Zwei Film Teams zu Besuch in Atelier & Produzentengalerie gehabt.

SEAK had 2 documenting Film Teams visting him in his Studio & his Gallery Show Rooms.

Angefragt: Kölner Filmteam macht TV Kurz Portrait über SEAKAlbanisches Filmteam zu Besuch: SEAK Kurzfilm



ein sehr persönlicher Bericht über SEAK und den kleinen Claus

a very personal inside  feature about me

Ich wurde die Tage von Ulli Kreikebaum für die Berliner Zeitung hier in Köln, genauer gesagt im Cafe Hallmackenreuther interviewed. Herraus bekommen ist ein sehr persönlicher EInblick hinter die Kulissen von SEAK. Ein exellentes Pyschogramm.

Bin beim lesen meines Belegexemplars ein paar mal die Gesichtfarbe gewechselt. 😉

Im Online Archiv könnt iher den Artikel auch lesen. Viel Spass!!


Breakbeat Magazine: SEAk Interview

Seak, in Breakbeat Magazine, 2001

NRW is with no doubt one of the hotspots in the European graffiti scene, it is also the home base of the well known CNS crew ( that includes of some of the most brilliant writers such as ATEONE, NECK, MORITZ, MERIC, EFAS, french artists SCIEN & Miss KLOR and last but not least SEAK. Especially Seak who has a style of his own has made himself a name in the recent years.

From the outside his pieces seem to resemble organic machinery, living space objects or cyber organism, but Seak says that there is more to his style. According to him his future style is based on a movement that has a strong aim at the fundaments of graffiti, that is the living being and the genuine nature of letters. But let us start off where it all began.

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