Geben sie ihren Gatten in die Kölner Millionärs Übermittagsbetreuung bei SEAK

 Cologne`s Millionaires Club

SEAK Hat jetzt sein Atelier & Galerie Haus in eine Übermittags Betreuung für Millionärs-Ehemänner umgewandelt! Damit ist SEAK über Köln hinweg organisatorisch weltweit einzigartig! Für die Millionärs Ehefrauen wichtig! Garantiert frei von: Alkohol, YY, Single Frauen! Hier kann der Wohlhabende Gatte sich mit einem weltberühmten Künstler anfreunden, authentisch Kunst kennenlernen, in Ruhe in die neusten & besten Gemälde eines berühmten Künstlers investieren, seine Männlichkeit neu kennenlernen, spannende Gespräche haben, wieder Kontakt mit dem realen Leben bekommen und ein paar interessante Stunden erleben. Nutzen Sie ihre Möglichkeit ihren Sozialen Status in ihrem Freundeskreis effizient & spannend zu steigern in dem sie ihren Ehemann bei SEAK im Millionärs Hort abgeben. Komfortzonen Erweiterung für Millionäre. SEAK kümmert sich um ihren Schatz. Lernen sie ihren eigenen Luxus & Wohlstand von einer ganz neuen Seite kennen. Nur hier im Süden von Köln. Nehmen sie mit SEAK Kontakt auf meine Damen. Wir sind auf ihrer Seite. Entdecken sie die erste Kölner Millionärs Übermittags Betreuung.

(Photo: Das fantastische Atelier, Showroom & Galerie Haus des weltbekannten Streetart-Graffiti Pioniers & zeitgenössischen deutschen Künstlers SEAK im Süden von Köln)

Welcome to SEAK’s Millionaire Husbands-kindergarden day care estate. Ladys you have your Husband here in safe & inspiring hands! We are on your site! Let him rediscover depth, his manhood, art, real basic life, and worldclass elitist Investment paintings by international german OG artist SEAK! Have a luxurious fun day in cologne (koeln) germany while your Husband stays with SEAK. Unless you gave it your Millionaire Husband yourself our wealthy people kindergarden art-house is garantueed free off booze, clingy single-women & yy. wealth only! The perfect cologne quality time substitute to: artcologne, apropo, treppchen, the domhotel, the capri-lounge, museum ludwig, the sheperds, dom hotel, schloss lehrbach & the hotel wasserturm,


Ideas & strategies how to get art from an artist without budget?

So you are interested in the artwork an artist is painting. You like, love & appreciate his paintings?!

( Photo: Painting Collection Room 3 @ the Artiist`s SEAK private Studiogallery in Köln.: Kunst Malerei Graffiti Status-Symbole Luxus Unikate Schlüssel bzw Frühwerke?!? )

Great go get your Budget & purchase the best pieces you can get from your favourite Star Talent Artist! In case you got the gut feeling the works & pieces you wanna have are not in your financial leaque?!

( Photo: A  painting direction the artist SEAK have is modern, space, technical, 3d. An Elite innovative Fine Art approach on art, graffiti, and kunst )

There is still a chance to get an original without spending money you don`t have. Get creative! Think bigger! Here are the Top Ten advices how to get to the get what you want. The Expierences SEAK is what he is describing here are ways which he experienced in the past. Enjoy, just do it & succeed

( Photo: an expensive & exclusive SEAK painting on canvas. The  artwork is hanging in his studio gallery in cologne germany. international oldschool established streetart, graffiti & contemporary art at its very finest. Teuer!!!)

1.Step: Bring your favourite Artist new buying fans & clients.

Recommend your favourite artist to possible much more wealthy people to get his work for themselfs. Take those new possible artowners, friends, people by the hand and explain them with the same active passion & enthusiasm you have for your favourite artist why they must have an original him. Fascinate them to start investing into your favourite artist in aquiring much larger paintings & works you art first thought for yourself to have! Make sure in a lightly and confident way that the artist recons that the new buyers who aquired his art came because on your recommendation..

( Photo: Gallery Art at the Galerie. Top Talent SEAK is showing his work & art in his own Gallery at his Studio in cologne (koeln). He is belongs to the most famous & best artists in the Graffiti & Street Art Scene worldwide. )

2. Step: Make friends with the artist after your measurable support onwards him speaks for itself. Artist meet a lot of people, and they heart enough dumb jokes that people want some for free. Or  they meet already bazillion people who euphory promised this or that, or wanna offer advices and talk as way to later get  a painting. You are better than those talkers. Build up a step by step supportive friendship with artist based  in giving him defined sales, just like the one just happend because of you.. Inspire more people to invest into your artist. She or He will come up with at some point with an gentle offer to hook you up with art as a thank you, and will respect you for your none bullshit sticking out of the  others approach.

