ Taler, mein Lächeln getauscht, verloren. Weiss nur nicht gegen, oder für was. Dankbar für Sport. Training, Bewegung, Sport konkuriert bei mir immer um die Zeit zum malen. Habe hier in der Ecke auch einige Reiche Kölner Kunstsammler wohnen. Die dunkelen Zähne habe Ich von 2008/ 2009, 12 Monate jedes Wochenende after hour feiern. Mein Großvater ist nach der russischen Kriegsgefangenschaft da wo meine Atelier-Galerie ist Sport, Mathe, X Lehrer gewesen. Ich mache zur Zeit viel Sport. Mein Backoffice/ Gallerina/ Sekretärin ist seit ihren 20zigern in ihrer Freizeit Trainerin (Sport/ Reha/Etc). Sie inspiriert mich, kuratiert meine Faulheit, und inneren Schweinehund, treibt mich zum Training an. Die 5 Leute mit denen man die meiste Zeit verbringt. Immer mit am Mann, das Traditionsabzeichen meiner Einheit, wo Ich meinen Militärdienst geleistet habe. )

Erstes Photo wo der Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler lächelt, seit circa 20 oder 30 Jahren. ( Paar Runden gelaufen. Hier habe Ich in mit 18 / 19 Jahren, auf meinem Motorroller von Piaggio (Vespa Cosa 200er (circa: 110 km/ 55 Miles Maximum Speed) ) von außen Guns’n’Roses, und den Rolling Stones zugehört. Den Hoodie habe Ich mal in den späten 2000er Jahren wo Ich von Nike product Sponsoring hatte bekommen. Hatte mir damals nicht gepasst. Ich bin damals zu obese gewesen. Jetzt sitzt er perfekt. Dankbar mir selber ins Gesicht gucken zu können. Von wegen Gewicht. Das Photo mit Lächeln, ist das das erste seit 20 oder 30 Jahren. Zumindest was auf Kamera ist. Habe wie Timm Thaler/ Taler, mein Lächeln getauscht, verloren. Weiss nur nicht gegen, oder für was. Dankbar für Sport. Training, Bewegung, Sport konkuriert bei mir immer um die Zeit zum malen. Habe hier in der Ecke auch einige Reiche Kölner Kunstsammler wohnen. Die dunkelen Zähne habe Ich von 2008/ 2009, 12 Monate jedes Wochenende after hour feiern. Mein Großvater ist nach der russischen Kriegsgefangenschaft da wo meine Atelier-Galerie ist Sport, Mathe, X Lehrer gewesen. Ich mache zur Zeit viel Sport. Mein Backoffice/ Gallerina/ Sekretärin ist seit ihren 20zigern in ihrer Freizeit Trainerin (Sport/ Reha/Etc). Sie inspiriert mich, kuratiert meine Faulheit, und inneren Schweinehund, treibt mich zum Training an. Die 5 Leute mit denen man die meiste Zeit verbringt. Immer mit am Mann, das Traditionsabzeichen meiner Einheit, wo Ich meinen Militärdienst geleistet habe. )

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

German painter SEAK Claus Winkler’s artist perspectives for the artmarket & artinvestors.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

My art anchors people on the word ‚ n ‚ the letter ‚ n ‚, and then makes/ gets the person with in sight get all the attention, validation, sexual attention, choice.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler
Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

‚ E towers ‚ from 2002, exhibited in Hamburg at the Urban Discipline exhibition, at the Dokumenta in Kassel, in Bavaria, in Milano italy, at the Kunstverein 68elf, etc. German artist SEAK Claus Winkler works the paintings backside. Photos from today. The artist started upgrading all his paintings which he had in his possession from 2010 on. The paintings 2002 side is featured with in several magazines, and artbooks during the years. It shows like the title suggests the artists small ‚ e ‚ with in his classical style. The paintings backsides work process will take a little time till it is ready, due the fact the painting is with other paintings with in a rotation.

