Leinwand Masterpiece/Schlüsselwerk nach 3 Jahren fast fertig

the mother of all battles: urban luxury deluxe

preview/vorschau: schlüsselwerk nach 3 jahren fertigpreview/vorschau: schlüsselwerk nach 3 jahren fertigpreview/vorschau: schlüsselwerk nach 3 jahren fertigpreview/vorschau: schlüsselwerk nach 3 jahren fertigpreview/vorschau: schlüsselwerk nach 3 jahren fertigpreview/vorschau: schlüsselwerk nach 3 jahren fertig

preview/vorschau: schlüsselwerk nach 3 jahren fertig

While everyone is focusing on prints and the secondary market, this rare huge Monster of canvas is now finally finished after 3 years.
My personal record in fighting with a painting in terms of size/action/details/time
Ill guess this one falls under the urban art categorie ” schluesselwerk”, or in other words, its a beautiful highly detailed accident.
Dont know ive it will end up in an auction, or ive i will stash it for someone special.
maybe its time think about some highclass prints.
iam still thinking about a name, “we`re having a party, my memories and me” vs ” the mother of all battles”. i open for suggestions…….