Does renowned streetart artists getting recommended alot & painting pictures on walls & canvases?


SEAK started in the Area arround Köln (cologne), Düsseldorf, Bonn as emerging selfmade & selftaught Artist to paint & Ulitize the Public Space on Walls in 1989. With this, his very unique Style, here painted on a Stationary Wagon in East Los Angeles, the German contemporary fine Artist SEAK opened up & liberated the conservative Graffiti Movement in the mid 1990`s with his innovative, visionary & back then for a lot of Oldschool Writers progressive new Style & Technique SEAK inspiried a new unique technically High Standard Mainstream Movement of new young Artists allaround the World. SEAK where invited over the  last 20 Years to paint, exhibit, chill & collaborate in more than 30 Countrys and more then 120  Citys with the local Top Artists in the Graffiti, Urban – Streetart Community & Art World. Including fellow respected & legendary Artists Friends like Vulcan, Retna, Risky, Shepard Fairy ( Obey), Banksy, Eine, Pure Evil, Daim, Seen, Ron English, Juergen Becker, Aitiem, Hoehner, Timo Maas, Peeta, Saber, Zedz, Revok, Mr. Cartoon, Alexone, Smash, Siggi von Koeding, Dare, Heiko Zahlmann, Jon One, Os Gemeos….,and many more.  SEAK recently focused to work again more on canvas in his Studio in Köln (cologne) in Germany. Working on free selfmotivated paintings aswell as taking custom commissions painting projects for clients allaround the world. SEAK is used to get asked by luxurious and wealthy Ultra Net Worth Millionaires, aswell as regular  people on the Street for his Artistic Involvement and Talent. SEAK gets recommend to thirds a lot, by well informed and History concious Art, Streetart, Urbanart, Malerei, Graffiti, HipHop & Kunst Friends, here in Germany & Worldwide. He sells his new paintings in his own Gallery & Showroom House in Köln (cologne ) o request in private viewings to interested Buyers & serious Art Friends.


Seak`s: California über alles Tour 2006/2007

asse in der luft

SEAK loves Los Angeles lSeak x Saber in San Fransiscoseak kickin it with tattoo legend jack rudy404465801_9f86d92ab7.jpgcartoon on seak

spaziergang durch Frisco, und dann ooopsFrühjahr 2007 in Hollywoodsleepy lolita404447083_60205b0f12.jpgwith out a traceerste schritteseak_san_francisco_2007.jpg

seak between south of market and mission districtdowntown LAconvoy lang drunken mastersLA featuring seak

Wie beschreibe ich am besten 3 Monate Kalifornien, irgendwo zwischen Charles Bukowskie hat ein verlängertes Wochenende, und ” ich glaube ich wohne hier schon immer” aka zuviel “A-Team”, aka zuviel “Falcon Crest”, aka zuviel “ein Colt für alle Fälle” oder ich poste hier einfach mal den Text der Mail den ich ein paar ausgwählten Sammlern, Freunden, und Auftraggebern geschickt habe als ich wieder da war:

Hallo Leute, liebe Freunde, Ladys,…….

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Backspin Magazin Bericht: Daim & SEAK Us Tour 2003

Anlässlich der 2003 USA Tour von Daim (Mirko Reisser) und SEAK (Claus Winkler) hat das HipHop Magazin Backspin in der Mai Ausgabe einen Artikel gedruckt.

Die Stationen unserer 2 monatigen Tour waren Frankfurt, New York, Binghampton (New York Upstate), Los Angeles, Tijuana, San Diego, Oakland, Portland (oregon), und San Francisco, und abschliessend Brügge (Belgien). Da seit Jahren 40% prozent der Besucher unser Webseiten aus den Usa und Mexico kommen war eine umfangreiche Stippvisite längst überfällig. Das Hauptaugenmerk lag dabei darrauf Continue reading