Untitled, Spraycan, canvas, painted in 2000, by artist SEAK Claus Winkler , paintings mainside.
Paintings backside, started circa 2013, work in progess till aquired by a/ some art investor. Spraycan, acrylics, dispersions ( out door roller paint), photo 2022, Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Paintings backside, started circa 2013, work in progess till aquired by a/ some art investor. Spraycan, acrylics, dispersions ( out door roller paint), photo 2022, Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Close up, paintings backside, showing little high complex painted ‚ Seak ‚ pieces. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Close up, paintings backside, showing little high complex painted ‚ Seak ‚ pieces. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Although a well travelled/ well exhibited painting, which has a work in progress backside since circa 2013. the paintings mainside is from 2000. it’s Shows the backside the artist name stylized painted. Today the artist did paint several small brushwork lines, on the paintings backside. The backside will grow with in an abstract realism nuance & 3d form complex detail rich painting.

What do you see? Canvas, spraypaint, marker, dispersions paint, spray technique, Buntlack, oil ( on the other side of the painting), Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

What do you see? Canvas, spraypaint, marker, dispersions paint, spray technique, Buntlack, oil ( on the other side of the painting), Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

My art punishes my artowners, when they ask women for there opinions too much with being gaslighted & doublebinded. My art is blessing my artowners when they treat the women like the oldest child in the family household . My art gives people soo much situational confidence, like the fake artificial confidence Cocaine gives. Women being highly aware which visual, in my case the art, supports there power, there sexual strategy (contrary to the male strategy). The artowner asking there women for at advice brings them on ot a unreflected ego rush, where they self destruct themselfs, aswell as the asking artowner. Like a jealousy person masking lurking like a friend, giving bad advice, to not wanting to see you prosper. But! The same women can due my art can be although the good comrad, loyal buddy,

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

wingmen, supportive donkey workhorse mule. Just because she is with in a other situation, it’s is not in business, strategy. For the pickupart (pua), redpilled, psychology aware artwatcher/ artinvestor. This could although be compliance test ( slang: shit test). I guess all this behavior patterns, are embedded in the commands, meanings, triggers with in my name. Women: Iam feeling like do your thing, stop asking me things. I interpretate your interest in doing somehting with me as beta weakness. Do it yourself. Iam using sentences with with words like ‘ not ‘, ‘ don’t , etc, to give you at least a semi passive agressive hint thru the flowers of do it, stop asking me. While although wanting your attention. My Mum always said in affluent couples, each partner likes doing there own thing. I guess that is although reflect with in my name, and so in my paintings. The artowner asking the women gives the women too much validation. When she stops chasing your validation , she….?

Work in progress, the paintings (canvas ) frontside is from 2003 ish, the photo from 2022. the forms are small ‚ a ‚ ‘s and a few ( just small ) ‚ e ‚ ‘s. The large marge Simpsons looking towers are top parts from small ‚ a ‚ ‘s. , Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Work in progress, the paintings (canvas ) frontside is from 2003 ish, the photo from 2022. the forms are small ‚ a ‚ ‘s and a few ( just small ) ‚ e ‚ ‘s. The large marge Simpsons looking towers are top parts from small ‚ a ‚ ‘s. , Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

My art is making aware how women are. Nobody’s owns anybody, nonbody owns nobody. When spelling, saying my name, thinking my name, the mouth always stays open. Not like wide open when a Hollywood a lister celebrity female bragging on photos with having new boyfriend tummy D. Mouth open like a cobra, or they are at the dentist, flexing in front of the paparazzi. My name thought, and or spoken, open Just like natural open. I guess it amplifys eating food, smoking, astonishment, awe, post pregnancy, drinking something, putting things, body parts with in the area of the mouth, nose, eyes, ears, hair, etc.

