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Tag Archives: kunst
Putto mit Geldkarre
SEAK Claus Winkler Winter 2015
Painting xmas presents
Weihnachten Paloma
Wie werden Wir räumlich konditioniert?
Champagne & Caviar
Collector/ Couple. PrivatParty. They got 2 large Canvas, plus a few small #canvas.
Since there first Seak painting his/ there socialcircle/ did some growing. I guess its a subliminal sideffect owning Seak/ ClausWinkler originals. It seems to influence its Owner / Owners some how. For me its always like being /playing Sherlock Holmes / Dr. Watson trying to understand how my Art is connected with there lifes, where it changes there life, How the life of my artcollector is emerge/ synchron with the art they got from me.
Fahr mal schneller
Artist, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler