Tag Archives: winner
Passion! Ich bin wie Du! The Winner takes it all!
Auch in der Kunst gilt: Fokussiere dich darrauf was du geben kannst, nicht was du bekommen kannst! Und dann gebe mit Leidenschaft, Passion und Begeisterung!
Art: Focus on what you can give, and not what you can get!” And then give with Love, Passion & Excitement!
Retna & SEAK Spraypainted Wall Painting Mural. Downtown Los Angeles on the Roof of a Bank Tower Building
“Don`t tell me that the Sky is the Limit when there are Footprints on the Moon.”
Ich bin genau wie Du. / I`m exactly like you!
(Thanks to Holger Eilhard for the Awesome Photo Close Up Shot of this SEAK Painting!)
The Less you Care the Happier you will be!
The Winner takes it all!
(Thx to Holger Eilhard for Beautiful Photo)
SEAK Private Art Gallery Showroom South of Cologne / SEAK`s Galerie Kunst Räume Südlich von Köln.