Letter ‚ S ‚ by SEAK Claus Winkler

Letter ‚ S ‚ by SEAK Claus Winkler

The element visual with in the picture is the artists ‘ S ‘. The ‘ S ‘ with in psychology represents the uncontrolled, unfiltered, uncultured, unreflected, animalistic, ego, senses, will. Wanting everything, direct, without empathy, cleverness, or what is useful, practical, or would make sense, free of the control.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Why is SEAK Claus Winkler’s artwork in most cases a misunderstanding between men & women? I the artist, the man, forget that my occupation is that of an artist. Iam getting signals. The correct words are Ioi’s, indicators of interests, or ‘ She Choosing ‘, Choosing signals. Me, in most cases with in my life, Iam not interested. To high standards, not my type, too much redflags, too young, too old, not single, lives too close, lives too far, wrong energy, wrong lifestyle, she just seeks validation, time waster, Etc. Iam getting the choosing signal, the Ioi from her, in the same second maybe a Millie second layer, already not just saying with my instinctive bodylanguage no, Iam although suggesting her what to do. Me being ‘ SEAK Claus Winkler ‘ my name, my programming is automated with in my name, the name already says it, go Take my advice, my wink, my hint, to this.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Me knowing female nature, without judging them, accepting them for how they are. Iam telling her, to go get it, appealing to her swine, Porca misera, boar, animalistic, hypergamous, carousel side suggesting her to go full on ‘ she belong to the streets, go to town, let yourself out busted, do the choo choo trains, amtrack, group activities, eat the prep pill, go raw dogging, planb, tinderella all the gigachads, etc, etc. being ‘ fair ‘, not being interested, giving her the mirror to look in. Telling ,suggesting her with bodylanguage, with my paintings what to do, cause i don’t believe word she says on being a ‘ good girl ‘ etc anyway. The ‘ ‘ She ‘ is referring to all women, as well as ‘ not all women ‘ , including attractive above passable Ts.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

All the mentioned aboth happens unconcious with in middle seconds, with in my #art, when being on the street, at a restaurant, in a #museum, on a boat, everywhere. It’s my natural reaction frequency. A chairman Ceo (Vorstand ) from a famous german company/ cooperation, which is Lgbtq, told me years ago, during artbusiness her with in my studio “ that i knew too much “. I guess, he ment, that have too much knowledge about what people are hidding from the world, like sex, drugs, etc. that when being natural interacting it triggers.

Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Die künstlerische Sprache von SEAK Claus Winkler

SEAK Claus Winkler auf Leinwand.

Erschütterung im besten Sinne für das Wahre der menschlichen Existenz

Künstler Atelier SEAK Claus Winkler, Sommer 2022

Sein eigenwilliger Stil prägt weltweit Generationen von Graffitikünstlern. Seine Malerei verdichtet die Fragen menschlicher Existenz. Claus Winkler, der Künstler SEAK, trifft im Jahr 2020 – , Pandemie, Lockdown – unter besonderen Vorzeichen mitten ins Herz. Was ist das Wesentliche unserer menschlichen Existenz, wie möchte ich leben, in welcher Welt? Wer den Mut hat, nach dem Intensiven, dem Puren und Wahren der Existenz zu fragen, blickt mit SEAKs Malerei tief in sein Seeleninneres.

Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

SEAK erschüttert in bestem Sinne, denn seine Zeichen und Farben führen in die Tiefe der menschlichen Existenz und sehr weit weg von jeder Oberflächlichkeit. Die intensive Auseinandersetzung mit Malstilen, neuen Techniken, der eigenen Bildsprache und der extremen Präzision prägen eine Kunst im öffentlichen Raum, die erst durch die große Maltechnik ermöglicht wird. Auch seitdem er überwiegend auf großformatige Leinwände in Öl, Sprühfarbe und Mischtechnik malt, womit er schon 199 begonnen hat, ist der kreative Output der Straße zu spüren.

‚ Claus du musst nichts überlegen ‚ Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

‚ Claus du musst nichts überlegen ‚ Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Sein ganzes Leben für die Malerei trifft mit voller Wucht auf die Leinwände. In diese Energie treffen das Prinzip der in Öl malenden flämischen Maler auf die faszinierende Präzision des Sprüh- Virtuosen. Feinste Linien, futuristische Flugkörper und Elemente im Spiel mit dem Licht, hochpigmentierte Dispersionsfarben, flüchtige Throw-ups, Bubble Styles und aufwendige Pieces sind auf die Wand geschleudert. Techniken wie Pinsel, Stifte und Kreide auf Leinwand werden gemischt und Tabus ausgelotet. Die Leichtigkeit der vielschichtigen Elemente verbinden sich mit Farbschichten und der zentralen SEAK-Typographie zu einer Kunst, die eine große Wahrhaftigkeit und Ganzheitlichkeit ausstrahlt: Natur und Umwelt, Alltag und Technik, der vernetzte Mensch – physisch, mental, digital. Die Typographie des Künstlernamens SEAK ist virtuoser Bestandteil in der Malerei in seinen ebenso virtuosen Bedeutungen, die Claus Winkler dem zuschreibt: „Sicherlich Eine Art der Kommunikation“.

Kunst Investitions Raum SEAK Claus Winkler

Kunst Investitions Raum SEAK Claus Winkler

Seine Kunst ist ein Destillat aus dem tiefen Blick in den Menschen mit all seiner geistigen und körperlich-sexuellen Kräften, aus feinster Präzision, Experimenten und reinem Leben für die Malerei. SEAK Claus Winkler zeichnet schon als Kind zu jeder Zeit. Dass der Vater als Ingenieur arbeitete, hat die biomechanische, präzise Malerei sicher beeinflusst. SEAK fühlt sich gleichzeitig eingebunden in die Historie. Sein Großvater plante den Luftschutzbunker mit, in dem Claus Winklers Mutter ihre Kinderbilder gegen die Angst malte. Politik und Geschichte treffen auf die Technik, die ihn schon in frühen Computerspielen begeistert, und Science Fiction oder Film wie „Star Wars“.

Arbeiten von Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler, in seiner Privat Galerie.

Arbeiten von Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler, in seiner Privat Galerie.

Als internationaler Graffiti-Szenestar und weltweiter Trendsetter ist der Künstler aus Köln-Hürth Vorbild und Vorreiter für Generationen. Auch dazu, dass sein Werk „Ich“ schon früh in ein Schweizer Schulbuch aufgenommen wurde. Sein Style wird seit Jahrzehnten kopiert, fotografiert gesammelt und bewundert, die Fans folgen ihrem stilistischen Vorbild, besonders in den USA, Frankreich, Italien, Belgien und Holland. So führten ihn Einladungen zu Ausstellungen und Kunstprojekten weit über die Grenzen Europas hinaus, zum Beispiel nach Hongkong, Neuseeland, Australien und in die USA.

Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler, Insel Meinau, Bodensee, Deutschland.

Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler, Insel Meinau, Bodensee, Deutschland.

Der Künstler, sein Werk, seine Kunst, und seine Lieblingswerke?