( Photo: Art, Graffiti, Graffiti-Art & Streetart mit Internationalen Anspruch. SEAK`s Kunst & seine Bilder sind teuer. Bilder Kaufen?!? )

3. Step: Think bigger, keep giving, your new artist friend might just tested you ive you stay.

Make sure to stay, and keep your supportive frequency towards him going on, bringing him new collctors. Unless he or she is already impressed by the great new sales, and the new collectors developped from this with your support and he although overwhelmed you with an fantastic original as a thank you for all the hook ups, stay and keep giving. Your favourite artist propably has already seen a few “new friends” in his carreer who disappeared/vanished magically after they had there “thank you” original artwork for a favour. So your artist homie might just give a little in the beginning back, and once you stay and give more, his ways on keep on giving something back will grow.

4. The Insider Joker!: Artworks, paintings you dont get as a regular client or collector.



What do you Love about this Painting by SEAK? / Was lieben sie an diesem Wandbild von SEAK?


What do you Love about this Painting by SEAK?!?What do you Love about this Painting by SEAK?
Was lieben sie an diesem Wandbild von SEAK?

NEW SEAK: (Today for Me/ Heute für mich) Canvas/ Leinwand


Eine ungewöhnliche, exklusive neue Geschenk Idee für Super Reiche Erfolgsmenschen & trendige feine Hipster. Oder etwa eine raffinierte tägliche Selbstbelohnung für offline lebende Machtmenschen?!? Oder der erste Ausnahme Kunst Kauf und Beginn eines neuen Kunst sammelnden Lebenswandels.

A Trendy unusal, exclusive new Hip Urban Gift Idea?! Birthday Gift Galore for the Super Rich, Wealthy, Prospering, and Elitist J. R Luckys?!? The Next Upgrade for your Boat, Yacht, your G5 Private Jet?! You Like the next, the only the best, the Fresh, the Real?!?

 J.R Ewing / AMG / Glashütte/ Christian Louboutin / Casino Royale / X are rocking your World?!?!? You Seek for more & Pure?! You Dig the distinguished Raw & Dope?!

Its all about Change & collecting new Expierences

Klassisch Moderner SEAK  (kompaktes Format) 2011

Title: SEAK: Today For Me/ SEAK: Heute für mich
Artwork: SEAK Winkler
Media: Spraypaint Lack, Acyril, Mixedmedia & Clearcoat on Canvas
Size:  240cm x 40cm
Year: 2011
Photo (c) SK1 2011

Title: Today for Me/ Heute für Mich (SEAK 2011 (Canvas))Seltener rarer SEAK Schriftzug (Piece) auf Leinwand. (2011)

a rare & exclusive Full SEAK Style (Piece) on canvas. (2011)

linke untere Endung der Seriffe von SEAK`s Ruhige dezente Parts. SEAK mit der Liebe zu Formen wie bei einem Lamborghini Aventador Lp 700-4 wenn die Türen aufgeklappt sind. Diese Luxus Leinwand ist ein echtes Urbanes Flaggschiff. Möge sich die Kraft, die Energie, der Schub, der Status sich auf die übertragen die es haben. Like a Like! Goonies Stand by Me Deluxe 3.0

Titel dieser Leinwand von SEAK: Heute für michTitel dieser freien typischen und klassichen Zeitlosen Arbeit von SEAK auf Leinwand: ” Heute für mich” (Today for me)

Nahaufnahme: SEAK typische Signature LeinwandTypisch SEAK sind bei seinen Kunstwerken: Anspruchsvoll platzierte Drei Dimensionale Spiel mit Licht, starke energetische Formen, briliante Farbübergänge & Farbauswahl, feine liebliche malerische Details, organische natürliche Rundungen und Kugeln, eine dominante und edele Fernwirkung,

Signature SEAK Style (Cologne flavoured) in Paris

Signature SEAK Style/ Piece (This here Cologne flavoured) in Paris at Gard du Nord Station on the legendary Thalys Highspeed Train. Realised standing on a Red Carpet.

Classic Typical SEAK Signature Style on Canvas. (2011)

Umgesetzt Virtouse mit feinsten sich selbstbewussten eindringlichen Blau Weiss Tönen, schwarzen dominanten formgebenden grafischen Elementen, und Türkisen kraftspendenden Akzent Überraschungen untermalt. Das Ganze auslaufend in dezenten hellen organischen umspielenden Formen, in reine elegante lackierte Weisstönungen übergehend.

The Love of Blue, Black, White, Thick, Cool, Powerful, Elite, Galant, Proud, Spirit,

seltener rarer SEAK Schriftzug auf Leinwand. (2011)SEAK Pur & Kompromisslos at its best. Share & Enjoy.

This  empowering belongs to one of SEAK`s Best Classic Paintings. Graffiti, Street Art, and/ or Fine Art comes verly rarely this detailed, authentic, famous, and fueled with Original Energy on Canvas. A Smart First Time Art Investment & Start of a New Art Collecting Next League Lifestyle.


Eastpak Europe: 2500 Stück limitierten SEAK Rucksack

seak limited edition eastpak bag

issued 2500 times, launch partys in barcleona @ montana gallery, cabaret club paris, vienna, stuttgart, and cologne
check ebay, you might still get one
