Tag Archives: gummibärchen
Claus SEAK Winkler
Auftragsarbeit: Familien Namens Portrait “Auerbach” auf Papier
Von der Familie Auerbach ist SEAK angefragt worden den Familien Namen auf Papier zeitgenössisch zu portraitieren. Die Wunsch Grundstimmung der Arbeit ist Leidenschaft & Beständigkeit.
“AUERBACH” BY SEAK C. Winkler (Mixedmedia on heavy Archvial Paper 2012)
SEAK`s new Passions is to Work on request custom with Names, Mottos, Mantras on Paper. Is the Motto cleverly Chosen, the Artwork has the Chance to blow up in Auctions on the secondary Market, gaining the Owner a much higher Investment then Firsted invested in SEAK creating the Piece. One more Zero Style in realistic perspective. SEAK can only work on creating certain amount on these Papers at once, considering his obligations to work mainly on the much more expensive canvases. So expect a bit of waiting time. Ive you have your Budget in Sure in Your Hands, feel free to Contact us for an appointment here at the Studio in Cologne Germany.