Seine Kunst ist ein Destillat aus dem tiefen Blick in den Menschen mit all seiner geistigen und körperlich-sexuellen Kräften, aus feinster Präzision, Experimenten und reinem Leben für die Malerei. SEAK Claus Winkler zeichnet schon als Kind zu jeder Zeit. Dass der Vater als Ingenieur arbeitete, hat die biomechanische, präzise Malerei sicher beeinflusst. SEAK fühlt sich gleichzeitig eingebunden in die Historie. Sein Großvater plante den Luftschutzbunker mit, in dem Claus Winklers Mutter ihre Kinderbilder gegen die Angst malte. Politik und Geschichte treffen auf die Technik, die ihn schon in frühen Computerspielen begeistert, und Science Fiction oder Film wie „Star Wars“.
Als internationaler Graffiti-Szenestar und weltweiter Trendsetter ist der Künstler aus Köln-Hürth Vorbild und Vorreiter für Generationen. Auch dazu, dass sein Werk „Ich“ schon früh in ein Schweizer Schulbuch aufgenommen wurde. Sein Style wird seit Jahrzehnten kopiert, fotografiert gesammelt und bewundert, die Fans folgen ihrem stilistischen Vorbild, besonders in den USA, Frankreich, Italien, Belgien und Holland. So führten ihn Einladungen zu Ausstellungen und Kunstprojekten weit über die Grenzen Europas hinaus, zum Beispiel nach Hongkong, Neuseeland, Australien und in die USA. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Seine Kunst ist ein Destillat aus dem tiefen Blick in den Menschen mit all seiner geistigen und körperlich-sexuellen Kräften, aus feinster Präzision, Experimenten und reinem Leben für die Malerei. SEAK Claus Winkler zeichnet schon als Kind zu jeder Zeit. Dass der Vater als Ingenieur arbeitete, hat die biomechanische, präzise Malerei sicher beeinflusst. SEAK fühlt sich gleichzeitig eingebunden in die Historie. Sein Großvater plante den Luftschutzbunker mit, in dem Claus Winklers Mutter ihre Kinderbilder gegen die Angst malte. Politik und Geschichte treffen auf die Technik, die ihn schon in frühen Computerspielen begeistert, und Science Fiction oder Film wie „Star Wars“.
Als internationaler Graffiti-Szenestar und weltweiter Trendsetter ist der Künstler aus Köln-Hürth Vorbild und Vorreiter für Generationen. Auch dazu, dass sein Werk „Ich“ schon früh in ein Schweizer Schulbuch aufgenommen wurde. Sein Style wird seit Jahrzehnten kopiert, fotografiert gesammelt und bewundert, die Fans folgen ihrem stilistischen Vorbild, besonders in den USA, Frankreich, Italien, Belgien und Holland. So führten ihn Einladungen zu Ausstellungen und Kunstprojekten weit über die Grenzen Europas hinaus, zum Beispiel nach Hongkong, Neuseeland, Australien und in die USA. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Maybe my art, why Iam painting my art is a request, a order, a command at a implict level to all people watching, in the environment, being physical present. A command, demand, remembering, Appell which is ‚ SEAK Claus Winkler. Narcissistic / ego focused take take take people are answering interpretating that spark/ hunch on there level. People with ‚ we ‚, thorough perspective, common good resonating, giving energy, on there level.
What I people where mentioning me often was, my art, my name, represents the end point, the dot, with in a conclusion, a final thought to a personal theme, topic, answer, realization. My painting, my art, my brand, artist being, is the endpoint. It represents there dot, when they having a calm cool collected innerhalb to that thought/ conclusion. Or a exclamation mark, when they scream, shouting to them selfs. When there inner middle, there inner oak is abit out of there calm.
Maybe my art is making everyone, sexually harboured with in a person, animal, thing, narrative, brand, thought, deed. Like the act is fulfilled, the pie is leaking, dripping already. Like its all good, can we all can come down, cool down, and do what people are doing when is peaced by sexual relief. Like a lightfooted friendly, asexual vibe.
Or my art suggests gives people that state after 2 people are both decided they will having sex, and just watching in there mind for the closest intim room Location to full fill the deed.
Often paint structures which look like Metal, or plastic which looks like metal, or metal which looks like digital painted metal. It’s like iam trying to make people not being aware that they are not naked. Or Iam giving them the illusion they will have sex, while instead they just become released to freedom, in to the structureless, connectiveness, thorough, air. Only to be catched by some female, sensing that freedom and presence. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Maybe my art, why Iam painting my art is a request, a order, a command at a implict level to all people watching, in the environment, being physical present. A command, demand, remembering, Appell which is ‚ SEAK Claus Winkler. Narcissistic / ego focused take take take people are answering interpretating that spark/ hunch on there level. People with ‚ we ‚, thorough perspective, common good resonating, giving energy, on there level.
What I people where mentioning me often was, my art, my name, represents the end point, the dot, with in a conclusion, a final thought to a personal theme, topic, answer, realization. My painting, my art, my brand, artist being, is the endpoint. It represents there dot, when they having a calm cool collected innerhalb to that thought/ conclusion. Or a exclamation mark, when they scream, shouting to them selfs. When there inner middle, there inner oak is abit out of there calm.
Maybe my art is making everyone, sexually harboured with in a person, animal, thing, narrative, brand, thought, deed. Like the act is fulfilled, the pie is leaking, dripping already. Like its all good, can we all can come down, cool down, and do what people are doing when is peaced by sexual relief. Like a lightfooted friendly, asexual vibe.
Or my art suggests gives people that state after 2 people are both decided they will having sex, and just watching in there mind for the closest intim room Location to full fill the deed.
Often paint structures which look like Metal, or plastic which looks like metal, or metal which looks like digital painted metal. It’s like iam trying to make people not being aware that they are not naked. Or Iam giving them the illusion they will have sex, while instead they just become released to freedom, in to the structureless, connectiveness, thorough, air. Only to be catched by some female, sensing that freedom and presence. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

My work with its energy is with in the tensionfield between a alpha bull having a rotation with multiple women, incl being a freebee topp to high quality looking bottom/ sub t-girls. Being a ‚ normal ‚ nice rational, thorough 1980s/ 1990s monogamous family father, white picket fence, husband to faithful monogamus housewife, father of his multiple bloodline dna paternity checked children, growing old together with his wife. The beta cuck hubby beta male provider to his female led relationship promisq save sensual caring bdsm vanilla alpha female cuckholdress. A redpiller/ purple piller/ blue piller. A full lgbtq. A leftwing, a liberal and a Right Wing. In am running out of common collective archetypes, easy digestable narratives. Iam deducting these different plates from different interpretations, perspectives from my name, and who my work/ presence, are influencing people. What i do observe. How easy people can be influenced, inspired. I guess my name includes both the perspectives from the insides, aswell as from the outsides. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

My work with its energy is with in the tensionfield between a alpha bull having a rotation with multiple women, incl being a freebee topp to high quality looking bottom/ sub t-girls. Being a ‚ normal ‚ nice rational, thorough 1980s/ 1990s monogamous family father, white picket fence, husband to faithful monogamus housewife, father of his multiple bloodline dna paternity checked children, growing old together with his wife. The beta cuck hubby beta male provider to his female led relationship promisq save sensual caring bdsm vanilla alpha female cuckholdress. A redpiller/ purple piller/ blue piller. A full lgbtq. A leftwing, a liberal and a Right Wing. In am running out of common collective archetypes, easy digestable narratives. Iam deducting these different plates from different interpretations, perspectives from my name, and who my work/ presence, are influencing people. What i do observe. How easy people can be influenced, inspired. I guess my name includes both the perspectives from the insides, aswell as from the outsides. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

I like painting, sketching, drawing, since Iam child. Sitting on my room floor, drawing with crayons, some kind of spiral, round shape. A childhood memory. first meditative, feeling of presence, full awareness of the situation, being present. A form of the innerpeace.
I guess, I was with some kind of eclipse, catch22, doublebind. Don’t know if the words describing it. I just painted with crayons, on white paper this round loops/ circle forms. Following a inner intuition command a ‚ Claus Winkler ‚, ( take/ deduct it/ follow Signal/ command/ wink/
Recommendation/ hint/ Wink/ Appell/ = Group/ connectiveness/ lair/ belonging/ we/ us/ rational/ logic/ thorough. Iam remembering roundshapes, elipses.
Seeing what i just painted/ drawed, I was under the Art effect/ impact from what I just did. So it made me with myself, brought me in to presence. A ‚ Claus Winkler ‚ effect. Like being born. Elipse/ round shape = vulva,
Inside/ outside. My art my being describes/ is the thorough nonjudgemental bridge/ healing/ rational perspective on the mh complex, ( Madonna whore complex). The German word for ‚ thorough ‚ is ‚ Sachlichkeit ‚. Thorough/ Sachlichkeit, in psychology is the healthy feeling/ perspective on the ‚ we ‚ the ‚ us ‚. That would explain although my intrinsic interest, observation for female psychology. My childhood/ youth observations, conclusions how women are, the lgbtq behavior from all people. ( all including the non Lgbtq people). My name, the meanings conotations are representing, saying everything people need to know about human behavior, in its basic, raw form, naturalistic expression. In politics, lying, words/ deeds, loyalty, deceiving, male/ female mating strategies, archaic behavior. It suggests/ empowers left soya neo-marxists to f-up society with you go girl blanc slate theory society cuckolding female sub-responsibility being emotional one day flys. It suggests the right people being on purpose present strong fathers being alpha logic. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

I like painting, sketching, drawing, since Iam child. Sitting on my room floor, drawing with crayons, some kind of spiral, round shape. A childhood memory. first meditative, feeling of presence, full awareness of the situation, being present. A form of the innerpeace.
I guess, I was with some kind of eclipse, catch22, doublebind. Don’t know if the words describing it. I just painted with crayons, on white paper this round loops/ circle forms. Following a inner intuition command a ‚ Claus Winkler ‚, ( take/ deduct it/ follow Signal/ command/ wink/
Recommendation/ hint/ Wink/ Appell/ = Group/ connectiveness/ lair/ belonging/ we/ us/ rational/ logic/ thorough. Iam remembering roundshapes, elipses.
Seeing what i just painted/ drawed, I was under the Art effect/ impact from what I just did. So it made me with myself, brought me in to presence. A ‚ Claus Winkler ‚ effect. Like being born. Elipse/ round shape = vulva,
Inside/ outside. My art my being describes/ is the thorough nonjudgemental bridge/ healing/ rational perspective on the mh complex, ( Madonna whore complex). The German word for ‚ thorough ‚ is ‚ Sachlichkeit ‚. Thorough/ Sachlichkeit, in psychology is the healthy feeling/ perspective on the ‚ we ‚ the ‚ us ‚. That would explain although my intrinsic interest, observation for female psychology. My childhood/ youth observations, conclusions how women are, the lgbtq behavior from all people. ( all including the non Lgbtq people). My name, the meanings conotations are representing, saying everything people need to know about human behavior, in its basic, raw form, naturalistic expression. In politics, lying, words/ deeds, loyalty, deceiving, male/ female mating strategies, archaic behavior. It suggests/ empowers left soya neo-marxists to f-up society with you go girl blanc slate theory society cuckolding female sub-responsibility being emotional one day flys. It suggests the right people being on purpose present strong fathers being alpha logic. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Die Kugeligen formen, mit dem Phallus/ Turm nach oben rechts, sind meine kleinen ‘ a ‘ ‘s. Langsam mit den Details fangen die Sachen an gut auszusehen. Mal gucken wie gut gemalt die Sachen/ bzw Gemälde am Schluss werden. Vermeer, Rembrandt, Caravaggio, zeitgenössischen Ölmalern, allen kreativen, Sprühern, Writern, Taggern, Künstler im allgemeinen, die Millionen von Panzer Modell Scale Modeller Familien Väter weltweit mit den krassesten Witterungs & Gebrauchsspuren legen jeden Tag einen krassen hohen Messlatten level vor. Klar kann man sich durch selbstglorifizierung, oder ungewöhnliche Bildstrategien, vielleicht Gewisse einzigartigkeiten, oder einen Mehrwert für die Wer durch Innovation erarbeiten.
Mein Anspruch ist immer gewesen, wenn Ich schon nicht durch krasses Iillegals Sprühen/ malen auffalle bzw Fame bekomme, bzw Respekt bekommen, dann muss Ich durch Stil Innovation abliefern. Auf diese Art einen Mehrwert darstellen. Innovativ, sein. Inhaltlich hatte Ich auf gewisse Vorstellungen. Schatten der Psyche nach außen tragen, und dadurch integrieren. Integration und sichtbar machen von Tabus. Das malen was die anderen sich nicht trauen, oder nicht mögen. Alles Integrieren was mir auffällt, bzw was jemand der ‘ Claus Winker ‘ bzw ‘ SEAK ‘ bzw ‘ SEAK Claus Winkler heißt vom Universum, von der Gesellschaft wahrnimmt, Wie Och die Welt sehe. Meine 90ziger Jahre Perspektive. Die Werke hier sind von 2010 bis jetzt. Ich habe in dem Style auf der ganzen Welt eingeladen, in circa 27 Ländern gemalt. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Die Kugeligen formen, mit dem Phallus/ Turm nach oben rechts, sind meine kleinen ‘ a ‘ ‘s. Langsam mit den Details fangen die Sachen an gut auszusehen. Mal gucken wie gut gemalt die Sachen/ bzw Gemälde am Schluss werden. Vermeer, Rembrandt, Caravaggio, zeitgenössischen Ölmalern, allen kreativen, Sprühern, Writern, Taggern, Künstler im allgemeinen, die Millionen von Panzer Modell Scale Modeller Familien Väter weltweit mit den krassesten Witterungs & Gebrauchsspuren legen jeden Tag einen krassen hohen Messlatten level vor. Klar kann man sich durch selbstglorifizierung, oder ungewöhnliche Bildstrategien, vielleicht Gewisse einzigartigkeiten, oder einen Mehrwert für die Wer durch Innovation erarbeiten.
Mein Anspruch ist immer gewesen, wenn Ich schon nicht durch krasses Iillegals Sprühen/ malen auffalle bzw Fame bekomme, bzw Respekt bekommen, dann muss Ich durch Stil Innovation abliefern. Auf diese Art einen Mehrwert darstellen. Innovativ, sein. Inhaltlich hatte Ich auf gewisse Vorstellungen. Schatten der Psyche nach außen tragen, und dadurch integrieren. Integration und sichtbar machen von Tabus. Das malen was die anderen sich nicht trauen, oder nicht mögen. Alles Integrieren was mir auffällt, bzw was jemand der ‘ Claus Winker ‘ bzw ‘ SEAK ‘ bzw ‘ SEAK Claus Winkler heißt vom Universum, von der Gesellschaft wahrnimmt, Wie Och die Welt sehe. Meine 90ziger Jahre Perspektive. Die Werke hier sind von 2010 bis jetzt. Ich habe in dem Style auf der ganzen Welt eingeladen, in circa 27 Ländern gemalt. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Details. Painting the details. Iam binging this part of work in progress rotation. Started working this paintings backside, wooden plate, with canvas stretched, around 2012ish. The ‚ main side ‚ a oil mix Media painting from 2010 to 2012 painted, including a oil firniss clear coat. A why how I paint is, to make painting which are although for regular non art people clear visible, the artist painted the painting himself. In contemporary Art, or how ever you wanna call it, most of the painting are ‚ produced ‚ by a large amount of studio assistants. The artist is just doing a show, pretending that he/ or her painted all the works by him/ herself. I decided being always short in resources, fighting a peasants war, Vietcong style, werwolf, guerillero, drunken master, etc style, making my disadvantage to my advantage. Like no large painting rooms, no resources paying/ investing other painting artists. I decided creating paintings where everyone sees, that the artist painted it himself. Painted high complex detail rich art. It forced me to overcome my lack of being able concentrating myself. It forced me a away from being in the ego, unpresent, feeling a upper drug infueled like rush from seeing, feeling the colors, to learning to feel the colors effects with in a civil, cultured way. It challenged me to overcome the instant gratification, learning patience, having the paintings growing over a decade long, process. Learning new painting techniques outside my comfortzone, being a underdog, being humbled. Focusing on myself. The good thing is that the paintings become, are natural rare. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler

Details. Painting the details. Iam binging this part of work in progress rotation. Started working this paintings backside, wooden plate, with canvas stretched, around 2012ish. The ‚ main side ‚ a oil mix Media painting from 2010 to 2012 painted, including a oil firniss clear coat. A why how I paint is, to make painting which are although for regular non art people clear visible, the artist painted the painting himself. In contemporary Art, or how ever you wanna call it, most of the painting are ‚ produced ‚ by a large amount of studio assistants. The artist is just doing a show, pretending that he/ or her painted all the works by him/ herself. I decided being always short in resources, fighting a peasants war, Vietcong style, werwolf, guerillero, drunken master, etc style, making my disadvantage to my advantage. Like no large painting rooms, no resources paying/ investing other painting artists. I decided creating paintings where everyone sees, that the artist painted it himself. Painted high complex detail rich art. It forced me to overcome my lack of being able concentrating myself. It forced me a away from being in the ego, unpresent, feeling a upper drug infueled like rush from seeing, feeling the colors, to learning to feel the colors effects with in a civil, cultured way. It challenged me to overcome the instant gratification, learning patience, having the paintings growing over a decade long, process. Learning new painting techniques outside my comfortzone, being a underdog, being humbled. Focusing on myself. The good thing is that the paintings become, are natural rare. Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler